Can i host a rails app via hostgator and FTP - ruby-on-rails

Can you deploy a ruby on rails application to hostgator via FTP. if you Can, Can you guys please Tel me how i do it :) do you have to put something inside your project or is there another Way to host via hostgator?
Greetings from Ludvig.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated :)

If you buy hostgator VPS you can deploy rails application. You can not deploy your rails app (like version 4) on the Shared hosting of hostgator.
FTP is not important issue. You can upload your source code via FTP or other way like cloning from git repo. To deploy the rails app your hosting server must install Rails, Ruby and other packages.


Deploying Rails Application in a restricted server

I am trying to deploying my rails application to a restricted server. And I am not able to install ruby and gems from the open internet because the server is restricted in the network. That server is new it dont have any needful library, database and apache to deploying the app. Please provide me the best way to get all the library and needful gems to keep the app running.

How to deploy a Ruby on Rails project to Amazon?

I have developed rails application, which I now want to deploy to an Amazon server. How can I do this?
Also I have registered domain name from godaddy.
The easiest way to do so is to have your application stored on a Git repository, Github for example. Then on your Amazon machine, clone your repo and you will have all your file on the cloud (almost) ready to use. Take a look at this documentation from Amazon for more infos.
For your domain, you must create a redirection to your Amazon machine IP. Here is a link you should see.

How to make Rails 4 work with Apache

I have a rails application that I would like to deploy on a Linux-based cloud hosting running on Apache server.
I have been searching for information online, it seems to me like using Phusion Passenger is an option.
However I have no idea how to set it all up locally and in production. The Linux-based cloud hosting has a cpanel interface. Do I ftp the whole rails folder into the file manager?
Could someone please guide me or point me to a useful guide with step 1, 2, etc. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
In order to install Passenger on a hosting service you will need SSH access.
If it's shared hosting you will most likely not get SSH, I would recommend they give you full access to your private server.
Here is a guide once you have SSH access:

Setting up Rails on Hostmonster

I'm able to run rails s through ssh successfully and see the app start up just as it does on my own machine but I'm unable to access the app from the web. The app is directly under the home folder and I have a symbolic link pointing from public_html to the public folder of my rails app, just as this tutorial explains. I even tried setting up a subdomain and every other step in the tutorial to no avail. Any help would be highly appreciated.
You need an application server like Phusion Passenger, Unicorn or puma to run a Ruby app in a production environment. Typically, you'll integrate the application server into a web server's (Apache, nginx) environment.
I don't know about your hoster, but if you have root access, then you can probably use any of these application servers.
The built-in server you start by running rails server is only meant for testing purposes on your local machine. It has not been made with security, performance, stability or any other production-environment criteria in mind.

Setting up Amazon Webservices for Rails

I've been trying to set up a web server using EC2 on Amazon web services.
Using the appstack-nginx-passenger-ree AMI, I tried to set up the server.
I put my ruby files in /opt/sites and I installed passenger and apache2-dev & apace2-mpm-fork.
I had to set up the apache config file.
Afterwards what should I do?
How do I set the path file of the ruby files and deploy them?
How can I start up the server and be able to look at it?
You should make sure you start up apache (which should show you a default welcome page on your the IP of you box (if you have opened up the firewall)), then setup the path to your ruby project in your httpd.conf file.
Here's a guide that might help you out
Paul, your link is broken, the corrected link for the guide is this Setting up Rails 3 on Amazon EC2 instance
