Developing iPhone App that will run on all the iPhone devices - ios

I have to develop an app that should run on all the iPhone devices, whether it is iPhone 4/4S, iPhone 5/5S, or iPhone 6/6+, using Xcode 6.1.1. Will an app developed using Storyboard run on devices prior to iPhone 5?
If not, then what things should I consider so that app will run seamlessly on all the iPhone devices?

Storyboard and ARC will work till iOS 5.
Apple Document:
Storyboard Compatibility
Note: This are Some Nice Tutorials About AutoLayout.

Try to adapt with Size classes and auto layout. First I didn't know how autolayout and sizeclasses work, and it was so tough for me. Yeah, now the problem with multiple screen is not a big deal anymore.
Please read apple's docs:
Auto Layout Link
Size Classes Link


How do I make Auto Layout option to work in my iOS app?

I need a small help. As suggested by the forums here, I used auto layout in all screens I develop. In my iOS app, I have around 11 screens. I developed with my iPhone which is iPhone 6s. Last week, when I went to deploy this in my tester iPhone, who uses iPhone 7s, I noticed that most of the screens, the alignment is not the same as my iPhone.
I have auto layout enabled and constraints are not changed. Please can anyone help me on how to make my screens uniform in all iPhone devices? I am using xcode 10.

Autolayout issue on iPhone 4S running iOS 8.3

I've been testing one of my apps in all iOS devices that I have access to. The autolayout constraints that I added using storyboard works fine in all of them but in a iPhone 4S which is running iOS 8.3. I made the same test in another iPhone 4S running iOS 7 and works fine as well.
Does anyone have any idea what may be going? Is there any bug related to auto-layout on iOS 8 for iPhone 4S?
I appreciate any help!
uhm I try to help you.
So the only "problem" that I had already encountered with Autolayout and iOS 7 is relative to the constraints to margins. This feature is developed for iOS 8 and in some case I had some UI problems with iOS 7, but I'm not sure that is your problem: check eventually if you use this feature and set constraints not to margins.
I read the contraints that you use, it's hard to understand really your situation but first of all, do you really need the set some priority for few constraints?
..and please, add comment or edit your question with more info: we need to understand what is the real problem; in iOS 8.3 with iPhone 4S what's happen to your layout? :)

Does my iPhone app have to work on iPad too?

I was reading the apple guidelines are there is a point which says
iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Does this mean if my app doesn't work perfectly fine on an iPad, it gets rejected? I'm posting this here as I found many contradicting information regarding this.
It means it has to run, not that it has to be optimized for iPad.
There is a big difference in that. You don't have to create iPad storyboard in order to make app run on an iPad - Xcode lets iPad use the iPhone storyboard and open it as if it was an iPhone. The view is then shrunk into a smaller rectangle.
You are aiming for something like this:
Apple has build Xcode in way that when you build and iphone app, it will also be compatible for iPads with 1x and 2x resolution. So you need not worry about creating a separate storyboard for iPad. Hope you find this helpful. Happy coding !

Convert app from iPhone 5 to iPhone 4 device

How to make ios app compatible with iphone4 devices (i.e 3.5 inch), which is already built in iphone 5 (4.0 inch screen) without creating different xib?
Use Autolayout to allow your app to correctly resize to the correct screen size. has a good tutorial to get you started, and the Cocoa Auto Layout Guide is excellent, although it is written primarily for Mac apps.

How to support multiple resolutions in MonoTouch

What is the approach to support different resolutions on MonoTouch. I just created a new XIB in the latest version of MonoTouch. When I run it, it is iPhone 4 resolution.
My simulator is iPhone5 and so I see black bars in top and bottom.
First off all you must provide default (launch) image for iPhone 5.
Possible solutions
Use the auto-resizing capabilities of iOS (View.AutoresizingMask)
Detect iPhone 5 and load different xib like in universal apps. Read more about this great in tutorial Building MonoTouch Applications that run on both the iPad and iPhone Getting Started from Xamarin Developer Center!
