How to reimpement unique id's to records - ruby-on-rails

I wrongly mass uploaded a spreadsheet of data to a website. When I did this it assigned each row a unique id.
The problem arises when trying to create relations between the records. For ex: the restaurant "Foo" has 5 deals. But there is nothing linking each record together, other than the name Foo.
Should I just completely rebuild the app or is there a way that I can Assign all "Foo's" a unique id?


How to add data in firebase database single key multiple values

I am making a stock management application in which database contains several values like:
Brand Name
Product Name
Design No
So I want to add products to firebase database in manner in which if brand can contain multiple products in a single node, but product description and price may differ. So can anyone help me with this?

Ruby on Rails, creating a many to many association after an activerecord-import

I am creating a few records programmatically based on a users input and creating an array of records to import.
When I check the database I can see the relationship has been created if they are new records.
If one of the records already exists in the database I can see an entry of the following in the association table but I can also see the new records have been created in their respective table so they exist but the records ID is not being updated in the association table.
user_id: 1
keyword_id: null
but if I run the code for a second time it will add the relationship correctly.
This is my code
records_to_add = []
words.each do |word|
keyword = Keyword.find_or_initialize_by(
word: word,
device: device,
keywords_added = Keyword.import records_to_add, on_duplicate_key_ignore: true, validate: true
user.keywords << records_to_add
I think there is something wrong with this part of the code
user.keywords << records_to_add
It isn't creating the relationship correctly if one of the records already exists...
You are calling 'find_or_initialize_by' in your words loop, and then importing those records, which creates a new row in your Keyword table for all the new records.
So far, so good.
Then your script takes the first list (persisted and new records) and attempts to associate them to the user. At this point, it creates associations for existing Keyword records, but tries to create new Keyword records again for the ones that it just created in the import and associate those. These probably fail a unique validation at that point, and are not associated nor persisted.
That leaves you with just the unassociated but newly created records.

How to count cases with the same ID but different variables in SPSS

I have a data set which has 4420 attendances to a medical department from 1120 people. Each person has a unique ID number and other columns are demographics and primary care provider. I want to filter the data so I can work out how many times each person attends the department and then analyse the data by demographics eg primary care provider or age. It shows whether each attendance is primary or duplicate but I can't figure out how to work out attendances per person.
If what you want to do is to count the number of times each person has visited (assuming each one is represented by a single row in the data), use the AGGREGATE command breaking on the ID variable to add the number of instances to the file as a new variable. In the menus, Data>Aggregate, move the ID variable into the box for Break Variable(s), check the box for Number of cases under Aggregated Variables, change the default N_BREAK to another name if you want, and click OK. That will add a new variable to the data with the number of instances for each unique ID.

Split fact table because of one missing foreign key?

Imagine that we have two different messages:
CarDataLog contains data which has a direct relation to a car and the corresponding Person and contains data about the car.
CarStatusLog contains data about the same car as mentioned above which had a customer in the log included. But this time the data is a status. For a field like: "CleaningState": "NotCleaned" or "Cleaned".
Both of the log messages contain a Car_ID. Would we create one Fact table with the foreign keys to Car and Person and have the risk the person_id is null sometimes because it is not given.. Or would a better approach be to create two fact tables with the risk of having the 'grain' spreaded out?
The use case would be: get data for a specific car, including the states it had and the Person first name.
I am new to data warehousing and I hope someone can assist me with this issue?
A standard practice in data warehousing is to make a dummy row for dimension tables that is used to match "UNKNOWN" data. This prevents NULLS in the foreign keys in the fact table.
Depending on your use case, you may have multiple types of "UNKNOWN" data. For example, you could use a key of -1 for "UNKNOWN" and -2 for "NOT APPLICABLE" dimensional data.
See also:
You need dims as Car_dim, Person_dim, Status_dim (as values CleaningState,NotCleaned" or "Cleaned), and Date_dim. Person_dim can have a row of "Unknown" person name when you get a null person name.
Dim and Fact tables have parent/child relationship that means you have to load data in Dim first (Dim is a parent) and then you load into a Fact (child) table.
Load dim IDs from above Dims in your Fact table based on the data you get. Make sure the 2 logs you have date fields in them so you can join both logs on a Car_id and when a date in both logs matches for that Car_id.
If you get a scenario when a Car_id exists in CarDataLog but not in CarStatusLog, then you need to create a row of "Unknown Status" in the Status_dim so you can use it in the Fact table. Good Luck!

Best way to save/store customer purchase order data?

I have a custom membership provider which I extended - added a couple of fields, first name, last name, adress, zip code and city.
now, these fields reside in the aspnet_Membership table so that I can easily access them when using the static Membership class.
now, I want to be able so save customer purchase order data (first name, last name, adress, zip code and city) to the database.
should I in my order model/table use a new set of fields - first name, last name, adress, zip code, city or should I create a relationship between my asp_Membershihp table and my Orders table?
Also, If i have dupe data, once a users asks for his account to be removed I wont have any orphan rows in my Orders table if I use the first method.
so, which is best, to have the user data, first name, last name, adress, zipcode, city in only one table and create a relationship between aspnet_Membership table and Orders table OR create the dupe fields in my Orders table with no relationship to the aspnet_Membership table? Pros cons?
In this scenario, i would rather have the relationship.
Also being the data you are storing Orders (i assume at least, from the name :)) i would maintain a separate set of data on the Order, so one would optionally be able to specify different billing/shipping data than it's Identity on the site.
Another valid reason for duplicate at least some data on the Order table is to have all the necessary data relevant to an Order in the table, thus avoiding problems if the Client request his data to be deleted, and maintain the original values for that data on the order if the customer data were to change in time.
If you are able to, though, you should not actually delete User data, but have a field in which you specify if the User isActive or isDeleted.
