SweetAlert-iOS in Objective-C - ios

I'm trying to use this great library https://github.com/codestergit/SweetAlert-iOS
I'm managed to use it in Objective-C (it's coded in Swift) but is not working. My code is this.
SweetAlert* alert = [[SweetAlert alloc] init];
[alert showAlert:#"Hello"];
Not only the alert is not shown, but the other methods the .Swift has like "showAlert with subtitile" and many more are not exposed.
Did anyone manage yo make it work?


adding GPUImage framework to IOS project

The hours are turning into days trying to add the GPUImage framework into an IOS project. Now I've got it working I'm trying the sample filtering live video code from Sunset Lake Software page. The app fails to build with the following red error: ' Use of undeclared 'thresholdfFilter'
GPUImageVideoCamera *videoCamera = [[GPUImageVideoCamera alloc] initWithSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480 cameraPosition:AVCaptureDevicePositionBack];
GPUImageFilter *customFilter = [[GPUImageFilter alloc] initWithFragmentShaderFromFile:#"CustomShader"];
GPUImageView *filteredVideoView = [[GPUImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 768, 1024)];
// problem here
[videoCamera addTarget:thresholdFilter];
[customFilter addTarget:filteredVideoView];
[videoCamera startCameraCapture];
Using Xcode 6.0.1 and testing app on iPad2 with IOS 8.0.2 - If required, I can post screen shots of how I emdedded the framework.
First, the code written in my initial blog post announcing the framework should not be copied to use with the modern version of the framework. That initial post was written over two years ago, and does not reflect the current state of the API. In fact, I've just deleted all of that code from the original post and directed folks to the instructions on the GitHub page which are kept up to date. Thanks for the reminder.
Second, the problem you're describing above is that you're attempting to use a variable called thresholdFilter without ever defining such a variable. That's not a problem with the framework, the compiler has no idea what you're referring to.
Third, the above code won't work for another reason: you're not holding on to your camera instance. You're defining it locally, instead of assigning it to an instance variable of your encapsulating class. This will lead to ARC deallocating that camera as soon as your above setup method is complete, leading to a black screen or to a crash. You need to create an instance variable or property and assign your camera to that, so that a strong reference is made to it.

Using the method pushViewController:animated: will lead to memory leak in iOS?

I use the following code in my app
[self.navigationController pushViewController:self.singleTopicViewController animated:YES];
but I found that it would create a new "singleTopicViewController" even when I clicked the same button.
Will it lead to memory leak in iOS?
How to release the controller which will not be used?
If you use ARC in your project, memory leaks will not follow. You don't need to free the memory manually. Of course, if you do not make heavy reference to each new controller,but it would be insane. =)
use the singleton pattern to do something like this:
-(SingleTopicViewController *)singleTopicVC
if (self.singleTopicViewController == nil) {
self.singleTopicViewController = [[SingleTopicViewController alloc] init];
return self.singleTopicViewController;

MECL Paypal convert to ARC (IOS)

I am currently trying to integrate Paypal's MECL in an already existing IOS project using ARC.
I believe that by manually removing all the release / retain in the code should make it ARC compatible.
There is only one statement I do not know how to convert: "InitAndDealloc" that can be find in several class such as here:
static NSString *SolutionTypeStrings[] = {#"Sole", #"Mark"};
static NSString *LandingPageTypeStrings[] = {#"LandingPage", #"Billing", #"Login"};
static NSString *ChannelTypeStrings[] = {#"Merchant", #"eBayItem"};
#define LOCALE_CODE #"LocaleCode"
#implementation SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails
StringAccessor1(cppHeaderImage, #"cpp-header-image")
StringAccessor1(cppHeaderBorderColor, #"cpp-header-border-color")
StringAccessor1(cppHeaderBackColor, #"cpp-header-back-color")
StringAccessor1(cppPayflowColor, #"cpp-payflow-color")
TypedefAccessor(NoShipping, NoShippingType)
GenericAccessor1(FlatRateShippingOptions, ShippingOptions)
MutableArrayAccessor1(OtherPaymentMethods, OtherPaymentMethodDetails)
MutableArrayAccessor1(SurveyChoice, NSString)
EnumAccessor(SolutionType, SolutionType)
EnumAccessor(LandingPage, LandingPageType);
EnumAccessor(ChannelType, ChannelType);
If I remove the line "InitAndDealloc", it seems as if I cannot set the variables anymore in the class. Indeed, I have also the working (Non ARC) paypal demo.
By doing this:
SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails *sreq = [[SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails alloc] init];
sreq.ReturnURL = #"Bob";
NSLog(#"%# ", sreq.ReturnURL );
In both projects.
Mine will return null, paypal's will return the Bob.
Has it even got anything to do with "InitAndDealloc" or am I looking at it wrong? If it is how do I replace "InitAndDealloc" in an ARC project? I can't seem to find a simple "Init" with autocompletion and by googling "InitAndDealloc" I get absolutely no results whatsoever :/
Thanks for reading!
I've never used MECL before but the way it's being called "InitAndDealloc" certainly is not Objective C and therefore wouldn't be subject to the same rules that ARC requires for Objective C. Best to leave it in place and not try to futz or struggle with it.
But anyways, instead of struggling with trying to ARC-enable some published & potentially-problematic SDK code, why not turn ARC off for the MECL files?
Here is a related question that describes how to turn ARC off for individual files.

Using standard Apple translations for Alert button?

Is this true? When you instantiate a UIAlertButton, you have to pass it an explicit title for the Cancel button, like so:
UIAlertView *av =
[[UIAlertView alloc]
That means that if you want a localized app (which of course you do), you have to localize the Cancel string too, even though Apple has obviously got a canonical translation already. Am I really forced to write something like this to handle it (or is this even OK)?
NSBundle* uikitBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[UIButton class]];
UIAlertView *av =
[[UIAlertView alloc]
initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(#"Error", #"Title for Alert box when error occurs")
cancelButtonTitle:NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(#"Cancel", #"Localizable", uikitBundle, nil)
This looks horrible to me, but the idea that I have to maintain my own translations of words mandated by Apple's HIG (like "Cancel" or "OK") seems equally absurd.
As you expect, that's not recommended as your code introduces an undocumented, unsupported dependency which could break your app if a future iOS update comes along that changes how Apple localizes their UIButton (not very likely, but who knows).
Really, "OK" and "Cancel" are not difficult things to translate. If you don't wish a translator to re-localize these for you as part of your app's localization work then you could retrieve these yourself from iOS (using your code) and copy the translation to your .strings file, so that you'll have a reliable copy of the translation from now on!

Accessing the browsing history of iphone using webkit private framework

Hi I request please read the question completely before marking it as duplicate.
I am trying to get the iphone browsing history by using Webkit private framework.I get the headers for it from the github site. But I am not getting which headers or which methods to use to accomplish my task. I tried with the following code but its not returning anything not even null.
WebHistory *history=[WebHistory optionalSharedHistory];
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
//id date;
NSArray *arr = [history orderedItemsLastVisitedOnDay:now];
NSLog(#"%#",[history allItems]);
I am writing in house app so i don't mind with this private framework. But i just can't go for jailbreaking. Please guide me the right way.
In order for the optionalSharedHistory method to return anything but null it must be instantiated and set like so in a place that's convenient in your application. Like a root view controller or the AppDelegate.
// Create a shared WebHistory object
WebHistory *myHistory = [[WebHistory alloc] init];
[WebHistory setOptionalSharedHistory:myHistory];
Hope this helps!
