Xcode unexpected error ( 0xC011) after running the program and when i am pressing on organizer - ios

xcode has encountered an expected error (0xC011) ‘file
in the program i am writing some data to a different csv files for testing and was working fine for 2 weeks what do u think ? if the files saved on iPhone is the reason behind this error ? if so, what to do to solve this.
if this is NOT what cause the error then ANY idea what is this error means?
Thanks in advance

I had the same issue, to fix I deleted the app off my device and re-executed in Xcode and I was able to view/download my container with no issues.


Error when uploading nativescript/angular 2 iOS application

Please, someone can help. Since the update of XCODE to 8.1, I get the following error when trying to upload the application to the store : ERROR ITMS-90685: "CFBundleIdentifier Collision. There is more than one bundle with the CFBundleIdentifier value 'org.nativescript.TNSWidgets' under the iOS application 'careeat.app'."
#Nikolay Tsonev, not exactly the same error. The one you are taking about can be resolved only on rebooting your mac.

In the latest version of XCode, why does the simulator not run even with a settings reset?

I get this error when I try running my app in the simulator. The error is:
An error was encountered while running (Domain = LaunchServicesError, Code = 0)
I tried changing the name of the app and this happened.
Furthermore, I tried cleaning the product and it didn't do anything, still having the same error of:
Unable to run app in Simulator. An error was encountered while running (Domain = LaunchServicesError, Code=0)
I also tried changing the name back to what it used to be in the Info file which you can see at postimg.org/image/erieubblp/. But it didn't change anything.
If you need anything else let me know.
I've also done a Reset content and settings on the simulator.
Also, I checked all the other forum posts on this error and nothing worked.
Take a look at ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator.log and ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/[Device UDID]/system.log at the time the error occurred for more specific information about the error.
If that doesn't help you, please amend your question with the exact text of the error as printed in CoreSimulator.log and the relevant lines from installd in system.log, and I will update my answer as well.
Also see my answer to An error was encountered while running (Domain = LaunchServicesError, Code = 0)
Your problem might be solved by:-
Reset simulator
Delete derived data
clean project and run
1.Just Quit your simulator
2.Clean your application
3.Run your app .So that the problem will be resolved
Hope it helps

sqlite3_open returning error code 23 that's SQLITE_AUTH

When I am opening my sqlite database using sqlite_open function its working fine in foreground mode but when the iOS device is in sleep mode then it returning the error code 23. I searched for that error code on google then I found that it is 'SQLITE_AUTH'. I also got the error message that 'authorization denied'. Can someone explain me about this why it is happening and what is this error stands for.
Thanks in advance
I searched a lot about it but I didn't found anything anything related to it on internet.
After some practical work about my problem I noticed that this error occurs when the device's passcode is turned on and the device is locked then sqlite don't have permissions to use the sqlite database file because of that this error occurs.

iOS - Running app error, unknown error code

When I try to run my app on simulator, it is crash and show error code like below.
Couldn't register com.andikurnia.integraASP.FlipView with the
bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code. This generally means that
another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the
Is there anyone can help me with this error. I clean up my code on xcode and build it again, but it doesn't work. :(
I remember that I had similar problem. To fix this you can into nasty way.
Just restart your mac.

xcode instrument problem

i try to use intrument application from xcode to find out about some leaks in my app, i can use it when i running my app on simulator, but the problem is, when i try to use instrument on running my app on device, it give me warning like this
target failed to run : remote exception encountered : 'Executable 'MyApp' ' is already running as process 97 which was lauched from the 'Xcode Debugger' process
is it something wrong?? i dont know what wrong step i made before, can somebody help me??
thank you
this seems that your app is already running in your device and you are trying to run it again with instrument, try to close your app completely from device and then start it again with instrument.
