Is a Component Entity System implemented in Erlang even possible? - erlang

I've learned a lot about Erlang the last couple of days and am familiar with component entity systems.
With the process centric approach of Erlang I would suggest that each entity would be an Erlang process instance. As for the CES (Component Entity System) approach I would have a process for like a "MovementSystem" for entities that own a MovementComponent (for example). I would then with tail-recursion "iterate" over all registered entities and send them messages to let them update their own process state rather than doing that as batch-processing by the MovementSystem itself... (what I then wouldn't call an entity system anymore, because in my understanding a CES has all information of all entity and components it is processing, which would mean "shared memory", which is by concept not part of Erlang)
Are those two approaches/paradigms - Erlang and "Component Entity System" - excluding each other, or am I missing something?
(I wouldn't even call this prototype on GitHub ( a real Component Entity System. This approach there looks more that the Entity-System, it rather looks to me as an gen_event based MQ-approach, for which I would probably use RabbitMQ instead... but that's not relevant here...)
Right now I don't see how these two concepts are even possible to get combined...

Okay, I did further research...
This answer to another question to erlang explained it pretty well to me
One thing Erlang isn't really good at: processing big blocks of data.
Where a CES by nature handles a lot of data at once...
So, my answer would be "Yes, it is possible, but not a pretty good choice"...

I do not know about CES, but I do think that you are missing some things.
each entity would be an Erlang process instance
let them update their own process state rather than doing that as batch-processing by the MovementSystem itself
which would mean "shared memory", which is by concept not part of Erlang
It sounds as if you want to hold all your state in one place. The simplest way to do this is to use one process and have that process keep its own state. However, there are other ways: you could have a "global state" process that everyone can talk to. You can think of ETS as an example of this. Putting the shared state in a separate process makes synchronization much easier.
If you want to do parallel processing, there are many ways to arrange your code: you could have MovementSystem gen_server:cast to all MovementComponents and have them handle things. This probably works best if the different components of an entity interact and you need to know if something is trying to move and talk at the same time. If components are more independent, you might want to just spawn one-off jobs to handle the movement. Finally, it might be the case that running all movement code in serial is cheap and you just want one process per system.


Is it possible to properly use DDD with all building blocks in monolith application?

I watched some videos, read some blogs about it. SO has many questions and answers on that subject but I can not find anywhere exact answer for my question.
Almost every question and answer has a lack of usage context.
I have one middle sized,, monolith application which is running in one process on IIS. I want to (refactor and) go all the way with DDD (and CQRS without separated storage for reads and writes for now) but for me it looks like impossible mission without breaking some rules/guides/etc.
Bounded Context
For example I have more than one BCs. Each should not cross their boundaries which means should not share their storage. Right?
It is not possible if you use the whole known (everywhere scattered over the web) solution to work with NHibernate session and UoW.
Aggregate Root
Only one AR should be modified in one transaction. When others ARs are involved should introduce eventual consistency (if I remember those are Eric Evans words).
I try to do it but it is not easy in app like that. Pub/Sub not working as desired because if event is published then all subscribers are take their action within one transaction (NSB/MT does that way).
If event handlers wants to modify others ARs they should be executed in separated transactions, right?
Is it possible to deal with it in monolith application (application where whole code works in one process)?
It is not possible if you use the whole known (everywhere scattered
over the web) solution
if event is published then all subscribers are take their action
within one transaction
I think you're setting yourself useless and harmful constraints by trying to stick to some "state of the art".
Migrating an entire application to DDD + CQRS is a massive undertaking. Some areas of it don't have well-documented beaten paths yet and you'll probably have a fair bit of exploration to do. My best advice would be to stay at a reasonable distance from "the way people do things". Both in traditional ASP.Net web apps because mainstream practices often don't match the way DDD+CQRS works, and in CQRS itself because the case studies out there are few and far between and most probably very domain specific, with a tendency to advocate the use of heavy tools which may not make sense in your context.
You may need to think out of the box, adopt things incrementally and refrain from goldplating everything. You'll be better off starting with very simple implementations that suit your needs exactly than throwing a ton of tools and frameworks at your codebase.
For instance, do you really need a service bus or could a simple Observer pattern suffice ?
Regarding NHibernate, most implementations out there use a (single) Session Per Request approach, but just because it's the most popular doesn't mean it's the only one. Have you tried using multiple ISessions (one for each BC) available at a more programmable level, such as per-action, or managed entirely manually ? Conversely, have you considered sharing a database between Bounded Contexts at first and see for yourself if that's bad or not ?

BPM Engine vs BPM Engine Server

I'm doing some research on the workflow concepts and specifically BPMN standard. And I'm mostly interested in the available software on the subject.
I've already studied software like Activiti and jBPM, both of which are implemented in Java. As great as they are, I'm looking for something else. Even though such software call themselves BPM Engine I would rather name them BPM Engine Servers. They are stand alone servers (with web based GUI) which makes it really hard to embed them in other servers.
Now my question is: Is there a concept as BPM Engine in the manner it only executes the given BPM with the given data, only one step? Without any GUI or direct user interaction (something like a library)? What should I search for? What is it named? Are my expectations valid?
I've spent the last hours studying Activiti's user guide. I'm still not sure if I can use it the way I want it to! And I'll be grateful if someone can confirm it.
I'm interested in a console-like application which I can run whenever I like, give it the previously running process (most likely serialized as a string). The engine should construct the process based on the given history.
Once the process is reconstructed, I would like to move it forward one step by telling it what has happened. Then it should inform me of the next tasks to be performed and shutdown.
Finally I'll be storing the updated process after getting it as a string (the engine should serialize it in a way so it can unserialize it later).
I don't want the engine to have its own database or memory storage. I want it to shutdown completely once it's done. This is what I mean by Engine, no user interaction, no storage access.
Can any of the BPM engines perform in such a way?
perhaps I am missing your point, but Activiti is really nothing more than a jar file that can be embedded in any other java application. Certainly in order to run Activiti in any meaningful way you need a backing datastore (database) and one or more process definition, but as you can see from the unit tests that are part of Activiti, the database can be in memory and the process definition can be included in the war. There are many examples of Activiti (and likely jBPM) used as simply an embedded state machine with no exposed UI or user interaction.
My company has implemented a number of such solutions for different organizations.
If I have missed your point, feel free to give me an example of your requirement, I'm sure we have addressed it at one time or another.
You might be interested in Bonita BPM.
This open source BPM solution offers an execution engine that can be used as a standalone.
Just like its competitors, it also offers an optional GUI in the form of a web based application: Bonita Portal.
I think the challenge for what you want to do is that most of the BPM Engines separate the definition of the process from the execution. So for most of them you need someplace that will allow you to store the definition long term (typically a database) and then they track the state of a given instance of that definition for you.
If you wanted a truly stateless BPMN "interpretation" engine, then your serialized data would have to include not only the current state of the process, but he process definition as well. I'm sure this can be done, but I don't think any of the engines have taken this approach as doing so would add complexity to the solution, and solves a problem that not many people seem to be asking about.
Additionally it begs the question "given that we now have a process that knows what task it is on, how does that task actually get executed?" In most of the solutions I've seen the execution of the task takes place in the same server as the engine. In some where the execution is in a different technology, the "executor" doesn't understand the Process much at all except to make a call to signal "okay this thing is done" and the engine handles what happens next. You want to have this data in a serialize data structure of some sort, so the question would arise "If we have this stateless BPMN Engine, would the executor of the task have to update the serialized data to indicate the state change for the task".
There are other requirements of the BPMN specification that I think would make your approach very difficult, such as how to handle items like Intermediate Message Events that are either waiting for a specific time, or a message, before moving the process forward. While all of these are potentially solvable, it certainly would take significant re-engineering of current approaches.

One actor per simulated object, or a manager actor?

I'm developing a simulation that will feature many entities constantly updating, perhaps 30 times a second. Let's imagine we have 1000 entities, each of which has a velocity, and consequently a position that must be updated every tick.
So, how would you implement this using the actor model? I'm not necessarily using Erlang for this project, but for the sake of argument, let's just say I am. Would you have an actor for each of these entities? Or would you have a "manager" actor that maintains and updates a list of these entities?
Learn You Some Erlang says:
It is true that Erlang processes are very light: you can have hundreds
of thousands of them existing at the same time, but this doesn't mean
you have to use it that way just because you can. For example,
creating a shooter game where everything including bullets is its own
actor is madness. The only thing you'll shoot with a game like this is
your own foot. There is still a small cost in sending a message from
actor to actor, and if you divide tasks too much, you will make things
So that seems to suggest that managers would be better. Or is there a third option that I'm not seeing?
You say it! there is not one single good solution.
Now to be more helpful, and with the few background I have, I think you should look at these aspects of your project:
You say simulation. If you need to refresh a collection of entities every 30ms, first work to simplify the operations and the data model, and only second think how you can traverse the collection of data efficiently.
On the other end, if you have a huge and/or evolving collection of objects, with trivial algorithm/data model, then look at smarter data structure than lists, take care of the data copy...
If you use a multi-core (or a cluster) then think to have your entities grouped in several super entities in order to take advantage of parallelism, managing them in separate processes.
Next think if these groups can help you to reduce the number of evaluation (have an adaptive time slice? evaluation on demand? ...) .
Last, I think than generally speaking, Erlang is compact and easy to refactor, so take advantage of this an define some functional steps, and for each of them,
make them work, make them right and make then fast (Kent Beck ?)
For the last step you can get some help from the profiling tools such as fproof
Courage :o)
I think Learn You Some Erlang is making a bit of a premature optimization blunder here. You should use which ever abstraction makes the most sense to you, measure any problems, and refactor if necessary. Personally, I believe modeling each particle as its own actor would be the easiest to deal with, and is also the most idiomatic approach for the Actor model. Practically, however, you should do whatever floats your boat.

Things you look for when trying to understand new software

I wonder what sort of things you look for when you start working on an existing, but new to you, system? Let's say that the system is quite big (whatever it means to you).
Some of the things that were identified are:
Where is a particular subroutine or procedure invoked?
What are the arguments, results and predicates of a particular function?
How does the flow of control reach a particular location?
Where is a particular variable set, used or queried?
Where is a particular variable declared?
Where is a particular data object accessed, i.e. created, read, updated or deleted?
What are the inputs and outputs of a particular module?
But if you look for something more specific or any of the above questions is particularly important to you please share it with us :)
I'm particularly interested in something that could be extracted in dynamic analysis/execution.
I like to use a "use case" approach:
First, I ask myself "what's this software's purpose?": I try to identify how users are going to interact with the application;
Once I have some "use case", I try to understand what are the objects that are more involved and how they interact with other objects.
Once I did this, I draw a UML-type diagram that describe what I've just learned for further reference. What happens after depends on the task I've been assigned, i.e. modify the code, document the code etc.
There is the question of what motivation do I have for learning the new system:
Bug fix/minor enhancement - In this case, I may focus solely on that portion of the system that performs a specific function that needs to be altered. This is a way to break down a huge system but also is a way to identify if the issue is something I can fix or if it is something that I have to hand to the off-the-shelf company whose software we are using,e.g. a CRM, CMS, or ERP system can be a customized off-the-shelf system so there are many pieces to it.
Project work - This would be the other case and is where I'd probably try to build myself a view from 30,000 feet or so to know what are the high-level components and which areas of the system does the project impact. An example of this is where I'd join a company and work off of an existing code base but I don't have the luxury of having the small focus like in the previous case. Part of that view is to look for any patterns in the code in terms of naming conventions, project structure, etc. as this may be useful once I start changing some code in the system. I'd probably do some tracing through the system and try to see where are the uglier parts of the code. By uglier I mean those parts that are kludge-like and may have some spaghetti code as this was rushed when first written and is now being reworked heavily.
To my mind another way to view this is the question of whether I'm going to be spending days or weeks wrapping my head around a system like in the second case or should this be a case where it hopefully takes only a few hours, optimistically that is, to get my footing to make the necessary changes.

Difference between BPM and App. workflow?

I know there is a lot of talk about BPM these days and I am conscious that some may see it to be a craze rather than a fundamentally important piece of software.
As someone from what most would call 'The Business', I have been doing my best to learn about BPM to ensure we continue to make decisions that not only make sense to the business, but IT as well.
I have noticed while reading that mention is made to application workflow when sometimes discussing BPM. I hadn't given this much thought until recently.
Therefore, what is the difference? When would you use one and not the other?
BPM is about the process and improving it, which takes into account users and potentially more than one application,e.g. an ERP system may have more than one application to it, though there may be other uses of the term. Note that the process could be viewed without what applications or technologies are used.
Application workflow is how an application is used to go from a to b. Here it is a specific set of code that is used and what happens over the course of an application getting from a to b. In this case, the application is front and center rather than the process.
Does that provide an answer? Another way to think of it is that multiple application workflows can make up a system which is used in a process that can have BPM applied to it.
Late to the game, but workflow is to database as BPMS is to DBMS. (Convenient how the letters line up, huh?)
IOW, BPM(S) is traditionally meant to refer to a particular framework/application that allows you to manage business processes: defining them, storing them, versioning them, measuring them, etc. This is similar to how a DBMS manages databases.
Now, a workflow is a definition, much like a database is a definition. In the former case, it is a definition of operations/work (Fufill Order), steps thereof (Send Invoice) and rules/constraints on the work (If no stock, send notice). In the latter, similar case, it is a definition of data structure (CREATE TABLE) and constraints (InvoiceTotal must be > $0.00).
I think this is a potentially confusing subject, particular as some development environments use a type of process flow model to generate user facing applications (I'm thinking about Outsystems here, for example).
But, for me, the distinction is crystal clear. Application workflow, as people talk about it, refers to a user's path through an application, i.e. the pages they complete/visit, the data they enter, etc. on their way to completing a transaction of some sort. Application orkflow is a poor term for this though, I think application flow would be more meaningful.
BPM on other hand, is about modelling and executing a workflow process. By workflow, in this context, I mean a series of discrete steps (or tasks) that have to be completed (either programmatically or via human interaction) in a certain order to complete a process. These tasks can be implemented as individual application modules (each with their own "application workflow", see above). The job of the workflow engine is to make sure that these separate steps are assigned to the right people (of groups of people) in the right sequence, and that overall the process completes in an orderly way.
I don't think there's a clear answer to this at all. These are words, as opposed to theoretical concepts. If you add the word "checklist" into the mix - that just turns out to be a linear version of a process (but you can have conditionals in checklists - making them a workflow).
I am not sure how to help in reframing this question, but it's almost as if no answer can ever be possible. My own thoughts are at
