Design a Android custom layout equivalent for IOS - ios

Coming from Android, I'm trying to learn coding on IOS, and it's really confusing.
What I'm trying to achieve is a scrollview that include a dynamic number of textfields.
You can add a textfield by pressing the plus button and remove the field by pressing the minus corresponding minus button.
But I have no clue about the best design for that. Can you give a lead ?
Something like:
Thanks !


Inline button and/or textfield within string which wraps the same as text using Swift

This is more of a question of how to go about achieving it rather than a specific solution. I would like to have a label which allowed buttons and textfields to be inline and wrap to the next line. An example is the iOS shortcuts app where you can type in the same block as the text, and the textfield wraps along the same line. It is a textfield as there is a caret.
At a highlevel it might look something like this:
where each view follows the line and wraps to the next when needed.
I originally thought about using an NSAttributedString with links that were styled and the link could either act as a button, or open a textfield for input. I tried this and got something which worked but it did not resemble the iOS shortcuts app where the textfield is within the text. I have also thought about using textkit, but I have not gotten that far with this as I am not sure it is the correct approach.
Thank you for any ideas or solutions.
I have thought about another way of achieving this but I don't know whether it would work either. The idea would be to use a collectionView of textfields. Some textfields would share the same LayoutManager so that the text is shared across the textfields. I would have to calculate how many textfields to create so that they flowed down the collectionView
In the image, Label 1 is made up of 1 textfield which has editing disabled. TextField 1 is made up of 3 textfields which have editing enabled and the three textfields would share the same LayoutManager. Label 2 is made up of 2 textfields with a shared layout manager, but editing disabled.
Using this approach would mean calculating how many textfields to create for each "Block" (Label or TextField) and updating this each time content changes. With this approach, I am only thinking of labels and textfields but the button can be added at another time.
I just started on this, but realised that sharing layout managers disables editing so I don't know whether this would be possible anymore.
This is non trivial task for sure, and I don't think there's a ready-for-use solution.
Using NSLayoutManager you can calculate frames of each line/character of your text, and then forbid touches depending on these frames, and add background under editable text.
You have to use UITextView, because you gonna need to forbid user to select part of the text, and you can do it using something like willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRange:toCharacterRange: delegate method, and ofc you need shouldChangeTextIn: to forbid removing non editable text too.

Multiple Keywords in textfield or textView in Swift

I have to show keywords having a cross button in a textfield or textView. I am trying to get data from server that is keyword names that i want to show in a single line horizontally with a cross button on each keyword and can be disappear as soon as we hit on cross button. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
What you need is an equivalent of the Cocoa NSTokenField (
You should have a look to Cocoa Controls to find one that can suits you (

iOS UIButton or Single Row UITableView For Dropdown Like Thing?

For iOS 7 and iOS 8, we're implementing these things that look like drop-downs, but each just launch a modal window.
What makes more sense, using 3 UIButtons, 3 UITableViews with 1 row, or something else? In the past, there would be more than one of these all lined up, so I would put them in a UITableView and set the accessoryView of the UITableViewCell. Using the cell was nice, but three UITableViews seem like overkill here and a maintenance hassel.
The closest post I found regarding this was one about using an UITableViewCell outside of UITableView
What would make the most sense is to follow the iOS design guidelines. Instead of trying to create custom dropdown menus (or worse: showing a drop down menu, but displaying a modal view when the user is expecting a drop down view), that UI could be replaced with 1 UITableView that has 3 UITableViewCells in it. The text on each cell would be the name of the setting to be changed and selecting the cell would push segue to the next page. This will give the app a uniform iOS UX; allowing users to know exactly how to use your app because it works similarly to other apps on their phone. Check out the Settings app on the simulator to see what I am describing.
I don't see any advantage to using a UITableView or a UITableViewCell. I think this is clearly a case for three UIButtons. You can set constraints to keep them nice and clean. One cool thing that might be worth investigating is using a unicode character for the downward arrow. That way you could have the tap feedback on the whole "thing" as you called it.
When I need to create sort of dropdown menus, I usually take advantages from UITableView, one above all is when you will need to add one or more selections in the dropdown you just need to change the data model.
UITableViewCells are easily customizable that means that you can create almost everything you want.
I think that your design doesn't adapt well to a mobile application, those kind of menu are more web style, with 3 buttons and a UIPickerView you can really improve the user experience and also adapt in a really easy way on the ipad embedding the picker in a UIPopoverController.
as i agree with #keithbhunter, but still if you want then may this links will help you.

Alt Button On Custom Keyboard in xCode

It's the first time I'm creating a keyboard for iOS. I've created the first page with all the buttons but I don't understand how to add the second page.
For example: first page QWERTY, second page 123.
Is here anyone that can explain all the passages and functions/classes that I have to add on my codes and where precisely?
Thanks a lot
Well I haven't built a custom keyboard personally but I would make seperate views for the "pages" of keyboards and just hide away and unhide the view of the keyboard you want to show when the user presses the "alt" button. You could have as many keyboards as you like with this method and have it pre-built in the backround so that it would function very quickly to swap between them. Or animate them as you like really as views are easy to slide around. Actually sounds like a lot of fun as I have often thought about building a keyboard that has alpha-numeric values all in one, which would make filling in details on a login screen much quicker/more convenient.

Implement auto-completion on iPad

Scenario: I have a list of medication (stored somewhere, let's say an NSArray).
There is a UITextField where a user can enter a medication to get more information about it (or whatever).
I want to suggest word completions while he is typing (but that is rather easy).
Where is the best place to show these suggestions? Since it's on the iPad i want it kinda like when you google and you get your suggestions right below the search bar. Is that possible on the iPad? A table that lays over the rest of the screen, placed below the text field? Like a pop up or something? I have never really used an iPad in my life before, therefore I don't know what the iOS way would be..
Edit: Something like this but connected to a textfield and not a button or whatever that thing is:
Edit: Or even better: Something like this but for iPad and not Android:
In my app I used a UITableView for displaying the suggestion.
I added the tableView above my UITextField. When there is no auto complete word found, I hide the tableView.
Please check my autocomplete implemetation.
Check out my control, MLPAutoCompleteTextField for iOS. It is a subclass of UITextField that does autocomplete.
The implementation is similar to what you are looking for in the second screenshot, and very customizable.
