How do I change the default checkerboard blocksize in OpenCV - opencv

I'm currently experimenting with OpenCV's calibration toolbox and I'm using a default checkerboard pattern to calibrate a camera. I want to use larger checkerboard blocks so that I can stand farther away from the camera without affecting OpenCV's ability to detect the corners.
As I understand it, OpenCV is pre-programmed with default block-size values. My question is: is there a way to change this default block-size value in the code? And where would I change this? TIA

OpenCV does not make any assumption on the physical size or the pattern size of your pattern.
That is, you can have any pattern with R rows and C columns.
It also doesn't matter if each block is 1 cm or 1 m.
The only thing you give to the calibrateCamera function is the objectPoints and imagePoints.
The array-dimensions (sizes) of these parameters corresponds to the number of corners of your pattern.
objectPoints should contain 3D coordinates (well, planar coordinates in your case, by setting Z=0) of your checkboard corners. These corners should be scaled to the physical size of your checkerboard. That is, if a corner has row-column index (3,1) and each block side is 3 cm then the 3D coordinate would be (0.09, 0.03, 0.00).


Opencv get accurate real world coordinates from 2 known parallel planes

So I have been tinkering a little bit with opencv and I want to be able to use a camera image to get the position of certain objects that are lying flat on plane. These objects are simple shapes such as circles squares etc. They all have the same height of 5cm. To be able to relate real world points to pixels on the camera I painted 4 white squares on the plane with known distances between them.
So the steps I have been taking are:
Calibrate my camera using a checkerboard image and save the calibration data.
Get the input image. call cv::undistort with the calibration data for my camera.
Find the center points of the 4 squares in the image and pass that data and the real world coordinates of the squares to the cv::solvePnP function. Save the rvec and tvec return parameters.
Warp the perspective of the image so you can get a top down view from the image. This is essentially following this tutorial:
Use the resulting image to again find the 4 white squares and then calculate a "pixels per meter" translation constant which can relate a certain amount of difference in pixels between points to the real world distance on the plane where the 4 squares are.
Finding object, This is done after initialization:
Get the input image. call cv::undistort with the calibration data for my camera.
Warp the perspective of the image so you can get a top down view from the image. This is the same as step 4 during initialisation.
Find the centerpoint of the object to detect.
Since the centerpoint of the object is on a higher plane then where I calibrated I use the following formula to correct this(d = is the pixel offset from the center of the image. camHeight is the cameraHeight I measured by using a tape measure. h is height of the object):
d = x - (h * (x / camHeight))
So here for an illustration how I got this formule:
But still the coordinates are not matching up...
So I am wondering at all if this is the correct. Specifically I have the following questions:
Is using cv::undistort before using cv::solvenPnP correct? cv::solvePnP also takes the camera calibration data as input so I'm not sure if I have to pass an undistorted image to it or not.
Similar to 1. During Finding object I call cv::undistort -> cv::warpPerspective. Is this undistort necessary here?
Is my calculation to correct for the parallel planes in step 4 correct? I feel like I am missing something but I can't see what. One thing I am wondering is whether I can get the camera height from opencv once solvePnp is done.
I am a newbie to CV so If anything else is totally wrong please also point it out to me.
Thank you for reading this wall of text!

Measure distance to object with a single camera in a static scene

let's say I am placing a small object on a flat floor inside a room.
First step: Take a picture of the room floor from a known, static position in the world coordinate system.
Second step: Detect the bottom edge of the object in the image and map the pixel coordinate to the object position in the world coordinate system.
Third step: By using a measuring tape measure the real distance to the object.
I could move the small object, repeat this three steps for every pixel coordinate and create a lookup table (key: pixel coordinate; value: distance). This procedure is accurate enough for my use case. I know that it is problematic if there are multiple objects (an object could cover an other object).
My question: Is there an easier way to create this lookup table? Accidentally changing the camera angle by a few degrees destroys the hard work. ;)
Maybe it is possible to execute the three steps for a few specific pixel coordinates or positions in the world coordinate system and perform some "calibration" to calculate the distances with the computed parameters?
If the floor is flat, its equation is that of a plane, let
a.x + b.y + c.z = 1
in the camera coordinates (the origin is the optical center of the camera, XY forms the focal plane and Z the viewing direction).
Then a ray from the camera center to a point on the image at pixel coordinates (u, v) is given by
(u, v, f).t
where f is the focal length.
The ray hits the plane when
(a.u + b.v + c.f) t = 1,
i.e. at the point
(u, v, f) / (a.u + b.v + c.f)
Finally, the distance from the camera to the point is
p = √(u² + v² + f²) / (a.u + b.v + c.f)
This is the function that you need to tabulate. Assuming that f is known, you can determine the unknown coefficients a, b, c by taking three non-aligned points, measuring the image coordinates (u, v) and the distances, and solving a 3x3 system of linear equations.
From the last equation, you can then estimate the distance for any point of the image.
The focal distance can be measured (in pixels) by looking at a target of known size, at a known distance. By proportionality, the ratio of the distance over the size is f over the length in the image.
Most vision libraries (including opencv) have built in functions that will take a couple points from a camera reference frame and the related points from a Cartesian plane and generate your warp matrix (affine transformation) for you. (some are fancy enough to include non-linearity mappings with enough input points, but that brings you back to your time to calibrate issue)
A final note: most vision libraries use some type of grid to calibrate off of ie a checkerboard patter. If you wrote your calibration to work off of such a sheet, then you would only need to measure distances to 1 target object as the transformations would be calculated by the sheet and the target would just provide the world offsets.
I believe what you are after is called a Projective Transformation. The link below should guide you through exactly what you need.
Demonstration of calculating a projective transformation with proper math typesetting on the Math SE.
Although you can solve this by hand and write that into your code... I strongly recommend using a matrix math library or even writing your own matrix math functions prior to resorting to hand calculating the equations as you will have to solve them symbolically to turn it into code and that will be very expansive and prone to miscalculation.
Here are just a few tips that may help you with clarification (applying it to your problem):
-Your A matrix (source) is built from the 4 xy points in your camera image (pixel locations).
-Your B matrix (destination) is built from your measurements in in the real world.
-For fast recalibration, I suggest marking points on the ground to be able to quickly place the cube at the 4 locations (and subsequently get the altered pixel locations in the camera) without having to remeasure.
-You will only have to do steps 1-5 (once) during calibration, after that whenever you want to know the position of something just get the coordinates in your image and run them through step 6 and step 7.
-You will want your calibration points to be as far away from eachother as possible (within reason, as at extreme distances in a vanishing point situation, you start rapidly losing pixel density and therefore source image accuracy). Make sure that no 3 points are colinear (simply put, make your 4 points approximately square at almost the full span of your camera fov in the real world)
ps I apologize for not writing this out here, but they have fancy math editing and it looks way cleaner!
Final steps to applying this method to this situation:
In order to perform this calibration, you will have to set a global home position (likely easiest to do this arbitrarily on the floor and measure your camera position relative to that point). From this position, you will need to measure your object's distance from this position in both x and y coordinates on the floor. Although a more tightly packed calibration set will give you more error, the easiest solution for this may simply be to have a dimension-ed sheet(I am thinking piece of printer paper or a large board or something). The reason that this will be easier is that it will have built in axes (ie the two sides will be orthogonal and you will just use the four corners of the object and used canned distances in your calibration). EX: for a piece of paper your points would be (0,0), (0,8.5), (11,8.5), (11,0)
So using those points and the pixels you get will create your transform matrix, but that still just gives you a global x,y position on axes that may be hard to measure on (they may be skew depending on how you measured/ calibrated). So you will need to calculate your camera offset:
object in real world coords (from steps above): x1, y1
camera coords (Xc, Yc)
dist = sqrt( pow(x1-Xc,2) + pow(y1-Yc,2) )
If it is too cumbersome to try to measure the position of the camera from global origin by hand, you can instead measure the distance to 2 different points and feed those values into the above equation to calculate your camera offset, which you will then store and use anytime you want to get final distance.
As already mentioned in the previous answers you'll need a projective transformation or simply a homography. However, I'll consider it from a more practical view and will try to summarize it short and simple.
So, given the proper homography you can warp your picture of a plane such that it looks like you took it from above (like here). Even simpler you can transform a pixel coordinate of your image to world coordinates of the plane (the same is done during the warping for each pixel).
A homography is basically a 3x3 matrix and you transform a coordinate by multiplying it with the matrix. You may now think, wait 3x3 matrix and 2D coordinates: You'll need to use homogeneous coordinates.
However, most frameworks and libraries will do this handling for you. What you need to do is finding (at least) four points (x/y-coordinates) on your world plane/floor (preferably the corners of a rectangle, aligned with your desired world coordinate system), take a picture of them, measure the pixel coordinates and pass both to the "find-homography-function" of your desired computer vision or math library.
In OpenCV that would be findHomography, here an example (the method perspectiveTransform then performs the actual transformation).
In Matlab you can use something from here. Make sure you are using a projective transformation as transform type. The result is a projective tform, which can be used in combination with this method, in order to transform your points from one coordinate system to another.
In order to transform into the other direction you just have to invert your homography and use the result instead.

Understanding Distance Transform in OpenCV

What is Distance Transform?What is the theory behind it?if I have 2 similar images but in different positions, how does distance transform help in overlapping them?The results that distance transform function produce are like divided in the middle-is it to find the center of one image so that the other is overlapped just half way?I have looked into the documentation of opencv but it's still not clear.
Look at the picture below (you may want to increase you monitor brightness to see it better). The pictures shows the distance from the red contour depicted with pixel intensities, so in the middle of the image where the distance is maximum the intensities are highest. This is a manifestation of the distance transform. Here is an immediate application - a green shape is a so-called active contour or snake that moves according to the gradient of distances from the contour (and also follows some other constraints) curls around the red outline. Thus one application of distance transform is shape processing.
Another application is text recognition - one of the powerful cues for text is a stable width of a stroke. The distance transform run on segmented text can confirm this. A corresponding method is called stroke width transform (SWT)
As for aligning two rotated shapes, I am not sure how you can use DT. You can find a center of a shape to rotate the shape but you can also rotate it about any point as well. The difference will be just in translation which is irrelevant if you run matchTemplate to match them in correct orientation.
Perhaps if you upload your images it will be more clear what to do. In general you can match them as a whole or by features (which is more robust to various deformations or perspective distortions) or even using outlines/silhouettes if they there are only a few features. Finally you can figure out the orientation of your object (if it has a dominant orientation) by running PCA or fitting an ellipse (as rotated rectangle).
cv::RotatedRect rect = cv::fitEllipse(points2D);
float angle_to_rotate = rect.angle;
The distance transform is an operation that works on a single binary image that fundamentally seeks to measure a value from every empty point (zero pixel) to the nearest boundary point (non-zero pixel).
An example is provided here and here.
The measurement can be based on various definitions, calculated discretely or precisely: e.g. Euclidean, Manhattan, or Chessboard. Indeed, the parameters in the OpenCV implementation allow some of these, and control their accuracy via the mask size.
The function can return the output measurement image (floating point) - as well as a labelled connected components image (a Voronoi diagram). There is an example of it in operation here.
I see from another question you have asked recently you are looking to register two images together. I don't think the distance transform is really what you are looking for here. If you are looking to align a set of points I would instead suggest you look at techniques like Procrustes, Iterative Closest Point, or Ransac.

Detection of pattern of circles using opencv

I have to detect the pattern of 6 circles using opencv. I have detected the circles and their centroids by using thresholding and contour function in opencv.
Now I have to define the relation between these circles in a way that should be invariant to scale and rotation. With this I would be able to detect this pattern in various views. I have to use this pattern for determining the object pose.
How can I achieve scale/rotation invariance? Do you have any reference I could read about it?
To make your pattern invariant toward rotation & scale, you have to normalize the direction and the scale when detecting your pattern. Here is a simple algorithm to achieve this
detect centers and circle size (you say you have already achieved this - good!)
compute the average center using a simple mean. Express all the centers from this mean
find the farthest center using a simple norm (euclidian is good enough)
scale the center position and the circle sizes so that this maximum distance is 1.0
rotate the centers so that coordinates of the farthest one is (1.0, 0)
you're done. You are now the proud owner of a scale/rotation invariant pattern detector!! Congratulations!
Now you can find patterns, transform them as suggested, and compare center position & circle sizes.
It is not entirely clear to me if you need to find the rotation, or merely get rid of it, or detect if the circles actually form the pattern you linked. Either way, the answer is much the same.
I would start by finding the two circles that have only one neighbour. For each circle centroid calculate the distance to the closest two neighbours. If the distances differ in more than say 10%, the centroid belongs to an "end" circle (one of the top ones in your link).
Now that you have found the two end circles, rotate them so that they are horizontal to each other. If the other centroids are now above them, rotate another 180 degrees so that the pattern ends up in the orientation you want.
Now you can calculate the scaling from the average inter-centroid distance.
Hope that helps.
Your question sounds exactly like what the SURF algorithm does. It finds groups of interest and groups them together in a way invarant to rotation and scale, and can find the same object in other pictures.
Just search for OpenCV and SURF.

Distance to the object using stereo camera

Is there a way to calculate the distance to specific object using stereo camera?
Is there an equation or something to get distance using disparity or angle?
NOTE: Everything described here can be found in the Learning OpenCV book in the chapters on camera calibration and stereo vision. You should read these chapters to get a better understanding of the steps below.
One approach that do not require you to measure all the camera intrinsics and extrinsics yourself is to use openCVs calibration functions. Camera intrinsics (lens distortion/skew etc) can be calculated with cv::calibrateCamera, while the extrinsics (relation between left and right camera) can be calculated with cv::stereoCalibrate. These functions take a number of points in pixel coordinates and tries to map them to real world object coordinates. CV has a neat way to get such points, print out a black-and-white chessboard and use the cv::findChessboardCorners/cv::cornerSubPix functions to extract them. Around 10-15 image pairs of chessboards should do.
The matrices calculated by the calibration functions can be saved to disc so you don't have to repeat this process every time you start your application. You get some neat matrices here that allow you to create a rectification map (cv::stereoRectify/cv::initUndistortRectifyMap) that can later be applied to your images using cv::remap. You also get a neat matrix called Q, which is a disparity-to-depth matrix.
The reason to rectify your images is that once the process is complete for a pair of images (assuming your calibration is correct), every pixel/object in one image can be found on the same row in the other image.
There are a few ways you can go from here, depending on what kind of features you are looking for in the image. One way is to use CVs stereo correspondence functions, such as Stereo Block Matching or Semi Global Block Matching. This will give you a disparity map for the entire image which can be transformed to 3D points using the Q matrix (cv::reprojectImageTo3D).
The downfall of this is that unless there is much texture information in the image, CV isn't really very good at building a dense disparity map (you will get gaps in it where it couldn't find the correct disparity for a given pixel), so another approach is to find the points you want to match yourself. Say you find the feature/object in x=40,y=110 in the left image and x=22 in the right image (since the images are rectified, they should have the same y-value). The disparity is calculated as d = 40 - 22 = 18.
Construct a cv::Point3f(x,y,d), in our case (40,110,18). Find other interesting points the same way, then send all of the points to cv::perspectiveTransform (with the Q matrix as the transformation matrix, essentially this function is cv::reprojectImageTo3D but for sparse disparity maps) and the output will be points in an XYZ-coordinate system with the left camera at the center.
I am still working on it, so I will not post entire source code yet. But I will give you a conceptual solution.
You will need the following data as input (for both cameras):
camera position
camera point of interest (point at which camera is looking)
camera resolution (horizontal and vertical)
camera field of view angles (horizontal and vertical)
You can measure the last one yourself, by placing the camera on a piece of paper and drawing two lines and measuring an angle between these lines.
Cameras do not have to be aligned in any way, you only need to be able to see your object in both cameras.
Now calculate a vector from each camera to your object. You have (X,Y) pixel coordinates of the object from each camera, and you need to calculate a vector (X,Y,Z). Note that in the simple case, where the object is seen right in the middle of the camera, the solution would simply be (camera.PointOfInterest - camera.Position).
Once you have both vectors pointing at your target, lines defined by these vectors should cross in one point in ideal world. In real world they would not because of small measurement errors and limited resolution of cameras. So use the link below to calculate the distance vector between two lines.
Distance between two lines
In that link: P0 is your first cam position, Q0 is your second cam position and u and v are vectors starting at camera position and pointing at your target.
You are not interested in the actual distance, they want to calculate. You need the vector Wc - we can assume that the object is in the middle of Wc. Once you have the position of your object in 3D space you also get whatever distance you like.
I will post the entire source code soon.
I have the source code for detecting human face and returns not only depth but also real world coordinates with left camera (or right camera, I couldn't remember) being origin. It is adapted from source code from "Learning OpenCV" and refer to some websites to get it working. The result is generally quite accurate.
