Invoke rake jobs:work automatically after running rails s in console - ruby-on-rails

Can I invoke "rake jobs:work" automatically after running "rails s" in console?
Currently, after running rails s in cmd I will also run rake jobs:work in the other console, what i want to happen is After running "rails s" the jobs:work will automatically start.

The right way to go about this would be to use a process manager, like Invoker or Foreman. There is ample documentation on the links, but it boils down to the following steps:
Install the software
Create a configuration file where you declare what processes do you intend to run. Both support Procfile style declaration.
Use the command line client to start the process manager.
Based on my personal experience, I highly recommend Invoker, it goes beyond just a process manager, and packs in a few more handy features, like support for .dev local domain.

One you can do is simply:
rails server & rake jobs:work
It'll run rails server as background job, which you can get back to foreground with fg. It can be annoying that you'll get output from both processes mixed.
I'm not sure what are your needs and what you expect but maybe it would be good for you to use screen (or tmux) to run them in parallel and be able to switch between.
You can do your own .screenrc script which will run the server and any other commands when automatically for you.
There is a little problem that if you run the server from it and you close it (ctrl+c) than you'll loose it's screen window. Fortunately there is a solution for that as well (worked-out on the SO as well - you can read more about it here)
So, I use some helper script for that .run_screen (don't forget to chmod +x it):
/bin/bash -i <<<"$*; exec </dev/tty"
Than I have .screenrc_rails file:
#shell -${SHELL}
caption always "%n(%t) %= %{b}#%H[%l] : %{r}%c:%s"
termcapinfo xterm ti#:te#
termcap xterm 'AF=\E[3%dm:AB=\E[4%dm'
terminfo xterm 'AF=\E[3%p1%dm:AB=\E[4%p1%dm'
startup_message off
screen -t server 2 ${HOME}/.run_screen rails s
screen -t spork 3 ${HOME}/.run_screen bundle exec spork
screen -t dev_log 4 ${HOME}/.run_screen tail -f ./log/development.log
screen -t test_log 5 ${HOME}/.run_screen tail -f ./log/test.log
screen -t bash 0
screen -t bash 1
And an alias ( screenr(ails) ) defined at .bash_profile:
alias screenr='screen -c ~/.screenrc_rails'
If you don't know screen than start from ctrl+a, ". ctrl+a, ? will give you some help.
I hope you'll enjoy it.


User job not enabled

i have a codestains.conf file in ~/.init folder
description "Codestains"
author "Varun Mundra"
start on virtual-filesystems
stop on runlevel [06]
env PATH=/opt/www/$
env RAILS_ENV=production
env RACK_ENV=production
setuid ubuntu
setgid sudo
chdir /opt/www/
pre-start script
exec >/home/ubuntu/codestains.log 2>&1
exec /opt/www/ -D -c /opt/www/ $
end script
post-stop script
exec kill 'cat /tmp/'
end script
I have added in /etc/dbus-1/system.d/Upstart.conf` to enable Upstart user jobs
But everytime I run
start codestains
sudo start codestains
I get "start: Unknown job: codestains".
I have tried a lot of things available online. Nothing seems to help.
init-checkconf codestains.conf
gives "File codestains.conf: syntax ok"
I spot one error that is certainly a problem; I do not know if it is the only problem. I haven't made any attempt to test it. However, this bit:
exec kill 'cat /tmp/'
is definitely wrong, it would pass the string cat /tmp/ to the kill command, which will not do what you want.
You may have seen an example, and missed that they are backtick characters, which causes the shell to execute cat /tmp/, capture its STDOUT, and then interpolate the result where you put the backticks; IOW it passes the contents of that pid file to the kill command.
Like this:
exec kill `cat /tmp/`
Note the subtly different backtick character
Which shells (bash, at least) will treat specially as I described:
(see the section on "Command substitution")

How do I test the behavior executed by "whenever?"

I'm using whenever to schedule a task in Rails, and I would like to find a way to test the behavior being executed.
Is there a way to trigger the event in a test (like RSpec) so I can make assertions about the results? The executed task is a class method that by itself works because I've tested it manually in the Rails console, but is there a way to trigger the event so that this behavior happens and I can assert it works the same way within the config/schedule.rb?
I used a simple trick to assert my expectations like below
require 'spec_helper'
require 'whenever'
describe 'Schedule' do
it 'sends email 10th of each month before 08 AM EST' do
expected = "0 7 10 * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd && script/rails runner -e production '\\''Delayed::Job.enqueue([2,3,4]), priority: 10)'"
expect(cron_output).to include(expected)
def cron_output Rails.root.join("config", "schedule.rb").to_s).
gsub(Dir.pwd, '')
The "whenever event"
The only thing that changes in what whenever wraps (ie, cron) compared to your regular spec run is system environment, and more specifically environment variables.
You can see the commands whenever will install in cron using its executable :
$ whenever
Cron always start with a raw environment. If you check your crontab content (using crontab -e) you'll see on top variables that are set. You can set additional variables, there. For example :
You should not need those, though, because whenever uses a nice trick : it calls all commands using /bin/bash -l -c. This ensures it uses a login shell, which loads ~/.bashrc file. So any variable that is exported in your bashrc file will be accessible within cron execution.
Also note some distributions (like gentoo) have a check in the skel bashrc file that quit if shell is not interactive (so you have to set your environment variables before it if they are needed in cron).
Tests with similar env
To answer about testing, this is probably not a good idea. There's nothing related to your codebase here, only related to your system (similarly, you don't test which version of postgres or imagemagick is installed on your system in your specs).
You can somewhat simulate, for debugging sake, what happens in cron while invoking rspec doing such :
env - HOME=/home/<your_user>/ /bin/bash -l -c 'rspec spec/'
This will ensure environment is emptied (env -), then set HOME as a minimal env, then call a login shell just like whenever commands do.

Bash Script to run three different rails apps on the local server?

I have three apps that I want to run with the rails server at the same time, and I also want the option to kill all the servers from one location.
I don't have much experience with Bash so I'm not sure what command I would use to launch the server for a specific app. Since the script won't be in the app directory plain rails s won't work.
From there, I suppose if I can gather the PIDs of the processes the three servers are running on, I can have the script prompt for user input and whenever something is entered kill the three processes. I'm just unsure of how to get the PIDs.
Additionally, each app has a few environment variables that I wanted to have different values than those assigned in the apps config files. Previously, I was using export var=value before rails s, but I'm not sure how to guarantee each separate process is getting the right variables.
Any help is much appreciated!
The Script
You could try something like the following:
case "$1" in
pushd app/directory
(export FOO=bar; rails s ...; echo $! > pid1)
(export FOO=bar; rails s ...; echo $! > pid2)
(export FOO=bar; rails s ...; echo $! > pid3)
kill $(cat pid1)
kill $(cat pid2)
kill $(cat pid3)
rm pid1 pid2 pid3
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
Save this script into a file such as and chmod +x You'd start the servers with a ./ start, and you can kill them all with a ./ stop. You'll need to fill in all the details in the three lines that startup the servers.
First is the pushd: this will change the directory to where your apps live. The popd after the three startup lines will return you back to the location where the script lives. The parentheses around the (export blah blah) create a subshell so the environment variables that you set inside the parentheses, via export, shouldn't exist outside of the parentheses. Additionally, if your three apps live in different directories, you could put a cd inside each of the three parantheses to move to the app's directory before the rails s. The lines would then look something like: export FOO=bar; cd app1/directory; rails s ...; echo $! > pid1. Don't forget that semicolon after the cd command! In this case, you can also remove the pushd and popd lines.
In Bash, $! is the process ID of the last command. We echo that and redirect (with >) to a file called pid1 (or pid2 or pid3). Later, when we want to kill the servers, we run kill $(cat pid1). The $(...) runs a command and returns the output inline. Since the pid files only contain the process ID, cat pid1 will just return the process ID number, which is then passed to kill. We also delete the pid files after we've killed the servers.
This script could use some more work in terms of error checking and configuration, and I haven't tested it, but it should work. At the very least, it should give you a good starting point for writing your own script.
Additional Info
My favorite bash resource is the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. Bash is actually a fairly powerful language with some neat features. I definitely recommend learning how bash works!
Why don't you try capistrano, framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. Its has lots of recipes to do this.
You are probably better off setting up, which would run each server as it's needed, rather than having to spin up and shut down servers manually.
You could use Foreman to run, monitor, and manage your processes.
I realize I'm late to the party here, but after searching the internet for a good solution to this (and finding this page but few others and none with a full solution) and after trying unsuccessfully to get prax working, I decided to write my own solution to this problem and give it back to the community!
Check out my rdev bash script gist - a bash script you put in your ~/bin directory. This will create a new tab in gnome-terminal for each rails app with the app name and port in the tab's title. It verifies the app launched successfully by checking the port is in use and the process is actually running. It also verifies the rails app shutdown is successful by ensuring the port is no longer in use and the process is no longer running.
Setup is super easy, just change these two config values:
# collection of rails apps you want to start in development (should match directory name of rails project)
# note: the first app in the collection will receive port 3000, the second 3001 and so on
rails_apps=(app1 app2 app3 etc)
# The root directory of your rails projects (~/ is assumed, do not include)
With this script you can start all your rails apps in one command or stop them all and you can stop, start and restart individual rails apps as well. While the OP requested 3 apps run, this will allow you to run as many as you need with port being assigned in order starting with 3000 for the first app in the list. Each app is started using the proper ruby version thanks to chruby and the .env is sourced on the way up so your app will have everything it needs. Once you are done developing just rdev stop and all your rails apps will be killed and the terminal windows closed.
# Usage Examples:
# Show Help
# ~/> rdev
# Usage: rdev {start|stop|restart} [app port]
# start all rails apps
# ~/> rdev start
# start a single rails app
# ~/> rdev start app port
# stop all rails apps
# ~/> rdev stop
# stop a single rails app
# ~/> rdev stop app port
# restart a single rails app
# ~/> rdev restart app port
For the record, all testing was done on Ubuntu 18.04. This script requires: bash, chruby, gnome-terminal, lsof and takes advantage of the BASH_POST_RC trick.

Whenever / cron jobs failing, but fine manually

Struggling with cron jobs. Ubuntu 11.10 on the server.
Until recently had whenever cron jobs running successfully several times a day; then due to another problem I had to remove RVM from the server and go back to ruby 1.9.3 installed without RVM (I'm sure this is something to do with it)
There is no .rvmrc file in my app
Now, the cron jobs are somehow failing as I can see from syslog:
Jun 30 08:03:01 ip-10-251-30-96 CRON[18706]: (ubuntu) CMD (/bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/my_app/app/releases/201300629090954 && script/rails runner -e production '\''User.remind_non_confirmed_users'\''')
Jun 30 08:03:01 ip-10-251-30-96 CRON[18705]: (CRON) error (grandchild #18706 failed with exit status 127)
Jun 30 08:03:01 ip-10-251-30-96 CRON[18705]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)
If I run that command manually (with env - /bin/bash -l -c '...' ) it runs fine..
I'm going to add "set :output, 'tmp/whenever.log'" to whenever to see what is going on, but I suspect it is an issue with the ruby version / path or something.
Any idea how I could diagnose / fix this properly??
this is my cron/whenever job:
3 8 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/my_app/app/releases/20130629090954 && script/rails runner -e production '\''User.remind_non_confirmed_users'\'''
many thanks
To help diagnose what's going on, I usually capture the cron output into a separate log file. There's probably an error that's just not being recorded anywhere.
#hourly bash -lc 'cd /path/to/app; RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake remind_non_confirmed_users' >> /path/to/app/log/tasks.log
Also, I prefer creating rake tasks for cron jobs as opposed to runners. A little easier to invoke via the command line than runners, for me at least.
I'm still not sure what was going on, running Whatever with 'set :output' should have created log files, but it didn't, yet the jobs are still failing (and write permissions were there for the log files).
I got so fed up I redeveloped the solution without using script/runner, in stead have cron just call a URL that then takes care of matters as a delayed job. For our particular situation this has a number of additional benefits, though I know it is not ideal for many.
thanks for the suggestions

Ruby background process STDOUT is empty

I'm having a weird issue with a start-up script which runs a Sinatra script using the shell's "daemon" function. The problem is that when I run the command at the command line, I get output to STDOUT. If I run the command at the command line exactly as it is in the script -- less the daemon part -- the output is correctly redirected to the output file. However, when the startup script runs it (see below), I get stuff to the STDERR log but not to the STDOUT log.
The relevant lines of the script:
# (which is and has been a symlink to /bin/bash
# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions
# Set Some Variables
APPLICATION_COMMAND="RAILS_ENV=production ruby /opt/myapp/lib/daemons/my-sinatra-app.rb -p 8002 2>>${ERR_LOG} >>${LOG} &"
# Snip a bunch. This is the applicable line from the "start" case:
daemon --user $RUNAS --pidfile $PID $APPLICATION_COMMAND &> /dev/null
Now, the funky parts:
The error log is written to correctly via the redirect of STDERR.
If I reverse the order of the >> and the 2>> (I'm grasping at straws, here!), the behavior does not change: I still get STDERR logged correctly and STDOUT is empty.
If the output log doesn't exist, the STDOUT redirect creates the file. But, the file remains 0-length.
This used to work. The log directory is maintained by log-rotate. All of the more-recent 'out' logs are 0-length. The older ones are not. It seems like it stopped working some time in April. The ruby code didn't change at any time near then; neither did the startup script.
We're running three different services in this way. Two of them are ruby daemons (one uses sinatra, one does not) and the other is a background java process. This is occurring for BOTH of the ruby processes but is not happening on the java process. Maybe something changed in Ruby?
FTR, we've got ruby 1.8.5 and RHEL 5.4.
I've done some more probing. The daemon function does a bunch of stuff, but the meat of the matter is that it runs the program using runuser. The command essentially looks like this:
runuser -s /bin/bash - joeuser -c "ulimit -S -c 0 >/dev/null 2>&1 ; RAILS_ENV=production ruby /opt/myapp/lib/daemons/my-sinatra-app.rb -p 8002 '</dev/null' '>>/var/log/myapp/app-out.log' '2>>/var/log/myapp/app-err.log' '&'"
When I run exactly that at the command line (both with and without the single-ticks that got added somewhere along the line), I get the exact same screwy behavior w.r.t. the output log. So, it seems to me that this is an issue of how ruby (?) interacts with runuser?
Too long to put in a comment :-)
change the shebang to add #!/bin/sh -x and verify that everything is expanded according to your expectations. Also, when executing from terminal, your .bashrc file is sourced, when executing from script, it is not; might be something in you're environment that differ. One way to find out is to do env from terminal and from script and diff the output
env > env_terminal
env > env_script
diff env_terminal env_script
Happy hunting...
