Conchango Scrum for Team System 2008 to MSF Agile 2010 - tfs

We currently use Scrum for Team System on TFS 2008. As I'm about to start upgrading our TFS server to 2010 I'd like to also remove the need for any of the Conchango templates in favour of native agile support.
Is there any way of doing this while preserving current data or is it safest to just start again using the new templates?

You can attempt a migration of the Scrum for Team System 2008 workitems to the MSF Agile 2010 by using the TFS Integration Tools and creating mappings from the old templates to the new ones.
I had exactly the same challenge more than a year ago and made an attempt to do the mapping. This is a massive job, because for each attribute of each type of workitem you need to find a proper mapping, often also converting data types. After having achieved this partially for the user story workitem, we decided to just start over all new with the MSF template.
Some people have attempted migration with Excel in between, which might be working for some simple items.
So IMHO, if you have a lot of items that must be migrated from 2008 to 2010 between different templates, you might try to get the most essential attributes (title/description/etc) over by migration either using the TFS Integration tools or Excel. In case the bold sections do not apply, do not bother the effort and start over new.


TFS migration - configure features - stream error

Doing the upgrade from TFS 2010 to TFS 2012 (to go after at TFS 2015). No problem during the migration. I'm now at the step to configure features for each project and the verify button give me this error:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: stream
Information that can help figure out the problem. We are using the template "EMC - Scrum for team system" and that template was changed a little for our need. Only have 3 work items for that project.
How can I know what to look for to fix this error?
We want to change the template and use the new Agile template from TFS 2015 at the upgrade is done from TFS 2012 to 2015. How can I change from one template to another one inside a TFS project?
The configure features wizard is not going to be able to do its magic on a customised SfTS3 process template so you're going to be configuring features manually.
Add Features Using a Manual Update Process
It will be a reasonable amount of work but can be done. However, if you plan to migrate to the Agile process (I prefer to use the Scrum process, personally) then you may as well get busy doing that.
Create a new project with the Agile template and migrate your Work Items/Code (Excel/Integration Platform/etc.)
Start bending the SfTS template into the shape of the Agile template
Migrating Scrum for Team System 3.x to MS Scrum 2.0 /
Migrate a TFS project to another process template

Remove TFS process template customizatons

I'm trying to migrate from our on-premise TFS (2013.2) to Visual Studio Online (VSO).
One of the requirements from VSO is that you cannot use customized process templates.
My predecessor added few fields to few work item types wich I now have to remove, I don't care if I lose the data in those fields, just keep the standard ones.
I've tried few suggested methods but I'm not familiar enough with TFS to understand what I am doing :)
How can I remove those customizations?
I'm using OpsHub and following this guide:
You need to do a few things...
1) identify your process template
User Story = MSF for Agile
Requirement = MSF for CMMI
Product Backlog Item = Scrum
2) Connect to VSO and download the relevant process template.
3) Use "witadmin.exe" to upload the defaults for Work Item Types, Categories, and Process
You should then be on a comparable template.
Since you are using OpsHub Migration Utility. During the Validation process it will show you the list of mismatches.
For the validation to succeed, you will have to delete/destory those fields. (Warning : You will lose all the historic data for that field)
For deleting the field, you can use the Visual Studio Power Tools ( Install the tools relevant to your Visual Studio version and once they are installed, from the Visual Studio select Tools > Process Editor > Work Item Types > Open WIT From Server.
Here, connect to your TFS on-prem and select the Entity one-by-one as shown by the OpsHub Utility for having the mismatch. And delete the custom fields in question and save.
Click on Re-Validate in the OpsHub Utility. It should pass, if all the mismatched as shown before were taken care of through the above process.
Now, in case you want to destory the field you can use the witadmin deletefield /collection:http://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /m:field-reference_name command.

Difference between TFS 2012 and TFS 2013 process templates

We are planning to upgrade from Tfs 2012 to Tfs 2013. Can anyone help me understand the difference in process templates between them? We use all three process templates for different projects.
The changes are very minor, except for:
The introduction of Portfolio backlogs.
Test Plans and test Suites are now Work Item Types (TFS 2013 update 3).
The AgileConfig and CommonProcessConfig files have been merged to a single file inside the template
The minor changes:
Git support for the Source Control options
Stackrank type fields are now hidden by default (because Agile task boards are now features of the Standard CAL).
Tag field support through the API.
The easiest way to visualize all differences is by comparing them through the TFS Team Project Manager which can be downloaded here.
TFS 2013 did not work well with our existing workspaces defined on remote network drives. TFS 2012 did work with this configuration.
After working several hours with our System Administrators, we gave up on trying to get the trying to get the existing network drive workspaces to work with the TFS 2013. Converting the workspaces to local drive locations enabled us to work with TFS 2013.

TFS2012, VS2008 & Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum

I am currently looking to migrate an existing TFS2008 server to a new VS2012 server.
A major part of the reason behind this is that we want to be able to use the Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum template, however I am struggling to determine whether VS2008 is able to manipulate work items created using this template (according to all of the blogs and/or other information I can find, the templates can only be installed to a VS2010 or VS2012 server, but there is nothing clear about Visual Studio clients). I believe that both VS2010 and VS2012 can access an manipulate items based upon these templates.
Note: We HAVE to use VS2008 at the moment as some of the projects are for mobile devices (Windows/CE, Windows Mobile) and, as I am sure you will be aware, these projects are not supported by VS2010 or VS2012).
I am aware of the compatibility GDR's for both VS2008 and VS2010, but again they mention nothing specific about the scrum templates.
So, my question is simple...
Can I access and manipulate (add new work items, update existing items, create a sprint etc) a TFS project that is based upon one of the Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum templates on Team Foundation Server 2012 from Team Explorer 2008/Visual Studio 2008.
Work Item process templates (e.g. VS Scrum) have nothing to do with the version of the client used to connect to TFS, which means that any version of Visual Studio (2008, 2010, or 2012) will work with TFS 2012, regardless of the process template (Scrum, Agile MSF or CMMI).
Furthermore, the forward compatibility GDR provides the team explorer extension (window) that will give VS 2008 the ability to use the new functionality of TFS 2012 (e.g. start and end dates for iterations, capacity planning, etc.).
The process template (i.e. Visual Studio Scrum 2.0) is nothing but a set of XML documents detailing which work item types you will have, what fields they contain, some reports, SharePoint settings, security settings, etc. None of these affect or are affected by the version of Visual Studio.

Is there any Scrum template process for TFS except than SfTS?

I'm going to do Scrum in VSTS (TFS 2010). I know about the famous process template SfTS from But It seems to be too heavy. It includes Sprints, Team Sprints, Work Stream,... I'm wondering if there is any other Scrum template process for TFS 2010?
Any help would be appreciated.
Microsoft release in July 2010 the Visual Studio Scrum template. You can download it here:
Use this template with Urban Turtle and you have a great user experience. Discloser: I work with the Urban Turtle team. So do not take my words. Instead, read what Brian Harry, who is the Product Unit Manager for Team Foundation Server, said about Urban Turtle: "...awesome Scrum experience for TFS."
You can read Brian Harry's blog post here
The MSF Agile 5 process template that comes with TFS has been Scrum-ified. It is effective, though I'm often annoyed by the reports not being time boxed naturally to the current iteration like SfTS (kudo's to JamesD and his team).
That said, put it together with something like UrbanTurtle or Telerik Work Item Manager and you have a great day-to-day, tactical work tool.
Eylean Board also offers a scrum process template for TFS 2010.
With the two way integration, it is great that we can use the additional features effortlessly.
Full Disclosure: I work for EMC Consulting that develops the Scrum for Team System process template.
The richer work item modelling available in TFS 2010 has enabled Scrum for Team System to support much more complex Scrum implementations ( ), however, this does mean that the most straightforward scenario is more complicated to setup.
This was a principle reason for creating the Scrum Masters Workbench tool, as it provides a UI for visually configuring the artefacts you mention. Additionally, this tool has a 'Quick Setup Mode' whose main purpose is to make it quick and easy to setup the required artefacts for the straightforward Scrum scenario (i.e. a single team).
See for information on the Scrum Masters Workbench.
We use EpiServer Scrum Dashboard to manage our work items and backlog with TFS.
There is the Scrum template in beta at TFS 2010 Scrum
It is very light and a solid way to use scrum with TFS 2010. Although a Beta it is solid.
I found 2 myself:
VSTS Scrum Process Template
But it seems there is not any other Scrum template process for TFS.
