Are these invalid iOS Provisioning Profiles an issue? - ios

I dont know why, how and when but this is the situation today in my developer console:
Now I need to update my application but Im scared that because of this situation, my app won't work anymore like it should (for example push notifications).
Can anybody tell me what's going on, if this is a problem with my update, if I must fix it, or whatever...?
Thank you

It's not an issue. Xcode has a tendency to invalidate lots of profiles when you click "Fix" sometimes when there is an issue. You can go in to the profiles, edit them and recreate them without any adverse effects.
You can use Sigh which seems a good way of managing your profiles:


Relaunch an existing iOS app on App Store after changing the signing certificate?

Apologies in advance if this is a bad question though I really need to understand this. I got to know that we can resign any .IPA file without having the need of code. Following are the links with the solution.
This brings a question to my mind that by doing this anyone can relaunch any existing app. Let’s say, I download the .IPA file of any famous app like “Angry Birds”. Now using the above mentioned process, I can resign the app using my certificates and launch it in my name. I am sure this won't be possible at all and I am missing something big.
Can anybody please help me understand how it works ? Thanks for your help.

A Possible Un-Fixable Provisioning Profile Error in Xcode? Anyone Else?

So I haven't opened my Xcode project in a while and haven't even looked at any code in months. Now after banging my head through the wall, still no App money in my pockets, and losing my mind over some stupid apple program errors I remember why...
The full error is:
"App installation failed - A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found"
Now I know this error has been posted here multiple times and each has a set of answers that miraculously has helped some people, some of which are the most insane answers that are for particular events such as one guy's device date was set in future...uhh
Anyway's, after 2 days of trying every single "Answer" for this error and over an hour on the phone and letting an unexperienced Apple supporter take over my screen and getting absolutely nowhere I need some serious professional help from who else but stack overflow geniuses, right? Also I'll mention Apple does its fair share of going to this forum when they are clueless. Ha! Who would of thought,oh ya, probably all of us.
Continuing on here... To me a lot of these answers are too complex when Its simple to me. Its saying my device doesn't have the provisioning profile, which checking in the Devices window and right clicking to show the device's provisioning profiles, there are none obviously. When of course there should be. Now there is a button to manually install the provisioning profile. NOW, ONLY IF THIS WORKED! it doesn't and that in itself is something also listed on here and for me directly responds to my error.. (Just Search: provisioning profiles won't install on device)
This above link is a site that is the only thing that is agreeing something else is wrong here and would also explain what I already was sensing. This project ran fine last I ran it when my device was on iOS 7. Also another device thats on iOS 6 gets the provisioning profiles. So clearly iOS 8 is bugged like it always has been and I don't know what to do about it cause Apple makes horrible buggy updates to products and doesn't let you downgrade.
So please, does anyone have any idea how to get around this?
Bonus Question: Why are we always "getting around" super simple errors that never get fixed by Apple?

Corona "Certificate Not Installed" even though it is

I realize this question comes up a lot, but there is no one solution that has seemed to work for anyone.
I am working on developing an app for iOS and recently had to transfer my app to another developer account. My first account was an individual account where I was "Agent," and now the new account (corporate I think) has me listed as "Agent."
I created the certificates like I have always done, downloaded them, and placed them in my keychain. Everything said it was in order. I then created the app ID and re-entered all of the devices into the devices column. I moved on to the provisioning profiles, and again everything worked well. I downloaded them and imported them into Xcode, and when I go under settings and look under the account, it all looks in order.
Then when I attempt to build in corona, it tells me "Certificate Not Installed." Even though I had created the certificate on that device.
A possibility is that having 2 apple dev accounts signed in at once was confusing, so I logged out of my other, and, not surprisingly lost my ability to build for those either. I could still not build for iOS.
I have tried restarting my computer several times, and deleting everything and starting from scratch. I have tried creating the certificates a variety of ways and billions of combinations. I even tried using my other computer - although it also had dev set up for my other account.
Am I missing something crucial here? I don't have another computer to start over on if that is what it takes, but I guess I could clear one...
I greatly appreciate any suggestions!!
More specifically, for Starter and Basic subscribers, on OS-X you will need to download a new latest public build (2014.2393a). For Pro and Enterprise subscribers, you will need 2014.2405 or later.
Starter and Basic subscribers may have to add something to their build.settings for now due to another change Apple instituted this week. See:
After some more hours of digging, I finally found a solution. Apparently apple changed some things in their newest releases, specific to their provisioning profiles and something in Xcode.
Corona Forums had this thread that solved ALL of my problems:
To summarize the forum - you need to install a new build of corona that solves the problem:
I hope my struggles have helped someone :)

Ad hoc distribution broken in iOS7

I apologize for this not being exactly a programming question
I have a few apps that I'm deploying internally in our org using ad-hoc distribution with Enterprise account. What worked in iOS6 now creates two icons: one a normal app icon and another one is a weird default icon that has the same name as the main app. Clicking on this icon does not do anything. See attached screenshot (it only has the gray icons). I can remove the app through conventional means (long press and then the "X" icon), but I can not remove the gray icons.
Does anybody know what are those, and how do I get rid of them?
I had the same problem. The fastest way to get rid of these ghost or dead icons is to make a backup of your iDevice and then restore it.
I tried every hint i found with google and nothing helped but the restore. So my advice: Don't google anymore, just backup & restore ;-)
yes, we see that too. often but not always. it definitely looks like a bug
as for getting rid: no really good way...
restart the device, rearrange, delete a few times and wait a few days. a combination of that did the trick for a few phones here
no real solution except for apple to fix it :D
I found a reproducible way of causing this problem.
For me, it appears to be linked to the plist used for over the air distribution.
If you generate it through XCode/Archive/Enterprise Distribution, it works normally.
If you subsequently update the ipa, but keep the old plist, you will get this issue if you did one or more of the following:
1) change bundle identifier
2) changed the mobileprovision used to compile
3) changed the app version
Can anyone confirm? Or is this only happening to me?

Getting an iOS app fix verified by a customer prior to general release

When contacted by a customer who is experiencing a problem in your iOS app and making an update to fix it, is there a way to get the user to verify the fix privately before making the update available to everyone?
Background: I was contacted by a user who is seeing a weird rendering problem since installing the latest update. Unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce the problem -- the customer uses an old iPhone model that I don't have access to, and I've had no luck reproducing it with the same iOS version in the simulator. However I made an update that I have good reasons to believe will fix it (I undid the small changes to the rendering code that were in the last update and did an alternative implementation that completely bypasses the issue, if my guess of what the issue is about is correct). But I obviously don't have 100% confidence that it will fix the bug since I can't repro it.
So I've submitted the update to iTunesConnect and have asked the user to wait until Apple has approved it. If it turns out that the change doesn't fix this issue, it would all be such a waste for the customer (who will have waited for nothing), for all my other users (who will see an update for nothing) and for Apple (who will have reviewed an update for nothing).
This is what ad-hoc deployment is for - testing. You can manually deploy a build to the customer (you need to know his devices UDID) or you can use a service like TestFlight (free) which helps to automate and manage the ad-hoc process.
