Remove TFS process template customizatons - tfs

I'm trying to migrate from our on-premise TFS (2013.2) to Visual Studio Online (VSO).
One of the requirements from VSO is that you cannot use customized process templates.
My predecessor added few fields to few work item types wich I now have to remove, I don't care if I lose the data in those fields, just keep the standard ones.
I've tried few suggested methods but I'm not familiar enough with TFS to understand what I am doing :)
How can I remove those customizations?
I'm using OpsHub and following this guide:

You need to do a few things...
1) identify your process template
User Story = MSF for Agile
Requirement = MSF for CMMI
Product Backlog Item = Scrum
2) Connect to VSO and download the relevant process template.
3) Use "witadmin.exe" to upload the defaults for Work Item Types, Categories, and Process
You should then be on a comparable template.

Since you are using OpsHub Migration Utility. During the Validation process it will show you the list of mismatches.
For the validation to succeed, you will have to delete/destory those fields. (Warning : You will lose all the historic data for that field)
For deleting the field, you can use the Visual Studio Power Tools ( Install the tools relevant to your Visual Studio version and once they are installed, from the Visual Studio select Tools > Process Editor > Work Item Types > Open WIT From Server.
Here, connect to your TFS on-prem and select the Entity one-by-one as shown by the OpsHub Utility for having the mismatch. And delete the custom fields in question and save.
Click on Re-Validate in the OpsHub Utility. It should pass, if all the mismatched as shown before were taken care of through the above process.
Now, in case you want to destory the field you can use the witadmin deletefield /collection:http://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /m:field-reference_name command.


Estimating LOE for TFS Customization - add a WIT to a project

For a full-time TFS admin professional, about how many hours would go into "customizing" an existing scrum template project to add an additional work item type?
The easiest way to add a new WIT is to copy an existing WIT and then modify the definition file. You have two options to achieve it:
You can install TFS Power Tools, this tool provides an add-in to the Team menu and a new section on the Work Items page in Team Explorer. Use this tool to create new work items with default values, or to easily apply values to existing work items.
You can export the a WIT definition files, and edit it, then import it. Useful links:
Regarding how many hours it will cost, it depends on your detailed requirement and whether you are familiar with TFS Power Tools and WIT definition files. If you just want to create a new WIT based an existing WIT, and just add some field, it will only need several minutes with TFS Power Tool.

Is there any way to get a diff of particular fields in TFS?

I'm working on a large software project that uses TFS for Backlog management. We're using the Scrum 2.2 template in TFS 2012. Are there any tools out there that will give diffs of particular fields (e.g. Description, Acceptance Criteria) so that I can see how these fields have changed over time and who made them ? Sort of like the 'Annotate' feature in the Source Control explorer, but for Backlog Items instead ?
You can create your own tool to highlight differences between revisions of a specific work item field with TFS API. You need to work with WorkItem.Revisions property.
There is one tool available with which you can have a reference to get started quickly, see:

Can't publish project plan to TFS

I want to use a .MPP MS Project 2007 plan which has not yet been mapped to work items in TFS, the TFS project is empty, I mean that there are no work items at all. I want to synchronize with http://localhost:8080/tfs/ so that I can transfer my entire business plan to TFS work items, but this is not working. I have tried doing this:
Open VS 2010 shell:
witadmin importwitd /collection:http://localhost:8080/tfs/ /p:"MyProject" /f:"Z:\task.xml"
but I still can't publish to TFS in MS Project, I get this error:
TF80006: Team Foundation needs a work item type to publish work items. Select a work item type for the work items you have added and then try again.
How can I fix this?
I have resolved this issue:
Download and install the Team Foundation Server Power Tools plugin for VS2010 here.
Under Tools > Process Editor > Work Item Types > Open WIT from Server to obtain the work item type from a TFS project on your TFS server. I selected "Task".
Publish again, this time edit the lines that have validation errors. The fields in yellow will have to be changed accordingly. Or, you can disable validation by following these steps.
One of gotchas that bit me was that I did not set the Work Item Type in Project. Once I set it to 'Task' I was able to publish my schedule to TFS.

Conchango Scrum for Team System 2008 to MSF Agile 2010

We currently use Scrum for Team System on TFS 2008. As I'm about to start upgrading our TFS server to 2010 I'd like to also remove the need for any of the Conchango templates in favour of native agile support.
Is there any way of doing this while preserving current data or is it safest to just start again using the new templates?
You can attempt a migration of the Scrum for Team System 2008 workitems to the MSF Agile 2010 by using the TFS Integration Tools and creating mappings from the old templates to the new ones.
I had exactly the same challenge more than a year ago and made an attempt to do the mapping. This is a massive job, because for each attribute of each type of workitem you need to find a proper mapping, often also converting data types. After having achieved this partially for the user story workitem, we decided to just start over all new with the MSF template.
Some people have attempted migration with Excel in between, which might be working for some simple items.
So IMHO, if you have a lot of items that must be migrated from 2008 to 2010 between different templates, you might try to get the most essential attributes (title/description/etc) over by migration either using the TFS Integration tools or Excel. In case the bold sections do not apply, do not bother the effort and start over new.

Steps for changing process template for an existing project in TFS 2010

I have an TFS server installation that through time has gone through upgrades from TFS 2005 to TFS 2008 and then to TFS 2010.
During the lifetime of the installation a lot of projects have been created and different project templates have been used. MSF Agile 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 5.0. and a few MSF CMMI ones.
What I would like to do is "replace" the project template used for all these projects to use a new one common one: Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 1.0.
I am aware that TFS project templates are used as templates for creating new projects and cannot modify the tfs projects definitions after creation.
Uptil now only the version control and build server part of TFS have been used and there are no existing work item types.
Additionally all projects and build scripts are depending on the source code paths stay the same.
As I see it I have the following options:
Create new TFS projects using the correct project template and then move/branch the source code to the new project.
All code is moved to a temporary team project.
The old project is deleted
New project with the original name and correct process template is created
Code is moved to the new team project
Temporary team project is deleted
All the build definitions needs to be to recreated which is not an option.
The source code move/branch will "mess up" the versioning history
By messing up the versioning history I mean that when you move source code it will behind the scenes do a delete + source rename on the original location and the history will still be located in the old project. This will make searching in the history difficult and if I actually delete the old project I will loose all the history before the source code move.
This is really not an option for me since there is years of code change history that is needed to for supporting the different applications being built.
Use the TFS migration tools to migrate to another TFS project
This has the same downsides as the first solution
Replace/import work item types, install new reports, create new SharePoint sites
For each tfs project
Delete existing work item definitions using "witadmin deletewitd"
Import each work item definition from the new process template using "witadmin importwitd"
Import work item categories using "witadmin importcategories"
Delete old reports in project folder in report server
Upload the report definitions from the new process template
Modify data sources used for the reports using the report manager to point to the correct shared data sources (TfsReportDS and TfsOlapReportsDS)
Modify the report parameter ExplicitProject default value to "" (empty string) and disable prompt user option.
Export the documents in the old SharePoint site using stsadm
Delete the old SharePoint site
Recreate the sharepoint site using the TFS2010 Agile Dashboard site template
Activate site feature "Team Foundation Server Scrum dashboard"
In TFS Project Settings -> Project Portal Settings: Enable "team project portal" and ensure the url is correct. Enable "reports and dashboards refer to data for this team project"
And finally..
Process the Warehouse
Process the Analysis Database
Even though that this involves a lot of small steps this looks more appealing because
this option will not force me to move the source code and my existing build definitions will be intact.
My question:
Are there other ways to achieve the replacement of work item types that I haven't mentioned?
And/or am I missing any steps in last solution?
Given that you aren't using any existing work item types, your final proposal looks like the best option.
After deleting the old reports and exporting the SharePoint documents (you could also use Windows Explorer instead of stsadm), there are actually two commands in 'tfpt' that will help you. This will reduce it from 14 steps down to 5 or 6 steps.
tfpt addprojectreports Add or overwrite reports for an existing team project
tfpt addprojectportal Add or move portal for an existing team project
tfpt addprojectreports /collection:http://yourtfs:8080/tfs/YourCollection /teamproject:"Your Team Project" /processtemplate:"Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 1.0" /verbose
tfpt addprojectreports /collection:http://yourtfs:8080/tfs/YourCollection /teamproject:"Your Team Project" /processtemplate:"Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 1.0" /verbose
Your first option is IMHO your best shot.
You can branch the sources from the old team project to the new team project. With TFS 2010 you can see the history also from the branched location. So you don't loose functionality in here.
The Build is just an msbuild file which is stored in source control. The only thing you have to do is actually copy the build definitions. You can do that either manually, or you can create a little app that does that for you.
