Rails / Devise - Passing Username into Profile Build - ruby-on-rails

I am currently working on a rails project using devise, and I have ran into a bit of an issue.
I have the default devise:install running with my User model, and I have a another model called Profile. It belongs_to :user, and the user has_one :profile.
The issue I have, is that I require the user to have a username, so it must be done on sign up; so this is passed into the users table through devise. But I need to use the username for the users profile url, and this means crossing an attribute from the Users table, with the Profiles view.
In the user model I am using: after_create :build_profile to build a profile for that user. This creates a profile with first_name and last_name etc into the profiles table.
So, using the 'friendly_id' gem I can link to attributes from the 'profiles/index'page to the users profile. The problem is I can only use things that have been passed into the profiles table, such as first_name or last_name I can't link to :username as that is in the Users table, not the Profiles table.
In the profile_model.rb file, at the moment I am using:
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :first_name
and in the profiles/index.html.erb file I am using:
<% #profiles.each do |profile| %>
<p><%= link_to profile.user.username, profile %></p>
<% end %>
This works for making URLs such as /profiles/John but John is no good as it is not unique.

Have you considered using nested routes? In your routes.rb file you can have:
resources :users do
resources :profiles
That way, you then use something like <%= link_to user_profile_path(#profile.user, #profile), #profile %>


How to display username next to message in rails app

I have built a simple chat application by following this tutorial -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRP91C1uX-w. On top of that, I have added a simple user authentication system using the clearance gem. I want to add a way to display the clearance account logged in next to the message sent by the user.
For example something like this -> test#gmail.com: Anyone online?
I have tried finding tutorials on how to do this but it just comes up with irrelevant videos that don't help my cause.
Welcome to SO. It is always better if you can add code to your questions, it helps with context, especially since links alone might not exist in the future.
That tutorial is really basic, highlighting the ActionCable and js features alone, but adding the user isn't too tough.
#1 Add a migration to attach the user to the message model
rails g migration add_user_to_messages user:belongs_to
Edit the migration to allow for no user (you might change this later)
def change
add_reference :messages, :user, null: true, foreign_key: true
Add messages to the user.rb model
has_many :messages
Add user to the message.rb model
belongs_to :user, optional: true
rake db:migrate
#2 Add the user to the form
(app/views/landing/index.html.erb in the tutorial)
<%= form_for #message, remote: true do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :content %>
<%= f.hidden_field :user_id, value: current_user.try(:id) %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
#3 Permit the user in the messages controller
def message_params
params.require(:message).permit(:content, :user_id)
#4 Send the email address with the message in the ActionCable
(after the message has saved app/controllers/messages_controller.rb)
ActionCable.server.broadcast('room_channel', content: #message.content, user: #message.user.try(:email))
#5 Pass the user data through the JS on new messages
(append the user to the html that is passed when a new message is created, in the channel js)
received(data) {
$("#msg").append(`<div class='message'>${data.user} - ${data.content}</div>`)

Invite User to Organization with Devise Invitable

I am sending an invitation to a new user using Devise Invitable. I have a related table to Users called Organizations, with a belongs_to/has_many relationship. When the new user goes to accept the invitation, it states that there must be an organization specified. How would I go about making sure the user is assigned to the inviting user's organization automatically, so that the database is updated and the invitation can be accepted?
Thank you!
Modeling after the invitation token as a hidden field, I added
<%= f.hidden_field :plan_id, :value => 1 %>
<%= f.hidden_field :organization_id, :value => 1 %>
to the edit.html.erb invitations view. This works to submit the information I'm looking for, but I'm worried that it is not secure, as those parameters could be adjusted. I also tried adding the following to the edit control in the invitations controller, but it did nothing.
resource.plan_id = 1
resource.organization_id = 1
I have a similar setup, have you tried something like this in the create section of your invitations controller?
This approach works for me, but you'll need to override the default invitations controller do it this way.
def create
#invited_user = User.invite!({:email => "bob#someone.com"}, current_user)
#invited_user.update(organization: current_organization)
I have current_organization defined in my application_controller.rb file as:
def current_organization
#current_organization ||= current_user.organization
if you use devise invitable, Overwrite your invitations controller's new and update actions.
In the new action associate the new user to the group, in the update action permit the foreign key and you should be good to go.

Rails devise: create association on user sign_up

As a total Ruby noob i need to do a simple thing but doing it the ruby way is not clear for me.
What is want to do is the following:
I have a devise User model with a one to one association "Account"
In the devise registration view i want to add extra form fields for this account, and that is where i am stuck.
It seems i cannot add the account fields to the view
for example this will not work:
# address is a field of Account
<%= f.text_field :address %>
How can i bring the Account model into the scope? Or is there a way to do something like this
<%= f.text_field :account['address'] %>
I have really no clue how to add account into scope or how i can access the User assoc Account properly.
Thx for the help
You need to use accepts_nested_attributes_for :account to able to add parameters from registration form.
Then whitelist these parameters by overriding devise method configure_permitted_parameters.
def configure_permitted_parameters
devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [account_attributes: [:address]])
You might need to change which parameters needs to be whitelisted.
Then in view, you need to use fields_for like
f.fields_for(:addresss) do |address_fields|
<%= address_fields.text_field :address %>
Hopefully, this solves the problem. Try to search about nested attributes if something doesn't work.
you need to override devise RegistrationsController from there modify on create method to build account record when user successfully sign up

Devise invitable batch invite - Ruby on rails

I'm trying to user Devise invitable to add multiple users at once. Basically when someone creates an account, the first thing they'll want to do is add a bunch of users using the invitable form...
just not sure how to duplicate fields in the form and have them send a create request for each entry.
Thanks in advance!
This is how I would do it.
Provide a text area that accepts a comma-separated email list. Define
a new action that sends an invitation to each email in this list.
Lets assume a User model and a users controller for this example.
Define a route for the batch_invite action.
resources :users do
collection do
post 'batch_invite'
Define the batch_invite action in the users_controller
def batch_invite
#Validate the user_emails field isn't blank and emails are valid
params[:user_emails].split(",").each do |email|
User.invite!(:email => email)
#redirect_to appropriate path
A form that accepts a comma-separated list of emails in a textarea.
<%= form_tag batch_invite_users_path, :method => :post do %>
<%= label_tag "Email ids of people you'd like to invite." %>
<%= text_area_tag :user_emails %>
<%= submit_tag "Invite!" %>
<% end %>
A couple of notes :
If you like your controller skinny, you could move the logic to the model, for instance, by creating a send_batch_invitations method in your User model and pass the params[:user_emails] as an argument to that method from the users controller.
Since the method that sends the invitations could take sufficient time to complete, I would suggest you assign this task to a background job processor, such as delayed_job or resque.
There are railscasts that demonstrate the usage of these two background job processors.

RoR: how do I create a "valid signup code" lookup?

I want to be able to give codes to potential users in the form of email links (e.g. mysite.com/signup?beta=rapunzel)
When someone clicks on the link, it populates a hidden_field with the value (will just using :params[:beta] work?)
Then before it creates the user it validates by checking against another table where I have different beta code.
Then goes ahead and stores which code or maybe just the beta.id.
Suggestions? A plugin already exists?
When your user hits mysite.com/signup, the action associated with that route will have the value "rapunzel" stored in params[:beta]. You can pass that onto your view by assigning it into an instance variable (#beta), pass it back to your user controller through your hidden field as planned, and compare it there to your table before saving the user object.
Or you could only allow your user to get to the signup page at all if they're passing in a valid beta code, in which case you won't need any special form fields:
def signup
unless BetaCode.find_by_code(params[:beta])
flash[:notice] = "You can't sign up without a beta code!"
redirect_to root_path
What parameters you get out of your URL will depend on how your routes are set up. With your current route you would get:
params[:beta] = "rapunzel"
If you specify your route as:
map.connect '/signup/:beta', :controller => 'signup', :action => 'beta'
you could send them a link like: mysite.com/signup/rapunzel instead and you would get the beta parameter the same as before.
To get the beta field onto the form just include it as a hidden field on the form page template.
In the controller put something like:
#beta_id = params[:beta]
Then in the view template put:
hidden_field_tag 'beta', #beta_id
Then when they signup and create a proper id you'll probably want to hook in an association from their row in the user's table to the row containing the beta id in the "beta" table. This could be a has_one association on the beta table if you only wanted to allow a single user to register with each beta id, or a has_many if multiple people could sign up with it.
I would have done this with a validation.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validate_on_create {|r|
beta_code = BetaCode.find_by_code(r.beta_code)
beta_code && beta_code.destroy ||
r.errors.add(beta_code, "is invalid")
attr_accessor :beta_code
In your form:
<% form_for(#user) do |f| %>
# fields...
<%= f.text_field :beta_code %>
<% end %>
This assumes that you have a BetaCode model whose table contains a list of beta codes.
