How to reference type class-polymorphic variables in a theorem type? - typeclass

I have written a Haskell-style Functor type class:
Class Functor (f: Type -> Type) := {
map {a b: Type}: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b);
map_id: forall (a: Type) (x: f a), map id x = x
Where id has the obvious definition.
Now, I've proven instances of Functor for list and the function type. But I want to prove statements about any functor. To start with, I want to prove what's essentially a tautology: a restatement of the map_id for any functor.
Theorem map_id_restatement: forall (F: Type -> Type),
Functor F -> forall T (x: F T), map id x = x.
The idea being to prove this theorem I would simply apply map_id. But I get an error when I try to start proving this:
Toplevel input, characters 88-91:
Could not find an instance for "Functor F" in environment:
F : Type -> Type
T : Type
x : F T
But the Functor F instance should be already in scope due to the assumption in the type. Why is it not recognized?
OK, I figured out I could make it work by quantifying the Functor F:
Theorem map_id_restatement: forall (F: Type -> Type) (finst: Functor F),
forall T (x: F T), map id x = x.
Proof. apply #map_id. Qed.
Why is this necessary? Interestingly, it doesn't work if I don't explicitly give a name to the functor instance (i.e. if I just write (_: Functor F)).

I don't know whether this is a bug or not, but notice that when you write something like Functor F -> SomeType, you are implicitly saying that SomeType does not depend on the Functor instance, which is not true in your case: the full type of your theorem, printing all implicit arguments, would be something like:
Theorem map_id_restatement: forall (F: Type -> Type) (finst: Functor F),
forall T (x: F T), #map F fints T T (#id T) x = x.
If you replace finst by _, you get
Theorem map_id_restatement: forall (F: Type -> Type) (_: Functor F),
forall T (x: F T), #map F _ T T (#id T) x = x.
which can't really be type-checked, since _ is not really a variable name.
Notice that, if you bind Functor F anonymously before the colon, Coq accepts it:
Theorem map_id_restatement (F: Type -> Type) (_ : Functor F) :
forall T (x: F T), map (#id T) x = x.
Proof. apply #map_id. Qed.
Presumably, here Coq is treating the _ in a different way, and replacing it by an automatically generated name, instead of actually leaving it unnamed. You can also use the following form, which works both under the forall or before the colon:
Theorem map_id_restatement (F: Type -> Type) : forall `(Functor F),
forall T (x: F T), map (#id T) x = x.
Proof. apply #map_id. Qed.


Haskell: How to implement >>= for a parser

I have the following Parser
newtype Parser a = P (String -> [(a,String)])
and I need to implement the bind on its implementation as a Monad. I have that the return is defined as
instance Monad Parser where
return v = P (\inp -> [(v,inp)])
To implement p >>= f I know this much: p is a Parser object and f has type declaration
f :: a -> Parser b
So I'm thinking the value of p >>= f needs to be a Parser object which wraps a function. That function's argument is a String. So I'm guessing the function should "open up p", get its function, apply that to the input string, get an object of type [(a, String)], then ... I guess maybe apply f to every first coordinate in each tuple, then use the resulting Parser's function and apply it to the second coordinate ... and make a list of all of those tuples?
At this point I get pretty foggy on whether I got this right and if so, how to do it. Maybe I should write a helper function with type
trans :: [(a,String)] -> (a -> Parser b) -> [(b,String)]
But before getting into that, I wanted to check if my confused description of what I should be doing rings true.
instance Monad Parser where
return v = P (\inp -> [(v,inp)])
P p >>= f = P (\inp -> do
(x,u) <- p inp
let P q = f x
q u

Is this incremental parser a functor, if so how would `fmap` be implemented?

I really hate asking this kind of question but I'm at the end of my wits here. I am writing an incremental parser but for some reason, just cannot figure out how to implement functor instance for it. Here's the code dump:
Input Data Type
Input is data type yielded by parser to the coroutine. It contains the current list of input chars being operated on by coroutine and end of line condition
data Input a = S [a] Bool deriving (Show)
instance Functor Input where
fmap g (S as x) = S (g <$> as) x
Output Data Type
Output is data type yielded by coroutine to Parser. It is either a Failed message, Done [b], or Partial ([a] -> Output a b), where [a] is the current buffer passed back to the parser
data Output a b = Fail String | Done [b] | Partial ([a] -> Output a b)
instance Functor (Output a) where
fmap _ (Fail s) = Fail s
fmap g (Done bs) = Done $ g <$> bs
fmap g (Partial f) = Partial $ \as -> g <$> f as
The Parser
The parser takes [a] and yields a buffer [a] to coroutine, which yields back Output a b
data ParserI a b = PP { runPi :: [a] -> (Input a -> Output a b) -> Output a b }
Functor Implementation
It seems like all I have to do is fmap the function g onto the coroutine, like follows:
instance Functor (ParserI a) where
fmap g p = PP $ \as k -> runPi p as (\xs -> fmap g $ k xs)
But it does not type check:
Couldn't match type `a1' with `b'
`a1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
fmap :: (a1 -> b) -> ParserI a a1 -> ParserI a b
at Tests.hs:723:9
`b' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
fmap :: (a1 -> b) -> ParserI a a1 -> ParserI a b
at Tests.hs:723:9
Expected type: ParserI a b
Actual type: ParserI a a1
As Philip JF declared, it's not possible to have an instance Functor (ParserI a). The proof goes by variance of functors—any (mathematical) functor must, for each of its arguments, be either covariant or contravariant. Normal Haskell Functors are always covariant which is why
fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)`
Haskell Contravariant functors have the similar
contramap :: (b -> a) -> (f a -> f b)`
In your case, the b index in ParserI a b would have to be both covariant and contravariant. The quick way of figuring this out is to relate covariant positions to + and contravariant to - and build from some basic rules.
Covariant positions are function results, contravariant are function inputs. So a type mapping like type Func1 a b c = (a, b) -> c has a ~ -, b ~ -, and c ~ +. If you have functions in output positions, you multiply all of the argument variances by +1. If you have functions in input positions you multiply all the variances by -1. Thus
type Func2 a b c = a -> (b -> c)
has the same variances as Func1 but
type Func3 a b c = (a -> b) -> c
has a ~ 1, b ~ -1, and c ~ 1. Using these rules you can pretty quickly see that Output has variances like Output - + and then ParserI uses Output in both negative and positive positions, thus it can't be a straight up Functor.
But there are generalizations like Contravariant. The particular generalization of interest is Profunctor (or Difunctors which you see sometimes) which goes like so
class Profunctor f where
promap :: (a' -> a) -> (b -> b') -> (f a b -> f a' b')
the quintessential example of which being (->)
instance Profunctor (->) where
promap f g orig = g . orig . f
i.e. it "extends" the function both after (like a usual Functor) and before. Profunctors f are thus always mathematical functors of arity 2 with variance signature f - +.
So, by generalizing your ParserI slightly, letting there be an extra parameter to split the ouput types in half, we can make it a Profunctor.
data ParserIC a b b' = PP { runPi :: [a] -> (Input a -> Output a b) -> Output a b' }
instance Profunctor (ParserIC a) where
promap before after (PP pi) =
PP $ \as k -> fmap after $ pi as (fmap before . k)
and then you can wrap it up
type ParserI a b = ParserIC a b b
and provide a slightly less convenient mapping function over b
mapPi :: (c -> b) -> (b -> c) -> ParserI a b -> ParserI a c
mapPi = promap
which really drives home the burden of having the variances go both ways---you need to have bidirectional maps!

Built in f# operator to compose functions with the same input but different outputs?

I understand the << compose operator takes two functions that both take in and return the same type. e.g. (lhs:'a -> 'a) -> (rhs:'a -> 'a) -> 'a
I often find myself wanting something like (lhs:'a -> 'b) -> (rhs:'c -> 'b) -> 'b in cases where I'm interested in side affects and not the return value 'b is probably the unit type. This is only when I have two lines in succession where I'm persisting something to a database.
Is there a built in function or idiomatic F# way of doing this without writing something like
let myCompose lhs rhs arg =
lhs arg
rhs arg
Backward composition operator (<<) is defined as:
( << ) : ('b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'c`
With two predicates applied, it is actually a function that takes initial value of 'a returning 'c, while the value of 'b is processed inside.
From the code sample you provided, let me assume that you need applying an argument to both predicates. There are several ways to do this:
Discarding the value returned by the (first) predicate, returning the original argument instead. Such operator exists in WebSharper:
let ( |>! ) x f = f x; x
// Usage:
let ret =
|>! f1
|>! f2
|> f3
I like this approach because:
it does not complicate things; each function application is atomic, and the code appears more readable;
it allows chaining throughout three or more predicates, like in the example above;
In this case, f must return unit, but you can easily work this around:
let ( |>!! ) x f = ignore(f x); x
Applying the argument to both predicates, returning a tuple of results, exactly as in your own example. There's such operator OCaml, easy to adapt to F#:
val (&&&) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b * 'c
As #JackP noticed, &&& is already defined in F# for another purpose, so let's use another name:
/// Applying two functions to the same argument.
let (.&.) f g x = (f x, g x)
// Usage
let ret1, ret2 =
|> (f .&. g)
Note The samples above are for straight order of function application. If you need them applied in a reverse order, you need to modify the code accordingly.
The backward or reverse composition operator (<<) does not take two functions that both take in and return the same type; the only constraint is that the output type of the first function to be applied must be the same as the input type of the function it's being composed into. According to MSDN, the function signature is:
// Signature:
( << ) : ('T2 -> 'T3) -> ('T1 -> 'T2) -> 'T1 -> 'T3
// Usage:
func2 << func1
I don't know of a built-in composition operator that works like you want, but if this pattern is something you use frequently in your code and having such an operator would simplify your code, I think it's reasonable to define your own. For example:
> let (<<!) func2 func1 arg = func1 arg; func2 arg;;
val ( <<! ) : func2:('a -> 'b) -> func1:('a -> unit) -> arg:'a -> 'b
Or, if you know both functions are going to return unit, you can write it like this to constrain the output type to be unit:
> let (<<!) func2 func1 arg = func1 arg; func2 arg; ();;
val ( <<! ) : func2:('a -> unit) -> func1:('a -> unit) -> arg:'a -> unit
For composing of any number of functions of type f:'a->unit in any desired order you may simply fold their list:
("whatever",[ printfn "funX: %A"; printfn "funY: %A"; printfn "funZ: %A" ])
||> List.fold (fun arg f -> f arg; arg )
|> ignore
getting in FSI
funX: "whatever"
funY: "whatever"
funZ: "whatever"
val it : unit = ()

Converting F# pipeline operators ( <|, >>, << ) to OCaml

I'm converting some F# code to OCaml and I see a lot of uses of this pipeline operator <|, for example:
let printPeg expr =
printfn "%s" <| pegToString expr
The <| operator is apparently defined as just:
# let ( <| ) a b = a b ;;
val ( <| ) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b = <fun>
I'm wondering why they bother to define and use this operator in F#, is it just so they can avoid putting in parens like this?:
let printPeg expr =
Printf.printf "%s" ( pegToString expr )
As far as I can tell, that would be the conversion of the F# code above to OCaml, correct?
Also, how would I implement F#'s << and >> operators in Ocaml?
( the |> operator seems to simply be: let ( |> ) a b = b a ;; )
why they bother to define and use this operator in F#, is it just so they can avoid putting in parens?
It's because the functional way of programming assumes threading a value through a chain of functions. Compare:
let f1 str server =
|> parseUserName
|> getUserByName server
|> validateLogin <| DateTime.Now
let f2 str server =
validateLogin(getUserByName(server, (parseUserName str)), DateTime.Now)
In the first snippet, we clearly see everything that happens with the value. Reading the second one, we have to go through all parens to figure out what's going on.
This article about function composition seems to be relevant.
So yes, in a regular life, it is mostly about parens. But also, pipeline operators are closely related to partial function application and point-free style of coding. See Programming is "Pointless", for example.
The pipeline |> and function composition >> << operators can produce yet another interesting effect when they are passed to higher-level functions, like here.
Directly from the F# source:
let inline (|>) x f = f x
let inline (||>) (x1,x2) f = f x1 x2
let inline (|||>) (x1,x2,x3) f = f x1 x2 x3
let inline (<|) f x = f x
let inline (<||) f (x1,x2) = f x1 x2
let inline (<|||) f (x1,x2,x3) = f x1 x2 x3
let inline (>>) f g x = g(f x)
let inline (<<) f g x = f(g x)
OCaml Batteries supports these operators, but for reasons of precedence, associativity and other syntactic quirks (like Camlp4) it uses different symbols. Which particular symbols to use has just been settled recently, there are some changes. See: Batteries API:
val (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
Function application. x |> f is equivalent to f x.
val ( **> ) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
Function application. f **> x is equivalent to f x.
Note The name of this operator is not written in stone. It is bound to change soon.
val (|-) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'c
Function composition. f |- g is fun x -> g (f x). This is also equivalent to applying <** twice.
val (-|) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b
Function composition. f -| g is fun x -> f (g x). Mathematically, this is operator o.
But Batteries trunk provides:
val ( ## ) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
Function application. [f ## x] is equivalent to [f x].
val ( % ) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b
Function composition: the mathematical [o] operator.
val ( |> ) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
The "pipe": function application. [x |> f] is equivalent to [f x].
val ( %> ) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'c
Piping function composition. [f %> g] is [fun x -> g (f x)].
I'm wondering why they bother to define and use this operator in F#, is it just so they can avoid putting in parens like this?
Excellent question. The specific operator you're referring to (<|) is pretty useless IME. It lets you avoid parentheses on rare occasions but more generally it complicates the syntax by dragging in more operators and makes it harder for less experienced F# programmers (of which there are now many) to understand your code. So I've stopped using it.
The |> operator is much more useful but only because it helps F# to infer types correctly in situations where OCaml would not have a problem. For example, here is some OCaml: (fun o -> o#foo) os
The direct equivalent fails in F# because the type of o cannot be inferred prior to reading its foo property so the idiomatic solution is to rewrite the code like this using the |> so F# can infer the type of o before foo is used:
os |> (fun o ->
I rarely use the other operators (<< and >>) because they also complicate the syntax. I also dislike parser combinator libraries that pull in lots of operators.
The example Bytebuster gave is interesting:
let f1 str server =
|> parseUserName
|> getUserByName server
|> validateLogin <| DateTime.Now
I would write this as:
let f2 str server =
let userName = parseUserName str
let user = getUserByName server userName
validateLogin user DateTime.Now
There are no brackets in my code. My temporaries have names so they appear in the debugger and I can inspect them and Intellisense can give me type throwback when I hover the mouse over them. These characteristics are valuable for production code that non-expert F# programmers will be maintaining.

Would you please explain OCaml functors to me? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
In Functional Programming, what is a functor?
I don't know much about OCaml, I've studied F# for some time and quite understand it.
They say that F# misses functor model, which is present in OCaml. I've tried to figure out what exactly functor is, but wikipedia and tutorials didn't help me much.
Could you please illuminate that mystery for me? Thanks in advance :)
I've caught the point, thx to everyone who helped me. You can close the question as exact duplicate of: In Functional Programming, what is a functor?
If you come from an OOP universe, then it probably helps to think of a module as analogous to a static class. Similar to .NET static classes, OCaml module have constructors; unlike .NET, OCaml modules can accept parameters in their constructors. A functor is a scary sounding name for the object you pass into the module constructor.
So using the canonical example of a binary tree, we'd normally write it in F# like this:
type 'a tree =
| Nil
| Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
module Tree =
let rec insert v = function
| Nil -> Node(Nil, v, Nil)
| Node(l, x, r) ->
if v < x then Node(insert v l, x, r)
elif v > x then Node(l, x, insert v r)
else Node(l, x, r)
Fine and dandy. But how does F# know how to compare two objects of type 'a using the < and > operators?
Behind the scenes, its doing something like this:
> let gt x y = x > y;;
val gt : 'a -> 'a -> bool when 'a : comparison
Alright, well what if you have an object of type Person which doesn't implement that particular interface? What if you wanted to define the sorting function on the fly? One approach is just to pass in the comparer as follows:
let rec insert comparer v = function
| Nil -> Node(Nil, v, Nil)
| Node(l, x, r) ->
if comparer v x = 1 then Node(insert v l, x, r)
elif comparer v x = -1 then Node(l, x, insert v r)
else Node(l, x, r)
It works, but if you're writing a module for tree operations with insert, lookup, removal, etc, you require clients to pass in an ordering function everytime they call anything.
If F# supported functors, its hypothetical syntax might look like this:
type 'a Comparer =
abstract Gt : 'a -> 'a -> bool
abstract Lt : 'a -> 'a -> bool
abstract Eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool
module Tree (comparer : 'a Comparer) =
let rec insert v = function
| Nil -> Node(Nil, v, Nil)
| Node(l, x, r) ->
if comparer.Lt v x then Node(insert v l, x, r)
elif comparer.Gt v x then Node(l, x, insert v r)
else Node(l, x, r)
Still in the hypothetical syntax, you'd create your module as such:
module PersonTree = Tree (new Comparer<Person>
member this.Lt x y = x.LastName < y.LastName
member this.Gt x y = x.LastName > y.LastName
member this.Eq x y = x.LastName = y.LastName
let people = PersonTree.insert 1 Nil
Unfortunately, F# doesn't support functors, so you have to fall back on some messy workarounds. For the scenario above, I would almost always store the "functor" in my data structure with some auxillary helper functions to make sure it gets copied around correctly:
type 'a Tree =
| Nil of 'a -> 'a -> int
| Node of 'a -> 'a -> int * 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
module Tree =
let comparer = function
| Nil(f) -> f
| Node(f, _, _, _) -> f
let empty f = Nil(f)
let make (l, x, r) =
let f = comparer l
Node(f, l, x, r)
let rec insert v = function
| Nil(_) -> make(Nil, v, Nil)
| Node(f, l, x, r) ->
if f v x = -1 then make(insert v l, x, r)
elif f v x = 1 then make(l, x, insert v r)
else make(l, x, r)
let people = Tree.empty (function x y -> x.LastName.CompareTo(y.LastName))
Functors are modules parameterized by modules, i.e. a reflection from modules to modules (ordinary function is reflection from values to values, polymorphic function is reflection from types to ordinary functions).
See also ocaml-tutorial on modules.
Examples in the manual are helpful too.
Check out this data structures in ocaml course:
the functor lecture:
and the splay tree implementation using functor:
