OWIN asynchronous startup (using Hangfire) - asp.net-mvc

I am using Hangfire with SQL Storage on a remote SQL server and running it alongside my existing MVC site. My startup class is very simple:
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
app.UseHangfire(config =>
The problem is that any delay in connecting to the remote server delays my MVC site from spinning up. Is there a way to start OWIN asynchronously so that the project is able to respond to requests regardless of what happens during the OWIN startup, including fatal errors?

Hangfire initialization logic is performed in a dedicated thread to decrease the start-up time of your application. So, UseServer method creates a new thread only, without any additional logic.
UseSqlServerStorage method connects to your database to check your current schema to run automatic migrations if necessary (one simple query to the Hangfire.Schema table). This is the default behavior, however you are able to disable it:
var options = new SqlServerStorageOptions
PrepareSchemaIfNecessary = false
var storage = new SqlServerStorage("<name or connection string>", options);
After performing this step, Hangfire will not connect to your database at startup (and no other class will do it). But keep an eye on release notes, they will contain information about database storage changes.


SpecsFor MVC - Can't get site to build / appear

I am attempting to create some UI tests using SpecsFor MVC, I am coming at this from a new user's point of view in terms of testing so could be easily missing something obvious.
The site I'm testing against already uses it's own test DB so I do not need to create one. when I build and debug normally on this site it also starts up a couple of WCF projects which we use for service layer interactions. Presumably I'll need to start these in the specs config but have not got that far yet.
I've followed the documentation and have created this method:
protected override void AfterConfigurationApplied()
var config = new SpecsForMvcConfig();
.UseMSBuildExecutableAt(#"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe");
_host = new SpecsForIntegrationHost(config);
The routing of the site is set in the Global.asax hence the setting in the above method.
I also have this very basic test in place to just see if I can get it working:
protected override void When()
SUT.NavigateTo<HomeController>(u => u.Index());
SUT.FindLinkTo<HomeController>(u => u.About())
When I debug the tests it successfully starts Chrome but hangs for ages and eventually fails with this error:
OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL http://localhost:49924/session/bd15d6a15395b4ca204437c340639501/element timed out after 60 seconds.
I'm not sure where that port number or session etc are coming from.
If I'm running my web project normally (outside of this whole testing project) I see a URL like this:
I would have thought I'd see something similar for these tests cases? It doesn't really matter in any case because they're not working.
Am I missing some element of the config? Do I need to set up the WCF layer to run as well?

ASP .NET MVC websocket client to save data in DB

I am struggling to achieve the following:
I have created a Java websocket server which publishes data every 1 sec.
In ASP MVC projest I would like to receive the data and save them in database only so no JS involved here.
I am able to read the websocket data using console application method below :
using WebSocketSharp;
List<string> readoutList = new List<string>();
public void receiveMessage() {
using (var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:4567/socket/"))
ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) =>
if (e.IsText)
How to create a service of this kind within the ASP MVC project? I need some direction here.
MVC is stateless so you have to request back to the server to initiate the request (such as from a form post) but within the MVC controller response, you can kick off the request to the server (as an example using a different technology). The problem is there isn't necessarily a 1 to 1 translation in MVC; initiating the request using client-side JavaSvcript would be the option here. Initiating these types of requests within MVC may cause issues with timeouts too that you have to be aware of.
OR, you can consider a scheduled windows program or a windows service that is installed, which can manage itself and initiate the request every so often. I think this is the better option.

How can I store and persist multiple remoting sessions in an MVC application?

Imagine a monitoring website that connects to 50 services via .net remoting and polls them to check they are working and find out what they're up to, and display it.
The page uses ajax to hit the backend and the backend then connects to each one.
Ideally, I don't want it to open a connection, do the request, close the connection, for 50 connections, on a 5 second interval (unless this is the best practice way?). So I'd like MVC to persist the connections.
I can make a ConnectionManager static singleton to handle this (not sure where?), opening and closing connections as required/idling.
You could even have a ConnectionManager handle the server status, so if multiple people load the status webpage, the results are cached.
But is there a better way, especially one that is scaleable? You could have multiple ConnectionManager classes in a webfarm scenario as they won't clash afaik (you can have multiple connections open).
ATM I am doing this in my ajax methods:
TcpChannel tcpChannel = new TcpChannel();
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(tcpChannel, false);
Type requiredType = typeof(ICatServerMarshaller);
ICatServerMarshaller remoteObject = (ICatServerMarshaller)Activator.GetObject(requiredType,
string catStatus;
catStatus = remoteObject.GetCatStatus().ToString();
catch (SocketException ex)
catStatus = "Offline";
return Json(new { catStatus = catStatus});

Azure RoleEnvironment.Changing event not being called in ASP.NET MVC 5

I am trying to use the Azure Runtime Reconfiguration Pattern to allow me to change a appSetting in the normal Web.config file via PowerShell (later by Microsoft Azure Web Sites Management Library).
My problem is that the RoleEnvironment.Changing event is not being called in my MVC app, so the web app is being restarted. I have placed event set up code in the MVC Application_Start as described in the Azure article, i.e.
protected void Application_Start()
RoleEnvironment.Changing += RoleEnvironment_Changing;
RoleEnvironment.Changed += RoleEnvironment_Changed;
//normal MVC code etc...
The event handlers are a straight copy of the handled from the Azure article and look like this:
private const string CustomSettingName = "TestConfig";
public static string TestConfigValue;
private static void RoleEnvironment_Changing(object sender,
RoleEnvironmentChangingEventArgs e)
RoleLogs.Add("RoleEnvironment_Changing: started");
var changedSettings = e.Changes.OfType<RoleEnvironmentConfigurationSettingChange>()
.Select(c => c.ConfigurationSettingName).ToList();
Trace.TraceInformation("Changing notification. Settings being changed: "
+ string.Join(", ", changedSettings));
if (changedSettings
.Any(settingName => !string.Equals(settingName, CustomSettingName,
Console.WriteLine("Cancelling dynamic configuration change (restarting).");
RoleLogs.Add("RoleEnvironment_Changing: restarting!");
// Setting this to true will restart the role gracefully. If Cancel is not
// set to true, and the change is not handled by the application, the
// application will not use the new value until it is restarted (either
// manually or for some other reason).
e.Cancel = true;
RoleLogs.Add("RoleEnvironment_Changing: change is OK. Not restarting");
Console.WriteLine("Handling configuration change without restarting. ");
private static void RoleEnvironment_Changed(object sender,
RoleEnvironmentChangedEventArgs e)
RoleLogs.Add("RoleEnvironment_ChangED: Starting");
Console.WriteLine("Updating instance with new configuration settings.");
foreach (var settingChange in
if (string.Equals(settingChange.ConfigurationSettingName,
// Execute a function to update the configuration of the component.
RoleLogs.Add("RoleEnvironment_ChangED: TestConfig has changed");
Console.WriteLine("TestConfig has changed.");
TestConfigValue = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(CustomSettingName);
I have added logs which prove that my RoleEnvironment_Changing and RoleEnvironment_Changed are not being called in the MVC WebApp which means the WebApp is restarted when I change an appSetting via PowerShell. This also means the RoleEnvironment.Changing event never gets to the WebJob.
I am using Azure SDK 2.7.0
Any ideas?
#richag gave me an answer, which made me realise that my problem is because I am using a App Service rather than a Cloud Service. This SO answer and plus this video (see at 5:00mins) talks about the difference (Note: the video is old so the name of the web app is different, but the concept is the same).
I don't really want to change this late in the development, and I have worked round the problem another way. Maybe on the next project and will look at Cloud Services as I can see some positives, like better control of my WebJobs configuration.
From the runtime reconfiguration pattern: "Microsoft Azure Cloud Services roles detect and expose two events that are raised when the hosting environment detects a change to the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg files" These events are not fired if you make changes to app.config/web.config files. Only when the cloud service configuration is changed, i.e. if you upload a new configuration file through the azure portal's configure tab or change a setting directly on the azure portal.
According to the debugger, none of the following events are fired when I update the Azure Portal to change an AppSetting for an ASP.NET WebAPI app:
Do others have different experience?

Web API, async file uploading works locally, not on server

Using the following tutorial: http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/working-with-http/sending-html-form-data,-part-2, I used the following controller for the base of a file upload call I implemented:
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostFormData()
// Check if the request contains multipart/form-data.
if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);
string root = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data");
var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(root);
// Read the form data and return an async task.
var task = Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).
ContinueWith<HttpResponseMessage>(t =>
if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled)
Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, t.Exception);
// A whole lotta logic to save the file, process it, etc.
return task;
To save on space I didn't include the majority of the logic I wrote, since the error happens on the first line within of ContinueWith,
if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled)
If I run this locally from VS2010, both of the above booleans are false, and the code works perfectly - all of it, even extra few dozen lines I commented out. When I deploy it to a server running IIS7, t.IsFaulted is always true. I've never worked with asynchronous calls in C#, and have only done a few simple controllers in Web API...is there something I have to install/configure/etc. on a production server to make it work?
Making it more difficult is the fact that all of the exceptions that are occurring stay in that task (i.e. don't get caught by ELMAH), so I've no idea how to debug what's happening; IIS is also not logging any errors that are occurring in the event viewer...so I'm at a loss to know exactly what's going on. Any tips on how to make this debugging process easier?
