Get Users Comment Karma Broken Down by Subreddit? - reddit

I'm sure this is simple but I'm at a loss; How do I get a user's comment karma broken down by subreddit? I can get the link Karma as demonstrated on the praw tutorial and I can retrieve comments but I can't seem to figure out where I can get the comment votes from? My ultimate goal is to create a composite score of link + comments karma for users a subreddit. Any hints or explanations would be appreciated.

I answered my own questions. It's just a matter of editing the sample code from the PRAW documentation to get_comments() rather than get_submitted().


Unable to get all comments of conversation thread of planner task

i am currently working on small project where i have to retrieve all comments of particular task in planner api (microsoft planner).
using microsoft graph api documentation link
i tried to call below end points[GroupID]/threads/[ConversationID]
i replaced groupid and conversationId in above url and it works.
but it has two problem
1.) it return only one comment (recent comment), but i want to retrieve all comments.
2.) it shows only 250 character of comment (preview text), but i need to retrieve full comment.
can anyone help why api link give above two problem.
thank you
/posts will give you access to all the comments in a JSON array, and will have the full comment. However the comment will have HTML embedded in the data.[GroupID]/threads/[ConversationID]/posts

Survey monkey - add cool down to survey response

Does anyone know if it is possible to add a cool down on survey monkey?
My website currently sends out emails requesting people to complete a survey after a transaction. I have a 1 month cool down on that email to ensure I'm not bombarding people however from survey monkey side, they can only complete the survey once, meaning subsequent visits just get the "You've already done this survey" message.
I don't want the survey to be 100% repeatable (we all know there will be that one guy who sends 100 surveys because he got out of the wrong side of his bed).
So I'm looking to add a cool down to survey monkey, to allow people to take the survey more than once with a 1 month cool down.
I have searched through their docs but I can't find anything relating to this. Just wondering if anyone else has run into and solved this problem?
Thanks in advance

All tweets from Blogger says data:blog.metaDescription

I've been trying to update my dead blog Devilish Heels but I'm running into a problem with Twitter. New tweets and old tweets all say data:blog.metaDescription. I don't know much about Twitter, and can't seem to find a way to fix or remove that portion.
I have spent five hours searching the net and adding one twitter card after another to my blog with my blog and twitter info, but nothing changes. (Pretty sure I need to reset template at this point) I don't know what else to do. I tried all the different solutions from others who had similar issues but nothing is working for me.
My Blog
My Twitter

Twitter API: Fetch tweets withing the last 4 hours

I have a small program that fetch tweets and displays them in google maps, it works perfect but I would like to know if there is a way to put a timeframe, for instance lets say I would like to fetch the tweets written in the last 4 hours, is it possible? Thanks for your help!
The program is written in PHP and javaScript.
It may be possible using the max_id and since_id parameters. How you would calculate finding an ID within that 4 hour window, I am unsure, but this post might provide some answers:
I just coded a solution to the same problem in a similar question. Check the answer and change the WINDOW constant to 4 to get the tweets in the last four hours. Good luck!
PS: I think the mods don't want you to repeat similar answers in 2 questions so I let you the link, but I could edit the answer later and paste the code here if I'm wrong.

Using LaTeX/MathJax in the comments on Blogger

I recently made my blog on Blogger compatible with LaTeX using one of the many solutions you can find by just searching how to do this on google. However, this solution doesn't apply to the comments to posts on Blogger.
The solution I am using is the one given by the first answer in this post
Is there a way of getting the comments on Blogger to render/compile LaTeX/MathJax?
I am currently using google+ comments on my blog and I am having trouble setting up a different commenting format to try and get LaTeX to work with the comments.
Google+ comments are inserted via an iframe, see
This means you will not be able to inject JavaScript from the surrounding page. In particular, you cannot get MathJax support in the comments.
