Accessing the browsing history of iphone using webkit private framework - ios

Hi I request please read the question completely before marking it as duplicate.
I am trying to get the iphone browsing history by using Webkit private framework.I get the headers for it from the github site. But I am not getting which headers or which methods to use to accomplish my task. I tried with the following code but its not returning anything not even null.
WebHistory *history=[WebHistory optionalSharedHistory];
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
//id date;
NSArray *arr = [history orderedItemsLastVisitedOnDay:now];
NSLog(#"%#",[history allItems]);
I am writing in house app so i don't mind with this private framework. But i just can't go for jailbreaking. Please guide me the right way.

In order for the optionalSharedHistory method to return anything but null it must be instantiated and set like so in a place that's convenient in your application. Like a root view controller or the AppDelegate.
// Create a shared WebHistory object
WebHistory *myHistory = [[WebHistory alloc] init];
[WebHistory setOptionalSharedHistory:myHistory];
Hope this helps!


create a custom calendar

I want to create a new custom calendar on iOS, in my application.
I search for some explications on how do it work. But my code doesn't work / the calendar is not created
EKEventStore *eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init];
EKSource *theSource = nil;
for (EKSource *source in eventStore.sources) {
if (source.sourceType == EKSourceTypeLocal) {
theSource = source;
NSString *identifier;
EKCalendar *cal;
if (identifier == nil)
cal = [EKCalendar calendarForEntityType:EKEntityTypeEvent eventStore:eventStore];
cal.title = #"MyCustomCalendar";
cal.source = theSource;
[eventStore saveCalendar:cal commit:YES error:nil];
NSLog(#"cal id = %#", cal.calendarIdentifier);
cal = [eventStore calendarWithIdentifier:identifier];
I'm not sure if you are completely set on using EKCalendar, but you do not need to to make a calendar in iOS. You can design your own however you want with a UICollectionView or Buttons laid out dynamically. The important part is to make sure all of your dates are arranged correctly, which is not necessarily trivial. But, if you have a good way to get the first weekday for the first day of a given month, you can get it done. I followed this algorithm: which seemed a bit complicated, but in practice was easy to code and reliable. Otherwise I believe apple has a 'firstWeekday' method/property you can try, but that didn't work for me. Once you have the right first weekday you can enumerate through the days of the rest of the month and put them how you want on your calendar.
It seems like you are unsure how to setup your calendar data with EKCalendar. I found a nice tutorial you may find useful:
For more specific questions try the documentation, you can find it with a google search.
Otherwise, what kind of data export are you looking for? iCloud? Local? Are you working with an actual calendar provided or just saving something with all of your calendar data that another application can read?
The one possible way to get this issue is, mismatching calendar source type.
Since you've created the calendar with local source type, system could not find local source if you already synced your iCloud / gmail / exchange calendars.
So my suggestion is don't stick with local source and try to create the calendar in any available source. If you go for this approach, you'll also be ready for solving appropriate issues (like the case iCloud is synced but user has not given permission for iCloud-calendar sync).

NSDate not an Objective-C object?

This is one of those questions that is so absurdly simple that I can't believe I'm asking it on here. But, I'm stumped, so here I go: I'm trying to create an NSDate for a certain time in the future. I thought it was easy, but when I try:
NSDate *destinationDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:30];
a breakpoint at the following line says that destinationDate is "not an Objective-C object." I tried a million different versions, from this:
NSDate *destinationDate = [[NSDate alloc] init];
destinationDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:30];
to this:
NSDate *destinationDate = [NSDate date];
to this (suggested here):
NSDate *destinationDate = [[NSDate date] copy];
And nothing works! They're all "not Objective-C objects"! I'm sure it's something simple and embarrassing that I'm missing, but I am completely at a loss. Can someone help me out?
Well, you can see in the documentation here that NSDate is indeed a NSObject, which ofcourse is a Objective-C object.
This is probably a bug of the debugger panel, unfortunately it happens a lot. When this weird things happens, always use the console, when in a breakpoint, with a po myVariable to check the content of your variable, it's more reliable.
NSDate is a subclass of NSObject as per apple's documentation.
The methods you listed (alloc/init, and class method dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:) are valid uses.
It's hard to say more about it without knowing what your actual issue is, but if you are not using ARC, you might check that you retain/release correctly.
Are you using the variable after the breakpoint as well? Otherwise the object might already be released by the time you hit the breakpoint, because the app doesn't need it anymore. Then you'll get a "not an object" message.
Is Foundation not included in the project?
#include <Foundation/foundation.h>

OData4ObjC without using proxyclasses

I am using OData4ObjC, want to know is there a way to add/update/delete an entry in a table without using proxy classes. Just similar way the OData4j for Android does
OEntity havinaCola = c.getEntity("Products", 3).execute();
I am currently using proxy classes for the same as mentioned below,
proxy = [[serviceEntities alloc] initWithUri:#"sampleservices/producer.svc/" credential:nil];
QueryOperationResponse *response = [proxy execute:#"customers"];
NSMutableArray *array = [response getResult];
I have found one way to do the same i.e., as mentioned in the book written by Author 'Matthew Baxter-Reynolds' 'Multimobile Development (Building applications for the iPhone and Android Platform)' suggests method how to GET/UPDATE/DELETE/ADD entries.
Hope this is useful.

MECL Paypal convert to ARC (IOS)

I am currently trying to integrate Paypal's MECL in an already existing IOS project using ARC.
I believe that by manually removing all the release / retain in the code should make it ARC compatible.
There is only one statement I do not know how to convert: "InitAndDealloc" that can be find in several class such as here:
static NSString *SolutionTypeStrings[] = {#"Sole", #"Mark"};
static NSString *LandingPageTypeStrings[] = {#"LandingPage", #"Billing", #"Login"};
static NSString *ChannelTypeStrings[] = {#"Merchant", #"eBayItem"};
#define LOCALE_CODE #"LocaleCode"
#implementation SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails
StringAccessor1(cppHeaderImage, #"cpp-header-image")
StringAccessor1(cppHeaderBorderColor, #"cpp-header-border-color")
StringAccessor1(cppHeaderBackColor, #"cpp-header-back-color")
StringAccessor1(cppPayflowColor, #"cpp-payflow-color")
TypedefAccessor(NoShipping, NoShippingType)
GenericAccessor1(FlatRateShippingOptions, ShippingOptions)
MutableArrayAccessor1(OtherPaymentMethods, OtherPaymentMethodDetails)
MutableArrayAccessor1(SurveyChoice, NSString)
EnumAccessor(SolutionType, SolutionType)
EnumAccessor(LandingPage, LandingPageType);
EnumAccessor(ChannelType, ChannelType);
If I remove the line "InitAndDealloc", it seems as if I cannot set the variables anymore in the class. Indeed, I have also the working (Non ARC) paypal demo.
By doing this:
SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails *sreq = [[SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails alloc] init];
sreq.ReturnURL = #"Bob";
NSLog(#"%# ", sreq.ReturnURL );
In both projects.
Mine will return null, paypal's will return the Bob.
Has it even got anything to do with "InitAndDealloc" or am I looking at it wrong? If it is how do I replace "InitAndDealloc" in an ARC project? I can't seem to find a simple "Init" with autocompletion and by googling "InitAndDealloc" I get absolutely no results whatsoever :/
Thanks for reading!
I've never used MECL before but the way it's being called "InitAndDealloc" certainly is not Objective C and therefore wouldn't be subject to the same rules that ARC requires for Objective C. Best to leave it in place and not try to futz or struggle with it.
But anyways, instead of struggling with trying to ARC-enable some published & potentially-problematic SDK code, why not turn ARC off for the MECL files?
Here is a related question that describes how to turn ARC off for individual files.

Determine if previously installed app

I have an app on the App Store, and I want to make some changes that will not effect users that previously downloaded my app.
Is there a way to determine if the user has previously downloaded my app?
Incase anyone is still wondering, a great solution to this problem (assuming you don't already have it) is using the Keychain, which persists through app installation/uninstalls. This library allows you to access the Keychain using NSDictionary-like syntax.
So you could implement a function like this:
NSString *installDate = [[FXKeychain defaultKeychain] objectForKey:#"InstallDate"];
if (!installDate)
NSString *newInstallDate = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]];
[[FXKeychain defaultKeychain] setObject:newInstallDate forKey:#"InstallDate"]
return NO;
return YES;
I don't know a great way to do this but there are some tricks you can do, e.g.:
Look for some data that your application generates. If the data already exists then it's not an update (or an update that completed previously);
Prepare yourself for this, even if this means issuing an intermediate update to your application, then go back to #1. See: How to tell if an iOS application has been newly installed or updated?
