Decentralised execution of jobs in jenkins - jenkins

I came across multi job plugin which helps in executing jobs parallelly but I want to reduce the load on server.So I want to decentralised the execution of jobs.
Is it possible in jenkins to achieve this.If yes then how to achieve it.

Here you have a comprehensive description how setup distributed builds in Jenkins.
You can also try to create build pipelines.

Try Build Flow Plugin
You can run both sequential and parallel by using this plugin.


Creating tasks as part of a build in Jenkins

I currently have a project set up in Bamboo that has various tasks attached to it ranging from: source code checkouts, scripts and commands.
I would like to transition over to Jenkins and perform the same action and found that Pipelines may be what I am looking for.
Can anyone provide me with a basic understanding of how I can create a Pipeline or freestyle job in Jenkins with sequential tasks that are executed as part of a build? A project in Bamboo has a plan with various tasks and I would like to replicate the same thing in Jenkins.
Here is an example of what my Bamboo tasks look like:

Jenkins Per Slave Pipeline Build Enforcement

I'm trying to find a way to ensure that an entire pipeline completes on a specific executor without allowing other jobs to be run on that executor:
my pipeline essentially looks like:
Build -> Deploy -> API testing -> selenium testing
as we have multiple teams, all running multiple paralell pipelines i want to ensure that on a per slave basis all builds complete in the pipeline before any others begin
Is anyone aware of a plugin that does this?
You can look into the Locks and Latches plugin that can help you enforce this by assigning a lock to the relevant pipeline.
I have never tried your setup, but it might work.
Also, consider restricting the number of executors on the slave to 1, so only a single pipeline can "fit in".
I hope this helps.

Is there a way to turn Jenkins job into a Jenkins DSL script automatically?

I use Job DSL Plugin to generate my Jenkins builds. But sometimes I make small changes to the build in Jenkins and I want to port those changes back to my DSL script automatically. Is there any way to achieve this?
Currently there is no way to generate a Job DSL script for an existing job. This has been reported in the Jenkins issue tracker as JENKINS-16360 some time ago and someone even offered a bounty, but AFAIK no one is working on the issue.

run multi job of multi jobs on jenkins

I want to build multiple jobs in jenkins:
I install multi job plugin on jenkins. When I build test_all_jobs, it run job1 and freeze on it and doesn't start job1-1 until I close job1 test!
Actually I want to start job1-1 then job 1-2 and after they finished job 2-1 then job2-2 should start.
I should say I can not use Build Flow Plugin.
I don't use the multi job plugin. Instead, I use the combination of the Conditional BuildStep Plugin and the Parameterized Trigger Plugin.
I think together, you get much more flexibility and ease of configuring your desired flow.
Look into these and see if you can get the answer you want from joining them.
I hope this helps.
I guess this issue is because of the number of executors assigned to the slave node on which you are running the job is assigned with 1.
Under nodes---->select your node ----> Configure ---> Increase the no of executors
Hopefully this helps you.

Parallelizing tests with Jenkins

I am using Jenkins for integration testing.
Just to give the context. At the moment I have a separate build server which produces the build daily and Jenkins is not used as the build server. The build server executes the unit testing in my case.
When build process is complete it invokes the Jenkins job. In that job Jenkins start to deploy the build into the Virtual machine. I have a script for doing this.
Followed to that my plan is to run several scripts for doing the end-to-end testing.
Now I have several question in this regard:
How to parallelize the execution of the end-to-end tests?
As I am adding scripts after script I am getting worried how manageable it will be?
I am always using the web interface for adding and changing the scripts. How to do this from the command line?
Any ideas for a good tutorial? Any pointers from all of you? Thanks!
Looks like Build Flow Plugin is what I need.
You might want to try and see if you can use the Build Pipeline plugin before build flow. Much better visualization of what is going on, less scripting.
I link Build and deploy jobs in one sequence and then have unit and integration test jobs linked separately off the build job. You can then use Fail The Build plugin to have downstream jobs fail upstream ones.
