Login to put in frame ribbon (dx) - delphi

The login will be a panel containing two edit's, two labels and two buttons.
I would put a login frame where is circled in yellow in my ribbon. Any idea how to do it? I do not want to splash or ShowModal because of the publicity that has within the software.
Someone suggests something else?
Another thing, how to remove the points green image?
Questioned in the forum of dx and talked to update the version, bad does not give right now. I'm using dxvcl14.1.2 ...

By adding two TdxBarEdits, two Buttons and changing one BeginGroup property I got this:
I don't think you can make the login group right-aligned.
To add a TdxBarEdit, right click on the toolbar embedded into the tab group:


Home button in PowerPoint to show on mouseover using VBA

I use a home button on most of my slides with a link back to the agenda for quick jumps during my presentation. That way I avoid flipping through the individual slides and get straight back to the overview.
However, I don't want the home button in my lower right corner to show on each page as it spoils the clean look. I tried to use the mouseover event in combination with a macro but can't get it to run. I thought about making the home button completely transparent and on mouseover I would set the transparency to zero so the button shows up. When I click on it, it would follow the link.
Any help to get me there is highly appreciated.
You do know that you can simply press 1 then Enter to return to the first slide in the show, right?
But to follow up on your "I thought about .." idea, why not add a shape on the slide master in a place that won't get covered up by content in any of the slides, then assign it a Go To Slide 1 action setting. After testing to make sure it does what you want, give it any color you like then make it 99% transparent.
As long as you don't forget where to click, you're good to go.

navigation with login page

I implemented simple application according of example simple login view. Where we have login-view and main-view. But now, how I can implement on main-view MenuBar where every Items when clicked open different views. And those views are under MenuBar in same place (center on the page under MenuBar, on sample) in main-view. I tried with additional navigator(which name can be subNavigator) in main-view but we must register navigator in UI(I have got appropriate error). Second solution is that I create UI and in init method ManuBar and under it change every views(login-view, view1, view2 etc). But login-view have ManuBar and it is do not looks good. Is there any other way or are other ways to achieve something similar?
Your question is not at all clear. I suggest re-writing it. Perhaps with a sketch image.
Are you aware of the TabSheet widget? An easy way to switch between panes of content.
See the Book Of Vaadin, the class doc, and the live demo.
Also, look at TabSheet in the Reindeer theme as shown in this demo.

Can WatchKit WKInterfaceGroup be a Button?

(using iOS8.3, Xcode6.3, OSX10.10.3)
Hi, I wonder if a WatchKit WKInterfaceGroup can be a Button ??
In my watchkit-application, I would like to maximize the touch-surface for a particular action.
I know that one can place one or more buttons in a goup (next to other things like labels, images etc). Having such a WKInterfaceGroup (called group) with small items in it - I thought of placing several buttons, all filling out the empty space between the groups container.
But by placing several buttons close to each other in the group, even if they all reference to the very same action, I realised that touching two buttons by the user's finger in the group would not lead me to the desired surface-increase.
The problem is, the user-finger touches more than one button at once and even tough, I gave all the buttons in the group, as just mentioned, the very same action behind, the action does not get fired off.
The solution might be, if possible, to define the entire group as a button. How would that work ?? (...maybe accessibility traits could help ?? or other....???). Or can you somehow overlay a button on to a group ???
Any idea appreciated !
You can use a WKInterfaceButton, change its content type to "group" in the attributes inspector in IB and fill it with whatever content you need.

Creating a Firefox add-on with a sidebar on the right hand side

I'm trying to edit Daniel Buchner's sidebar library so that the sidebar shows up on the right hand side. Do I do something along the lines of the following?
sidebar.browser.style.MozBoxDirection = 'reverse';
Your approach doesn't work because you would need to change the direction of the sidebar's parent box, not its children. However, that would cause unnecessary fallout (like the default sidebar appearing on the right side and developer tools on the left). So it is better to solve the problem by changing this line:
document.getElementById('browser').insertBefore(clone, splitter);
Instead of inserting your sidebar on the left side you can use appendChild to add it to the end of the container. You will also have to add your own splitter however - you can clone the sidebar splitter and change its ID.

Alignment of the TabBarControls in a TabSet

we're using smartGWT for our web application. An the main page is a tabset that shows different tabs. What I want to do is do a button to the tab set with the setTabBarControls method which then is alligned to the left instead to the right. So it would somewhat look like the current Firefox version.
Is there a possibility to change the allignment of the TabBarControls? I couldn't find any.
If you want to create something like the Firefox corner button, just use TabSet.addChild(). That will place the button at the upper left, and you can use setLeft/setTop to move it elsewhere. If you want the control to appear to the left of the tabs, set a layoutStartMargin on the TabBar to leave space for it.
