Earliest date after current date without associated record - ruby-on-rails

I have a Rails model DailyAssignment with a date column, and would like to find the first date after today which does not have a DailyAssignment associated with it.
For instance, if I have an instance today, no instance tomorrow, and an instance the day after tomorrow, this method should return tomorrow.
If I were to do this in Ruby, it would be something like:
(Date.today..1.year.since.to_date).find do |date|
DailyAssignment.where(date: date).empty?
This is medium okay since it will terminate the iteration once it finds a record, but has two issues:
Iterating through a collection in Ruby is slow.
Barring some sort of while construct, I need to specify an 'end' date.
Is there a nice, efficient way to do this in PostgreSQL?

If you can, you should use a custom query to search through your database (these kind of searches are a lot faster within the DB).
If you search for a date within a time range, you can use the
generate_series(timestamp, timestamp, interval) function:
select s
from generate_series(?, ? + interval '1 year'), interval '1 day') s
left join daily_assignment on s = "date"
where "date" is null
limit 1
If you have no real upper bound, you can use a self-join to get the next free date:
select coalesce(
(select c."date" + interval '1 day'
from daily_assignment c
left join daily_assignment n on n."date" = c."date" + interval '1 day'
where c."date" > ? - interval '1 day'
and n."date" is null
order by c."date"
limit 1),
? + interval '1 day'
? marks mean the parameter of today (you may need casts, depending on your input); you could use now() instead, if you prefer.
P.S.: please, do not use date as a column name, it is a reserved word in SQL, and tells nothing about the column itself. Instead, you can use names like created_at, updated_at, happens_at, etc. or even at_date.

What I propose is to do 1 select query between dates, then loop your results and compare them with your selected results.
# select all dailyassignments
results = DailyAssignment.where("date >= from_date AND date <= to_date")
not_found_dates = []
(Date.today..1.year.since).find do |date|
found_assignment = results.detect {|instance| instance.date == date }
not_found_dates << date if found_assignment.nil?

You can try it this way:
def first_date_without_assignment
assignments = DailyAssignment.select('date').where('date > ?', Date.today)
return Date.tomorrow if assignments.empty?
assignment_dates = assignments.map(&:date)
date_range = (Date.tomorrow..(assignment_dates.last.advance(days: 1)).to_a
(date_range - assignment_dates).first
I didn't test it so I could mistype something, but it could work. I also find this, it should work on postgres http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/4F96EC90.6070600#encs.concordia.ca but it could be quite hard to write in rails or at least bad looking.


How to run Rails queries over multiple date ranges (weeks)

I'm trying to iterate over each week in the calendar year and run a query.
range = Date.new(2020,3,16)..Date.new(2020,3,22)
u = User.where(created_at: range).count
But I'd like to do this for EACH week in another range (say since the beginning of this year).
Ruby's Date has a cweek function that gives you the week number but there doesn't seem to be a way to easily get from the week number to the date range.
Anyway, not sure how helpful cweek will be as I need week to run Sunday -> Saturday.
I'm assuming this is Postgres and the model name is User based on your previous question.
If this blog is to to believed you can shift a date one day to get sun-sat day week.
User.group("(date_trunc('week', created_at::date + 1)::date - 1)")
If you want the to select the actual week number while you are at it you can select raw data from the database instead of using ActiveRecord::Calculations#count which is pretty limited.
class User
# #return [ActiveRecord::Result]
# the raw query results with the columns count, year, week
def self.count_by_biblical_week
"count(*) as count",
"date_part('year', created_at)::integer as year",
"(date_part('week', created_at::date + 1) - 1)::integer as week"
).group(:week, :year)
results = User.where(created_at: Date.new(2020,3,16)..Date.new(2020,3,22))
results.each do |row|
puts [row[:year], row[:week], row[:count]].join(' | ')
Adding the year to the group avoids ambiguity if the results span multiple years.

Rails 5 active record query where date range overlaps with other date range

I have a model with planting_date_begin and planting_date_end. I want to retrieve all records where any date in planting_date_begin..planting_date_end overlap with the range for the current_week
if planting_date_begin: 3/5/2017 and planting_date_end: 3-12/2017
and this week is 3/26/2017-4/1/2017 it is not included in query.
if planting_date_begin: 3/1/2017 and planting_date_end: 4/15/2017 it would be included.
I set current_week range:
today = Date.today
days_in_week = today.at_beginning_of_week..today.at_end_of_week
This syntax is not right but I want to do something like:
Planting.where((planting_date_begin..planting_date_end).overlaps?(days_in_week) )
What is a succinct way to handle this? Incidentally, I am using postgres in case there is a way to do it differently.
Maybe not as succinct, but I have to do this a lot in a current project and my method is...
start_date = Date.today.at_beginning_of_week
end_date = Date.today.at_end_of_week
#plantings = Planting.where('planting_date_end >= ? AND planting_date_begin <= ?', start_date, end_date)
This covers all overlaps.. if planting starts before the range and ends after the range, if planting starts during the range, if planting ends during the range.

How to Group by last 20 days and do an aggregate function?

I can't seem to figure this one out. I'm trying to get the standard deviation of a column for the past 20 days. Here is what I have
Model.where('date < ?','2013-03-25')
.order('date DESC')
.select('stddev_samp(percent_change) as stdev')
However all I'm getting is 20 entries of Nil. I was expecting 1 entry of the standard deviation.
After switching the stddev_samp to sum, I see that I'm getting nil because you can't have a standard deviation on 1 entry. I.e. It is not grouping the 20 as I expected, but calculating standard deviation on each date.
So my question is, how do I get stddev of the last 20 days? I know it's possible to simply choose select percent_change and then calculate the standard deviation in ruby, but I assume that the aggregate function stddev_samp should be usable in this case.
I am using rails 3.2 and Postgresql 9.2
I'm not a Ruby guy so I'll explain it in normal SQL:
What you're doing is:
SELECT stddev_samp(percent_change) as stdev
FROM tbl
WHERE date < '2013-03-25'
This calculates the deviation for each day seperately, not for the sum of them, and when you try to get the deviation of only one element you get NULL.
Removing the GROUP BY would fix it but also would return the result for the whole table not just last 20 entries so we need a subquery:
SELECT stddev_samp(percent_change) as stdev
(SELECT percent_change
FROM tbl
WHERE date < '2013-03-25'
LIMIT 20) AS q
No need to 'Group By', 'Order by' or sub-selects. Just get the records for the last 20 days and run the aggregate function on them.
Model.where('date >= ?', Date.today - 20.days).select('stddev_samp(percent_change) as stdev').first['stdev']
select stddev_samp(percent_change) as stdev
from <table>
where date >= now() - interval 20 day;
If you want to use the LAST 20 RECORDS, not last 20 days:
Model.order('date desc').limit(20).select('stddev_samp(percent_change) as stdev').first['stdev']
select stddev_samp(percent_change) as stdev
from <table>
order by date desc
limit 20;
you don't need the group by since you don't want one value for each date.
also your limit might not work if you have multiple values for a date or have a date missing
try this:
SELECT stddev_samp(percent_change) as stdev
(SELECT percent_change
FROM tbl
WHERE date > now() - interval '20 days') AS q

Rails ActiveRecord Query - how to add a certain hour offset to every record in the created_at field in a query

I need to run a group_by query in Ruby on Rails, but I first want to adjust all records in the created_at column by a certain hour amount before running the query. So, for example, adding 9 hours to every record in the created_at field, and then grouping by date.
Something like the following (which is incorrect):
#foo = Bar.group("date(created_at + 9.hours)").count
How can I accomplish this in Rails?
PostgreSQL has excellent support for manipulating dates and times (see Date/Time Functions and Operators). You can express '9 hours' as an interval, add it to a timestamp, and cast to a date:
=> select (now()::timestamp + '9 hours'::interval)::date;
(1 row)
This ends up strikingly similar to your original pseudocode:
#foo = Bar.group("date(created_at + '9 hours'::interval)").count

Rails 3.1: Querying Postgres for records within a time range

In my app I have a Person model. Each Person has an attribute time_zone that specifies their default time zone. I also have an Event model. Each Event has a start_time and end_time timestamp, saved in a Postgres database in UTC time.
I need to create a query that finds events for a particular person that fall between midnight of one day and midnight of the next. The #todays_events controller variable hold the results of the query.
Part of the reason that I'm taking this approach is that I may have people from other time zones looking at the list of events for a person. I want them to see the day as the person would see the day and not based on the time zone they are in as an observer.
For whatever reason, I'm still getting some events from the previous day in my result set for #todays_events. My guess is that I'm comparing a UTC timestamp with a non-UTC parameter, or something along those lines. Generally, only events that begin or end in the evening of the previous day show up on the query result list for today.
Right now, I'm setting up:
#today = Time.now.in_time_zone(#person.time_zone).midnight.to_date
#tomorrow = (#today + 1.day ).to_datetime
#today = #today.to_datetime
My query looks like:
#todays_activities = #person.marks.where("(start_time >= ? AND start_time < ?) OR (end_time >= ? AND end_time < ?);", #today, #tomorrow, #today, #tomorrow ).order("start_time DESC")
How should I change this so that I'm guaranteed only to receive results from today (per the #person.time_zone in the #todays_activities query?
You're losing track of your timezones when you call to_date so don't do that:
#today = Time.now.in_time_zone(#person.time_zone).midnight.utc
#tomorrow = #today + 1.day
When you some_date.to_datetime, you get a DateTime instance that is in UTC so the result of something like this:
will have a time-of-day of 00:00:00 and a time zone of UTC; the 00:00:00 is the correct time-of-day in #person.time_zone but not right for UTC (unless, of course, #person is in in the +0 time zone).
And you could simplify your query with overlaps:
'(start_time, end_time) overlaps (timestamp :today, timestamp :tomorrow)',
:today => #today, :tomorrow => #tomorrow
Note that overlaps works with half-open intervals:
Each time period is considered to represent the half-open interval start <= time < end, unless start and end are equal in which case it represents that single time instant.
