Xcode 6.1.1 - Developer ID is not on any development teams, when it IS - ios

We had to change our development ID (apple ID) due to a change in email addresses.
We changed the email in the dev portal and via Apple ID.
Everything seemed fine - we could log into the portal and iTunes Connect and see our apps/certificates etc etc for the iOS dev team.
Tried to build our app, however, and Xcode seems to have other ideas, claiming that our (now new) Apple ID is not part of a development team!
The below are the steps we've been using to try to resolve the problem, to no avail:
Removed all certificates from keychain
Also removed any saved login-passwords from keychain
Went to Apple Member Centre, entered with new email address now being used for development.
Navigate to iOS Dev Centre
Navigate to Certificates
Downloaded Development and Distribution certificates (note that we did create brand new certificates)
Moved certificates from 6 into Keychain log-in
Download Provisioning profile (not sure why - can't seem to do anything with it since it looks like Xcode manages this itself)
Opened Xcode, go to Prefs > Accounts
Added account using new Apple ID
Account is added, however, it shows under the ID "xxxx#xxx.com is not on any development teams"
We have repeated the above steps (including reboot of mac) over and over again, with no changes. This is our development account (i can log into dev centre and iTunes connect fine and see our apps etc)... but Xcode tells us it isn't ><
Hope someone can shed some light on this, as we're all out of ideas here.

I would either contact Apple or reboot your computer.
If those don't work, comment here for more help.

A lesson for us for the future.
We're using Unity to develop our app.
All we needed to do to resolve the issue is create a brand new build (we deleted the old one), rather than just do an amend build through unity.
Creating a fresh build resolved this developer ID issue.


Xcode does not automatically create app id on developer portal

As indicated in the title, Xcode is not being able to automatically create app Id and provisioning profile for an app i’m developing. I have checked the “Automatically manage signing” option but on the developer portal i can’t see any app id or provisioning profile matching the provided bundle identifier.
The problem arises only if I select, in the “team” selection, my developer account . For example, by using my enterprise account, the “waiting to repair” message is shown in Xcode and i can see the new app id created in the enterprise account portal.
If I change the bundle identifier and I select again my developer account, nothing happens, no errors and no warnings. I’m able to install the application on a device and all seems to be good. However, in my developer portal I still do not see the app id and provisioning profile so i can’t send the application to iTunes connect in order to submit to the Apple store.
Moreover, trying with other apps, all is ok even using my developer account.
I searched on line but i can’t be able to find a similar problem, are there any particular settings that are preventing the automatic Xcode app id creation to work for my app?
it seems it’s not a problem related to the particular app. In fact I tried to create a new application fromo scratch and i have the same problem. I still do not have the problem on old apps (already uploaded on itunes connect) but i have the problem on all the newly created apps. Is that a problem with my developer certificate?
I noticed that for all the newly created applications the App ID is set to: " * " (see image below). In my old apps the App ID and iOS Team Provisioning Profile are not equals to " * ". I have also deleted the wildcard id from my developer portal but the problem still remain.
I had a similar problem and i solved with a workaround. I have enabled push notifications in the "capabilities" tab (i.e, adding them to the entitlements), in this way the app id and provisioning profile have been correctly generated on the developer portal. Later, I have disabled push notifications (not needed in my project).
It's only a workaround, hope it helps
Somewhat related: I played around with Apples provisioning profiles in a desperate attempt of trying to wrap my head around their signing nightmare. In the process I deleted all the app ids from apple.developer that Xcode had automatically generated.
Afterwards I couldn't get Xcode to regenerate the app ids and I didn't wanted to manually create them, so what I had to do was to delete the automatically generated provisioning profiles from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/.

"App Name" Is No Longer Available - Developer app not released

Afternoon all,
We have a client who recently came via our offices and installed a development version of an app we have been working on for a trip to the States to show his colleagues.
He has just gone to test it and is getting the message that '"App Name" is no longer available"' when he tries to open it. We have tested our development devices and the same build of the app here and everything is working fine.
Is there anything we can try as he does not have access to Xcode for a fresh install of the app?
We have checked the developer certs and provisioning profiles and all seem ok and in date.
Thanks a lot.
If you gave it to them via ad hoc or something, the provisioning profile has probably expired so you would need to renew that. This is a similar problem I've met before. For the IPA file providing, you could try to upload your apps to Pgyer or TestFlight and provide the installation link to customer.

App ID with identifier not available when turning on remote notification

I have an app which I've just submitted to the app store. In the developer portal it has push notification checked, however it's not yet configured.
I want to add Push notification capability to this app. I try to turn on Push in XCode Capability tab. There was a issue and I press fix issue, it said the ID is not available, though it it the ID for the app already available in the app store.
Also under the General tab:
Now what do I do to fix it? Despite having read "iOS Code Signing: Under The Hood" from Ray Wenderlich I'm still having a headache.
OK the accepted answer wasn't really it. I finally found the correct answer to this question from JRRevuelta's post in the Apple forum:
Go to your Apple Developer "Certificates, Ids, Profiles", and under
your App IDs list find the App ID in question and, If your App ID is
in the form: com.myDomain.MyApp Then the name in your App ID record
has to be: "XC com myDomain MyApp" Don't ask me why, but it works.
(is the default name that XCode assigns when you create the record
from XCode), but for records that exist prior or that you created
directly in the Developer site, the name should be whatever you
want... but its not. Some glitch introduced in one of the latest XCode
Apparently this problem only surface in recent Xcode.
Check the following steps it may solve your problem:
manually removed INVALID iOS Team Provision Profile Managed by Xcode from Developer Portal
manually created iOS Developer Provision profile
Downloaded it via Xcode
For more information you can check: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36175175/4557505 answer, this answers the same issue which you are having
I think you need to create the SSL certificates and set up a provisioning profile matching your needs. Assuming you already have an development provisioning profile for your app-id you just need to add the SSL certificate for development. When done testing add the certificate for production.

no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application while debugging on xamarin for ios

I am working on xamarin for ios.
Its was working on my older machine. But, then i had to switch to new machine and recreate all the certificates and everything for the new machine.
I have created the app ID. Then created the aps certificates and then created the provisioning profile.
In Debug I have provided the downloaded provisioning profile. But still I am getting this same error. And my app is unable to get the device token.
I am searching a lot since last night. And have done the following things with no success:
Regenerating provisioning profile and trying with the new one
I also deleted the app id itself. Recreated everything from start. All Certificates, app id, provisioning profile
Deleted all the provisioning profile from my system and device. Created new profiles and installed them.
Above are three most common solutions i found in my searches, but to my dismay nothing is working for me.
If you have any idea please throw at me. I am in a great need for that. Its holding me from submitting the app.
Please help.
The problem was xamarin studio itself. It seems that after updating form stable 5.2/5.1 version to 5.3 this issue surfaces. So i deleted the app and installed it again which game me v5.2. Now i am not udpating till i publish my app.
This link is full of people facing this problem:
did you add the App's Development SSL Certificate to your keychain? when enabling push notifications for the App ID you should generate a Development SSL Certificate for the App, download it and add it to your key chain.

Error in PushWoosh integration

I've been trying to integrate PushWoosh in my project, actually I did integrate it successfully and released apps on the appStore. Now I am planning to release very similar app but with different content. I've done the same lately and the PW was working quite fine with each new duplicated target. But recently the duplicated target causing problem. Gives this Error alert at app startup:
Title: PushWoosh Error
Description: Your provisioning profile does not have any APS entry. Please make your profile push compatible.
I made the profiles Push compatible via the Pushwoosh's auto feature and downloaded then modified profiles and used them for archiving. I'd be very thankful if you guys can point out anything that I need to look at.
One thing worths mention that I switched computers while making replica builds. So, in the start all builds are giving the error then at the end after being frustrated I generated whole new distribution certificates for this new computer. Now, with the new certificate and stuff I got my first target pushWoosh ready but then on the the second target gave the same error as above and surprisingly the third target works well with PW. Now I am in a fix that where's what going wrong causing such random errors. Any ideas?
Do you have the "aps-environment" string in your mobile provisioning profile? If you don't you have to recreate it in the Apple Development Portal and then make sure there is such a string in a new profile, and its' value matches the gateway you're using in PW, that is "development" for Sandbox and "production" for Production.
I just came up with a different solution to this problem that I hope will help:
My problem was that the name of my app in Xcode wasn't the same as the App ID I had manually created on the Apple Developer Portal. I have 'Automatically manage signing' turned on in Xcode, so Xcode created an App ID automatically in the Apple Developer Portal called XC com paye...
I followed the process of creating the certificates from scratch, added them to the app ID that Xcode created, and voila! It works.
Hope this helps! :-)
