How to support multiple resolutions in MonoTouch - ios

What is the approach to support different resolutions on MonoTouch. I just created a new XIB in the latest version of MonoTouch. When I run it, it is iPhone 4 resolution.
My simulator is iPhone5 and so I see black bars in top and bottom.

First off all you must provide default (launch) image for iPhone 5.
Possible solutions
Use the auto-resizing capabilities of iOS (View.AutoresizingMask)
Detect iPhone 5 and load different xib like in universal apps. Read more about this great in tutorial Building MonoTouch Applications that run on both the iPad and iPhone Getting Started from Xamarin Developer Center!


How do I make my app scale properly on 13-inch iOS tablets?

We finally got a 12.9-inch iPad Pro in the office! However, when putting our app on it, it's just stretched to fit the screen. Looking at the project file, I don't see any settings that would change this. How do I make our app properly scale on these large iPads?
I already tried Googling this, but I keep getting reviews and people begging for Xcode on iOS:
How do i make my app work on iPad Pro?
Make Xcode project iPad Pro compatible
iPad Pro .xcodeproj
Making your app work in iPad Pro
How to optimize app for iPad Pro
If you build with the iOS 9 SDK, then your app is expected to support all resolutions. Same if you use iOS 8 SDK and use a launch storyboard. Without that, iOS assumes that you don't support the resolution, but scales an iPad app. So that's what you need to do: iOS 9 SDK, and/or launch storyboard.

iOS app layout on iPhone 6

I have currently developed an iOS app. The deployment target is 7.1 and I am targeting iPhone5/5s and iPhone6/6s as main devices.
After I have finished development, my app got rejected stating that it does not support the device screen size of the iPhone6.
I have tested this app using the iPhone6 simulator and my real iPhone 6 and everything looks correct and scaled.
I am using AutoLayout
I have set constraints
I was using a LaunchScreen but after i read many posts i deleted the LaunchScreen and added Launch Images with all the sizes and with the correct default names.
The app review team provided me with screenshots that shows my app running on an iPhone6 however with the layout dimensions of an iPhone5s (the layout is not scaled, there is a large white border)
Could you please guys provide me with any tips?
I was using a LaunchScreen but after i read many posts i deleted the LaunchScreen and added Launch Images
That's the problem. You must use a launch screen, because otherwise your app does not run natively on iPhone 6; instead, it is treated as an iPhone 5 and scaled up, exactly as Apple's screenshots showed you. Apple will no longer accept that; you must run natively, so you must use a launch screen.
You need to add launch images of the below resolutions to support iPhone6. Pl. refer to the below url which clearly specifies the dimension of the launch images to be used.

Developing iPhone App that will run on all the iPhone devices

I have to develop an app that should run on all the iPhone devices, whether it is iPhone 4/4S, iPhone 5/5S, or iPhone 6/6+, using Xcode 6.1.1. Will an app developed using Storyboard run on devices prior to iPhone 5?
If not, then what things should I consider so that app will run seamlessly on all the iPhone devices?
Storyboard and ARC will work till iOS 5.
Apple Document:
Storyboard Compatibility
Note: This are Some Nice Tutorials About AutoLayout.
Try to adapt with Size classes and auto layout. First I didn't know how autolayout and sizeclasses work, and it was so tough for me. Yeah, now the problem with multiple screen is not a big deal anymore.
Please read apple's docs:
Auto Layout Link
Size Classes Link

How to upgrade your project for ios 3.0 to ios 6.0 onwords

Right now I am working on non-arc project for ios3.0. They haven't designed anything by interface builder. Everything coded is both for landscape view and portrait view separately. My Problem is when I try to add the same image for background of another screen, it appears to be cropped. also enabling the auto resize subviews gives me error. When I try to set views for portrait and landscape view, it doesn't work.
one more thing, that project is only developed for iPad. if they want it to be done for iPhones, should i have to start from scratch separately for iPhone because of above mentioned problems ?
please suggest me if the upgraded app will support for 64 bit ipad retina.
Thanx in advance
Make your project universal by changing the setting shown in the image below. Also it is better to drop support for iOS 3 as nobody uses it anymore and support iOS 6 and above. It will give much more options and flexibility regarding frameworks and layouts.
To support 64-bit devices you have to build with iOS 5 or higher as minimum supported iOS version. Best practice is to support the two latest releases (iOS 6 and 7 at this moment) as most iOS users update their devices fast after each os release.

Convert app from iPhone 5 to iPhone 4 device

How to make ios app compatible with iphone4 devices (i.e 3.5 inch), which is already built in iphone 5 (4.0 inch screen) without creating different xib?
Use Autolayout to allow your app to correctly resize to the correct screen size. has a good tutorial to get you started, and the Cocoa Auto Layout Guide is excellent, although it is written primarily for Mac apps.
