Direct BeginUmbracoForm action to another page - umbraco

I am trying to set up a global search box that posts to a search page in umbraco 7. This template uses a shared partial containing Html.BeginUmbracoForm() that points to a SurfaceController.
Since this is a global control, I want the form to be posted to the /search page instead of the current page. BeginUmbracoForm only seems to be able to post to the current page unless I'm mistaken.
I want something like RedirectToUmbracoPage(id), but clears this post values on redirect.
Is there a way to get an ActionResult like CurrentUmbracoPage which keeps the post values?

I would not try using surfacecontrollers for that purpose. Surfacecontrollers are auto routed. They are created to (e.g.) make #Html.Action(...) work on every umbraco page. Including postbacks on these actions or macros.
If you only need a "redirect" to the /search page, you don't need a surface controller. A simple partial will do the job.
<form action="/search" method="get">
Search <input type="search" name="q" />
Of course you can replace the url using some Umbraco logic like #Umbraco.TypedContentSingleAtXPath("//Search") or other Umbraco magic.
In the umbraco documentation project is an example where Html.Action is used.


Understanding MVC tags for nopCommerce

I am new to MVC , and in the application i downloaded and trying to debug i see this mark up
#Html.Action("AdminHeaderLinks", "Common")
What does this mean?, #Html.Partial where can I find where the value "body_start_html_tag_after") is defined ?
And this one:
<div class="master-wrapper-main">
Where can i find what #RenderBody does?, this is in a .cshtml file.
I would suggest that you look at a reference like to gain a greater understanding of ASP.Net MVC. Having said that the #HTML.Widget, etc is server side code that gets called during the HTML generation process.
I have heard of nopCommerce but I am unfamiliar with the structure, but #Html is usually used for server side helper methods.
#Html.Partial("_Notifications") is used to add the _Notifications Partial view to the page being rendered.
#Html.Action method will render a html A tag with the href link to the controller and action to be performed.
#Html.Widget I am unfamiliar with but one could assume that it is a helper method.
#RenderBody is used on a master page (usually the shared/_Layout.cshtml) as a server side marker to render the view that comes from the associated controller.

Refactoring HTML Markup from POST to GET

I have the following mark up in an ASP.NET MVC view (this is a Twitter Bootstrap search box):
<form action="#Url.Action("Results", "Search")" method="post">
<input type="text" class="search-query" id="SearchTerm" name="SearchTerm" />
This code works as expected, but using a post here is causing problems.
How can I change this markup to pass the search query as a URL argument instead? I'm not really sure how to even approach this short of keeping the existing markup and then redirecting from the controller. I'm thinking there must be a more efficient way than that.
You should be able to change method="post" to method="get" and get the desired result. The form, with a get method setting, pushes the fields in the form to the querystring by its default behavior.
As a workaround, if the default behavior doesn't suit you, you could catch the submit event of the form, and do:
window.location = form.action + "?SearchTerm=" + document.getElementById("SearchTerm").value
Something like that, where form is a reference to the form element. You can build the link and redirect using javascript, which is a get request.

How to post only a specific ASCX partial instead of the whole page

I've got an ASPX page rendering a search ascx page which in turn will fill a grid on the main ASPX page.
Aside that, I've also got an ascx page which uploads files, like this:
<form method="post" action="<%= Url.Action("UploadFile") %>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" />
<%=Html.ButtonSubmit("Upload") %>
Here's the problem: imagine I have searched for a single entry to be displayed on the grid. The grid displays this single entry and after wards, I upload a file and press the button "Upload". The whole page gets posted and the content in the grid is lost, now displaying all the results available.
What could I do to prevent this from happening, maintaining the grid state (we're not using ViewState) or otherwise not posting back the whole page but only the ascx with the file upload?
Note: I'm new to MVC.
Your partial view is rendered inside your HTML... this results in a single "static" HTML-file without the option to submit and reload only parts of it.
I can imagine two ways to solve your problem:
1) Place your upload-formular inside an HTML-iFrame... now only this iFrame will reload on submit. Problem: Communication between parent and child-frame to have the uploaded data available, depending on what kind of action you would like to have after uploading.
2) Use jQuery/AJAX to make a javascript-based submit ( and refresh your page content dynamically with jQuery/JavaScript. This would be my prefered way but needs some more knowledge about jQuery/JavaScript.
BTW: jQuery is nearly a must-have for any mvc application ;-)
Welcome to MVC :-)

Determine an absolute url to a resource using vbscript/classic asp

I've created a pseudo user control for a site written in classic asp. The control is simply an asp page (with full HTML headers and body) that resides within an iframe in the parent page. The point was to create an AJAX-like interface for uploading files asynchronously (the parent page contains a large form and I didn't want to have to upload the files and submit the rest of the form at the same time).
The problem is, I'm running into a lot of issues with relative urls being used in the iframe page/user control. Depending on what page the iframe is a child of, the relative url base location seems to change according to the directory that particular page is in.
<iframe src="../controls/FileUpload.asp"/>
<iframe src="../../controls/FileUpload.asp"/>
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="FileUpload.asp"><!--problem here-->
<input type="file">
<input type="submit"/>
The iframe src paths work correctly (notice the one that's buried a directory deeper has an extra double dot). But in the code for the FileUpload.asp page, relative URLs don't work consistently. The URL I have in the action attribute for the form tag works if you simply load the page as-is, not in an iframe of another page. You can change it to "../controls/FileUpload.asp" and it will work on the first application page, but you have to add another "../" for it to work on the second application page.
I was wondering if maybe there's a way with vbscript to find the absolute URL to a certain file. I do use an include file into which I could hard-code this, but I'd rather not if that's possible. Any other ideas?
You could also just put in an absolute path from the root such as
I'm not sure if you are perhaps looking for
Response.Write Server.MapPath("./foo.txt")
Some usefull code from Thorarin
that I just saw in a different post
Look for ThisPage() Function

Using HTML forms in ASP.NET MVC?

It seems like everything I look up on this subject has either changed since the release or is wildly different from eachother.
I just want to create a simple form in my view.
Should I be using the Html.BeginForm()/TextBox()/EndForm() methods or should I be using a plain-jane HTML form? Which is preferred?
This is what I have so far:
<%=Html.BeginForm("Create", "Product", FormMethod.Post); %>
<%=Html.TextBox("productTextBox", "Enter a shoe name"); %>
<input type="submit" name="createButton" value="Create Me!" />
<%=Html.EndForm(); %>
What is the "correct" way to create a simple form with a button and textbox in ASP.NET MVC and allow me to submit the data in the form to the /Product/Create action?
How do I then access the form data from within that method? Some people seem to use a "FormCollection" and others just do a Request.Form method. Which way should I use?
Can someone enlighten me?
The Form helpers are the recommended way because it allows you to provide a controller, action and other route data and the URL is auto-generated based on your routes (in Global.asax). The advantage is, if you decide to change your routes, you don't have to update every URL in your site.
The only reason I'd use an actual "<form>" tag was if I needed extra control over the markup that I couldn't get from Html.Form (I can't think of an example right now). Even if you choose to do that, you should use the "Url.Action" helper to get a URL from routing data. For example:
<form action="<%= Url.Action("Create") %>">
As for your second question, I'd suggest using the Model Binder. Check out ScottGu's Blog for some details on this.
Have a look at Link.
It's German text but the code should be understandable.
Have you looked at this:
It's from the horse's mouth, and is up-to-date with the final release.
