use of + sign in Google Adwords - google-ads-api

I want to do a phrase match search like "warrenton home values" but I'd like to make sure home+values stay in that order but can be switched so that "home values warrenton" and "warrenton home values" will both trigger.
I thought the + sign would "chain" the two words, home+values together but after a chat with a Google rep I find myself more confused than before. What is the best way to achieve this?
Will this phrase also trigger warrenton island home values keyword search or does the use of quotes only match words found within the quotes? I need to make sure I keep warrenton in the search phrase to avoid wasting budget on triggering ads outside of the geographic area.

You can add a modifier, the plus sign on your keyboard (+), to any of the terms that are part of your broad match keyword phrase. By adding a modifier, your ads can only show when someone's search contains those modified terms, or close variations of the modified terms, in any order. The modifier won't work with phrase match or exact match keywords.
Example: +women's +hats
Example Search: hats for women
Unlike broad match keywords, modified broad match keywords won't show your ad for synonyms or related searches. For this reason, it adds an additional level of control. Using broad match modifier is a good choice if you want to increase relevancy even if it means you might get less ad traffic than broad match.
More information here:


How to design a system in Google Sheets that allows for people who don't speak the same language to know they're typing the same thing

I admit this is a strange request. Essentially myself and another person who speaks Mandarin need to work on scheduling asynchronously through a spreadsheet. If either of us enters something in, in our respective sections, it should update the other person's section to match. So If I changed Order 1 on Day 1 from Apple to Butter, it should look at the translated text for Butter in Chinese and update the dropdown list entry for Order 1 on Day 1 from Apple to Butter
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like there's anyway to add formulas to dropdown lists. Any advice here?
I created a super simplified spreadsheet of what I'm looking for Spreadsheet
there is a GOOGLETRANSLATE formula:
also, you have DETECTLANGUAGE that outputs the language code:
both of them (DETECTLANGUAGE is able to work with vertical arrays only) are not supported under ARRAYFORMULA so you will need to drag them around. also, it's worth mentioning that formulae are always 1-directional so you can have a dropdown to be translated but that translated output can't be used directly as the input for back-translation creating a paradox. with a scripted solution, you may have more flexibility tho.

Twitter Advanced Search not showing results

I am trying to do a simple twitter adv search query where I want to find tweets tweeted by "#BSE_News" and that contain some word like for example "Financial". However, twitter's search doesn't show any tweet and there are tons of tweets that are tweeted by BSE_News that contain this word.
What I am doing currently -
Go to the advanced search section once I have logged into my twitter a/c
I enter "Financial" in the "This exact phrase" text box and "#BSE_News" in the "From these accounts" text box. Not sure what I am doing wrong here. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
You can use Twitter's advanced search boolean operators, coupled with the advanced search operator from: to construct the following query (you can copy & paste it into Twitter's search box or type it directly there):
(financial) from:BSE_News 👀
Of course, you can also broaden or narrow your search by playing with the boolean statement in between the parenthesis using the OR, AND, -(minus for NOT) and ( ) boolean combinations. For example:
(financial OR economic OR monetary OR fiscal) from:BSE_News 👀
(financial AND 2019) from:BSE_News 👀
((financial AND PODDAR) -quarter) from:BSE_News 👀
I guess with the advanced search...some functionalities were disabled, like you don't have the sentiments section anymore

adwords ads shows for one word keyword but i have only two word keywords

I have they keywords in google adwords
foam puzzle
kids puzzle
toys puzzle
but my ad shows when you type only one word keyword "puzzle"
why ?
how can i force showing me ads only for these three two-word keywords ?
You need to investigate the keyword Match Types on offer - broadly speaking we have:
An exact match keyword matches exactly the string you use (more or
less - there are still some close variants, & depending on campaign
settings, plurals)
A Phrase match matches any string containing your keyword - for
example: red kids puzzle
A broad match matches "similar" things to your keywords (you can
also "modify" this match type by preppending + to words in your keywords but
I'll leave you to research that yoourself).
More info:

TableSorter consecutive search

It appears that tablesorter needs filter terms to match consecutively.
For example:
A column contains: "Safe Rigging Practices for Seafarers"
"Safe" returns the column
"Safe Rigging" returns the column
"Safe Practices" does not return the column.
Is there an option to change this behavior?
When you use a basic filter search, it only looks for a match of the query (from left-to-right), as you have stated above.
The filter widget also includes several different search types. See a full list in the docs at the top of this demo page. Here are several ways to get the results you desire:
As #vesuvious guessed, the search also supports wildcards, but in this case it uses an asterisk (*) to replace entire words (not including spaces). So try searching for:
Safe * Practices
You could also use a logical AND by separating words using two ampersands (&&), or the word "and" (case insensitive). Both must be surrounded by spaces:
Safe && Practices
Safe and Practices
Lastly, you can use a fuzzy search to get the result by starting the search with a tilde (~):
~Safe Practices

User input parsing - city / state / zipcode / country

I'm looking for advice on parsing input from a user in multiple combinations of City / State / Zip Code / Country.
A common example would be what Google maps does.
Some examples of input would be:
"City, State, Country"
"City, Country"
"City, Zip Code, Country"
"City, State, Zip Code"
"Zip Code"
What would be an efficient and correct way to parse this input from a user?
If you are aware of any example implementations please share :)
The first step would be to break up the text into individual tokens using spaces or commas as the delimiting characters. For scalability, you can then hand each token to a thread or server (if using a Map-Reducer like architecture) to figure out what each token is. For instance,
If we have numbers in the pattern, then it's probably a zip code.
Is the item in the list of known states?
Countries are also fairly easy to handle like states, there's a limited number.
What order are the tokens in compared to the common ways of writing an address? Most input will probably follow the local post office custom for address formats.
Once you have the individual token results, you can glue the parts back together to get a full address. In the cases where there are questions, you can prompt the user what they really meant (like Google maps) and add that information to a learned list.
The easiest method to add that support to an applications, assuming you're not trying to build a map system, is to query Google or Yahoo and ask them to parse the date for you.
I am myself very fascinated with how Google handles that. I do not remember seeing anything similar anywhere else.
I believe, you try to separate an input string in words trying various delimeters - space, comma, semicolon etc. Then you have several combinations. For each combination, you take each words and match it against country, city, town, postal code database. Then you define some metric on how to evaluate the group match result for each combination. Here should also be cross rules, like if the postal code does not match well, but country, city, town match well and in combination refer to a valid address then the metric yields a high mark.
It is sure difficult and not an evening code exercise. It also requires strong computational resources - a shared hosting would probably crack under just 10 requests, but a data center could serve it well.
Not sure if there is an example implementation. Many geographical services are offered on paid basis. Something that sophisticated as GoogleMaps would likely cost a fortune.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I found a simple PHP implementation
Yahoo seems to have a webservice that offers the functionality (sort of)
Openstreetmap seems to offer the same search functionality on its homepage
Assuming you're only dealing with those four fields (City Zip State Country), there are finite values for all fields except for City, and even that I guess if you have a big city list is also finite. So just split each field by comma then check against each field list.
Assuming we're talking US addresses-
Zip is most obvious, so check for
that first.
State has 50x2 options
(California or CA), check that next
Country has ~190x2 options, depending
on how encompassing you want to be
(US, United States, USA).
Whatever is left over is probably your City.
As far as efficiency goes, it might make sense to check a handful of 'standard' formats first, like Dan suggests.
