Testing microdata in Gmail doesn't work - google-schemas

I've found some interesting pieces of code on Google Schemas and I know that the only way to test it without being whitelisted is sending mails to yourself, but my problem is that even that doesn't really work for me.
I've tried countless examples in both formats, but only the Flight Reservation and the Go-To Action are working at all... Even though I let everything run through Google's markup validator before testing and it turned out to be valid.
So... does anyone know if this is an error that lies with Google (missing functionality, wrong examples, faulty markup tester, ...) or am I in fact missing something which is the reason why it doesn't work?
(I'm sending/receiving the emails through the normal Gmail inbox in Firefox version 33.0. In case it's important, I'm using a Laptop with Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS)

The functionality is still missing from Gmail. In other words, no one at Google working at Gmail has coded any functionality to pick up, for example cooking recipies.


Email Schema Markup

I am currently experimenting with some Rental Car Reservation Email Schema and also Go-To Action Email Markup. About a year ago, I played around with the code and used Apps Script Quickstart Guide to test the markup. The tests worked as expected and I was getting all sort of great results in email. Specifically, I was seeing action buttons and, when in Google Inbox, all sorts of cool treatments of the reservations. I also saw my tests come through on "my car rental" queries in Google.
Today, I went ahead and redid my test, and some of the results were not the same. First off, I am unable to replicate the action buttons. My theory is that perhaps these were discontinued with the new version of Gmail. As for Google Inbox, those are still coming through. However, with Google Inbox slated to be discontinued in March 2019, this matters very little to us now. Lastly, my "my car rental" queries are not pulling in any results.
Is anyone able to confirm that email markup is still relevant? Google's documentation hasn't been updated since 2017, so it would be great to know before going through the effort of implementing the markup.

Adobe Analytics Slicing Tags

I have an iOS app where I have analytics setup (as most people do) that tracks a whole set of different scenarios. In a few of them, the data I send with the tag doesn't all get sent. What I mean by this is best demonstrated with an example. If I send the following data as a tag in one of my analytics:
User successfully logged into the app and hit the homescreen
Now, I wouldn't normally send all of that in just one tag, it would get broken up, but for example purposes, pretend that's what I want to send. For quite a few users, tags like this will get sliced up into all sorts of different tags, so when I actually look in SiteCatalyst, I end up seeing a bunch of tags that may resemble something like so:
successfully logg
nd hit the homescreen
User successfully logged into the app and hit the homescreen
User successfully logg
And so on. It breaks it up into a bunch of different parts, and then displays them all as separate tags. The ones that are affected get broken up into 15-20 different tags all of which are different parts of the full tag.
Here is the hard part: I can't reproduce the issue. I'm trying, but haven't been able to yet. I also am not very well versed in Adobe analytics and am not sure how the backend setup is for us on SiteCat.
Because of my inexperience with analytics, I'm not sure what more data may be helpful. My code doesn't do any truncation, it simply calls trackAppState:withContextData:, and the tags in my contextData get truncated like I showed.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Has anyone seen anything similar? Or could anyone point me in a direction that may get me started looking into this issue? I'm really at a loss of how to go about debugging this issue.
Edit: One piece of info that just hit me! I build up the tag in question (at least the current one I'm trying to reproduce, for all I know there are other tags that get truncated that aren't built up like this, I haven't gotten a chance to look into all of them yet.) using `-[NSString stringWithFormat:] and take the errorMessage that is returned as my message, so it's a dynamic tag.
It may have something to do with the stringWithFormat: message? Again, very lost as to where to even start with this one.
can you give us a sample of the code you use to call the trackAppState?
If it can help you you can enable debug logging for the Adobe Analytics library calling the method [ADBMobile setDebugLogging:YES]; in the appDidFinishLaunchingWithOption.
In this way you can see in the console how Adobe send the data.
You can also use the tool "Bloodhound" which is a proxy App developed by Adobe expecially for osx in order to let you sniff all the info sent by your App in real time, you can find it in the help section of the mobile marketing interface.

What's the proper and correct way to access files on O365 from iOS

I know that someone mean will probably close this question for being opinion, but the truth is, I'm not after opinion as such, but actual facts about the correct way and how to do this.
I've been searching around for quite a time and I'm still unclear as to what direction to take. It seems there are a billion* libraries that I could use, but I want to know what would be the correct, proper supported method of achieving this.
Essentially, I have a very simple requirement to list and download files from Sites on our Office 365 subscription to an iOS application.
Initially, I looked at the REST interface for Sharepoint and, from a browser, was able to easily perform a GET to our site and receive and receie a response with meta data about the file, for example:
I could also retrieve JSON output instead of XML by specifying an Accept header of application/json using the POSTMAN REST client for Chrome.
So far, so easy. Just the authentication to do outside of the browser and that's it.
I started by looking at Basic authentication, but wasn't sure if this is the right way to do it and even if it would work?
On looking further, it seems that actually, using OAuth might be the way to go. Apparently, you can either do this yourself (no idea how), or use a library (ADAL?) from Microsoft? Unfortunately, this all looks half baked will very little documentation that seems to work. It also requires the use of CocoaPods and workspaces and isn't just a simple library that I can copy to my project and start using (a la SwiftyJSON). There also seems to be a lot of other libraries around too.
I should mention that I'm using Swift, so I've tried converting code from Objective C to Swift (unsuccessfully) too. Apparently I can't use "readWithCallback" with an argument list that the code tells me I should actually use -- even a sample application I downloaded had the same issue.
I've also tried using node.js with a script (not a Web Application) and the documentation and number of libraries available for that is almost worse.
Any assistance to achieve this really simple capability would be hugely appreciated -- it's been driving me nuts.
Many thanks,
*this might be a slight exaggeration.
Office 365 has a RESTful API that you can use any programming language to authentication and integrate in your app.
Here is a simple example for iOS connected app to office 365. The sample shows how to do this in Objective C and SWIFT.
If you want to full iOS samples for office 365 connected apps, Check out this link:
Enjoy :)

Making a firefox/chrome extension from 0

i have a website, its to exchange links, files... to say it quickly it's my 'version' of twitter+megaupload,
Well, users add links all the time and so on, but i would like user be able to syinch his bookmarks from the browser to the ones he has at his profile of mywebsite,
Where should i look into?
Basically i need to be able to:
- Acces bookmarks file (1)
- being able to send the urls to my service ( 2 )
- maybe adding the login feature (in the future)
I was google'ing about this for ages few weeks a go and i kind of give up, because i'm ok with PHP and JS, but with this plugin languages i'm very lost. So i decided posting here, wich always brings positive answers
(1) - > I don't even know where to start
(2) -> i was thinking to have a website.com/auto_import_no_confirm.php?url=[URL] and put it in a for each.
how many different languages and extension files do i have to work with? I really need any kind of tip with point (1)
feel like?
Just found This -> https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Code_snippets/Bookmarks
wich really looks like i need, but where do i place this code?
Might not be a bad question, but there are too many subtopics raised to answer that. (And there is too much tagspam as well. Break up your question into PHP- and Javascript-specific tasks, when you have devised the general application scheme.)
But to get started, download similar Firefox extensions (.xpi) and unzip them to inspect the general structure. You'll find examplary code for bookmark handling and invoking remote APIs pretty quickly. And basically you only need Javascript for the extension itself. (It sounds like your extension does not need much UI.)
And there are many tutorials on designing Firefox addons: http://roachfiend.com/archives/2004/12/08/how-to-create-firefox-extensions/ or http://www.google.com/search?q=firefox+develop+an+xpi
The good news first, you won't need much more than javascript if you just want to access bookmarks and send them to a server, neither on firefox nor on chrome.
But still you'll have to make yourself familiar with the apis of the browsers and learn how to develop extensions.
However, both Mozilla and Google provide all necessary information on their developer sites.
For Chrome, this is a good place to start, you'll find the api for bookmark access here.
The Corresponding site for Firefox can be found here, with information on bookmark access here.

how do I block my rails app from being hit by bots?

I'm not even sure I'm using the right terminology, whether this is actually bots or not. I didn't want to use the word 'spam' because it's not like I have comments or posts that are being created/spammed. It looks more like something is making the same repeated request to my domain, which is what made me think it was some kind of bot.
I've opened my first rails app to the 'public', which is a really a small group of users, <50 currently. That was last Friday. I started having performance issues today, so I looked at the log and I see tons of these RoutingErrors
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/portalApp/APF/pages/business/util/whichServer.jsp" with {:method=>:get}):
They are filling up the log and I'm assuming this is causing the slowdown. Note the .jsp on the end and this is a rails app, so I've got no urls remotely like this in my app. I mean, the /portalApp I don't even have, so I don't know where this is coming from.
This is hosted at Dreamhost and I chatted with one of their support people, and he suggested a couple sites that detail using htaccess to block things. But that looks like you need to know the IP or domain that the requests are coming from, which I don't.
How can I block this? How can I find the IP or domain from the request? Any other suggestions?
Follow up info:
After looking at the access logs, it looks like it's not a bot. Maybe I'm not reading the logs right, but there are valid url requests (generated from within my Flex app) coming from the same IP. So now I'm wondering if it's some kind of plugin generating the requests, but I really don't know. Now I'm wondering if it's possible to block a certain url request, based on a pattern, but I suppose that's a separate question.
Old question, but for people who are still looking for alternatives I suggest checking out Kickstarter's rack-attack gem. Allows not only blacklisting and whitelisting, but also throttling.
These page seems to offer some good advice:
The section on blocking by user agent may be something you could look at implementing. Is there anyway you can get the useragent from the bot from your logs? If so look for the unique aspect of the useragent that probably identifies the bot and add the following to .htaccess replacing the relevant bits
BrowserMatchNoCase SpammerRobot bad_bot
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from env=bad_bot
Its detail on that link in more detail and of course, if you can't get the useragent from your logs then this will be of no use to you!
You can also update your public/robots.txt file to allow/disallow robots.
