How to deploy a Ruby on Rails project to Amazon? - ruby-on-rails

I have developed rails application, which I now want to deploy to an Amazon server. How can I do this?
Also I have registered domain name from godaddy.

The easiest way to do so is to have your application stored on a Git repository, Github for example. Then on your Amazon machine, clone your repo and you will have all your file on the cloud (almost) ready to use. Take a look at this documentation from Amazon for more infos.
For your domain, you must create a redirection to your Amazon machine IP. Here is a link you should see.


how to manage secrets of rails app while deploying application with chef habitat?

I am looking for how can I manage my passwords/credentials while deploying my rails application with habitat. so that I don't have to commit my credentials into the version control.
after researching a lot I found a work around for the credentials.
so habitat credentials are stored in .toml file and you can use these credentials directly. now we need to send this toml file to server directly if we do not want to commit file.
or we can create databags.

Move wordpress site to a real domain

I am now finished my word press website using BITNAMI local host. The question is how I can move this site to a real domain.
I have no programming skills.
Bitnami Engineer here.
You can deploy a Bitnami WordPress instance in any cloud provider and migrate your current data to that new server using the All in One WordPress Migration plugin.
Once you do that, you will need to configure your domain name in the /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php file (WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME parameters). More info here:
and generate valid SSL certificates using the Bitnami HTTPS configuration tool in case you want to secure your site
sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool

Hosting a ruby web on google cloud

How do I deploy a ruby file from git to google cloud.
Is it possible to push a ruby file from github to google cloud,please can purchase a domain name,how will the ruby file be hosted on the cloud.
I understand that you want to develop a ruby application on Google Cloud. I would suggest to start by following the Quickstart for Ruby in the App Engine Standard Environment.
You can store your app on Cloud Source Repositories and Automate App Engine deployments with Cloud Build Quickstart.
You can serve your app via a custom domain, such as, instead of the default address Mapping Custom Domains.

PaaS provider for Grails application for production use

I have an application developed by Grails 2.5.1 , i need PaaS provider to deploy it for production use , but must got these options :
SMTP server as my application needs to send emails
preferred to have access to file system but not necessary
Able to deploy PHP applications in it.
Easy to deploy application's packages on
Good customer support
some adviced with Jelastic , but unfortunately they don't have SMTP server , and Heroku the deploying in it is a little bit hard.
any recommendations?
I would recommend Heroku or Elastic Beanstalk. Amazon RDS for MySQL as a Service, or Aurora which is MySQL compatible.
Not sure what you mean by "able to deploy PHP". You won't be able to run a PHP app and a Grails/Java app on the same PaaS server, but you could spin up a separate PHP app on the same PaaS.
You could use Amazon SES to send emails, or a SendGrid account. Email server really shouldn't be a deciding factor.
It is very easy to add SMTP to Jelastic.
All you need to set up your SMPT Server is here.
Also, how to use external SMTP Server in your environment - is here.
With reference to the rest of your list Jelastic provides:
Access to file system (FTP/FTPS, SFTP/FISH, WebDAV, Dashboard)
Able to deploy PHP applications in it
Easy to deploy application's packages on (Direct, GIT/SVN, Bitbucket)
Good customer support (You can choose hoster by your significant criteria here).
Have a nice day,
Jelastic Support

Can i host a rails app via hostgator and FTP

Can you deploy a ruby on rails application to hostgator via FTP. if you Can, Can you guys please Tel me how i do it :) do you have to put something inside your project or is there another Way to host via hostgator?
Greetings from Ludvig.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated :)
If you buy hostgator VPS you can deploy rails application. You can not deploy your rails app (like version 4) on the Shared hosting of hostgator.
FTP is not important issue. You can upload your source code via FTP or other way like cloning from git repo. To deploy the rails app your hosting server must install Rails, Ruby and other packages.
