How to detect distance using an image (similar to EasyMeasure app) - image-processing

I am developing an autonomous robot using an iPhone. I want it to analyze images from its camera to determine its distance to objects.
I know it is possible to detect distance using a single, regular camera because there is an app in the app store called EasyMeasure that detects the distance from the phone to the object using only the rear camera.
So my question is: a) what algorithm can achieve this? b) are there any open source libraries out there that do this?
Thank you.

It is not possible without additional scale information about the scene. The app you mention is rubbish. Sorry.


How to find how much the mobile screen went from the eye's straight line

I have this requirement how to find whether the user is looking down or up the iPhone screen. like if the user have his iPhone in desk and he need to look down to the screen. if the same user taking a photo over his head means how to find it.
Is there is any sensors we need to use?
There is no direct sensor in iPhone that can recognise where your eyes looking but you can use front camera & machine learning to achieve your functionality. For more refer recognize gaze direction

Placing objects automatically when ground plane detected with vuforia

I'm working on an application where the concept is that you can 'select' objects before actually placing them. So what I wanted to do was have some low quality objects on a shelf or something like it. When the user selects the object he then can tap to place the high quality version of the object in his area for further viewing.
I was wondering if it's possible with vuforia. I wanted to use this platform since it works well from what I could tell and it's cross platform (The application needs to be for android and the HoloLens).
I have set up the basic application where you can place a capsule in the area. Now I wanted to automatically place the (in this case capsule) once vuforia has detected a ground plane. From what I could see the plane finder has events that go off when an input is detected, but I couldn't find an event that goes off when the ground plane is detected. Is it still possible with vuforia? I know it's doable with the HoloLens, but I would like to know if it's possible for android or other mobile devices. I really don't know where to start/look for so I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
Let me know if I need to include more information!
The Vuforia PlaneFinderBehaviour (see doc here) has the event OnAutomaticHitTest which fires every frame a ground plane is detected.
So you can use it to automatically spawn an object.
You have to add your method in the On Automatic Hit Test instead of the On Interactive Hit Test list of the "Plane Finder":
I've heard that vuforia fusion, does not yet support ARCore (it supports ARKit) so it uses an internal implementation to simulate ARCore functionality, and they are waiting for a final release of ARCore to support it. Many users reported that their objects move even when they use an ARCore supported device.

How to build inhouse map navigation for iOS application?

I have a requirement mentioned below:
Already have a floor plan map image
First detect current location on floor
Then select the destination location using floor plan map image
Now application should provide direction & distance for that source to destination path
This is like how google direction works, but its in-house map require.
For example,
- Current position of user is: At his desk
- Where is Meeting Room #11
- So application should provide direction and distance updates on the map/floor plan image.
Any kind of suggestions/help would be great.
Thanks in advance
Couple of points...
You could create various audio files and play them as way points based on routing. Same principal as 'turn right at the next light'.
Definitely want to set your accuracy to: kCLLocationAccuracyBest. But this will still probably only get you accuracy of around +/- 10 meters at best.
Do a floor plan overlay using MapOverlayView.
If you are indoor, iPhone uses cell towers or WIFI for a location fix. This might be a problem for you because if you are looking to map multiple floors, only GPS can give you altitude readings - ground floor, second floor, etc...
I don't want to pour cold water on your idea but I have not heard of anyone successfully doing an indoor navigation app on an iPhone using standard stuff. If you really wanted to move forward on this project, your best accuracy might be using indoor bluetooth transmitters as navigational beacons...?
What you want is path-planing in the map, is that? If so, there is lot of algoritms you can use. You can choose a block size based on your map and resolution needs, divide de map into this, amd mark each block as navegable or not. Then getting from the first block trying in the direction of the destionation block, check if the neighboor block is blocked or not, and get going, until you reach (or not, if its not reacheable) the destination block.
Thats a pseudo-implementation, you have some option to do it, if I understand your needs.
(I dont know your hardware as said by others, with simple GPS and indoor navigation, assuming a 15m resolution is a good balance between optimistic/pesimistc signal, If its for robot-navigation, its not a goos approach in the GPS terms, but the algorimt is).

Unity3D on iOS, inspecting the device camera image in Obj-C

I have a Unity/iOS app that captures the user's photo and displays it in the 3D environment. Now I'd like to leverage CIFaceFeature to find eye positions, which requires accessing the native (Objective-C) layer. My flow looks like:
Unity -> WebCamTexture (encode and send image to native -- this is SLOW)
Obj-C -> CIFaceFeature (find eye coords)
Unity -> Display eye positions
I've got a working prototype, but it's slow because I'm capturing the image in Unity (WebCamTexture) and then sending it to Obj-C to do the FaceFeature detection. It seems like there should be a way to simply ask my Obj-C class to "inspect the active camera". This would have to be much, much faster than encoding and passing an image.
So my question, in a nutshell:
Can I query in Obj-C 'is there a camera currently capturing?'
If so, how do I 'snapshot' the image from that currently running session?
You can access the Camera's preview capture stream by changing in unity.
I suggest that you have a look at some existing plugin called Camera Capture for an example of how additional camera I/O functionality can be added to the capture session / "capture pipeline".
To set you off in the right direction. have a look at the function initCapture in :
- (bool)initCapture:(AVCaptureDevice*)device width:(int)w height:(int)h fps:(float)fps
Here you will be able to add to the capture session.
And then you should have a look at the code sample provided by Apple on Facial Recognition :
Unity 3D allows execution of native code. In the scripting reference, look for native plugins. In this way you can display a native iOS view (with the camera view, possibly hidden depending on your requirements) and run Objective C code. Then return the results of eye detection to Unity if you need it in a 3D view.

can a video projector take input?

Can a Video projector take input?.. I want to create an augmented reality application where the user will click on the buttons projected in the screen.
Is this possible only with the projector ? or a camera is also needed?
I know that without camera it's not possible. But i don't know much abt the projectors that's why i am asking this question
Projectors can only project... they work with a strong light-bulb that projects the image onto the screen/wall...
If you want some sort of input, you need a camera or another sensor. This could even be a Nintendo Wii Remote:
(Have a look at the second project there)
But your projector itself is not capable of getting input... maximum would be infrared from remote controls, but that depends on the projector
You need something like a camera (can also be kinect or something like that) or something like a "touchable wallpaper" (don't know if there is something on the market).
This is pretty well solved.
