How do I set the height and width to an NSArray animation? - ios

I have animation of images and some images are different widths and heights. What I am looking to do is set the width and height to each of theses images.
jumperguy.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"jumperguy_a_1.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"jumperguy_a_2.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"jumperguy_a_3.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"jumperguy_a_4"],nil];
[jumperguy setAnimationRepeatCount:1];
jumperguy.animationDuration = 1;
[jumperguy startAnimating];

UIImageView animation does a "flip book" style animation where each image is drawn into the same frame. I don't believe it will handle images of different sizes between frames. As Wain suggests, you should scale your images to fit in the same frame in an image editor before putting them into your app.

As I mentioned in my comment, you can programmatically scale each image in your array like so:
CGFloat width = whateverWidth;
CGFloat height = whateverHeight;
jumperguy.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[self imageWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"jumperguy_a_1.png"] scaledToSize:CGSizeMake(width, height)],
[self imageWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"jumperguy_a_2.png"] scaledToSize:CGSizeMake(width, height)],
[self imageWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"jumperguy_a_3.png"] scaledToSize:CGSizeMake(width, height)],
[self imageWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"jumperguy_a_4.png"] scaledToSize:CGSizeMake(width, height)],nil];
[jumperguy setAnimationRepeatCount:1];
jumperguy.animationDuration = 1;
[jumperguy startAnimating];
- (UIImage *)imageWithImage:(UIImage *)image scaledToSize:(CGSize)newSize {
// In next line, pass 0.0 to use the current device's pixel scaling factor (and thus account for Retina resolution).
// Pass 1.0 to force exact pixel size.
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, NO, 0.0);
[image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height)];
UIImage *newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return newImage;


resize UIImage according to the width

I have a NSMutableArray that contain several UIImage objects, these objects contain different dimensions and they all need to have the width of 140, but that will make the images really awful in my UICollectionView.
Is there a method where i put in the UIImage and then set the width 140 and then get the new height, which i need for the cell height?
Working code:
//create image array
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"yourimagename.png"];
NSArray *imageArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:image, nil];
//get image original height, original width...
CGFloat originalHeight = image.size.height;
CGFloat originalWidth = image.size.width;
//set wanted width and calculate wanted height...
CGFloat wantedWidth = 140;
CGFloat wantedHeight = (originalHeight*wantedWidth)/originalWidth;
//call resize image method... setting wanted height and width....
UIImage *avatarImage = [self imageWithImage:[imageArray objectAtIndex:0] scaledToSize:CGSizeMake(wantedWidth, wantedHeight)];
//create imageView.. ... .
UIImageView *avatarImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, wantedWidth, wantedHeight)];
[avatarImageView setImage:avatarImage];
[self.view addSubview:avatarImageView];
Resize image method.
- (UIImage *)imageWithImage:(UIImage*)image scaledToSize:(CGSize)newSize;
[image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0,0,newSize.width,newSize.height)];
UIImage* newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return newImage;

Crop zoomed image in UIScrollView issue

After going through this link, issue with my code is that output image is unable to set proper x and y values as cropped image seems to have 0 and 0 in the resultant image irrespective to where I zoom (or where the scroll offset is calculated). Here's what I tried.
- (IBAction)crop:(id)sender
float zoomScale = 1.0f / [self.scroll zoomScale];
CGRect rect;
NSLog(#"contentOffset is :%f,%f",[self.scroll contentOffset].x,[self.scroll contentOffset].y);
rect.origin.x = self.scroll.contentOffset.x * zoomScale;
rect.origin.y = self.scroll.contentOffset.y * zoomScale;
rect.size.width = self.scroll.bounds.size.width * zoomScale;
rect.size.height = self.scroll.bounds.size.height * zoomScale;
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions( CGSizeMake(rect.size.width, rect.size.height),
NSLog(#"rect offset is :%f,%f",rect.origin.x,rect.origin.y);
CGPoint point = CGPointMake(-rect.origin.x, -rect.origin.y); **//even though above NSLog have some values, but output image is unable to set proper x and y values as cropped image seems to have 0 and 0 in the resultant image.**
[[self.imagV image] drawAtPoint:point
self.croppedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
DTImageViewController *imageViewController = [[DTImageViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"DTImageViewController" bundle:nil];
imageViewController.image = self.croppedImage;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:imageViewController animated:YES];
Similar code as already posted but just taking whole UIScrollView bounds without passing a CGRect
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(scrollView.bounds.size, YES, [UIScreen mainScreen].scale);
CGPoint offset = scrollView.contentOffset;
CGContextTranslateCTM(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), -offset.x, -offset.y);
[scrollView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *img = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
img = [SDImageHelper imageWithImage:img_image scaledToSize:CGSizeMake(769, 495)];
The cropping method
+(UIImage*)imageWithImage:(UIImage*)image scaledToSize:(CGSize)newSize
// In next line, pass 0.0 to use the current device's pixel scaling factor (and thus account for Retina resolution).
// Pass 1.0 to force exact pixel size.
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, NO, 0.0);
[image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height)];
UIImage *newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return newImage;
I'm using the following code for this and it does exactly what expected:
- (UIImage *) croppedImageOfView:(UIView *) view withFrame:(CGRect) rect
CGContextTranslateCTM(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), -rect.origin.x, -rect.origin.y);
[view.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *visibleScrollViewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return visibleScrollViewImage;
- (void) crop
CGRect neededRect = CGRectMake(50,50,100,100);
UIImage *image = [self croppedImageOfView:_scrollView withFrame:neededRect];
Works well even if content is zoomed, the only thing that must be calculated wisely is needed area CGRect.

Stretched UIView background gets cut off during screenshot

So, I am taking a screenshot of a subclassed UIView that I save into the device's photo stream.
The problem is that I use resizableImageWithCapInsets to add a stretched background to my UIView, but this background gets cut off on the right side and I have no idea why. If someone could help me out it would be highly appreciated.
I add the stretched background to my UIView the following way:
[diagramBase addSubview:[self addTileBackgroundOfSize:diagramBase.frame
Which calls this method:
- (UIImageView *) addTileBackgroundOfSize:(CGRect)frame
andType:(NSString *)type
frame.origin.x = 0.0f;
frame.origin.y = 0.0f;
UIImageView *backgroundView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:type];
UIEdgeInsets insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);
UIImage *backgroundImage = [image resizableImageWithCapInsets:insets];
backgroundView.image = backgroundImage;
return backgroundView;
The actual printscreen is done with this method (RINDiagramView is the name of my subclassed UIView, which I am taking a screenshot of). The rotation is in there because I need the image rotated when I save it, but I commented out that part and that is not what does the background to act weird.
- (UIImage *) createSnapshotOfView:(RINDiagram *) view
CGRect rect = [view bounds];
rect.size.height = rect.size.height - 81.0f;
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(rect.size, YES, 0.0f);
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
[view.layer renderInContext:context];
UIImage *capturedScreen = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
UIImage *finalImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage: capturedScreen.CGImage
scale: 1.0
orientation: UIImageOrientationLeft];
return finalImage;
I use Xcode 5.1 and everything is done programmatically (no storyboard and such). The base SDK is iOS 7.1.
If you're doing iOS 7+ you can use the new drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates: and related methods which Apple says are really performant.
Even if you're targeting iOS 6 you should give it a try to see if you get the same problem.
Try using the correct scale?
UIImage *finalImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage: capturedScreen.CGImage
scale: [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale]
orientation: UIImageOrientationLeft];
Use a different UIViewContentMode?
UIViewContentModeScaleToFill -> check if you can see the edges
UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit -> check if you can see the edges, even if position is incorrect
UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill -> check for edge right side
The reason you got a right-side cut image is caused by this line
UIImage *finalImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage: capturedScreen.CGImage
scale: 1.0
orientation: UIImageOrientationLeft];
You made the image orientation to left, the context will thought the left-side is your top-side.And your size has a minus to the height value, so the result turns to the right-side is cut.
About the rotation, I added some code into your code.Hopes it is helpful.
- (UIImage *) createSnapshotOfView:(UIView *) view
CGRect rect = [view bounds];
rect.size.height = rect.size.height - 81.0f;
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(rect.size, YES, 0.0f);
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI_2);
[view.layer renderInContext:context];
UIImage *capturedScreen = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
UIImage *finalImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage: capturedScreen.CGImage
scale: 1.0
orientation: UIImageOrientationLeft];
view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(0);
return finalImage;
[self.window.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
NSData * data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
[data writeToFile:#"foo.png" atomically:YES];
for retina display, change the first line into this:
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector:#selector(scale)])
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.window.bounds.size, NO, [UIScreen mainScreen].scale);
adjust your size, may you get help..

drawInRect does not read / preserve UIImageView transform

I encountered a problem when I pinch, pan or rotate a UIImageview in drawInRect, the transform is not being preserved.
How can I preserve the transform in drawInRect?
I tried this but no go :(
- (UIImage*) combineImage:(UIImageView *)selectedImage withOverlay:(UIImageView *)overlayImage
/* Identify the region that needs to be cropped */
CGRect viewForImgFrame = self.viewForImg.frame;
NSLog(#"view %#", NSStringFromCGRect(viewForImgFrame));
NSLog(#"selectedImage Img value %#",selectedImage);
NSLog(#"overlayImage Img value %#",overlayImage);
CGSize newImageSize =self.viewForImg.frame.size;
NSLog(#"CGSize %#",NSStringFromCGSize(newImageSize));
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newImageSize, NO, 0.0); //retina res
//[self.viewForImg.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
[selectedImage.image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, selectedImage.frame.size.width, selectedImage.frame.size.height)];
CGContextConcatCTM(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), overlayImage.transform);
[overlayImage.image drawInRect:CGRectMake(overlayImage.frame.origin.x, overlayImage.frame.origin.y, overlayImage.frame.size.width, overlayImage.frame.size.height)];
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
NSData *imgData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.9); //UIImagePNGRepresentation ( image ); // get JPEG representation
UIImage * imagePNG = [UIImage imageWithData:imgData]; // wrap UIImage around PNG representation
return imagePNG;
Any comments are greatly appreciated.
you need to try
CGRectApplyAffineTransform(<#CGRect rect#>, <#CGAffineTransform t#>)
your code should be like
CGContextConcatCTM(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), overlayImage.transform);
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(overlayImage.frame.origin.x, overlayImage.frame.origin.y, overlayImage.frame.size.width, overlayImage.frame.size.height);
CGRect transformedRect = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(rect, overlayImage.transform);
[overlayImage.image drawInRect:transformedRect];
It turned out that the AutoresizingMask changed rect size
[slider setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingNone];

Image cropping issue in iOS

I am creating an iPhone app which has image cropping feature. In this, I am getting the photos from the UIImagePickerController and passing it for cropping. There it has a scrollview and the selected image will be added as a subview to the scrollview. And I am using a UIButton for selecting the area for cropping. User can move the button over the imageview and place it anywhere, and when click on CROP button, the area similar to the frame size of the button should be cropped from the imageview.
I used the following code, but it is not returning the actual image.
CGRect clippedRect = CGRectMake(self.scrollView.frame.origin.x+90, self.scrollView.frame.origin.y, self.scrollView.frame.size.width-180, self.scrollView.frame.size.height-220);
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect([self.myPhoto CGImage], clippedRect);
UIImage *newImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];
self.imageView.image = newImage;
also used
- (UIImage *)cropImage:(UIImage *)oldImage {
CGSize imageSize = self.cropFrame.frame.size;
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions( CGSizeMake( imageSize.width, imageSize.height), NO, 0.);
[oldImage drawAtPoint:CGPointMake( xPosition, yPosition)
UIImage *croppedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return croppedImage;
but the result image is not the exact image as per the button frame. I am getting the image from another area.
Updated code
- (void)loadPhoto{
CGFloat w = self.myPhoto.size.width;
CGFloat h = self.myPhoto.size.height;
CGRect imageViewFrame = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, roundf(w / 2.0f), roundf(h / 2.0f));
self.scrollView.contentSize = imageViewFrame.size;
UIImageView *iv = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:imageViewFrame];
iv.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
iv.image = self.myPhoto;
[self.view addSubview:iv];
self.imageView = iv;
[iv release];
CGRect crop;//= CGRectMake(10, 10, 360, 360);
crop.origin.x = self.cropFrame.frame.origin.x;
crop.origin.y = self.cropFrame.frame.origin.y;
crop.size.width = roundf(self.cropFrame.frame.size.width * 2.0f); //self.cropFrame.frame.size.width * 2;
crop.size.height = roundf(self.cropFrame.frame.size.height * 2.0f); //self.cropFrame.frame.size.height * 2;
NSLog(#"Rect: %#", NSStringFromCGRect(crop));
self.imageView.image = [self croppedImage:crop];
- (UIImage *)croppedImage:(CGRect)bounds {
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect([self.imageView.image CGImage], bounds);
UIImage *croppedImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef scale:1.0 orientation:self.myPhoto.imageOrientation];
return croppedImage;
Please help to find a solution.
The iOS has a default feature for cropping images.Try this code.
picker.allowsEditing = YES;
and also check this controller for cropping..this is exactly the one you are looking for I think .Hope this helps you..
Since you are using a scrollView that allows the image to be scrolled, you need to adjust your crop rect to the scrollView's position:
float zoomScale = self.scrollView.zoomScale;
int cropX = (self.scrollView.contentOffset.x-imageView.frame.origin.x)/zoomScale;
int cropY = (self.scrollView.contentOffset.y-imageView.frame.origin.y)/zoomScale;
You could use this crop tool that I made. It essentially gives you an interface to allow the user to select the crop area. I think it is in line with that you are looking for.
Believing you have solve this problem. Me too had this when tried cropping functionality
Set image.size as the imageView.size & scrollView.contentSize. Below code will give the rect to crop
cropRect.origin = scrollView.contentOffset;
cropRect.size = scrollView.bounds.size;
cropRect.origin.x /= scrollView.zoomScale;
cropRect.origin.y /= scrollView.zoomScale;
cropRect.size.width /= scrollView.zoomScale;
cropRect.size.height /= scrollView.zoomScale;
If planning to show the full image first on visible rect. Setting the imageView.size & scrollView.contentSize to visible view size will give crop image of some other area. Instead try finding the zoom scale by
CGFloat dxWidth = viewCrop.frame.size.width / imageView.image.size.width;
CGFloat dxHeight = viewCrop.frame.size.height / imageView.image.size.height;
CGFloat zoomScale = fmaxf(dWidth, dHeight)
and apply (if by adding subView then after addSubView)
scrollView.minimumZoomScale = zoomScale; // to disable further zoom-out
[scrollView setZoomScale: zoomScale];
