In the latest version of XCode, why does the simulator not run even with a settings reset? - ios

I get this error when I try running my app in the simulator. The error is:
An error was encountered while running (Domain = LaunchServicesError, Code = 0)
I tried changing the name of the app and this happened.
Furthermore, I tried cleaning the product and it didn't do anything, still having the same error of:
Unable to run app in Simulator. An error was encountered while running (Domain = LaunchServicesError, Code=0)
I also tried changing the name back to what it used to be in the Info file which you can see at But it didn't change anything.
If you need anything else let me know.
I've also done a Reset content and settings on the simulator.
Also, I checked all the other forum posts on this error and nothing worked.

Take a look at ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator.log and ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/[Device UDID]/system.log at the time the error occurred for more specific information about the error.
If that doesn't help you, please amend your question with the exact text of the error as printed in CoreSimulator.log and the relevant lines from installd in system.log, and I will update my answer as well.
Also see my answer to An error was encountered while running (Domain = LaunchServicesError, Code = 0)

Your problem might be solved by:-
Reset simulator
Delete derived data
clean project and run

1.Just Quit your simulator
2.Clean your application
3.Run your app .So that the problem will be resolved
Hope it helps


Swift Playground and Simulator Error (ipc/mig) server died, Unable to boot the iOS Simulator

When I try to do anything in Playground, this pops up before I even finish typing a word.
Error running playground.
Failed to launch iOS stub for playground: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Mach error -308 - (ipc/mig) server died).
and when I just try to run IOS Simulator I get the following error
Unable to boot the iOS Simulator.
oh and this error just popped up
An error was encountered while running (Domain = DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain, Code = 2)
I tried rebooting, I closed out and opened again, I deselected file and reselected. Just keeps happening. Anyone have a solution?
Your firewall is blocking the debugger, you need to allow it to connect:
TCP out
Or allow the debugserver process open access (whichever you, or your firewall, prefer(s)).
Upon enabling it, and restarting Xcode everything should work like a charm.
If you're having trouble finding, or allowing, the debugserver simply try, temporarily, disabling your firewall and restart xcode. Does the playground work? Oh, and don't forget to make sure you've got the assistant view open and the output box showing.
Currently the Xcode 6 beta needs to reside in \Applications for the playground and simulator to work. After you move it there you need to reboot.
This error popped up for me when I closed the simulator before Xcode finished attaching my application to it. Opening the simulator and running the app again solved this problem.

Xcode 5 not printing exception detail

I have a project built for iOS 7 and it worked fine so far, but after a Git merge, some settings or something became corrupted and exceptions are not outputted to console anymore. So the "Terminating app due to uncaught exception" error message is never displayed in console. I've tried the project on both the device and the simulator, same thing. I cannot find the reason why is this and how to fix it and I am humbly asking for your help.
The facts:
debugger is working and running,
debugger stops and highlights correct line,
all exceptions breakpoint is active,
NSLog commands are working,
po command in lldb is working.
What I have tried before asking for help?
Cleaning (including build folder) and rebuilding project,
Restarting Xcode,
Restarting OS X,
Reconnecting device,
Rebooting device.
What else can I do? Thank you for your help!
I ran into this issue when trying to debug an autolayout crash. Not sure if this applies to all cases, but here's my solution:
I did some hunting, and came across this link:
Investigating NSExceptions with LLDB
That led me to mess around with exception breakpoints to try to figure out what the issue was. In my case, I could always find the description on $eax, so I decided to add an action to the breakpoint, so I don't have to debug it each time. This caused it to always print $eax without a breakpoint, so it pretty much acts like I want it to (print the exception description, continue crashing).
Solved the issue I was currently having, and I'm sure variations on this solution (po $ebx, po [NSThread callStackSymbols], etc) should get around most issues with missing exception descriptions.

webrtcjingle disconnect crash on ios Lukeweber version

I just downloaded the lukeweber version of webrtcjingle, which I believe is just a branch of the google one.
I change the server and account setting on the demo and run it. It was able to log in and send/receive messages. However, When I tried to logout. The app crash.
I had a little debug on it, and found out the line of code that crash was in file, function:
void TXmppPump::WakeTasks() {
Does anyone have an idea what the problem is? I noticed that there is a fix on disconnecting problem issued caused by a race problem on the repo:
github bug list
However, I compared my code to the fixed version. They are the same. So I dont know if they are related or not.

Xcode unexpected error ( 0xC011) after running the program and when i am pressing on organizer

xcode has encountered an expected error (0xC011) ‘file
in the program i am writing some data to a different csv files for testing and was working fine for 2 weeks what do u think ? if the files saved on iPhone is the reason behind this error ? if so, what to do to solve this.
if this is NOT what cause the error then ANY idea what is this error means?
Thanks in advance
I had the same issue, to fix I deleted the app off my device and re-executed in Xcode and I was able to view/download my container with no issues.

iOS - Running app error, unknown error code

When I try to run my app on simulator, it is crash and show error code like below.
Couldn't register com.andikurnia.integraASP.FlipView with the
bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code. This generally means that
another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the
Is there anyone can help me with this error. I clean up my code on xcode and build it again, but it doesn't work. :(
I remember that I had similar problem. To fix this you can into nasty way.
Just restart your mac.
