Could not find an application at the specified director xamarin ios app - ios

Has anyone ever come across the error
Log generated on 29/12/2014 00:12:01
Failed to deploy application on the target device. Please try to rebuild the solution and try again. (Generic)
Build server returned an Error.
error MT1001: Could not find an application at the specified directory
error MT1001: Could not find an application at the specified directory
I am trying to run the ios app sample project here
I am using Visual Studio 2013 I dont have much else to go on here really

Double click on the error message in the Error Message List of Visual Studio to see details.
Might be a problem with the Entitlements.plist


Visual Studio Deploying to Hololens Access is Denied

I am trying to deploy to Hololens 2. I followed all of the documentation located here for deploying from USB, but when I go to Debug .> Start without Debugging, I get the following error message:
Unable to activate Windows Store app. 'Template3D__pzq3xp76mxafg!App'.
The activation request failed with error 'Access is Denied'.
Has anyone else gotten this error before? How did you solve it? There doesn't seem to be any documentation anywhere.
The error message may be caused by various different reasons. And for now, we guess that the issue may happens when VS is trying to activate another app with the same package name on your HoloLens. So, we think the following steps worth trying for you.
Uninstall the existing app with the same name on your HoloLens.
Rebuild your Unity project to another empty folder, then open the UWP project with VS.
Update the DisplayName and Package name property in the Package.appxmainfest file with another name.
In my case, uninstalling the app and deleting the existing build folder didn't help. The solution was very simple: You need to be signed in on the Hololens 2 and keep it on your head. I'm using a PIN for my account and also paired the Hololens and allowed the developer options. I just tried several times to confirm and without logging in, I get exactly the described error. I'm deploying over USB.

Issue with using On-Demand Resource through Xamarin.iOS on iOS simulator

I have run into an issue where I am unable to access assets tagged for use in Apple’s On-Demand Resource feature through a Xamarin.iOS app, but only when run on the simulator. This only occurred after updating my environment. I was previously on Visual Studio for Mac version 8.3.9 and Xcode version 11.2.1, and my app was able to access ODR resources without issue on both simulator and physical device.
Now I am on Visual Studio version 8.4.2 and Xcode version 11.3.1, and my app is not functioning correctly. However, I am only seeing issues when running on an iOS simulator (for any iOS version). I can build and run on a physical device (running iOS version 13.0)and am seeing no problems.
I am creating and tagging an asset for use in Apple ODR through Visual Studio for Mac. I have a ZIP file that I add into my app’s iOS project directly as a resource. In its properties, I set the BuildAction as BundleResource, select “Do Not Copy” to output directory, and give it an On-Demand Resource tag.
When I build my solution, I can see this ZIP file nested in a *.assetpack directory under bin/iPhone/Debug/device-builds/iphone12.3-13.0/OnDemandResources. I believe it is supposed to be put in bin/iPhone/Debug/OnDemandResources/ instead. When I run the code that calls NSBundleResourceRequest’s BeginAccessingResourcesAsync, it seemingly does nothing. I see the following error message in the Application Output debug window in VS after that function is called:
Begin: Request 0x0x600002566100 response: Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4994 "The requested application data doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=InvalidTag}
There’s no other error or exception being thrown. When I try to get the resource path from the NSBundleResourceRequest.Bundle object, it expectedly returns null.
Any reason why this is happening, and why this is only occurring on the iOS simulator and not on a physical device? I haven’t been able to find anything useful when searching for the above error message. Did something change in Visual Studio regarding how bundled assets are built in Debug mode?
Not really an answer, but more of a workaround. Using version 8.3.9 of VS for Mac seems to not throw this error, so I reverted back to that version

bundle identifier build errors xamarin forms ios and ios extention projects

I have been trying to deploy this iOS app for 2 days from visual studio for mac and I have been getting an error stating.
"Found conflicts between different versions of "System.Numerics" that could not be resolved. The reference conflicts are listed in the build log when log verbosity is set to detailed."
This has has changed from Numerics to after i removed system.numerics. When I cleaned the project, the error message would switch to warning messages. I cleaned up most of the warning messages.
When I look at the build log this is the build error i actually see.
error MT7006: The App Extension 'OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension' has an invalid CFBundleIdentifier (, it does not begin with the main app bundle's CFBundleIdentifier (
I switched over to my windows machine to build the app, it found the same warnings with the version conflicts. But the error it came back with is the MT7006.
Im leaning towards this is real error even on the mac and the other errors are false.
This leads to the question, my ios app and my extension have the same bundle identifier, i have even checked the info.plist files in text editors to make sure they match and they do. I have cleaned the project and nothing seems to resolve the situation.
Any guidance is most appreciated.
Your extension cannot have the same id as the main app.

Xamarin IOS MonoTouch (Unable to Build Successfully on any profile other than Debug in Visual Studio 2015)

Hi guys I have been struggling with this error for a few days now and I could not find out what's really going on, basically it throws an error "error : Failed to compile the generated registrar code. Please file a bug report at" i got the complete output of the build in this link
building in Debug mode and iPhoneSimulator works fine and infact can run through the App without any problems... however when I want to use Ad-Hoc so I can produce a signed App for test flight so it can be bug tested by my beta testers I can't because of that error, please note I got no experience in Objective-C and my App in concern is built on C# Mono using Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015, hope you guys can help me out thanks...
Turns out the error was caused by a file with register.cs name that caused the issue thanks to the bug helpers of Xamarin i was able to remove the issue and was able to build the IPA file, for those who will encounter this try to watch out for the class names you use on your MonoTouch Projects

Application Installation error Blackberry

I have an application of mine on AppStore. But one user is complaining that he can not install the application on his device(Curve 8900) and it's giving error
"Error starting AppName
Module 'AppName
$28NonTouch$29-2' has
verification errors."
Now how come it is possible that other's users are able to download properly while one user is getting this error. I downloaded the application from the appstore and its working perfectly.
And when this user tries to install the application through Desktop Manager he is getting error
"No additional applications can
be found. Your file may contain applications that already exist in the
application list, are not compatible for your device, or have errors."
When i tried to stimulate the issue here by installing the application through desktop manager i am able to install it properly without any error messages.
Can anyone suggest me ,what might be causing this issue.?? Is there any kind of version mismatch??
My application is compiled usiong jdk 4.5.
Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
Kindly help,Its urgent..
Thanx in advance."
Probably the problem is related with the version specified in the .alx file.
Check the .alx file and remove the "_blackberryVersion" tag, or change it so it matches the OS version on your device.
