Screen Rotation in iOS - ios

I need some help regarding "Screen Rotation". I am creating this application in Landscape mode but I also want to be able to turn the iPad to Portrait mode. I am trying something different and making the application inside the viewcontroller. Basically copy and paste a view controller over and over. My issue is that even after I select, "Portrait" to be the ViewControllers Mode it still changed to landscape when i the iPad is turned to Landscape mode. I hope this made sense. Any answers are greatly appreciated!

If you're setting the supported orientation modes under the 'Deployment Info' section of your project file in Xcode, might be worth double checking that you are setting the modes for iPad rather than iPhone if you setup your project as a Universal app.


I have the device orientation of my app (iOS/ Swift) set to portrait only, however the screen still rotates?

Picture of deployment settings
As you can see in the picture, I have set my device orientation to portrait only, but the app will still rotate. I am coding completely programmatically, so there is no storyboard. Any Ideas?
After some headache I found that the reason it was acting up was because, I had not selected A Main interface in the "general" Target menu. This mistake started because I had deleted my storyboard to code UI programmatically. If you do the same select "LaunchScreen.storyboard", and your app will work normal.

Orientation not changing to portrait, iOS game

Am new to Xcode, using version 8, and have a small game done.
The problem I am facing is that the orientation is in landscape, which I can't get to portrait, in the simulator and on device.
Tried the following :
Changing Device Orientation under Deployment Info to Portrait,
Adding 'Portrait' under Supported interface orientations in the Info.plist file.
Maybe I m missing out on something that I may have overlooked. Could somebody shed some light on this?
Check under General/Deployment Info, There are checkbox options for Portrait, Upside down, Landscape left, landscape right. Make sure your intended options are also ticked appropriately. Also, check your "vary for traits" in your storyboard. There may be some conflict or something. If your game was made in Unity/Unreal, you gotta check the settings there before exporting to iOS format.
Well, just found this out. I am using cocos2D framework, which has the 'startUpOptions' Dictionary object (in AppDelegate.m) that need to be specified if the game needs to be in 'Portrait' mode thus:
[startUpOptions setObject:CCScreenOrientationPortrait forKey:CCSetupScreenOrientation];

How to implement Split Screen Multitasking on iPad using Third party apps?

I tried to implement the Multitasking feature Apple provided using AIR application, but I seem to miss something.
I did the following as apple recommended:
Compiled the app with iOS9 SDK.
All orientation implemented.
Storyboard added.
Still I do not see the vertical bar that divides the two app's for multitasking.
Let me know if you implemented this successfully in any third party apps?
All 3 listed steps are correct. Please also make sure Requires Full Screen is set to NO. It works perfectly for me.
Please let me know if you (or anyone else) still have trouble with Split View support.
What iPad are you using to test your app? Not all iPads support this behavior. This table shows which iPads support Slide Over, Picture in Picture and Split View:
Documentation from Apple for more information.
By the way how did you manage to use launch screen storyboard with Adobe AIR application?
Split screen wasn't working for me because even though I had a Storyboard, I wasn't using it. Make sure your Launch Screen File is set, and your Launch Images Source is blank.
Check off Portrait, Upside Down, Landscape Left, and Landscape Right under Deployment Info. Also make sure that Requires full screen is not checked off.
Finally you should double check that your Info.plist is correct. UIRequiresFullScreen should be NO. Supported interface orientations and Supported interface orientations (iPad) should have all 4 orientations.

IOS 8 iPad make only Launch Screen portrait only

I know how to make an iPad app portrait only for the whole app and how to make particular views portrait only, but not how to make the launch image portrait only. How do I do it?
Currently I only have "portrait" checked under "iOS 7.0 and Later" in images.xcassets. The reason I want the launch image portrait only is I tried getting landscape to work but despite multiple attempts and asking about it here, I had no luck.
I want the app to handle both portrait and landscape iPad and iPhone. But the landscape image for iPad does not display so I want to force the launch image and just the launch image to be Portrait only.
No idea if you checked this but here is something often overlooked.
In the Workspace, if you choose your target project, in Deployment Info, there are two things to check there. First, make sure the Device Orientation is set to "Portrait" only. Then, open the drop down menu on "Devices". Choose each separately and do the same thing. For some reason for me, universal does't apply it to iPhone and iPad simultaneously.

Device orientation in Xcode does not seem to work properly

In my project I have only options "portrait" and "upside down" selected. The two of landscape options are not checked. But when I run it whether on a device or on simulator and turn it right or left the app becomes landscape. It should not, what could be wrong?
Ups, sorry i didn't noticed the iPad tab which also containes checkboxes with checked landscape
