Revert snapshot before or after each test method in a TFS build-deploy-test workflow? - tfs

I have a scenario that requires me to revert to a clean snapshot before or after each Coded UI test method is executed. I have researched using the TFS Lab Management API (see to revert to a specific snapshot as part of the TestInitialize and/or TestCleanup method, but I can only get this to work when executed locally. When executed on a remote machine I get errors authenticating to the TFS service.
My other option is to somehow do a 'foreach test in testrun' into the build process template (LabDefaultTemplate.11.xaml). I have identified the area that I think this would fit best, but cannot find any documentation on running a loop on each test.
Is this something that is possible, or is there somehow a built in method to accomplish this that I have overlooked?

To do what you propose you should switch to Release Management and create a separate test run for each of your groupings, in your case each test. You can use RM to orchestrate looping through each of your runs and executing then.
However running a UI test should not break your application and I would suggest that either your tests are way too long, or there is some flaw in the design of your application.


Fitnesse wiki file persistence options

What are the persistence options for fitnesse files? So far it seems like a file system is the only thing supported. There does appear to be an out of date database plugin. Is there anything else that is supported (S3, database, etc.)? Is there a way to control where files are persisted if using the filesystem?
I believe there is very little in that area. The location of the files can be controlled using a command line option. See
-d /path/to/fitnesse/root
How I've used the FitNesse wiki is as a local development tool, with the pages on the file system. Once I'm satisfied with the tests I commit them to version control (e.g. git) so that they become part of the (integration) test pipeline setup (e.g. they are run as part of the CI/CD pipeline of the project).
There is a plugin I believe that will automatically commit any save actions to Git, but I've never used that. Saving each edit action just pollutes version control in my opinion. I only want to see tests after they have been checked/completed, and that tends not to be each save.
Working on a shared wiki environment (where I would expect a non-file system approach would fit in) you run into the same problem, I expect. Developing automated tests is a development task that requires some iterations before it is 'done', and not all attempts reach that 'done' state. So using shared storage for wiki persistence creates 'noise' in the test-set: which are the tests that form the current reference set that should pass and what is work in-progress.
If you are working on a larger project where new features are developed together with their automated tests it becomes even more important to know which test changes belong to which features/changes. Having tests on the file system, in version control, allows you to develop test in sync with code changes in the same branch. This is what I would recommend.

Add condition to transition using script runner

I am using the scriptrunner plugin for Jira.
Is it possible to add a condition to a transition using scriptrunner?
Currently, my condition is in a script which I have manually added to the workflow.
But I was wondering if there is a way to do it automatically?
I was looking through documentation on:
I came across this method:
replaceConditionInTransition which is a method of WorkFlowManager.
But I'm unsure on how to use this.
Any help would be appreciated.
Conditions as any another scripts can be added from file system. You can store scripts in any VCS (bitbucket, github, gitlab, etc) and automatically deploy them to Jira server file system through any CI/CD system (teamcity, jenkins, bamboo, gitlab, etc).
So, as result process will be looks like. 1. commit changes in you script to vcs 2. wait a bit for auto deploy (e.g. triggered by commit) 3. done. As additional you can write any script/service/etc for commit these changes automatically if needed.
Also look at script roots it's helpful way which allows reuse any of script fragments through helpers classes.
It's rather conceptual answer basically because implementation is depends on environment, but I hope that you get at least one more point of view to solve this task.
I think that using the Java API to modify Jira workflows is pretty tough. You could dig around in the workflow editor to see how conditions are added there. Remember that you have to do this in a draft workflow and then publish it, which takes some time in large projects
I like the idea of replacing a script file as easier, if it can be done when no issues are transitioning

Xcode UI Tests - Stop testing when any given test in the test suite fails?

I want to run my UI tests in such a way that if any given test within a test suite we're to fail, the entire test run is stopped. I understand there is an option to continue after failure, but this only applies to a single test case.
I plan on running the UI tests on a CI server such as Teamcity, naturally I want the build process to fail if any of the tests fail without having to wait for remaining tests to complete. Does anyone know if this is possible or will I need to somehow parse the output of each test case to detect a failure and stop at that point, possibly with some exit code?
I really recommend you to use fastlane for this. You can configure your tests there as fastlane has a particular flag called stop_after_first_error, which basically does the thing you want!
You can find it here:
I don't think there's any way to do this natively. You might want to reconsider how you're writing UI tests, because you shouldn't have to do this. That being said, here's something you can do; it might be a bit of a hack.
Create a boolean flag like lastTestPassed. When an assertion is true, set the flag to true. Then, in the setUp method, check if lastTestPassed is true. If it is, then set it to false; if it isn't, then don't allow the test to run (maybe use an XCTFail()).
Again, this is a bit of a hack, but might work until you can refactor how your UI tests work.

How to ensure db scripts runs only once in Jenkins CI pipeline

Our application is using continuous integration with Jenkins. We have problem at our hand in deploying incremental db changes to oracle server.
Current mechanism followed is having rollback scripts and alter or incremental scripts (both ddl and dml).
In jenkins pipeline, we are calling rollback first and then incremental changes every time when build runs along with our java code changes. This is not ideal way to solve this problem.
I am looking for some best practices which will allow incremental db scripts to run only once.
I mentioned that best practice before, and it is not tied to JenkinsCI: you need to record the execution of your db script in a dedicated table of your database.
That is what a product like Flyway does, but you can implement that "record" part yourself too. That way, when your JenkinsCI pipeline job re-execute those scripts (through a wrapper of yours), said wrapper will detect they were already executed.

How to make a FitNesse test require explicit running

Is there a way to mark a fitnesse test such that it will not be run as part of a suite, but it can still be run manually?
We have our FitNesse tests running as part of our continuous integration, so new tests that are not yet implemented cause the build to fail. We'd like a way to allow our testers and BAs to be able to add new tests that will fail while still continuing to validate the existing tests as part of continuous integration.
Any suggestions?
The best way to do this is with suite tags. You can mark tests with a tag from the properties page and then you can filter for the or filter to exclude them.
In this case I would exclude with "NotOnCI" tag. Then add the following argument to the URL:
This might look like this then as the full URL:
You can select multiple tags by splitting with commas, but they act as "or",Not "and".
Check the FitNesse user guide for more details.
Would it make sense to have multiple Suites, one for regression tests that should always pass, and another one for the tests that are not yet implemented?
Testers and BAs can add tests/suites to the latter suite and the CI server only runs tests in the former suite.
Once a developer believes he has implemented the behavior they can move the test/suite relating to that functionality to the 'regression' suite so that it will be checked in continuous integration.
This might make the status of a test/suite a bit more explicit/obvious than just having a tag. It would also provide a clear handover from development to test/BA to indicate the implementation is finished.
If you just want to have a test/suite not run during an overall run of a suite that contains the particular test/suite you could also just tick 'Skip (Recursive)' in the properties page of that test/suite (below 'Page Type').
