Can I make a summary of only selected data? - google-sheets

I want to select only certain rows and columns and use the same "summary of responses" feature but for limited data rather than all of it. Is this possible?
The report is with ALL DATA from this sheet - I want the exact same output but with only certain email addresses.
Google Form:

If I have a google spreadsheet can I make a summary of only selected data?
Yes, but I think your Title may be misleading. I thought at first you wanted any summary but now believe you want the specific format provided by Form > Show summary of responses, and that is quite different.
Is this possible?
In essence, I think not. For example, in Excel it is easy enough to avoid charting data simply by hiding it. That seems not to work here. Even deleting data in the Form responses sheet does not change the Summary of responses.
This presumably because both the Form responses sheet and the Summary of responses are distinct views of server-side data. I doubt there is a means for a user to control the code that drives the Summary of responses, whose data is gathered from the individual form submissions (as is the data shown in the responses sheet). Submissions have spawned both the sheet and the Summary but the two are independent of one another.
On the other hand.
As mentioned by #zeroCoder, equivalent results might be obtained by a user though it would seem with a considerable effort. A script may be required to set the chart type to use for each question by question type (if to avoid an ad-hoc basis, Form by Form). Once the type appropriate to each column has been determined it would be a little tedious but not difficult to create the corresponding chart. Adjusting the formatting, scales etc to match that of Summary of responses would also be tedious but with a script would not need to be purpose-built for each Form individually.
That said, I hope I am crassly mistaken and that actually it is quite easy. I suspect however you would have heard by now were that so.

Another option is to use the Awesome Tables web app. It allows filtering of your data (and more). It is available as a gadget on Google Sites.

So this doesn't use the built in feature exactly but it does the trick.
Take your sheet with all the rows and figure out which columns you want to show.
Create a new sheet called preview or whatever.
in the top cell for each column reference the row from the responses sheet like this ={'Form Responses 1'!A:A}
Then hit File>Publish to web and chose to publish your Preview sheet only.
Get your shared link (shorten it if you must).
Post that url in your form only and presto.
You win!

You need to use pivot tables here are some tutorials on how to use them:
How to create a pivot table report
Summarize your data with pivot tables


Enable drop-down lists in Google Sheets reading mode

I have a list of flags classified in three filters (drop-down lists). The problem is that the drop-down list does not work in reading mode, only in editor mode. I just wanted people to see the lists and be able to interact. Is it possible to use this option in some way without having to be in editor mode?
Editor mode
Reading mode (link shared)
The implementation you are looking for is not possible using view only (Read only) permission on Google Sheets due to the fact that when someone makes changes to the selected cell via the dropdown menu, this will count as an "Edit".
A workaround I could suggest is to set the view to Edit and protect all cells on the sheet with the exception of the cells with dropdown list (Data validation) and set the edit permission access to only yourself. Here's more information on how to protect an entire sheet or range/s of cells:
Protect, hide, and edit sheets
I have this same problem and I'm growing frustrated. How in the world such simple blunder could escape the creators of Google Sheets? Obviously, if someone creates a spreadsheet with drop-downs in a range of cells, and said spreadsheet is to be shared with other users who will be granted limited edit permissions for certain parts of the spreadsheet, it is more than obvious that the creator of the spreadsheet wants his or her users to see and make use of the drop-downs, BUT also wants to make sure that nobody will accidentally delete the data validation contained in the cells (in other words, the drop-down itself). This is so obvious. I don't understand why Google Sheets hasn't yet come up with an extra permission (or a special 'edit' permission) where users can see and interact with a drop-down while in edit, but without the ability of deleting or accidentally changing the cell validation in any way. It would be like, you see it and you can interact, but you can't delete it or change the validation. Simple and nothing but common sense. Come on Google Sheets... let's get to it, please. It shouldn't be too hard to enable such partial edit permissions.

Use Google Forms for Sociometry

I wonder if it is possible to use Google Forms to gather Sociometry responses.
See this picture as an example:
I want to create many rows per a single responder (see in my picture, there are 5 rows for responder 1, which represent each of the 5 Peers the responder needs to rank) . The second issue, is that the population always changes (responder 1 needs to rank 5 people, while responder 2 needs only 4)
Just create a form and link it to your sheet.
I think you have already done this, but just in case:
create a new form.
link the responses to a spreadsheet.
How to identify the responder
Unless you are in a workspace account and all the responders are also in a workspace account there is no way to identify the responder. The only way that you can do this is to ask the responder in the form for their "Responder ID". The only field that will be populated automatically will be the timestamp.
How to get multiple rows per response
The simple way is to simply get the participants to fill out the response multiple times. The more complex way is to look into Apps Script to construct forms based on a certain criteria, though this sounds like it will probably be complex to do in this way. Maybe you would be interested in building an Apps Script web app with which you could build an html form. That will probably give you more flexibility, though it will be a bit more work to set up.
How to organize your sheet so that all Responder IDs are sorted.
You can do this manually by filtering or sorting the data. Alternatively you can look into Apps Script to do this process automatically every few minutes or hours, depending on what you need it for.

Monitoring a google sheet for changes and validating data

Problem: Write a program that creates a spreadsheet and constantly monitors it for changes. Any row that contains "invalid data" (according to a rule defined by a regex) in one of the columns should be deleted. For example, lets say that column A must be a valid date, while all the other columns can hold arbitrary data. Then, if someone enters an invalid date into cell A5, all the data in row 5 should be removed.
Attempted solution:
The program will have to deal with a lot of data, so when i am monitoring the sheet, i would like to obtain changes made to the spreadsheet as just the change. That is, i dont want to have to request the entire spreadsheet of data every time an edit is made. The only way that i have found to obtain only edits is through google apps script, but i have not found a way to create a spreadsheet along with an apps script bound to it. Is this possible through google apis, or is there a better way to tackle this problem?
I also looked into data validations as a possible solution, but I cannot find a setting that deletes an entire row when one specific column is invalid.

Google Sheets - Make a tab change not visible to other users

I am trying to work on a google sheet where one Tab will be an entry form and another will be a database. I need the form to be used by multiple users. Currently the Form tab displays all changes to other users so multiple users cannot use it at the same time.
Is there a way to allow 1 user to see their own entries and a 2nd user to see different entries. When they press my button it should record their individual entries on the database tab.
I cannot use Google Forms for this project due to the complexity of the form and the need for cascading drop-down lists and dynamically available information on the form.
After researching extensively, the answer to my question is that there does not seem to be a good way of doing this.
My final approach was to create a tab for each user with the calculations, cascading dropdowns, and buttons/scripts that affected their specific sheet and recorded data on the database tab based on their specific sheet.
Hopefully, this helps the next guy who is searching for this answer. If anyone has found a way to solve this, let me know so I can test and give you credit for solving what I could not.

iOS swift options for spreadsheet tables

I'm new to Xcode but have been able to overcome every hurdle so far. Now I'm at a fork in the road and not sure which direction to go. My iPad app takes user input and then it generates reports based on the input. I want the reports to have as many columns as my entities have attributes, and for each attribute to be a column header and to be sortable, just like a spreadsheet. UITableview seems to let me display a dynamic number of rows, and then if I have a custom cell with several manually created labels mapped to attributes I could sort of simulate columns by having a bunch of buttons on a navigation bar that change how the table is sorted. Problem here is that if I change my data schema i need to redesign the cell view and write new code for for the sort columns. HTML also seems like an option, but it feels and looks very different for the user. There's also 3rd party, but stubbornly, I want to build it myself. Could you guys provide some guidance on the pros and cons of each option for my use case? If I go for the first one, is it possible (feasible) to write something that could auto generate the storyboard layout in the case of adding a new attribute to an entity? Platform: iPad, Language: swift, data set is not enormous (sub 100k rows, worst case), using core data, need flexibility on the reporting side - would love an interface that lets users generate their own reports (don't want my life to become custom reporting)
Are you familiar with the UICollectionView class?
Take a look at this example over at github:
This is an excellent way to organize cells as in a spreadsheet.
There is a nice swift tutorial over here:
