Phone gap and cordova? - ios

I am planning to create a project in phonegap. But I am bit confused with the same. In phonegap website, when I checked the documentation, I could see two command, one is for cordova and the otherone is for phone gap. I have created the application with cordova command line tool. My client is clearly mentioned, he needs phonegap. But I have started with Cordova. So is it possible to integrate phone gap in my current project.

See this link it will be clear PhoneGap, Cordova, and what’s in a name?
PhoneGap is a distribution of Apache Cordova. You can think of Apache
Cordova as the engine that powers PhoneGap, similar to how WebKit is
the engine that powers Chrome or Safari. (Browser geeks, please allow
me the affordance of this analogy and I’ll buy you a beer later.)
Currently, the only difference is in the name of the download package and will remain so for some time.
Look at this answer from Avhishek where there is more details about how they differ
So it doesn't actually matter much which command you are using. You can use cordova instead of phonegap..Phonegap is build on top of cordova.
Look at both documentation (phonegap & Cordova) they are quite same.


Does flutter SDK provide any framework to develop apps for Windows phone?

I want to know whether google is planning to support any other platforms other than iOS and Android for Cross platform development using Flutter.
Like React native windows for React native does flutter have framework that would support windows phone development?
Nobody can answer this question except Google, however it seems very unlikely that anyone would put effort into Windows Phone when even Microsoft are not:
Of course we'll continue to support the platform.. bug fixes, security updates, etc. But building new features/hw aren't the focus. 😟
As for:
support any other platforms other than iOS and Android for Cross platform development using Flutter
This is not officially supported, but lots of people in the community are interested in running Flutter on desktop and have been playing around with it. Maybe in future it'll cover more platforms even if they're not official or from Google.
A job we are doing right now has windows phone compatibility as a requirement.
My suggestion is to look into exporting Flutter to Web and then making a windows app which is just a full screen webview and loading the flutter web app in the app's internal webview.

Ionic - Build for IOS on Windows (for latest IOS and Ionic)

I successfully built my app for Android, but naturally things are not that simple for IOS for a windows user.
This question has been asked many times before in many places at different times in different versions, but I'm interested to see if there's any up-to-date info on the issue.
Here's an old topic with a variety of answers:
I'm using ionic 3 and I'd like to build for the latest IOS, My PC OS is Windows 10.
Does Ionic provide any way to make this process easier?
I understood that in the latest IOS an apple dev account is no longer a requirement for testing. How do I test without one? (perhaps it's possible only when using a MAC?)
How do I use PhoneGap Build with Ionic?
It requires apple app certificate and keys to build.
Am I supposed to manually create a config.xml?
I use windows to develop Ionic. In order to build for IOS I have installed VMWare on which I emulate MacOS X, installed xcode and all the tools necessary for building ionic. I have been able to test and deploy my apps to an ios device through usb with ionic/xcode. However I haven't push any apps to the app store yet. If you want to get started into this, take a look at this link.
After doing some research I found out that ionic has a cloud packaging service. (previously [link dead])

Uploading an app to iPhone

I'm making a small app for personal use that cannot (as far as I'm aware) be done as a web page. It utilises Cordova and the Ionic framework. The only reason I require Cordova is for bluetooth support.
Is there any way to put the app on just my phone without paying the $99? As far as I can see there isn't the possibility of that?
There is no way to do this. You have to join Apple Developer program to install your application into your actual device.
You can use the PhoneGap Developer App or Ionic View to run apps on your phone. However neither support the Cordova Bluetooth plugins yet.

Unclear Difference between Phonegap and Apache cordova

After reading this article still i am not clear with Phonegap and Cordova. Some where said that Cordova is an engine which power up the Phonegap (like webkit in browser) My assumption is
Phonegap -- Adobe product --> used for taking remote build Apache , Its not open source
Cordova -- ASF product --> support only native machine build. (For
an example if developer using Windows PC. To take build for IOS, he needs to setup Cordova environment in MAC too), but free of cost when moves to production.
Other than this anyother major concepts left. Best answer for this post will improve better understanding on this basic concepts.!/guide/cordova what about this one still i am in confused state
PhoneGap is Cordova with some additional tools such as PhoneGap Build (which takes your HTML and packages it into the native installables (APK/IPA/XAP/etc.). Look at and you'll see they are exactly the same.
Cordova is a bridge between JavaScript and the native hardware. This means you can write a web app which runs on all platforms and uses Cordova to call native hardware calls through an abstract interface (i.e. the Cordova JavaScript library). E.g. I might need to take a photo, save it to the device's storage and then upload it (admittedly, HTML5 supports this out of the box anyway) - but with Cordova I can do this using the same JavaScript code - so much less coding effort.
The difference between a web app you access browsing the web, and a Cordova web app, is the Cordova web app is package into native binaries to imitate a native app (which is accessed through the device's app store and installed/updated like a native app).

Will Phonegap current version work on BlackBerry OS version 5?

I am new to mobile development and I was wondering if the applications I develop using phonegap will work correctly on Blackberry OS 5 since they don't support it yet. I won't need any fancy features in my app and wanted to use phonegap to develop for Android, IPhone and Blackberry. But of course I am having problems with the different versions of Blackberry OS just like everyone else.
I had a chance to test this once. I have put my Phonegap application on 5.0 and observed how it behaves. Application has launched properly. But i Observed following issues.
HTML5 is supported but localStorage and sessionStorage is not supported.You need to find an alternative.
HTML Page transition is too slow. End used will certainly not accept the performance.
Few jQueryMobile API's don't work.
You cannot be sure that page will be viewed same as you see in 6.0+. Few elements get distorted.
You need to test each and every UI element and see if it is working proper.For example datepicker displays date on right side of the page instead of left
Few PhoneGap API's don't work or they crash.For example API to launch camera crashes.
After observing above issues i felt that even if phonegap is supported in 5.0 it doesn't make big sense.
Yes, but to run on OS version 4.x you have to target the PhoneGap BlackBerry application, while to run on OS version 5 or 6 you need to target BlackBerry Widgets / WebWorks -- the same application may work on both if you use compatible features, but you'll need two different builds, as though they were two different kinds of phone.
Now the support for earlier versions of BlackBerry has been withdrawn from Cordova 3.0 onwards, which in turn supports BlackBerry 10 only. Refer the following link for more details.
PhoneGap - BlackBerry Support
