adwords ads shows for one word keyword but i have only two word keywords - google-ads-api

I have they keywords in google adwords
foam puzzle
kids puzzle
toys puzzle
but my ad shows when you type only one word keyword "puzzle"
why ?
how can i force showing me ads only for these three two-word keywords ?

You need to investigate the keyword Match Types on offer - broadly speaking we have:
An exact match keyword matches exactly the string you use (more or
less - there are still some close variants, & depending on campaign
settings, plurals)
A Phrase match matches any string containing your keyword - for
example: red kids puzzle
A broad match matches "similar" things to your keywords (you can
also "modify" this match type by preppending + to words in your keywords but
I'll leave you to research that yoourself).
More info:


Is there an equivalente to UNIQUE in Google Sheets that does not separate letter cases?

For example, by using UNIQUE, I would have four items in a unique list, because they have differente usage of letter cases. Is there an instruction that does not care about letter cases and considers only one for the unique list?
You could try
or, if you don't need the 'proper case'
(Change range to suit)
You could also use filter to bring back the first instance of each word (case-insensitive):
For the last instance, adapt to:

OR Operator in Google Sheets Not Working?

This is the formula I am working on right now:
=FILTER(Data!A:K, SEARCH("Gretsch", Data!F:F)+SEARCH("Krutz", Data!F:F))
I'm trying to bring in both rows that include "Gretsch" and rows that include "Krutz". Just using one of those instead of both works just fine, and using keywords that the other has included in it's results (for example, searching just Gretsch brings up 10 or so (out of the 100+) products that include "Streamliner" in the F Column, as well as Gretsch, so using this formula:
=FILTER(Data!A:K, SEARCH("Gretsch", Data!F:F)+SEARCH("Streamliner", Data!F:F))
brings up the 10 or so products with both, but I'm looking for one OR the other, so why is that '+' acting like an AND operator instead? Am I just completely off base?
SEARCH returns a number: the starting position where a string is found within another string. It's not a simple 1 like other tests for TRUE, and there is no 0 case (i.e., FALSE) as you have it written. In addition, if either SEARCH does not find the target string, it returns an error; and a number plus an error... returns an error (which is not TRUE and therefore will not be included in the FILTER).
A better approach to achieving OR with FILTER:
=FILTER(Data!A:K, REGEXMATCH(LOWER(Data!F:F),"gretsch|krutz"))
The pipe symbol ("|") means OR in this context, and you may list as many pipe-separated strings as you like. Notice that the search range is wrapped in LOWER and that the terms to search are also lowercase; this assures the same kind of caps-agnostic search you were looking for with SEARCH.
By the way, based on your other recent post, you can also use REGEXMATCH with NOT, e.g.:
=FILTER(Data!A:K, REGEXMATCH(LOWER(Data!F:F),"gretsch|krutz"), NOT(REGEXMATCH(LOWER(Data!F:F),"case")))
One additional note: Your post is tagged "Excel" and "Google Sheets." The formulas I've proposed will only work with Google Sheets. In most cases by far, it is best to tag a post here with either "Excel" or "Google Sheets" but not both, since the differences are substantial between the two.
=QUERY(Data!A:K, "where lower(F) contains 'gretsch'
or lower(F) contains 'krutz'")

Check Similarity String Between Column In Google Sheet

I have a table in the link below:
if the text is split first, then check what do you do? for example "Kebumen District Office" Vs "District Head Office of Kebumen District" Then we need 7x7 columns = 49 columns because we will match for each word words 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2.2-3.2-4, etc.
The text in column B is split and then checked for each word with the text in column A. If in column B there are many different words found the text is not similar.
Only I am still confused to make the formula. Please give me the solution sir. Thanks.
The matching patterns are very different in your case and I see no solution based on formulas (regular expressions).
You may need to find articles about fuzzy vlookup.
Here's what I found for google sheets (not tested):
Addon, find fuzzy matches
This problem is common for Excel, there're solutions based on vba.
As I said, the one formula won't solve your task because you have many cases. First example Mc Donald vs McDonald is checked easily with a formula:
= substitute(A, " ", "") = substitute(B, " ", "")
Your next samples are different. You may use some code, but even this won't give the expected results. My suggestion: split the task into small cases and try to solve them separately. Make an investigation or ack a new question for each case.
Your second and 3-d lines are case2. In this case, you need to check all the words in A are also in B. You'll need to try solving it and ask another question if needed. And so on.
Fuzzy matching is definitely the way to go. Different algorithms have different strengths and weaknesses. My suggestion is that you visit the G Suite marketplace and look for Flookup or simply follow this link:
Flookup for Google Sheets
It'll allow you to look for matches ranging from 0% to 100% similarity. The basic formula is:
FLOOKUP(lookupValue, tableArray, lookupCol, indexNum, [threshold], [rank])
Find out more from the official website.
Edit: I'm the creator of Flookup.

Supported search queries with OneDrive

What values the 'search-text' can take in the following query?
GET /me/drive/root/search(q='{search-text}')
From experiments, it looks like the {search-text} is a single string that would be searched in the contents of the file. Meaning if the search text is a multiple word sentence then entire sentence is searched rather than individual works in the sentence? Is this right assumption?
Eg: Say If I would like to search 'word1' 'word2' ... 'wordn' then it looks like search query should be issued for all the n words individually. Is there a format/way in which we can search all the n words in single query?
/Girish BK
Searching is phrase based and does not support wildcards or similar search augmentations.
For example, the query /me/drive/search(q='pizza shop') would search for files that contain the phrase "pizza shop" in a filename, a file's metadata, and a file's content.

use of + sign in Google Adwords

I want to do a phrase match search like "warrenton home values" but I'd like to make sure home+values stay in that order but can be switched so that "home values warrenton" and "warrenton home values" will both trigger.
I thought the + sign would "chain" the two words, home+values together but after a chat with a Google rep I find myself more confused than before. What is the best way to achieve this?
Will this phrase also trigger warrenton island home values keyword search or does the use of quotes only match words found within the quotes? I need to make sure I keep warrenton in the search phrase to avoid wasting budget on triggering ads outside of the geographic area.
You can add a modifier, the plus sign on your keyboard (+), to any of the terms that are part of your broad match keyword phrase. By adding a modifier, your ads can only show when someone's search contains those modified terms, or close variations of the modified terms, in any order. The modifier won't work with phrase match or exact match keywords.
Example: +women's +hats
Example Search: hats for women
Unlike broad match keywords, modified broad match keywords won't show your ad for synonyms or related searches. For this reason, it adds an additional level of control. Using broad match modifier is a good choice if you want to increase relevancy even if it means you might get less ad traffic than broad match.
More information here:
