Title says it all. I have a store (PrestaShop with dozen of combinations, some attributes are compatible with other and some not.
I'd like to hide some attributes depending on the choice of another, which PrestaShop obviously does not as I'm still able to select attributes even if the combination of these attributes is not possible.
Instead it adds a nice warning :
This combination does not exist for this product. Please select
another combination.
You can imagine time to spend if 10 or more combinations are not possible...
I tried to find a solution on the web, even asking on PrestaShop forum, but seems I'm the only one having that issue.
Any idea ? Thanks in advance
I'm trying to allow the users of my app to choose a single item in a big select (~2500 possibilities). So, as I already implemented md-chips with md-autocomplete in another app, I thought that all I had to do was to the same with a md-select. To my surprise, I didn't find a way to do that.
So basically I have 3 choices :
use md-chips but I can't limit them to one chip, I can show an error if two or more are chosen, but that's a rather weird UX to let the user choose two things and then alert them they can't.
use md-select, but from what I gathered, I can't use md-autocomplete, so choosing between 2500 objects is tedious
use md-autocomplete, but (not sure :) there's no ng-model, and worst my user can write about anything while I just want them to select one item
I'm sure I missed something in the docs, I just can't find a way to allow my users to select one and only one item with autocomplete.
Anyone ?
To start this is not an ACL issue.
I am having troubles adding and removing objects to some users this way:
etc... and actually any other way present in Parse documentation.
To make the problem clearer, I have several users in Parse and I can modify only one column of this one user. The other columns, with all similar attributes, are not responding to my requests, even though I only change the key from the one that works. Furthermore, for this same column that works for one user, doesnt work for the other...
I am weirded out. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has ever encountered such issue. I have conducted several hypotheses but none revealed correct.
Any help would be acclaimed and welcomed with wide open arms.
Thank you for your time.
Try PFUser.currentUser()!.refresh() before trying to set or get values to see if it's not a cache issue.
Apologies in advance as I'm sure this topic has no doubt been asked before but I couldn't find any post that answers my specific query.
Bearing in mind that I'm new to MVC this is where I have got to. I've got a project developed under VS 2010 using the MVC 3 framework. I've got a search page which consists of 6 fields and a nested model which itself holds around 3 fields.
I can successfully post all this data back to itself and the data is successfully passed as a model and back agian so the fields keep the data which the user has supplied.
Before I move on to actually using this search criteria on another view a thought hit me. I want to keep this search criteria, and possibly even the search results in memory for the duration of the users session.
The reasoning behind this is simply to save my users time by:
a) negating the need to keep re-inputting their search criteria regardless of how they enter or leave the search page
b) speed up the user experience by presenting the search results more quickly
The later isn't as important as the first requirement.
I've done some google searches and indeed had a look through this site on similar topics. From what I've read using sessions (which I would typically use if developing a PHP site) is a no no. From the reasons I've read as to why you shouldn't use sessions seem valid and I'm happy to go along with it.
But now I'm left in a place where I'm scratching my head wondering to myself what exactly is best practice to achieve this simple goal that could be applied to similar situations later down the line in the project.
I also looked at the OutputCache method and that didn't behave as I expected it to. In a test I set the timeout for 30 seconds. After submitting a search I clicked the link to my search page to see if the fields would auto-populate, they didn't. But then clicking the search button the values in the cache were retrieved. I thought I was making progress but when I tried to submit a new value the old value from the cache came back i.e. I couldn't actually change my search criteria with the cache enforced. So I've discounted this as an avenue to explore.
The last option seems to suggest the use of cookies as the most likely candidate, but rightly or wrongly I feel this isn't the best solution. I would have thought the MVC 3 design pattern would have an easier and recommended method of persisting values. I'm sure there is but I've just not discovered it yet.
I have started to use JQuery and again this has been mentioned but I'm not sure this is right direction to take either.
So in summary my question really comes down to what is considered by the wider community as best practice for persisting data in my situation. Effiency, scalability and resiliancy is paramount as I'll have a large global user base that will end up using this web app.
Thanks in advance!
I'd just use cookies. They're simple to use, you can persist them for as long as you want or have them expire when the users closes their browser, and it doesn't sound like you are storing anything sensitive in them.
On my User's edit page I want users to be able to select from checkboxes what programming languages they know. I will give them about 15 to choose from. I then want to store these results in the User model to be accessed/searched for later.
What is the best way to go about this?
You can apply a many to many associations for achieving so. If you Google or even search SO, you will get lots of examples.
However, you can simply achieve same thing using the following gem
It appears it's example matches your requirements. In the examples, they described same (skills) thing. So, you will get it done easily.
Well, my question is simple.
Does the ID affect the position of a webpage on Google ?
I have links like this
and people say to me that I should remove the ID from the URL.
And I belive that is not true. By my logic, you can't depend on the title's slug. I know it should work perfectly fine if there aren't two pages that have the same title, but why should I remove the ID if there is no harm when it's there.
Yes, leave it there.
Google has no business trying to second-guess what each element of a URL represents and changing its index based on that.
URLs by their nature can map to any resource, and I'm pretty sure Google recognises that. All you should do is ensure that multiple URLs don't have the same content by using redirects. So, for example, http://example.com/news/wrong-title-slug/15/ should redirect back to http://example.com/news/title-slug/15/ rather than just echo back the same page. Google doesn't really like duplicate content.
It's fine.
But I would not put that behind the title-slug though. Some url might get more confusing than the others.
a better one would be :
Besides, you can't really rely on just the title-slug, because changing the title of an entry means breaking user's bookmark. Not to mention that it is faster to retrieve an entry from the database by an integer ID instead of an url-slug.
The problem here is not whether Google will accept it, but whether or not doing so is user-friendly.
A common reason for keeping the ID in a URL is to ensure that the URL is unique. For example, if two people on here were to create a question named "Jon Skeet Facts" we'd have a problem, whereas with the ID the users are aware that they are two different questions with the same title. This is the same as with relational databases where a unique identifier is required.
In essence, why care what Google thinks? The whole Search Engine Optimisation industry is a farce, and this is coming from someone who has been paid more than once as a SEO Consultant. Why follow what Google wants when you can map Google's intentions by making your website perfect for the user? If you make a good website Google will reward you. The ID has a reason to be there, so keep it in.
I think your fine leaving it in. Seems to make sense as you get the element for identification and the element for being descriptive. It is done on here after all.
Zeus won't strike you down for it. I prefer not to have meaningless numbers in there because it's not very attractive or semantic.
Having the id will NOT hurt your SEO rankings. Having the slug there ensures that the page's main keywords will be indexed so it's all good.