Socket.IO checking if room contains clients with -

What is "efficient way" to check if some room has connected clients or even exists?
socket.on('pm', function(data) {
data.from = socket.decoded_token._id;
var to =;
if (_.isUndefined(io.sockets.adapter.rooms[to])) {
debug("user [%s] is not connected", to);
} else {'pm', message);
Is it efficient way to do it with multiple instances of and redis adapter?
I wish something like this could be used:
socket.on('pm', function(data) {
data.from = socket.decoded_token._id;
var to =;'pm', message, function(err){
//error callback, but callback aren't supported for broadcast messages
debug("user [%s] is not connected", to);


Broadcasting to Members of a Database Using Twilio Messaging Services

fine people of Stack Overflow.
I'm trying to solve a problem I'm having involving twilio functions, messaging services, and databases.
What I'm attempting to do is send a message to all members of a database at once.
My code is a mess, as Javascript isn't my native language and I'm rather new to twilio.
The problem I believe I'm having is with the async/await feature of javascript.
Here is my code so far:
// Boiler Plate Deta Code
const { Deta } = require("deta");
// Function to access database and get object of conta
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last){
res = await db.fetch({}, {last: res.last});
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
// Function to get total number of contacts.
async function ReturnNumberOfContacts(allItems) {
number_of_contacts = allItems.length;
// Function to send message to contact in database.
async function SendMessages(allItems, message) {
allItems.forEach(contact => {
let users_name =
body: `Hey ${users_name}! ${message}`,
messagingServiceSid: messaging_service,
to: contact.key
// Function to submit response to broadcaster.
async function SuccessResponse(user_name, number_of_contacts) {
responseObject = {
"actions": [
"say": `${user_name}, your broadcast has successfully sent to ${number_of_contacts} contacts.`
"listen": true
// Main Function
exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) {
// Placeholder for number of contacts
let number_of_contacts;
// Place holder for object from database of all contacts
let allItems;
// Placeholder for users message
let message;
// Placeholder for response to user
let responseObject;
//Twilio and Deta, Etc Const
const client = require('twilio')(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
const deta = Deta(context.DETA_PROJECT_KEY);
const db = deta.Base("users2");
const messaging_service = context.MESSAGING_SERVICE;
// From Phone Number
const from = event.UserIdentifier;
// Parse memory
const memory = JSON.parse(event.Memory);
// Fetch all items from database and return total number of contacts.
// Update relavent variables
await FetchDB(db, allItems).then(ReturnNumberOfContacts(allItems));
// Figure out if message came from short circuit broadcast or normal
if (memory.triggered) {
message = memory.message;
} else {
message = memory.twilio.collected_data.broadcast_message.answers.message_input.answer;
// Check if verified and set name.
const current_user = await db.get(from);
// Get the current users name or set a default value
let user_name = || "friend";
// Determine if user is an authorized broadcaster
if (from === context.BROADCAST_NUMBER) {
// Decide if the sending of a message should be cancelled.
if (message.toLowerCase() === "c" || message.toLowerCase() === "cancel") {
responseObject = {
"actions": [
"say": `${user_name}, you have canceled your request and no messages have been sent.`
"listen": false
// Return Callback and end task
callback(null, responseObject);
// Move forward with sending a message.
else {
// Send message to users in database and send success message to broadcaster.
await SendMessages(message, client, messaging_service)
.then(SuccessResponse(user_name, number_of_contacts))
return callback(null, responseObject);
// The user is not authorized so return this.
return callback(null, {
"actions": [
"say": "You are not authorized to broadcast."
"listen": false
So when the Fetch() function is triggered, I want the database to load a list of everyone and have twilio send them the desired message saved in the message variable. I have the code working so that I can read from the database and get the proper values, and send a single text message with the desired message, but the problem I'm having now is integrating it all together.
Thanks if anyone can point me in the right direction here.
Again, I'm new to javascript and more specifically asynchronous programming.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The issue from the error says that allItems is undefined when you call ReturnNumberOfContacts.
I think the issue comes from trying to use allItems as a sort of global variable, same for number_of_contacts. It would be better for FetchDB to resolve with the list of items and ReturnNumberOfContacts to resolve with the number of the items.
You also have some arguments missing when you call SendMessages in your function. I've updated it to the point that I think it will work:
// Boiler Plate Deta Code
const { Deta } = require("deta");
// Function to access database and get object of conta
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
let allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last) {
res = await db.fetch({}, { last: res.last });
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
return allItems;
// Function to send message to contact in database.
async function SendMessages(allItems, message, client, messagingService) {
return Promise.all( => {
let usersName =;
return client.messages.create({
body: `Hey ${usersName}! ${message}`,
messagingServiceSid: messagingService,
to: contact.key,
// Main Function
exports.handler = async function (context, event, callback) {
// Placeholder for users message
let message;
//Twilio and Deta, Etc Const
const client = require("twilio")(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
const deta = Deta(context.DETA_PROJECT_KEY);
const db = deta.Base("users2");
const messagingService = context.MESSAGING_SERVICE;
// From Phone Number
const from = event.UserIdentifier;
// Parse memory
const memory = JSON.parse(event.Memory);
// Fetch all items from database and return total number of contacts.
// Update relavent variables
const allItems = await FetchDB(db);
const numberOfContacts = allItems.length;
// Figure out if message came from short circuit broadcast or normal
if (memory.triggered) {
message = memory.message;
} else {
message =
// Check if verified and set name.
const currentUser = await db.get(from);
// Get the current users name or set a default value
let userName = || "friend";
// Determine if user is an authorized broadcaster
if (from === context.BROADCAST_NUMBER) {
// Decide if the sending of a message should be cancelled.
if (message.toLowerCase() === "c" || message.toLowerCase() === "cancel") {
// Return Callback and end task
callback(null, {
actions: [
say: `${userName}, you have canceled your request and no messages have been sent.`,
listen: false,
// Move forward with sending a message.
else {
// Send message to users in database and send success message to broadcaster.
await SendMessages(allItems, message, client, messagingService);
return callback(null, {
actions: [
say: `${userName}, your broadcast has successfully sent to ${numberOfContacts} contacts.`,
listen: true,
// The user is not authorized so return this.
return callback(null, {
actions: [
say: "You are not authorized to broadcast.",
listen: false,
What I did here was change FetchDB to only take the db as an argument, then to create a local allItems variable that collects all the contacts and then returns them.
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
let allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last) {
res = await db.fetch({}, { last: res.last });
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
return allItems;
This is then called in the main body of the function to assign a local variable. I also replaced the ReturnNumberOfContacts function with a simple assignment.
const allItems = await FetchDB(db);
const numberOfContacts = allItems.length;
One thing you may want to consider is how many contacts you are trying to send messages to during this function. There are a few limits you need to be aware of.
Firstly, Function execution time is limited to 10 seconds so you need to make sure you can load and send all your messages within that amount of time if you want to use a Twilio Function for this.
Also, there are limits for the number of concurrent connections you can make to the Twilio API. That limit used to be 100 connections per account, but it may vary these days. When sending asynchronous API requests as you do in JavaScript, the platform will attempt to create as many connections to the API that it can in order to trigger all the requests asynchronously. If you have more than 100 contacts you are trying to send messages to here, that will quickly exhaust your available concurrent connections and you will receive 429 errors. You may choose to use a queue, like p-queue, to ensure your concurrent connections never get too high. The issue in this case is that it will then take longer to process the queue which brings me back to the original limit of 10 seconds of function execution.
So, I think the above code may work in theory now, but using it in practice may have other issues that you will need to consider.

Why aren't my messages sending using Twilio Messaging Service and Twilio Functions? [duplicate]

fine people of Stack Overflow.
I'm trying to solve a problem I'm having involving twilio functions, messaging services, and databases.
What I'm attempting to do is send a message to all members of a database at once.
My code is a mess, as Javascript isn't my native language and I'm rather new to twilio.
The problem I believe I'm having is with the async/await feature of javascript.
Here is my code so far:
// Boiler Plate Deta Code
const { Deta } = require("deta");
// Function to access database and get object of conta
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last){
res = await db.fetch({}, {last: res.last});
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
// Function to get total number of contacts.
async function ReturnNumberOfContacts(allItems) {
number_of_contacts = allItems.length;
// Function to send message to contact in database.
async function SendMessages(allItems, message) {
allItems.forEach(contact => {
let users_name =
body: `Hey ${users_name}! ${message}`,
messagingServiceSid: messaging_service,
to: contact.key
// Function to submit response to broadcaster.
async function SuccessResponse(user_name, number_of_contacts) {
responseObject = {
"actions": [
"say": `${user_name}, your broadcast has successfully sent to ${number_of_contacts} contacts.`
"listen": true
// Main Function
exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) {
// Placeholder for number of contacts
let number_of_contacts;
// Place holder for object from database of all contacts
let allItems;
// Placeholder for users message
let message;
// Placeholder for response to user
let responseObject;
//Twilio and Deta, Etc Const
const client = require('twilio')(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
const deta = Deta(context.DETA_PROJECT_KEY);
const db = deta.Base("users2");
const messaging_service = context.MESSAGING_SERVICE;
// From Phone Number
const from = event.UserIdentifier;
// Parse memory
const memory = JSON.parse(event.Memory);
// Fetch all items from database and return total number of contacts.
// Update relavent variables
await FetchDB(db, allItems).then(ReturnNumberOfContacts(allItems));
// Figure out if message came from short circuit broadcast or normal
if (memory.triggered) {
message = memory.message;
} else {
message = memory.twilio.collected_data.broadcast_message.answers.message_input.answer;
// Check if verified and set name.
const current_user = await db.get(from);
// Get the current users name or set a default value
let user_name = || "friend";
// Determine if user is an authorized broadcaster
if (from === context.BROADCAST_NUMBER) {
// Decide if the sending of a message should be cancelled.
if (message.toLowerCase() === "c" || message.toLowerCase() === "cancel") {
responseObject = {
"actions": [
"say": `${user_name}, you have canceled your request and no messages have been sent.`
"listen": false
// Return Callback and end task
callback(null, responseObject);
// Move forward with sending a message.
else {
// Send message to users in database and send success message to broadcaster.
await SendMessages(message, client, messaging_service)
.then(SuccessResponse(user_name, number_of_contacts))
return callback(null, responseObject);
// The user is not authorized so return this.
return callback(null, {
"actions": [
"say": "You are not authorized to broadcast."
"listen": false
So when the Fetch() function is triggered, I want the database to load a list of everyone and have twilio send them the desired message saved in the message variable. I have the code working so that I can read from the database and get the proper values, and send a single text message with the desired message, but the problem I'm having now is integrating it all together.
Thanks if anyone can point me in the right direction here.
Again, I'm new to javascript and more specifically asynchronous programming.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The issue from the error says that allItems is undefined when you call ReturnNumberOfContacts.
I think the issue comes from trying to use allItems as a sort of global variable, same for number_of_contacts. It would be better for FetchDB to resolve with the list of items and ReturnNumberOfContacts to resolve with the number of the items.
You also have some arguments missing when you call SendMessages in your function. I've updated it to the point that I think it will work:
// Boiler Plate Deta Code
const { Deta } = require("deta");
// Function to access database and get object of conta
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
let allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last) {
res = await db.fetch({}, { last: res.last });
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
return allItems;
// Function to send message to contact in database.
async function SendMessages(allItems, message, client, messagingService) {
return Promise.all( => {
let usersName =;
return client.messages.create({
body: `Hey ${usersName}! ${message}`,
messagingServiceSid: messagingService,
to: contact.key,
// Main Function
exports.handler = async function (context, event, callback) {
// Placeholder for users message
let message;
//Twilio and Deta, Etc Const
const client = require("twilio")(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
const deta = Deta(context.DETA_PROJECT_KEY);
const db = deta.Base("users2");
const messagingService = context.MESSAGING_SERVICE;
// From Phone Number
const from = event.UserIdentifier;
// Parse memory
const memory = JSON.parse(event.Memory);
// Fetch all items from database and return total number of contacts.
// Update relavent variables
const allItems = await FetchDB(db);
const numberOfContacts = allItems.length;
// Figure out if message came from short circuit broadcast or normal
if (memory.triggered) {
message = memory.message;
} else {
message =
// Check if verified and set name.
const currentUser = await db.get(from);
// Get the current users name or set a default value
let userName = || "friend";
// Determine if user is an authorized broadcaster
if (from === context.BROADCAST_NUMBER) {
// Decide if the sending of a message should be cancelled.
if (message.toLowerCase() === "c" || message.toLowerCase() === "cancel") {
// Return Callback and end task
callback(null, {
actions: [
say: `${userName}, you have canceled your request and no messages have been sent.`,
listen: false,
// Move forward with sending a message.
else {
// Send message to users in database and send success message to broadcaster.
await SendMessages(allItems, message, client, messagingService);
return callback(null, {
actions: [
say: `${userName}, your broadcast has successfully sent to ${numberOfContacts} contacts.`,
listen: true,
// The user is not authorized so return this.
return callback(null, {
actions: [
say: "You are not authorized to broadcast.",
listen: false,
What I did here was change FetchDB to only take the db as an argument, then to create a local allItems variable that collects all the contacts and then returns them.
async function FetchDB(db) {
let res = await db.fetch();
let allItems = res.items;
// continue fetching until last is not seen
while (res.last) {
res = await db.fetch({}, { last: res.last });
allItems = allItems.concat(res.items);
return allItems;
This is then called in the main body of the function to assign a local variable. I also replaced the ReturnNumberOfContacts function with a simple assignment.
const allItems = await FetchDB(db);
const numberOfContacts = allItems.length;
One thing you may want to consider is how many contacts you are trying to send messages to during this function. There are a few limits you need to be aware of.
Firstly, Function execution time is limited to 10 seconds so you need to make sure you can load and send all your messages within that amount of time if you want to use a Twilio Function for this.
Also, there are limits for the number of concurrent connections you can make to the Twilio API. That limit used to be 100 connections per account, but it may vary these days. When sending asynchronous API requests as you do in JavaScript, the platform will attempt to create as many connections to the API that it can in order to trigger all the requests asynchronously. If you have more than 100 contacts you are trying to send messages to here, that will quickly exhaust your available concurrent connections and you will receive 429 errors. You may choose to use a queue, like p-queue, to ensure your concurrent connections never get too high. The issue in this case is that it will then take longer to process the queue which brings me back to the original limit of 10 seconds of function execution.
So, I think the above code may work in theory now, but using it in practice may have other issues that you will need to consider.

No cloud-to-device message received on a module

I had created a module to receive cloud to device message, but no message was received on the module, is there any coding I missing?
var Transport = require('azure-iot-device-mqtt').Mqtt;
var Client = require('azure-iot-device').ModuleClient;
Client.fromEnvironment(Transport, function (err, client) {
if (err) {
throw err;
} else {
client.on('error', function (err) {
throw err;
// connect to the Edge instance (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
} else {
console.log('IoT Hub module client initialized');
client.on('message', function (msg) {
client.complete(msg, printResultFor('Receiving message'));
var message = msg.getBytes().toString('utf8');
var outputMsg = new Message(message);
client.sendOutputEvent('output1', outputMsg, printResultFor('Sending received message'));
client.on('error', function (err) {
console.log('now listening for C2D messages...');
[C2DMessageMonitor] Message Received: "[{\"machine\":{\"temperature\":40.750164436176497,\"pressure\":1.0854617712099808},\"ambient\":{\"temperature\":40.450729128416036,\"humidity\":26},\"timeCreated\":\"2018-08-06T13:28:52.0375008Z\"}]"
[C2DMessageMonitor] Status: MessageCompleted
C2D messages are not yet officially supported by IoT edge. It may work for some protocols as the support is being built out but nothing has been validated at this time.

Creating chat "rooms" using Node, Express, Heroku, and

So I've been building an app for quite some time and I'm running into problems in terms of scalability. I'm new to Node, and Heroku for that matter. Please bear with me.
I originally followed this tutorial to get my node service up and running. Essentially, it creates a real-time chat service. However, my question now comes with creating 'rooms'. It doesn't make sense to me that I might have 15+ chats going on, yet they all are calling the same functions on the same clientSocket, and I have to determine what UI updates go to which clients on the front end. As of now, I have upwards of 15 clients all trying to interact on different chats, but I'm pushing updates to everyone at once (for example, when a message is posted), then determining who's UI to update based on which room ID I'm cacheing on each device. Seems like a terrible waste of computing power to me.
I'm thinking that the solution involves modifying how each client connects (which is the code snippet below). Is there a way to create location based 'rooms', for example, where the clients connected are the only ones getting those updates? Any idea how to go about this solution? If anyone is also willing to just explain what I'm not understanding about Node, Express, Heroku, or others, please do let me know.
var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('')(http);
var pg = require('pg');
var userList = [];
var typingUsers = {};
var ActiveQueue = [];
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.send('<h1>Active RT Queue</h1>');
var conString = "postgres://url";
pg.defaults.ssl = true;
var client = new pg.Client(conString);
client.connect(function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.error('could not connect to postgres', err);
http.listen(process.env.PORT || 5000, function(){
console.log('Listening on *:5000');
io.on('connection', function(clientSocket){
console.log('a user connected');
clientSocket.on('disconnect', function(){
console.log('user disconnected');
var clientNickname;
for (var i=0; i<userList.length; i++) {
if (userList[i]["id"] == {
userList[i]["isConnected"] = false;
clientNickname = userList[i]["nickname"];
delete typingUsers[clientNickname];
io.emit("userList", userList);
//io.emit("userExitUpdate", clientNickname);
//io.emit("userTypingUpdate", typingUsers);
clientSocket.on("exitUser", function(clientNickname){
for (var i=0; i<userList.length; i++) {
if (userList[i]["id"] == {
userList.splice(i, 1);
io.emit("userExitUpdate", clientNickname);
clientSocket.on("connectUser", function(clientNickname) {
var message = "User " + clientNickname + " was connected.";
var userInfo = {};
var foundUser = false;
for (var i=0; i<userList.length; i++) {
if (userList[i]["nickname"] == clientNickname) {
userList[i]["isConnected"] = true
userList[i]["id"] =;
userInfo = userList[i];
foundUser = true;
if (!foundUser) {
userInfo["id"] =;
userInfo["nickname"] = clientNickname;
userInfo["isConnected"] = true
io.emit("userList", userList);
io.emit("userConnectUpdate", userInfo)
///functions pertaining to transfer of messages and updating the UI follow
I would try something like this:
io.on('connection', function(clientSocket) {
clientSocket.on('room:general', function(data) {
var user = data.user;
var message = data.message;
console.log('%s sent new message: %s',user,message);
io.emit('room:general:newMessage', data);
//and so for each room
and from front end you need to send JSONObject:
socket.emit("room:general", json_object);
socket.on("room:general:newMessage", onYourDefinedEmiterListener);
//and so for each room
I never made Chat Application, hope it helps.

chrome ask multiple time to allow use of speaker and mic for incoming call in twilio

I am creating a call center application ,and when a call come to twilio client on chrome browser it ask for permission to allow use of speaker and mic .When second call comes I have to allow it for two times and if third call come I have to allow three times and so on.
and in firfox browser ,when I acccept call second time it automatically disconnect and give error of mediastream.
Please suggest me where I am wrong and how to solve this problem.
Below is the javascript of twilio client,If need some more information please let me know
From my experience, Chrome will only store those settings over HTTPS. Over HTPP Chrome will not store the settings thus it will prompt for the permissions every time
It might happen after a call before initialize twilio when you get another call . So , you must initialize first .
