I am trying to integrate Soapui open source version 4.5.1 with Maven & then finally trying to make it run from CI.
But unfortunately the test classes are executing fine both from eclipse and command line in local system but fails in CI with this message:
16:58:34 16:58:34,323 INFO [WsdlProject] Loaded project from [file:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/rps_deals30_unittests_automation_priya/workspace/RPService/src/test/resources/serviceautomation/GService-Deals-Test-soapui-project.xml]
16:58:36 java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes
16:58:36 at sun.security.util.SignatureFileVerifier.processImpl(SignatureFileVerifier.java:240)
16:58:36 at sun.security.util.SignatureFileVerifier.process(SignatureFileVerifier.java:193)
16:58:36 at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.processEntry(JarVerifier.java:262)
16:58:36 at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.update(JarVerifier.java:216)
16:58:36 at java.util.jar.JarFile.initializeVerifier(JarFile.java:411)
16:58:36 at java.util.jar.JarFile.getInputStream(JarFile.java:478)
16:58:36 at sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader$2.getInputStream(URLClassPath.java:1003)
This is the relevant snippet from my pom.xml file:
Not sure where you got that pom configuration from, or what you are trying to do. Using the recommended pom from the the official documentation, you should just have:
Skip all the executions specific things, that is what causing your problems.
I've an issue when try to download file from swagger.
When I compiled a code with config below, I got an error:
Could not find goal 'download' in plugin io.swagger:swagger-codegen-maven-plugin:2.3.1 among available goals generate
I've tried to break to 2 plugins and it compiles successfully, but just one file is downloaded.
By the way, I want to define outputFile is a file in the folder target, and I've tried to change outputFile by the target path, but It compiles fail. Do you have any idea for this case?
Thank you for your helps
As mentioned in the comments, to download API definitions from SwaggerHub you need to use the swaggerhub-maven-plugin, not swagger-codegen-maven-plugin.
You are using the wrong plugins and you can do like this
If your swaggerhub api link is like this https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/massivebet/betting/0.9.0 then you config this and run
mvn clean generate-resources to download as yaml file
<token>your token if private apis</token>-->
In the current configuration, I am using a jacoco-agent in the tcpserver mode for web application deployed on the serve node. Also, using jacoco-maven plugin to generate dump and report from my local node. I am able to get the dump in my local node by task mvn jacoco:dump. But when trying to generate the report against dump file by task mvn jacoco:report, getting "Analyzed bundle 'dump' with 0 classes".
How can I generate a report by using jacoco-maven plugin?
Successfully able to generate a report by jacococli.jar.
java -jar ~/Downloads/jacoco-0.7.10-20171007.201717-57/lib/jacococli.jar report /app/jacoco_agent/new.exec --classfiles /target/classes --html report
Please help me to understand what's wrong, I am doing here with jacoco-maven plugin configuration?
I'm trying to extract some .exe files from a dependency jar file and put them under ${project.build.directory}/classes/.
But when I execute:
mvn clean compile dependency:unpack
I get:
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:unpack (default-cli) on project simple: Either artifact or artifactItems is required -> [Help 1
I have verified that the dependencies are available in my local repository.
In my example pom below I've used junit as an example, but no matter which dependency I list, I get the same error.
The issue is due to you cannot use mvn clean compile dependency:unpack and <executions> tags together.
In documentation Maven Depdendency Plugin at the bottom part of the page you can read:
If you intend to configure this mojo for execution on the command line using: mvn dependency:unpack you must not put the configuration inside the executions tag. Your configuration should look like this:
<groupId>[ groupId ]</groupId>
<artifactId>[ artifactId ]</artifactId>
<version>[ version ]</version>
<type>[ packaging ]</type>
<classifier> [classifier - optional] </classifier>
<overWrite>[ true or false ]</overWrite>
<outputDirectory>[ output directory ]</outputDirectory>
<destFileName>[ filename ]</destFileName>
<includes>[ comma separated list of file filters ]</includes>
<excludes>[ comma separated list of file filters ]</excludes>
<!-- other configurations here -->
I have tried removing the <execution> tags and works perfectly!
In my POM.xml file, I am using assembly plug in. I want the build to assemble things based on the assembly file, whose name is parametrized. The build works fine. However, if I use m2 release plug in using perform release action in jenkins, the release plugin could not substitute the value for $env and pick up the assembly.xml file. I get the following exception.
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.io.AssemblyReadException: Error locating assembly descriptor: src/main/assembly/${env}.xml
I have attached the log and POM file.
POM file build portion:
<configuraenter code heretion>
I'm trying to install a wsdl file into a remote Maven repository so I can reference it in a CXF project as per this blog post.
I'm sure it could be done manually, but I want an actual maven project so I can make use of the release plugin for tagging etc.
Has anybody got experience with this?
You can use the build helper maven plugin to do this. Here is an indicative code snippet