IOS 8 iPad make only Launch Screen portrait only - ios

I know how to make an iPad app portrait only for the whole app and how to make particular views portrait only, but not how to make the launch image portrait only. How do I do it?
Currently I only have "portrait" checked under "iOS 7.0 and Later" in images.xcassets. The reason I want the launch image portrait only is I tried getting landscape to work but despite multiple attempts and asking about it here, I had no luck.
I want the app to handle both portrait and landscape iPad and iPhone. But the landscape image for iPad does not display so I want to force the launch image and just the launch image to be Portrait only.

No idea if you checked this but here is something often overlooked.
In the Workspace, if you choose your target project, in Deployment Info, there are two things to check there. First, make sure the Device Orientation is set to "Portrait" only. Then, open the drop down menu on "Devices". Choose each separately and do the same thing. For some reason for me, universal does't apply it to iPhone and iPad simultaneously.


IOS Launch screen storyboard shows up in different orientation

I have an IOS app built with XCODE 11 which is landscape only(right+left).We are trying to move from Legacy launch images to Story board Launch screen.
The issue seems to be that the new launch screen appears as expected in landscape mode but when the device is in portrait orientation, the launch screen also appears in portrait , which looks weird because the image is meant to be in landscape to match the app orientation.
Note: The app launches in landscape after the launch screen irrespective of how the device is held.
Is there a way to lock the launch screen orientation to match the app (Landscape left+right)?
Been stuck on this issue for a while, appreciate any inputs :)
Have you tried set Supported interface orientations landscape in your info.plist only ?

Orientation issue in iOS 7.1 or iPhone landscape

I am developing an app support iOS 6.0 and up and only in landscape mode for both device.
I have an issue in splash screen/launch screen for landscape mode, I have used 2 approach but didn't work properly.
Approach 1: When I use Images.xcassets to set Launch images. It work fine in iPad device of any OS but don't work in iPhone device as specially in 4" screen phones and 4.7" screen phones.
I have attached image of Images.xcassets as below:
Approach 2
Now because of above problem, I have used lauchscreen.xib for iPhone and iPad. Now problem is, when i use this approach, Splash screen display as a portrait mode rather than landscape in iOS 7.1 only.
Supported Device Orientation:
I was shock when I read this and heard about it..
Till iOS 7, Apple don't support Landscape mode for iPhone and iPod. Apple supports Landscape mode only for iPad.
So what if we develop app and give support from iOS 6 / iOS 7?
In Images.xcassets, select iPhone for portrait mode and add rotated image with 90 degree.
Let's understand with Step by step process :-
Suppose you have image with 480x320 dimension image.
Open that image in preview(Image editor)/photoshop.
Now rotate that image and save it.
Add rotated image at respective place in Images.xcassets.
Clean Project and run.
Please make sure your orientations are set appropriately. Also please refer this link for more details :- iOS 6: How do I restrict some views to portrait and allow others to rotate?

iPad required launch images

I'm developing a universal iOS app that only supports portrait and upside-down interface orientations. When supplying the launch images in Xcode, I see that I have warnings for landscape orientations, even having only portrait and upside down enabled in device orientations settings. Does this mean that I need to supply landscape launch images anyway? I don't find this clear in Apple's documentation.
No. These are warnings. Apple would prefer you support all orientations on iPad, and recommend you do, but they do not require it. (Yet)
Launch Images in Landscape Orientation is optional and xCode ignores it if it is not provided in Application.
However, If you are using Xcode5 there will be a folder named Images.xcassets > Launch Images > There will be a blank icon available for iPad Landscape > Right Click on those 1x and 2x icon > Remove Selected Items.
This will remove the warnings that you are having in your case.
Let me know if that helps.
an iPad app includes at least one launch image in portrait
orientation and at least one launch image in landscape orientation.

Make Universal (iPhone+iPad) app run on iPhone storyboard on iPad (simulated size)

I have a universal app that I've previously designed for both iPhone and iPad, now I don't want to work with the iPad storyboard. I know that I can't withdraw iPad support as I've previously published the app as universal. I need to keep my app "Universal" (so that I can update my app without failing verification), but make iPad use the iPhone storyboard in simulation mode. How can I use my iPhone storyboard with iPad in simulation mode? I've deleted the iPad storyboard, and changed the main interface of iPad also to the iPhone storyboard, but now iPad stretches all the view constraints to 768x1024 to fill the screen, giving it an ugly look. I just want to simulate the "iPhone app" (with the 2x button at the corner) but for obvious reasons, I need to keep device mode in "Universal" in project settings. If it's not possible, what is the best practice to programatically limit the whole storyboard to some limited size on the screen to manually make my app run at the same size (or double) of iPhone?
You can't do what you are asking. Once an app is universal it stays universal. You can't suddenly make the app appear to be iPhone-sized on the iPad. The universal app on the iPad will always be full screen. You need to continue properly supported the iPad screen size.
Your only other solution is to create a new iPhone-only app with a new bundle id. Of course this is bad for your existing users.
When you make your app only for iPhone and run it on iPad, there will be 2x scaling button. If you make your app universal, then your view will be stretched on iPad unless you use constraints, or create your screens programmatically regarding iPad and iPhone UI element sizes.

Screen Rotation in iOS

I need some help regarding "Screen Rotation". I am creating this application in Landscape mode but I also want to be able to turn the iPad to Portrait mode. I am trying something different and making the application inside the viewcontroller. Basically copy and paste a view controller over and over. My issue is that even after I select, "Portrait" to be the ViewControllers Mode it still changed to landscape when i the iPad is turned to Landscape mode. I hope this made sense. Any answers are greatly appreciated!
If you're setting the supported orientation modes under the 'Deployment Info' section of your project file in Xcode, might be worth double checking that you are setting the modes for iPad rather than iPhone if you setup your project as a Universal app.
