Navigation Bar and Tab Bar in Cordova - ios

I have an iOS app in the app store, but it's running on a very old version of Cordova that needs to be updated. Unfortunately, the plugins I have been using for the navigation bar and for the tab bar are not compatible with the current version of iOS.
There are HTML toolkits that include this type of functionality, but in my case, I can't use them. I'm actually loading the web app from a web server rather than locally, and any communication errors would break HTML navigation. (I realize this is not ideal, but it is beyond my control.)
I have searched for other navigation bar and tab bar plugins, but I haven't found anything of interest. It seems to me that I'm missing something. Is there an easier way to add navigation controls to a Cordova app? Is there a plugin that I haven't found?

I ultimately just fixed the AndiDog plugins to work on iOS8.

I'm not sure if this is the answer you're looking for, but I have created a tab-bar system created in JS/HTML for hybrid apps and web apps. (That runs locally!). It's called app-tab-bar.


Titleview not visible on IOS - Maui

I'm using Maui to create a cross-platform app. To navigate through the app the appshell is used. On Android everything is working fine, but on IOS the custom titleview isn't displayed right. After startup only the bottom half of the view is visible, and after I switch to a different tab and back, the titleview is gone completely. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Is there any way to fix this?
(Maybe related to but I'm not sure)
-- content --
This issue can be reproduced for iOS. Several issues on Github has mentioned this question: Shell TitleView disappearing on tab change #9687 and Title view not displayed after navigating shell tabs #9269.
Also, several workaround has been found, such as wrapping the shell in a navigation page and using a custom render for AppShell on iOS.
Seems so many issues are related to the commit you mentioned in the question. You could wait for the new release, update Visual Studio and reopen these issues if it still not work.
Hope it works for you.

React Navigation Stack Navigator default shadow styling

I'm using React Navigation to construct a tab bar based type of an app in ReactNative.
"react-native": "0.44.0",
"react-navigation": "^1.0.0-beta.9",
I've got the navigation part pinned down and working. But with regards to styling I'm seeing a shadow on the StackNavigator (navigation controller) inside tab bar. Refer image below.
I'm not used to seeing this kind of a shadow on native iOS apps (I'm an iOS mobile dev trying out RN)
upon further investigation I saw that there are 'shadow' properties specified in 'Card.js' in ReactNavigation. So I manage to fixed the issue by passing in some overriding cardStyle like so
cardStyle: { shadowColor: 'transparent' }
Given all the above, I have two questions
Question 1
Why is this the default behaviour/styling?
To debug the issue, I decided to do a quick view debugging in Xcode and found that 'shadow' does not show up in there.
Question 2
Why is this happening?. Since RN app is essentially a native app (native iOS in this instance), isn't view debugging a reliable way to debug these kind of view related issues?

Hide Page Indicator Dot in WatchKit?

I'm new to native development on xcode and have gotten started working with WatchKit to put together a Watch extension for my HTML5 hybrid app. I'm trying to figure out how to hide the indicator dot on a page-based app view. It looks like the iOS analogue provides the ability to hide the dot, but I can't seem to find anything for WatchKit. The Apple reference site doesn't appear to indicate any such functionality, and don't see any config in the storyboard. I've Googled and searched on StackOverflow, and haven't found anything there either.
Is it possible to hide the page indicator dot on a page-based app view? If so, how might I accomplish this?
It is currently not possible to hide page indicator.

Integrating Navigation of iPhone app and Xpages App

I am finishing an iPhone app for my company.
I am using Xcode and Xpages, as we are a Lotus Notes shop.
In Xcode I am using a UINavigation Controller with a Table View for selections. One selection is the Company Directory, which is an Xpage using the Xpages Mobile Controls (Single Page Application and then Application pages, etc.). This works fine EXCEPT for the navigation hand off between the Xcode parts of the app and Xpages. I end up with two sets of navigation controls, which is not good.
Any ideas how I can get around this?
OK, I think I figured this out.
It really isn't anything to do with Xpages, but with using UIWebViews within iOS.
The problem was that on the first webView, I wanted to show the iOS Navigation, but in any subsequent ones I didn't want to - would just prefer to use the web navigation.
There is a delegation method in iOS Web views that allows you to show or hide the navigation bar. I added this delegate and just check to see which page I am on. If on the first one, I show the iOS Navigation, else I suppress.
This works great!

IBM Worklight - Is it possible to add UINavigationController as the starting native page?

I am trying to integrate a navigation based iOS application into IBM worklight. However, I am not able to add UINavigationController as its first native page. In the tutorials, they have only explained integrating a normal UIViewController. Since UINavigationController is a subclass of UIViewController, Shouldn't one be able to integrate that as well?. Could some one please tell me if I can integrate a navigationcontroller using "" API.
Currently, I am not able to figure out how to set the rootviewcontroller for the navigationcontroller object.
I do not know the motives for your request so this might not answer your question, but it does offer an alternative.
See the following blog post by Anton Aleksandrov. In it Anton explains how use native controls, which can also be navigation controls in your case, in your Worklight Hybrid application. That is, w/out the need to do it in a "native page".
Essentially, you are still using the HTML file as the "starting page" of the application, but you shrink the Cordova WebView, allowing you to add, place, native controls at the top and bottom for example. There you can place a native navigation control.
Blog post: [iOS] Combining native and web controls in Cordova based applications
