How to restrict WiFi change on iPad - ios

I have this solution for my customer's retail stores - they have iPad Air 2, with iOS 8.1.3, router and workstation with large TV and it's absolutely necessary that the iPad will stay connected only to WiFi I am providing with those routers. If anyone changes to another hotspot, the solution won't work. So I am looking for some ways that will prevent that, either in settings or via some app..
Also, it might work with apple configurator, but I couldn't find any site where it is mentioned.
Thx for advices

Unfortunately there is no means to restrict iOS devices to a single WiFi, even with an MDM and device supervision. I have a close relationship with Apple and this has been ask from education and retail partners for over 4 years now. I feel your pain.
A "workaround" for this would be possible if you happen to be using a single app that you have developed to access these resources. If that is the case you can either interrogate which SSID the device is attached to and throw a warning if it is not correct. There are also a myriad of other examples like this to detect the wrong SSID or spoofed SSID but no way to currently lock the device to the correct SSID.


Bluetooth Communication Possibilities

I have a simple question.
I know that when you pair bluetooth headphones to a phone it automatically takes over the sound and it starts playing on your headphones.
Is it possible to program a device so that, as soon as it pairs with a phone, it turns on the phone's flashlight for example?
I know that you can probably program anything to do anything, but I'm curious to know if there are any limitations? Does Apple restrict developers and engineers from creating devices that tamper with their iPhone (like the flashlight thing)? Or is it pretty much an open market?
Yes, this is very restricted to protect users.
Bluetooth works by communicating over defined profiles. Pairing does not have a side effect (like turning on the flashlight), it just bonds the two devices. To control each other, the devices have to use profiles. For example, when you connect your headphones to a phone, they probably connect both AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile) and A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile). These profiles have very fixed scope so that developers and engineers cannot tamper with users devices in unexpected ways.
Apple is especially careful with their devices. For any Bluetooth classic device that wants to implement a profile outside of the default ones, a MFi chip is required. Bluetooth LE devices are much more open, and users can connect them to their phone either through an app or the OS itself. Apps are able to turn on the flashlight, like you describe, but it requires camera permissions and is not allowed to run in the background.
Assuming you could be talking about software as well (the question is vague enough that it doesn't point to hardware only)...
I worked extensively with CoreBluetooth, the framework allows you to create both sides of the connection (transmitter, receiver or client, server; depending on how you want to look at it). Should you wish to create an app on the phone as one of them, and another app an a phone or a mac (or iBeacons) as the other, you'd be able to create that connection and control stuff on the "client" from the "server" and vice versa. You could control as much as the Apple API allows you to control.

iPad as WiFi router

I've been tasked with getting an iPad to talk to an external device wirelessly on the cheap. I tried the Bluetooth route (not LE - need higher data transfer rate), but we're not willing to go through MFi.
So now I'm looking at WiFi. It may be possible to configure my external device to act as a WiFi router, but it may be easier to get the iPad to act as the router. That's what I'm trying to figure out here.
So I've thought of two possibilities, neither of which I could find any answers for on Google or within SO. Does anyone know the answer to any of these?
Is it possible to have the iPad act as a WiFi router such that other devices connect to the iPad and can communicate with an app on the iPad?
When built-in tethering is active on the iPad, does the iPad have an IP address that is visible to any device connected to the iPad's WiFi hotspot?
When built-in tethering is active of the iPad, is there a way for the iPad to get notified of connections made to the hotspot and get the IP addresses of those devices?
A little more specifically, I need a way for a device to wirelessly communicate with an app on the iPad. I've already gone through the Bluetooth route and I'm hoping for a WiFi answer.
Thank you.
In the interest of not leaving a question open, I'll answer with what I've found:
As far as I've been able to tell in my research and experimentation, there is no way to do what I was hoping for. Thank you to Brad Larson for doing his best to give me options.

What is the simplest way to connect a device to an iPad from an application?

I am working on a major product release for my company. We are designing a new device that we would like to integrate into an iOS app. (FYI, we have recently been accepted into the Apple MFi program so we are past that step.)
What we desire is to create a hardware/software eco-system where our users can start our iPad app (yes, it is specific to the iPad and the not iPhone or iPod Touch devices) and the application will automatically discover and link up with any close-proximity hardware that we've developed.
This means that I will need to implement some form of device connection process on both the iPad and within the hardware.
Is there any way to code automatic connectivity to a Bluetooth device from within an iOS application?
I am aware of the Core Bluetooth Framework which has this capability, however, it only works with the new iPhone 4S. That's not an option.
I've also researched about the External Accessory Framework, which can be used to connect to external devices whether they are connected via the iPod port or Bluetooth. This is an option but, if my understanding is correct, our hardware must already be paired with iPad before the iOS software can connect to it. This is less than preferable because although many of our devices may not be in immediate vicinity at one point in time, our customers could potentially own 100's devices that they may desire to connect to with our software.
What are my reasonable options or alternatives? The end goal is to provide a very easy means for our users to be able to connect to our devices, from within our software, on an iPad.
NOTE: I MUST NOT jailbreak the iPad or break any Apple TOS agreements.
UPDATE (3-7-2012) I saw today that the 'New iPad' (as it is being officially called) will be Bluetooth 4.0 capable. I assume this means that this iPad device will be able to use the Core Bluetooth Framework. This doesn't immediately solve my problem because we do want remain compatible with at least the "last generation" iPad device, but this is worth pointing out for others who may be looking for such an answer.
You cannot connect an iOS device to a bluetooth device without pairing first. It is purposely built that way by Apple to reduce the likelihood that someone could connect a bluetooth device without the user knowing about it. If pairing each device is unacceptable (and it sounds like it is), and you don't want to develop a dongle, the only remaining path I can see is to make your devices capable of relaying data between them like a mesh network. That way the user would only have to pair with a single device, and that paired unit would relay communications between the other devices and the iPad.
One of your alternatives would be going WiFi (AdHoc or Infrastructure) with Bonjour. For example you would be able to detect the device nearby (if it is maintaining it's own AdHoc then by SSID; if it's in infrastructure network then by service being announced). One big drawback would be that you couldn't connect directly (from app) to the device's network - user would have to do it manually.
As for BT: big drawback is lack of a serial protocol (not implemented in iPhone/iPod/iPad).

iOS WiFi network switching

My company is developing an iPhone accessory that requires a relatively high connectivity rate to the phone. Due to MFi limitations (USB 2 communications in HOST mode fair only around 100KBps), we're looking at hosting a WiFi ad-hoc network on our accessory, and connecting to that network with the iPhone's WiFi.
This could really work out great in many regards, except we can't seem to find an (Apple-approved) way to programmatically switch the iPhone's WiFi connectivity. Ideally the app would automatically connect to the accessory's network when visible, and then re-connect to the user's preferred network when not visible/needed.
We are aware of the MobileWiFi framework, which fits the technical bill, but won't pass Apple's approval process.
Can anybody suggest a way to achieve our goal? Perhaps there is a system model view that can be called up to allow the user to switch WiFi networks without directly using private APIs?
Creative solutions welcome!
Hate to say it, there's really no way to do it. I can think of two easy workarounds.
1. Make it available on Cydia for jailbroken devices. AirServer just did this.
2. Less elegant, have UIAlertView with a switch over to the wifi pane of the Settings app that is shown when the peripheral is connected and disconnected. A lot like the location settings prompt.
3. Make an Android app!
Apple, you're a pain in the ass.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the definite answer is no. The main problem with your approach wouldn't even be Apple's approval process, but the inability to access the Internet while connected to your device. iPhone doesn't even try using cellular data when connected to wifi, being that wifi connected to the Internet or not.
You could file a bug report requesting these features and pray Apple hears you which will probably never happen in this case.
I would suggest going bluetooth, but if usb is not fast enough for you, guess that's not an option either.
That pretty much puts you back to square one and going usb. Or distributing your app via Cydia.

IPhone Bluetooth Connectivity to Non IOS Devices

I was wondering, if there is a way to use IPhone as an HID device, with some other device like PS3. I checked out the Bluetooth specification and IOS Devices do support HID Profile. So I thought it would be easy to pair my iPhone using passkey mechanism and should be able to start using my iPhone as keyboard or mouse without much hassle. But I found very soon that this assumption is naive and I need to develop custom solution.
I was initially thinking about using GameKit framework, but I think it only works between two compatible IOS Devices. If I want to extend this capability, then I have to use iPhone External Accessory API .In my analysis, I also found that iPhone will only communicate and pair with devices that are licensed by Apple. (Made for iPhone\iPod program). Does it mean that, if I want to use iPhone with another device, I need to get that device approved by Apple. ( Which will not surprise me one bit). Also if someone could point me to more detailed documentation on this, that will also be helpful.( What is an MFI developer board ??)
I do not want a solution that needs me to jailbreak an iPhone. (or any solution that will disqualify my app by Apple).
So to summarize:
1- Please validate my findings, correct them if they are wrong?
2a- How does External Accessory API Work?
b- Can I use this to connect to third party accessories ? (or is this only for accessory developers).
3- Or is there a better solution without using External Accessory API?
Please provide supportive documentation or link if you can. Thank You.
You are unlikely to get on the External accessory program from apple unless you are a big company ( you can try, but I have read this a number of places) . iPhones use a proprietary Bluetooth interface that and hardware must also implement this interface, so not much chance of getting it to connect to any other hardware directly.
Most apps like this (Remote Mouse) for example, connect to your wifi network, and have another application installed on your computer. The iphone can then talk to this application over the wi-fi network, but not bluetooth. I would suggest that the only way I can see this would be possible to to create the server app that you install on a computer on the wi-fi network that then in turn controls the 3rd party device if there is an API that you can use from the desktop app to control the 3rd party device.
This is just what I have found when I researched about this for making an app for iPhone to control a bluetooth watch. I had to jailbreak in the end to replace the bluetooth stack on the iPhone with one that could connect to any hardware device. Not limited by apple.
