Rails4 template error in mailer in production - ruby-on-rails

On in my production env. I keep getting this error:
ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `protocol' for nil:NilClass
I can't figure out where this error are in my template, can anybody help me figure this out?
Complete code: Pastebin
I cut out, the area I think might cause problem:
<td class="eHeader" style="">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="">
<td class="eHeader" style="">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="">
<td class="eHeaderLogo" style="">
<a href="#" style="">
<img class="imageFix" src="<%= image_url('crewnetlogo-white.png') %>" width="200" height="48" alt="Crewnet" style="">
<!-- end .eHeaderLogo-->
<td class="eHeaderOptions" style="">
<!-- end .eHeaderOptions-->
Du er blevet tildelt <%= #workplace.name %>
<div class="bannerLink">
<a href="#" style="">
<img src="<%= image_url "app.png" %>" alt="Crewnet" width="512" height="194" style="">
<!-- end .highlight-->
<td class="eBody bottomLine" style="">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="entryBox" style="">
<td class="width132 pdBt16" style="">
<a href="#" style="">
<img src="<%= image_url "file_icon.gif" %>" width="116" height="116" alt="File" style="">
<td class="alignLeft" style="">
<p style="">
Hej <%= #user.name %>!<br>
Du har fået tildelt <%= #workplace.name %> som ansvarsområde. <br>
For mere info log på CrewNet | <%= #workplace.name %>.
<p style="">
Skulle du have nogle spørgsmål, kan du kontakte supporten på support#crewnet.dk.
Teamet bag CrewNet.dk
<!-- end .eBody-->
class SupervisorMailer < ActionMailer::Base
default from: "support#crewnet.dk"
def assigned(user, workplace)
#user = User.find(user)
#workplace = Workplace.find(workplace)
mail to: #user.email, subject: "Du er ansvarlig for #{#workplace.name}."
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => Rails.application.secrets.domain_name, :protocol => "http" }
config.action_mailer.asset_host = Rails.application.secrets.domain_name
secrets.domain_name = crewnet.dk

Probably it's realted to url building. Do you have asset_host setting in your production.rb? Maybe you have to add protocol to asset_host?
Rails.application.configure do
config.action_mailer.asset_host = 'http://example.com'


ASP.NET call an #id from a tag

I have a little problem - I build a shopping cart checkout with 4 steps (with stepper and links to partial views).
Now I have to call a special #id (the attribute of tags) from the redirectToAction...
How is this possible?
the thing is - I'm in step 2 (partial view) and call an actionresult, which redirect me to the "main view" - but I have to go to the 2nd or 3rd step.
Is there a way how to handle this?
Tried already to overload the button, so the href call the link and an onclick function() calls the actionresult, but this is not possible
Also tried to give the #id as a route value, but it seems doesn't work...
function goBack() {
//Initialize tooltips
//$('.nav-tabs > li a[title]').tooltip();
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('show.bs.tab', function (e) {
var $target = $(e.target);
if ($target.hasClass('disabled')) {
return false;
$(".next-step").click(function (e) {
var $active = $('.wizard .nav-tabs .nav-item .active');
var $activeli = $active.parent("li");
$(".prev-step").click(function (e) {
var $active = $('.wizard .nav-tabs .nav-item .active');
var $activeli = $active.parent("li");
<form class="form cf">
<div class="wizard">
<!-- ============================================================ NAVIGATION ============================================================ -->
<div class="wizard-inner">
<div class="connecting-line"></div>
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 1 - Warenkorb ======================================== -->
<li role="presentation" class="nav-item">
<a href="#step1" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="step1" role="tab" title="Step 1" class="nav-link active navigation">
<span class="round-tab">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-shopping-cart"></i>
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 2 - Ausleihdatum ======================================== -->
<li role="presentation" class="nav-item">
<a href="#step2" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="step2" role="tab" title="Step 2" class="nav-link navigation disabled" id="schritt">
<span class="round-tab">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-calendar-check-o"></i>
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 3 - Rechnung- und Lieferadresse ======================================== -->
<li role="presentation" class="nav-item">
<a href="#step3" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="step3" role="tab" title="Step 3" class="nav-link navigation disabled">
<span class="round-tab">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-address-card-o"></i>
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 4 - Bezahlmöglichkeit ========================================
<li role="presentation" class="nav-item">
<a href="#step4" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="step4" role="tab" title="Step 4" class="nav-link disabled">
<span class="round-tab">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-money"></i>
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 5 - Abschluss ======================================== -->
<li role="presentation" class="nav-item">
<a href="#step4" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="step4" role="tab" title="Step 4" class="nav-link disabled navigation">
<span class="round-tab">
<i class="fa fa-check"></i>
<!-- ============================================================ CONTENT ============================================================ -->
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 1 - Warenkorb ======================================== -->
<div class="tab-content ">
<div class="tab-pane active text-center " role="tabpanel" id="step1">
<div class="row">
#if (Model.VmWarenkorbIndexListe.Count == 0)
<br />
<br />
<h1 class="text-center">Leider haben Sie noch keine Bücher im Warenkorb :-(</h1>
<br />
<h2 class="text-center">Hier können Sie nach Büchern suchen :-)</h2>
<div class="container">
<table id="cart" class="table table-hover table-condensed ">
<th style="width:40%" class="h4 text-left">#Html.DisplayName("Titel")</th>
<th class="text-center h5" style="width:3%">#Html.DisplayName("Ausgabe")</th>
<th class="text-center h5" style="width: 20%">#Html.DisplayName("ISBN")</th>
<th class="text-center h5" style="width:10%">#Html.DisplayName("Preis")</th>
<th class="text-center h5">#Html.DisplayName("Anzahl")</th>
<th class="text-center h5">#Html.DisplayName("Zeilenpreis")</th>
<tbody class="border-bottom">
#foreach (var buch in Model.VmWarenkorbIndexListe)
<td data-th="Bild" class="zoom">
<img src="#buch.BildPfad" alt="#buch.BildAltText" width="70" onclick="location.href = '#(Url.Action("Detail", "Buch", new { buchId = buch.Id }))'" />
<td data-th="Buch" class="align-middle" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Für Beschreibung bitte klicken">
<h6 class="nomargin text-left" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#buch">#buch.Titel</h6>
<p class="collapse" id="buch">Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
<td data-th="Ausgabe" class="text-center align-middle h6">#buch.Ausgabe</td>
<td data-th="ISBN" class="text-center align-middle h6">#buch.Isbn</td>
<td data-th="Preis" class="text-center align-middle h6">#buch.PreisProTag.ToString("F2") €</td>
<td data-th="Anzahl" class="text-center align-middle h6">#buch.Anzahl</td>
<td data-th="Zeilenpreis" class="text-right align-middle h6">#buch.ZeilenPreisProTag.ToString("F2") €</td>
<td class="actions align-middle" data-th="">
<a class="btn btn-outline-danger " href="/Warenkorb/Entfernen?buchId=#buch.Id&anzahl=1" role="button" aria-expanded="false">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-minus-square"></i>
<a class="btn btn-danger " href="/Warenkorb/Entfernen?buchId=#buch.Id&anzahl=#buch.Anzahl" role="button" aria-expanded="false">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-cart-arrow-down"></i>
<td colspan="5"></td>
<td class="hidden-xs"><strong class="h4 text-primary">Gesamtpreis </strong></td>
<td class="hidden-xs text-right"><strong class="h4 text-primary"> #Model.VmWarenkorbIndexListe.Sum(s => s.ZeilenPreisProTag).ToString("F2") €</strong></td>
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 2 - Ausleihdatum ======================================== -->
<td> <a onclick="goBack()" class="btn btn-warning "><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> Weiter einkaufen</a></td>
<td colspan="6"></td>
<td class="wizard-inner">
Jetzt Bestellen <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 2 - Ausleihdatum ======================================== -->
#Html.Partial("_Bestellen", Model)
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 3 - Rechnung- und Lieferadresse ======================================== -->
#Html.Partial("_Rechnungsdaten", Model)
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 4 - Bezahlmöglichkeit ========================================
<div class="tab-pane" role="tabpanel" id="step4">
<h1 class="text-md-center">Step 4</h1>
<div class="row">
<ul class="list-inline text-md-center">
<li><button type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-common next-step next-button">Next Step</button></li>
here is the Main View
and here is a partial view
<div class="tab-pane text-center" role="tabpanel" id="step2">
<h2>Ihre Bestellung </h2>
<div class="row">
#using (Html.BeginForm("Bestellen", "Warenkorb", FormMethod.Post))
<div class="container">
<table id="cart" class="table table-hover table-condensed ">
<th style="width:20%" class="h4 text-left">#Html.DisplayName("Titel")</th>
<th class="text-center h5" style="width:20%">#Html.DisplayName("ISBN")</th>
<th class="text-left h5" style="width: 20%">#Html.DisplayName("Autoren")</th>
<th class="text-center h5" style="width: 5%">#Html.DisplayName("Ausgabe")</th>
<th class="text-center h5">#Html.DisplayName("Anzahl")</th>
<th class="text-center h5">#Html.DisplayName("Zeilenpreis")</th>
<th class="text-center h5">
<tbody class="border-bottom">
#foreach (var buch in Model.VmBestellen.Warenkorb)
<td data-th="Buch" class="align-middle">
<h6 class="nomargin text-left">#buch.Titel</h6>
<td data-th="ISBN" class="text-center align-middle h6">#buch.ISBN</td>
<td data-th="Autoren" class="align-middle h6">
#foreach (var autor in buch.Autoren)
<span>#autor<br /></span>
<td data-th="Ausgabe" class="text-center align-middle h6">#buch.Ausgabe</td>
<td data-th="Anzahl" class="text-center align-middle h6">#buch.Anzahl</td>
<td data-th="Zeilenpreis" class="text-right align-middle h6">#buch.ZeilenPreisProTagNetto.ToString("F2") €</td>
<td data-th="Datum">
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.VmBestellen.RueckgabeDatum, new { htmlAttributes = new { #type = "date", #name = "rueckgabedatum", #value = Model.VmBestellen.RueckgabeDatum.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"), #class = "form-control" } })
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.VmBestellen.RueckgabeDatum, "", new { #class = "text-danger" })
<button type="submit" formmethod="get"> Datum ändern</button>
<td colspan="3" class="hidden-xs"></td>
<td class="hidden-xs" colspan="2"><strong class="h5 ">Preis <strong class="h6">(exkl. Mwst)</strong> </strong></td>
<td class="hidden-xs text-right"><strong class="h5 "> #Model.VmBestellen.Warenkorb.Sum(s => s.ZeilenPreisProTagNetto).ToString("F2") €</strong></td>
<td class="hidden-xs"> <strong class="h5">Beginn: <bdi class="text-primary">#DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() </bdi></strong></td>
<td colspan="3" class="hidden-xs"></td>
<td class="hidden-xs" colspan="2"><strong class="h6 ">Rabatt </strong></td>
<td class="hidden-xs text-right"><strong class="h6 "> - Rabatt -</strong></td>
<td class="hidden-xs"><strong class="h5">Ende: <bdi class="text-primary ">#Model.VmBestellen.RueckgabeDatum.ToShortDateString() </bdi></strong></td>
<td colspan="3" class="hidden-xs"></td>
<td class="hidden-xs" colspan="2"><strong class="h6 ">Mwst </strong></td>
<td class="hidden-xs text-right"><strong class="h6 "> #Model.VmBestellen.MwstBetrag.ToString("F2") €</strong></td>
<td class="hidden-xs"><strong class="h5"> Tage Gesamt: <bdi class="text-primary">XX</bdi> </strong> </td>
<td colspan="3" class="hidden-xs"></td>
<td class="hidden-xs" colspan="2"><strong class="h4 text-primary">Preis <strong class="h6 text-primary">(inkl. Mwst)</strong> </strong></td>
<td class="hidden-xs text-right"><strong class="h4 text-primary"> #Model.VmBestellen.GesamtpreisBrutto.ToString("F2") €</strong></td>
<!-- ======================================== Schritt 3 - Abschluss ========================================-->
<td > <a onclick="goBack()" class="btn btn-warning btn-block "><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> Zurück zum Warenkorb</a></td>
<td colspan="5"></td>
<td class="wizard-inner">
Bestellung abschließen <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>
here is the a href - which calls at the moment only a link - but i would need to call the link AND with the same click call an POST-ActionResult
i thought i could call the POST ActionResult and from there Redirect to a specific #id

Not able to show committers list in Jenkins Jelly email template

We have recently migrated our jenkins to 1.6 version and I have findbug project set. While showing findbug results in email using below jelly template, "Find Bugs warnings info" section shows error message as "Find Bugs Publisher did not get invoked due to an error". But I do not see any error in console.
Also, "New Warnings" section is not showing up. It looks that fb variable is null and no results are showing up in email template.
Even the change sets section is not visible.
Is there any setting missing for findbug in Jenkins required to show up these results.
<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:st="jelly:stapler" xmlns:d="jelly:define">
body table, td, th, p, h1, h2 {
font:normal normal
90% Georgia, Serif;
background-color: #ffffff;
h1, h2 {
border-bottom:dotted 1px #999999;
color: #000000;
font: normal bold 90%
<div class="header">
<j:set var="spc" value="&nbsp;&nbsp;" />
<j:when test="${build.result=='SUCCESS'}">
<img src="${rooturl}static/e59dfe28/images/32x32/blue.gif" />
<j:when test="${build.result=='FAILURE'}">
<img src="${rooturl}static/e59dfe28/images/32x32/red.gif" />
src="${rooturl}static/e59dfe28/images/32x32/yellow.gif" />
BUILD ${build.result}
<td>Build URL</td>
<td>Date of build:</td>
<td>Build duration:</td>
<td>Build cause:</td>
<j:forEach var="cause" items="${build.causes}">${cause.shortDescription}
<td>Build description:</td>
<td>Built on:</td>
<j:when test="${build.builtOnStr!=''}">${build.builtOnStr}
<!-- Static Analysis -->
<j:set var="actions" value="${it.staticAnalysisActions}" />
<j:if test="${!actions.isEmpty()}">
<div class="content">
<h1>Static Analysis Results</h1>
<j:forEach var="action" items="${actions}">
<img src="${rooturl}${action.smallImageName}" />
<a href="${rooturl}${build.url}/${action.urlName}">${action.displayName}
<td class="center">
<j:when test="${action.result.pluginResult=='SUCCESS'}">
<img src="${rooturl}static/e59dfe28/images/16x16/blue.gif" />
<j:when test="${action.result.pluginResult=='FAILURE'}">
<img src="${rooturl}static/e59dfe28/images/16x16/red.gif" />
<img src="${rooturl}static/e59dfe28/images/16x16/yellow.gif" />
<td class="center">${action.result.numberOfAnnotations}
<td class="center">${action.result.getNumberOfAnnotations('HIGH')}
<td class="center">${action.result.getNumberOfAnnotations('NORMAL')}
<td class="center">${action.result.getNumberOfAnnotations('LOW')}
<!-- More Find bugs info-->
<j:set var="fb" value="${it.getAction('hudson.plugins.findbugs.FindBugsResultAction')}" />
<div class="content">
<h1>Find Bugs warnings info</h1>
<table width="100%">
<th >Report</th>
<td class="center">${fb.result.numberOfWarnings}</td>
<td class="center">${fb.result.numberOfFixedWarnings}</td>
<td class="center">${fb.result.numberOfNewWarnings}</td>
<td class="center">View Report</td>
<j:set var="newWarnings" value="${fb.result.newWarnings}" />
<j:if test="${newWarnings!=null}">
<div class="content">
<h1>New warnings</h1>
<table width="100%" class="newWarningsborder">
<th width="20%" class="newWarningsborder">Name</th>
<th width="5%" class="newWarningsborder">Line</th>
<th width="*" class="newWarningsborder">Message</th>
<j:forEach var="fileAnnotation" items="${newWarnings}" varStatus="loop">
<td width="20%" class="newWarningsborder">${fileAnnotation.shortFileName}</td>
<td width="5%" class="newWarningsborder">${fileAnnotation.primaryLineNumber}</td>
<td width="*" class="newWarningsborder">${fileAnnotation.message}</td>
<!-- CHANGE SET -->
<div class="content">
<j:set var="changeSet" value="${build.changeSet}" />
<j:if test="${changeSet!=null}">
<j:set var="hadChanges" value="false" />
<a href="${rooturl}${build.url}/changes">
<j:forEach var="cs" items="${changeSet.logs}" varStatus="loop">
<j:set var="hadChanges" value="true" />
<j:forEach var="p" items="${cs.affectedFiles}">
<td width="10%">${spc}${p.editType.name}</td>
<j:if test="${!hadChanges}">
<p>No Changes</p>
<br />
<!-- ARTIFACTS -->
<j:set var="artifacts" value="${build.artifacts}" />
<j:if test="${artifacts!=null and artifacts.size()>0}">
<div class="content">
<h1>Build Artifacts</h1>
<j:forEach var="f" items="${artifacts}">
<j:set var="mbuilds" value="${build.moduleBuilds}" />
<j:if test="${mbuilds!=null}">
<div class="content">
<h1>Build Artifacts</h1>
<j:forEach var="m" items="${mbuilds}">
<j:forEach var="mvnbld" items="${m.value}">
<j:set var="artifacts" value="${mvnbld.artifacts}" />
<j:if test="${artifacts!=null and artifacts.size()>0}">
<j:forEach var="f" items="${artifacts}">
<br />

how to replace coding in gsp?

how to replace the coding in the finePrint?
that large textArea i call "finePrint"...
this is my problem...i am confusing..
when i filled with HMTL's coding..with ${name} on gsp..
like this..
look the arrow...thats have a button submit at below finePrint..when i click that...
the g:textField of "Your Name" thats i fill with "Bobby"..it will be replace in the finePrint with ${name}..
this ini my gsp coding where i fill it to finePrint..
<table align="center" >
<tr style="border-spacing:0!important;border-collapse:collapse!important;color:#666666;background-color:#F8F8F8" align="center">
<td style="padding:35px 75px 60px 75px;background-color:#fafafa;">
<table style="border-spacing:0!important;border-collapse:collapse!important;color:#666666;" width="80%">
<p align="center"><img alt="Tempo AI" border="0"/></p>
<h1 style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;color:#ee710b;font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;width:450px">${name}, you requested to reset your Password</h1>
<p style="padding:0;margin:0 0 15px 0;">To reset your password, just click the link below.</p>
<p style="padding:0;margin:0 0 15px 0;">Reset Password</p>
<p style="padding:0;margin:0;">Best,</p>
<p style="padding:0;margin:0;color:#bcbcbc;font-size:20px;">Tempo Team</p>
<tr style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;padding-top:15px;" align="center" >
<td style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;padding-top:15px;" align="center">
<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:10px;">
<a href="http://www.facebook.com" style="text-decoration:none;">
<img alt="Facebook" border="0"/>
<a href="http://www.twitter.com" style="text-decoration:none;">
<img alt="Twitter" border="0"/>
<a href="http://www.plus.google.com" style="text-decoration:none;">
<img alt="Google+" border="0"/>
<a href="http://www.mail.yahoo.com" style="text-decoration:none;">
<img alt="Email" border="0"/>
<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:8px;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;">
<a style="color:#666666;text-decoration:none;">
<a style="color:#666666;text-decoration:none;">
<a style="color:#666666;text-decoration:none;">
<p style="padding:0;margin:0;font-size:10px;color:#999999;font-weight:bold;">
If you would like to change your email notification settings
<a style="color:#44b1d9;" href="www.w3school.com">click here</a>
<p style="padding:0;margin:0;font-size:10px;color:#999999;font-weight:bold;">
© 2012 Tempo
and this is my SMTP coding when i click submit..it will send email to abc#yahoo.com
def send = {
sendMail {
multipart true
to params.email
from "s_yoshitsune#yahoo.com"
subject "Test Reset Password"
html params.finePrint
render params.finePrint
and the result when i received email..
i want the ${name} replaced by my name(Bobby) where i fill before
this is coding for submit email address..
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="layout" content="main"/>
<g:javascript src='jquery-1.6.2.min.js'/>
<g:javascript src='jquery.cleditor.min.js'/>
<g:javascript src='test.js'/> <%-- cara import file JavaScript/ JS --%>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${resource(dir: 'css', file: 'cleditor/jquery.cleditor.css')}" type="text/css"> <%-- cara import file CSS --%>
<title>Reset Password</title>
<g:form action="send">
<table style="width:500px">
<td>Your Email Address </td>
<%-- <td><input style="width:250px" name="email" /></td>--%>
<td><g:textField style="width:250px" name = "email"/></td>
<td>Your Name</td>
<td><g:textField style="width:250px" name = "user"/></td>
<td colspan="4">
<g:textArea name="finePrint"/>
<td><input type="submit"/></td>
<div id="finePrintBlank" style="display:none;" title="${message(code: 'campaign.finePrint.label')}">
<p>${message(code: 'default.blank.message', args: [message(code: 'campaign.finePrint.label')])}</p>
In the gsp page, you can prepopulate finePrint with your html code like this,
<g:textArea name="finePrint">
<table align="center" >
${name}, you requested to reset your password.
...rest of the data...
That will be processed on the server side and you should have your the name resolved before it reached the client.
${domainInstance.name}, you requested to reset your password.
...rest of the data...

Print HTML Page Twitter bootstrap

I have a show page /invoices/show that displays contents of my Invoice
<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="span7">
<h2 style="text-align:center;"> CONSTRUCTION LTD </h2>
<h3 style="text-align:center;">OHIO</h3>
<address style="text-align:center;"> Plot 10<br/>
<h3 style="text-decoration:underline; text-align:center;"> UTILITY BILL </h3>
<h4 style="text-decoration:underline; text-align:center;"> TAX INVOICE </h4>
<td valign="top" align="left">
<div style="float:left; width:450px;">No: <%= #invoice.id %></div>
<div style="float:right"> Date: <%= #invoice.invoice_date %></div>
<div>To: <%= #invoice.customer.name%></div>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr class="success">
<th><label class="control-label">Description</label></th>
<th><label class="control-label">Rate</label></th>
<th><label class="control-label">Tax</label></th>
<th><label class="control-label">Amount</label></th>
<% #invoice.invoice_items.each do | item| %>
<tr class="controls">
<td><%= item.description %></td>
<td><%= item.rate %></td>
<td><%= item.tax_amount %></td>
<td><%= item.amount %></td>
<td colspan="3" align="left"><strong>TOTAL:</strong></td>
<td colspan="1"><%= item.amount %></td>
<% end %>
<div class="row">
<div class="span3">
<td> <b>For Landlord</b></td></tr>
<tr> <td>Approved by:</td></tr>
<tr> <td>Sign:</td></tr>
<div class="span3" style="position: relative; align:left; left:150px;">
<td> <b>For Tenant</b></td></tr>
<tr> <td>Approved by:</td></tr>
<tr> <td>Sign:</td></tr>
<br />
<small><strong>Terms and Conditions</strong></small>
<td><%= Settings.invoice_terms%></td>
<br />
<div class="form actions">
<%= link_to t('.edit', :default => t("helpers.links.edit")),
edit_invoice_path, :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>
In my application.html.erb, I have this for CSS
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
More to that, my application file has a nav-bar element.
I am trying to print the Invoices/show.html.erb page by going to the print option in a browser, however, I do not want it to include the nav-bar element in my application.html.erb file and the edit button in invoices/show.html.
I am using Twitter bootstrap, how can i go about this?
Here's one solution I've thought of:
What you can do is, in your show view (or the application layout) add a predicate:
if params[:controller] == "invoice" && params[:action] == "show"
# do or show whatever you want
Or you could do add a different layout to your views/layouts folder. Then in your controllers/invoice_controller
def show
# ...
render layout: 'a_different_layout_for_invoices'

Return multiple views to one ActionResult with ASP.NET MVC

What I want to achieve essentially is:
Items assigned to me
Item 1 assigned to me
Item 2 assigned to me
Item 3 assigned to me
All open items
Item 1 open to everyone
Item 2 open to everyone
Item 3 open to everyone
Item 4 open to everyone
Though from what I have experienced of MVC so far is that I would have to return the data to the view model to be able to use it in the view itself in the following manner:
<asp:Content ID="ticketsContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<div id="hdMain">
<div id="hdMainTop"><img src="images/hdMainTop.gif" alt="" /></div>
<div id="hdMainContent">
<div id="numberOfCalls">Calls assigned to you (<%=Html.ViewData("MyOpenCallsCount")%>)</div>
<div id="assignedToMe">
<div id="callHeaders">
<table id="callHeadersTbl" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="54"> </td>
<td width="270">Subject</td>
<td width="148">Logged</td>
<td width="120">Updated</td>
<div id="greyTicketBar"> Assignee: <strong><%=Html.ViewData("UserName")%></strong></div>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="643">
<% For Each aT In ViewData.Model%>
<td width="54" class="ticketList"> </td>
<td width="270" class="ticketList"><%=Html.ActionLink(aT.Title, "Details", New With {.id = aT.CallID})%></td>
<td width="148" class="ticketList"><%=aT.loggedOn.Date.ToShortDateString%></td>
<td width="115" class="ticketList"><%=aT.updatedOn.Date.ToShortDateString%></td>
<% Next%>
<div id="hdMainBottom"><img src="images/hdMainBottom.gif" alt="" /></div>
<div id="bigbreak">
<br />
<div id="hdMainTop"><img src="images/hdMainTop.gif" alt="" /></div>
<div id="hdMainContent">
<div id="numberOfCalls">All unsolved calls (<%=Html.ViewData("OpenCallCount")%>)</div>
<div id="unsolvedTix">
<div id="callHeaders">
<table id="callHeadersTbl" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="54"> </td>
<td width="270">Subject</td>
<td width="148">Logged</td>
<td width="58">Priority</td>
<td width="120">Updated</td>
<div id="greyTicketBar"></div>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="643">
<% For Each t As hdCall In ViewData.Model%>
<td width="51" class="ticketList" align="center"><img src="/images/icons/<%=t.hdPriority.Priority%>.gif" /></td>
<td width="270" class="ticketList"><%=Html.ActionLink(t.Title, "Details", New With {.id = t.CallID})%></td>
<td width="148" class="ticketList"><%=t.loggedOn%></td>
<td width="58" class="ticketList"><%=t.hdPriority.Priority%></td>
<td width="115" class="ticketList"><%=t.updatedOn%></td>
<% Next%>
<div id="hdMainBottom"><img src="images/hdMainBottom.gif" alt="" /></div>
<div id="hdSpacer"></div>
<div id="hdMenus">
<div id="browseBox">
<div id="blueTop"><img src="images/blueboxTop.gif" /></div>
<div id="blueContent">
<img src="images/browse.gif" alt="Browse" /><br /><br />
<li> Calls for Topps<br /><br /></li>
<li> Calls for TCH<br /><br /></li>
<div id="blueBottom"><img src="images/blueboxBottom.gif" /></div>
<br />
<div id="Dashboard">
<div id="blueTop"><img src="images/blueboxTop.gif" /></div>
<div id="blueContent"><img src="images/dashboard.gif" alt="Dashboard" /><br /><br />
<div id="storePercent"><%=Html.ViewData("OpenCallCount")%><br />
Calls Open</div>
<ul style="font-weight: bold;">
<li> Urgent: <%=Html.ViewData("UrgentCallCount")%><br /><br /></li>
<li> High: <%=Html.ViewData("HighCallCount")%><br /><br /></li>
<li> Normal: <%=Html.ViewData("NormalCallCount")%><br /><br /></li>
<li> Low: <%=Html.ViewData("LowCallCount")%></li>
<div id="blueBottom"><img src="images/blueboxBottom.gif" /></div>
Now, the idea I have for it, even though I know it won't work would basically be:
' GET: /Calls/
<Authorize()> _
Function Index() As ActionResult
ViewData("OpenCallCount") = callRepository.CountOpenCalls.Count()
ViewData("UrgentCallCount") = callRepository.CountUrgentCalls.Count()
ViewData("HighCallCount") = callRepository.CountHighCalls.Count()
ViewData("NormalCallCount") = callRepository.CountNormalCalls.Count()
ViewData("LowCallCount") = callRepository.CountLowCalls.Count()
ViewData("MyOpenCallsCount") = callRepository.CountMyOpenCalls(Session("LoggedInUser")).Count()
ViewData("UserName") = Session("LoggedInUser")
Dim viewOpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllOpenCalls()
Dim viewMyOpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllMyCalls(Session("LoggedInUser"))
Return View(viewOpenCalls)
Return View(viewMyOpenCalls)
End Function
What I'm wondering is, what would be the correct way to do this? I haven't a clue as how to go about the right way, I think I at least have the theory there though, just not how to implement it.
Thanks for any help in advance.
Based on the below comments, I have made the following code edits/additions:
Class Calls
Private _OpenCalls As hdCall
Public Property OpenCalls() As hdCall
Return _OpenCalls
End Get
Set(ByVal value As hdCall)
_OpenCalls = value
End Set
End Property
Private _MyCalls As hdCall
Public Property MyCalls() As hdCall
Return _MyCalls
End Get
Set(ByVal value As hdCall)
_MyCalls = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Index() Action
' GET: /Calls/
<Authorize()> _
Function Index() As ActionResult
ViewData("OpenCallCount") = callRepository.CountOpenCalls.Count()
ViewData("UrgentCallCount") = callRepository.CountUrgentCalls.Count()
ViewData("HighCallCount") = callRepository.CountHighCalls.Count()
ViewData("NormalCallCount") = callRepository.CountNormalCalls.Count()
ViewData("LowCallCount") = callRepository.CountLowCalls.Count()
ViewData("MyOpenCallsCount") = callRepository.CountMyOpenCalls(Session("LoggedInUser")).Count()
ViewData("UserName") = Session("LoggedInUser")
Dim viewOpenCalls As New Calls With {.OpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllOpenCalls()}
Dim viewMyOpenCalls As New Calls With {.MyCalls = callRepository.FindAllMyCalls(Session("LoggedInUser"))}
Return View(New Calls())
End Function
<%# Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Calls>" %>
<%# Import Namespace="CustomerServiceHelpdesk" %>
<asp:Content ID="ticketsHeader" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">
Topps Customer Service Helpdesk - View All Calls
<asp:Content ID="ticketsContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<div id="hdMain">
<div id="hdMainTop"><img src="images/hdMainTop.gif" alt="" /></div>
<div id="hdMainContent">
<div id="numberOfCalls">Calls assigned to you (<%=Html.ViewData("MyOpenCallsCount")%>)</div>
<div id="assignedToMe">
<div id="callHeaders">
<table id="callHeadersTbl" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="54"> </td>
<td width="270">Subject</td>
<td width="148">Logged</td>
<td width="120">Updated</td>
<div id="greyTicketBar"> Assignee: <strong><%=Html.ViewData("UserName")%></strong></div>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="643">
<% For Each aT In Model.MyCalls%>
<td width="54" class="ticketList"> </td>
<td width="270" class="ticketList"><%=Html.ActionLink(aT.Title, "Details", New With {.id = aT.CallID})%></td>
<td width="148" class="ticketList"><%=aT.loggedOn.Date.ToShortDateString%></td>
<td width="115" class="ticketList"><%=aT.updatedOn.Date.ToShortDateString%></td>
<% Next%>
<div id="hdMainBottom"><img src="images/hdMainBottom.gif" alt="" /></div>
<div id="bigbreak">
<br />
<div id="hdMainTop"><img src="images/hdMainTop.gif" alt="" /></div>
<div id="hdMainContent">
<div id="numberOfCalls">All unsolved calls (<%=Html.ViewData("OpenCallCount")%>)</div>
<div id="unsolvedTix">
<div id="callHeaders">
<table id="callHeadersTbl" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="54"> </td>
<td width="270">Subject</td>
<td width="148">Logged</td>
<td width="58">Priority</td>
<td width="120">Updated</td>
<div id="greyTicketBar"></div>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="643">
<% For Each t As hdCall In Model.OpenCalls%>
<td width="51" class="ticketList" align="center"><img src="/images/icons/<%=t.hdPriority.Priority%>.gif" /></td>
<td width="270" class="ticketList"><%=Html.ActionLink(t.Title, "Details", New With {.id = t.CallID})%></td>
<td width="148" class="ticketList"><%=t.loggedOn%></td>
<td width="58" class="ticketList"><%=t.hdPriority.Priority%></td>
<td width="115" class="ticketList"><%=t.updatedOn%></td>
<% Next%>
<div id="hdMainBottom"><img src="images/hdMainBottom.gif" alt="" /></div>
<div id="hdSpacer"></div>
<div id="hdMenus">
<div id="browseBox">
<div id="blueTop"><img src="images/blueboxTop.gif" /></div>
<div id="blueContent">
<img src="images/browse.gif" alt="Browse" /><br /><br />
<li> Calls for Topps<br /><br /></li>
<li> Calls for TCH<br /><br /></li>
<div id="blueBottom"><img src="images/blueboxBottom.gif" /></div>
<br />
<div id="Dashboard">
<div id="blueTop"><img src="images/blueboxTop.gif" /></div>
<div id="blueContent"><img src="images/dashboard.gif" alt="Dashboard" /><br /><br />
<div id="storePercent"><%=Html.ViewData("OpenCallCount")%><br />
Calls Open</div>
<ul style="font-weight: bold;">
<li> Urgent: <%=Html.ViewData("UrgentCallCount")%><br /><br /></li>
<li> High: <%=Html.ViewData("HighCallCount")%><br /><br /></li>
<li> Normal: <%=Html.ViewData("NormalCallCount")%><br /><br /></li>
<li> Low: <%=Html.ViewData("LowCallCount")%></li>
<div id="blueBottom"><img src="images/blueboxBottom.gif" /></div>
However, the line <%=Html.ViewData("MyOpenCallsCount")%> gives me an End of Statement expected error.
Also, I did get it to compile once, but I got the error Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Linq.DataQuery1[CustomerServiceHelpdesk.hdCall]' to type 'CustomerServiceHelpdesk.hdCall'. from the line Dim viewOpenCalls As New Calls With {.OpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllOpenCalls()}
Where did I go wrong?
I'm a bit of noob when it comes to things like this, so any help is much appreciated.
Well, you can't return two values from a function, if that's what you are trying to do (the title suggests that's what you want).
Plus that's not how http works anyway. There's always just one response for a request.
But if you are trying to send both your viewOpenCalls and viewMyOpenCalls objects to one view, then you can do that with making your view have a model that'll hold both of them.
Like this :
//My VB is a bit rusty so I'm writing this in C#
class Calls {
public yourDataType OpenCalls { get; set; }
public yourDataType MyCalls { get; set; }
In your controller action :
return View(new Calls { OpenCalls = viewOpenCalls, MyCalls = viewMyOpenCalls })
//I gues in VB it would be like this :
Dim viewOpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllOpenCalls()
Dim viewMyOpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllMyCalls(Session("LoggedInUser"))
Return View(New Calls _
With {.OpenCalls = viewOpenCalls, .MyCalls = viewMyOpenCalls})
In your view make sure it's model is type of the Calls class.
<%# Page Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Calls>" %>
And now you can access the properties with <%=Model.OpenCalls %> and <%=Model.MyCalls %>
Once I'd worked out the correct way of doing it (a little while a go now) I got it working.
For reference, this is the way it should be done:
Public Class TheCalls
Private _OpenCalls As IQueryable(Of hdCall)
Public Property OpenCalls() As IQueryable(Of hdCall)
Return _OpenCalls
End Get
Set(ByVal value As IQueryable(Of hdCall))
_OpenCalls = value
End Set
End Property
Private _AssignedCalls As IQueryable(Of hdCall)
Public Property AssignedCalls() As IQueryable(Of hdCall)
Return _AssignedCalls
End Get
Set(ByVal value As IQueryable(Of hdCall))
_AssignedCalls = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
1) Create a ViewData class. This is just a POCO class with properties defined for each data item you want to show on the view (e.g. OpenCallCount)
2) Create a strongly typed view that uses this ViewData class.
3) Pass a new instance of your ViewData class, with the properties set, to your view.
This will help you avoid using magic strings everywhere (e.g. ViewData("OpenCallCount") = ... becomes myViewDataClass.OpenCallCount = ...)
You could probably tidy up the view by using two partial view classes, or making it slightly more generic, but it will do the job at the moment.
