How to make UILabel as narrow as possible with multiple lines? - ios

I have a UILabel that's got 2 lines of text. (I want to force 2 lines). I set some constraints on it so that it's got certain insets on the left and right. The text always comes out where the top line is a lot longer than the bottom. I want both lines' width to be as close to the other as possible. How can I do this? I have localization so I can't just move the insets in.


minimum number of lines UILabel in iOS development

I was trying to make a cell in uicollectionview. please see these two images
Thats the cell of a collectionview and the first uilabel's number of line is 2. what I am trying to do is the uilabel will always take 2 lines of height regardless of the content of the uilabel, is it possible? if the text is short, second line will be blank.
If I add height constraint, the text is vertically centred. How to make it top-aligned?
There are 2 steps.
First select your label, click the add new constraints, and check the height constraints, as grow4gaurav said.
Next, go to the attributes inspector and set the number of lines to 0. This makes it so that the text uses as many lines as it wants. So, if the text is short, and it only uses one line, it will just use the top line. If it is longer, it will use the bottom line too.
Hope this helps

Swift Storyboard - Centring an Icon and multi-line text horizontally

I am trying to create an Android-esque Snackbar. All the behaviour is correct but I am left with a layout issue. I have actually broken this out into a test app to simplify things a bit.
The bar is pinned to the bottom of the view and contains an Icon (UIImageView) along with some text (UILabel). This text can be up to 2 lines max.
For example, it should be able to exand out like this:-
However to further complicate things, i need it so that the icon and text are centred within the red bar and then spread out from the centre until such point that it needs to wrap. Note that there is a padding to the start of the icon and end of the text to prevent it touching the sides. An example of centred content would be..
I haven't been able to get the correct layout. I think the issue has been trying to centre the two items whilst simultaneously conforming to a width that doesn't exceed the edge bounds, causing a constraint conflict. I have also tried embedding the icon and label in a horizontal stack view but couldn't seem to find the correct fill option whilst centring everything.
I have even tried using NSAttributed string and adding the image to the text itself but when the text wrapped, the icon was being resized and/or misplaced.
As you can see, i have been doing this in Storyboard but i am more than happy to do this programmatically if it serves this purpose better.
Created this Demo for reference , it's a simple task of making a nested view inside the red view with a centerX constraint of priority 1000 and a leading constraint with 999 priority
Now you have this effect

UITableCell with auto layout configured multiline UILabel being truncated

I'm wrestling trying to get some multiline labels behaving inside tableview cells. I've already moved away from stacks that didn't work reliably at all as described in this question
UILabel inside nested UIStackViews inside UITableViewCell sometimes truncating
I fixed one of my views with the help of the comments on that question but another view just wouldn't work for me, even after moving to an autolayout non-stackview setup. I then ended up moving the cell that i couldn't get to work into the view which was working with similar layout and got to a point where i have two cells in the same view, one that worked and one that didn't. I've exported this into a new test app which I've uploaded here
In this app there is a simple tableview with 2 cells within it. One cell displays the large multiline text properly and expands the cell as required. The other cell stops short and truncates the multiline label as you can see here
The two cells to me seem pretty much identical in their constraints so I'm very confused why one works and the other doesn't. Here's an overview of their constraints
There are a few constraints not installed as i've been experimenting trying to figure out what's causing one of the cells to not work.
If anyone could explain to me what is causing these two cells to not behave the same, or more importantly why one of the labels doesn't fill its table cell that'd be really appreciated as I've spent hours looking and just can't seem to figure it out.
To explain what went wrong in the first place...
The Right-side "Tags Label" in Cell2 has an Explicit Preferred Width = 300. I don't know the internals, so can't say exactly what's happening, but I get the impression Auto-Layout will take that Preferred Width value into consideration when calculating the text bounding-box height, and then continue on with constraints, content, intrinsic size, etc.
Simply un-checking that explicit option will fix the issue.
Original Answer:
I found it easier to start a new Cell from scratch, rather than try to modify the constraints you had set up, so... This will hopefully be reproducible.
Prep: Add new “Cell3” class; make basic edits to code to accommodate Cell3. I also find things easier if I make some variables for label values and set background colors of elements for easy visual inspection and testing.
Step 1: Add a new prototype; purple background; TableViewCell3 class and “Cell3” reuse ID; stretch it vertically to make it tall enough to work with (it won't affect run-time height).
Step 2: Add a UIView for the Left Side labels. Leading = 8 to Superview. Width = 200; Height = 100; Center Vertically. The Height and Width values will be changed later.
Step 3: Add the two Left Side labels - 1 and 2 (Body font) - to the UIView. Constrain 1 Left = 0; Top = 0. Constrain 2 Left = 0; Bottom = 0.
Step 4: Add a vertical spacing constraint from 2 to 1 of 7.5 and change the Height constraint of the UIView to >= 20 (runtime will likely always exceed 20).
Step 5: Change the Width constraint of the UIView to >= 40 (runtime will likely always exceed 40); Add Trailing Space to Container constraints for both Left Side labels, and set them to >= 0.
Step 6: Add Top and Bottom “to Superview” constraints to the UIView of >= 0.
Step 7: Add the Right Side label (Caption 1 font, number of lines 0). Constrain Top >= 0, Right = 0, Bottom >= 0, all to Superview; also Center Vertically.
Step 8: Add a Horizontal spacing constraint from Right Side label to UIView, set to 20. Give Right Side label a Width constraint = 40 (runtime will likely always exceed 40), and set the Priority to 250. This allows the UIView containing the Left Side labels to be in control of the widths.
Step 9: Assign IBOutlets and run the app. Try changing up the text. Make the left side labels shorter or longer... try setting the right side label to only enough text for one line... etc.
At this point, things should look pretty good - until... you put too much text in one of the left side labels, at which point you'll have a very, very narrow, very very tall right side label. So...
Step 10: Add another Width constraint to the UIView and set it to <= 200. Depending on your actual content, you may want to modify that - or perhaps set it to <= to a percent of the width of the cell.
I updated my original GitHub repo so you can check it out. It should have a commit for each "step" listed above, which might make it easier to follow along -

Place Text in Top part of UIlabel

I have a UILabel that covers most of the view. When I place text in the label, the text is center in the middle of the label. I have tried everything by playing around with the options in the attributes inspector, however the text wont start in the top area of the label, instead it appears in the middle of the label.
Is there any way to places the text in the top part of the label??
(If someones is wondering, yes I want the UILabel to cover most of the view because some texts are longer then others, and some are shorter, and I would prefer the text to be placed on the top part and not the middle of the UIlLabel.)
UILabel has an intrinsicContentSize matching the text contents. If you don't constrain the height, then it will automatically adjust. So you don't need to make it cover the entire view.
Instead, tag it onto the top with a fixed distance. Specify the bottom distance with greater-than-or-equal. This way the label can grow until it reaches the lower limit and then the text will begin to be truncated.

UITextView word wrap breaks in the middle of a word

I'm using a UITextView to present definitions which may be one or more lines long. When it does go past a lane, if often wraps in the middle of a word.
Is this normal? What can be done to prevent this?
word wrap IS the default for IOS UITextView and the only reasons it fails Quuxplusone mentioned in his comment.
the one word is longer (in pixels) than the textView's frame
the 'spaces' aren't really spaces but unbreakable spaces
It appears that this can occur when exclusion paths are too close to the edge of the UITextView. In this example accompanying this tutorial you'll notice that if you run the app and select the Interaction tab that while the oval is placed centrally words hyphenate and break naturally, if you drag it to the left edge then words break forcibly and are fragmented. But if you drag the oval half off the screen then wrapping works.
So when working with ovals you can use the trick of going off the left edge, and with rectangles, just don't get too close to the edge. Being up against it is fine.
You can do it as :
UITextview having a property of enable scrolling. So the text characters limit doesn't matters. If there is more text, the textview make it scrollable.
Make the textview height dynamic, get the string/text height and set the height of textview accordingly.
