sqlite issue in iOS accessing two table at same time - ios

I hope all doing well, I have one query regarding the sqlite .
Is that possible that two different sqlite table access at ones .
I have table A ans B .Can access A and B at same time .insert updating table value .
I have two different table,Table1 and table2 in myDatabase( test_db.sqlite).
Table 1 is only access by main thread.
Table 2 will be only access by background thread.
Now let c.
I have open the database connection using background thread…for inserting the value into table2.
while inserting the value into table2………….my main thread tries to open the same database connection at the same time to retrieve the data from table 1……and the app crash.
how to open the same database connection concurrently.
please check this edit one

You are getting problems by accessing the Database in different threads. You can deal with this problem by using thread safe mode.
From SQL docs:
SQLite support three different threading modes:
Single-thread. In this mode, all mutexes are disabled and SQLite is unsafe to use in more than a single thread at once.
Multi-thread. In this mode, SQLite can be safely used by multiple threads provided that no single database connection is used simultaneously in two or more threads.
Serialized. In serialized mode, SQLite can be safely used by multiple threads with no restriction.
So, you can use the SQLITE_THREADSAFE compile-time parameter to select the threading mode.
I suggest that you open a different DB connection in each thread, or rebuild SQLite in serialised mode (with SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1).
OLD Answer:
It's difficult to answer your problem if you do not provide the exact error you are receiving. But, making the assumption that your queries are ok, the most probable cause is that you are not handling your sqlite flow correctly.
I suppose that your problem is that you are updating table "A" and then when trying to update table "B" it crashes. That's why you are trying to create a single query to update both of them.
So, before reusing your sqlite3_stmt to make the second query, you should, first, call sqlite3_finalize(yourStatement) to release the statement from memory, and then, if you want to make the second query just call sqlite3_prepare_v2 again, so the database is ready to accept the next query after that.


Realm file size in iOS app

I have an app that uses Realm as a staging database. It receives information from a bluetooth device, processes it, and sends the processed result to a server.
The incoming data from bluetooth gets stored in a Realm table (table1). A separate thread reads data from the Realm database, processes it, and stores it into a second table (table2) for uploading to a server. When it pulls this data and successfully processed it, it deletes it from table1.
The third thread pulls data from table2, and when it successfully sends, removes it from table2.
I'm using a database here in case, for whatever reason, the app is killed - data won't be lost... it will just resume where it left off when the app is restarted. But as you can see, the database is not something that hangs around (it's not like an address book or something... it is just temporary staging)
What I notice is that no matter what the heck I do, the realm database file just increases in size over time. I'll end up with a database that if I open it, will have one record in it, but the database file on disk could be 10s of MB in size if the app is running long enough.
Data is being processed on different background queues so as to not block any UX (one of the reasons I'm using Realm instead of CoreData). But I'm using things like autoreleasepools and the invalidate command to avoid objects that are read from having copies made (as suggested by many realm questions/answers)
What gives? I know I don't have a code sample here, but this just seems like a basic garbage collection problem in Realm. I've seen other questions related to this where people are like "why is my database so huge", and the answers suggest doing things like "writeCopyToPath", but that feels like an incredible hack, and regardless, it would be very difficult - this app is meant to be constantly connected and monitoring a bluetooth device, so to do this, it would mean stopping, making sure all threads that might alter the database are quiesced, doing the copy to compact the db, and then starting everything back up again. That just seems nonsensical to me. I might interrupt user operations for example. I don't want a user to not be able to do something because I decided it was time to do database maintenance.
I feel like I'm either missing some incredibly fundamental point in how to make Realm not keep junk around, or Realm is just the completely wrong solution for my problem. I've never seen this problem with databases - adding and deleting lots of records... quickly... seems like something a database should just be able to do without exploding in size.
Are you making sure that the background thread is not holding on to old versions of the Realm, preventing the space from being reused?
Quote from the docs (https://realm.io/docs/swift/latest/#seeing-changes-from-other-threads):
If a thread has no runloop (which is generally the case in a background thread), then Realm.refresh() must be called manually in order to advance the transaction to the most recent state.
Failing to refresh Realms on a regular basis could lead to some transaction versions becoming “pinned”, preventing Realm from reusing the disk space used by that version, leading to larger file sizes.

Can statement prepared with sqlite3_prepare_v2 be used with a different connection?

I am using multiple read-only database connections to the same database within the same process (from different threads). However, I have static sqlte3_stmt statements that I use with the passed database connection.
Is it safe to re-use statements prepared this way with different database connection instances (to the same read-only database)? In practice this seems to work, but I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do.
A statement always uses the connection that it was prepared for (in the call to sqlite3_prepare*(). It is not possible to change a statement's connection.
When you use the same statement from multiple threads, all threads share the same cursor, and the same connection, and the same transaction. This will blow up eventually.
If you want to save statements, you must use a list of statements per connection.

FMDB block my UI

Fmdb in iOS, I have a task to convert 100 JSON string to my model from network and then represent them on the UITableViewCell, because I have 3 button to change the data on the UITableView , so I fmdb the data to local, when I change the data it first check to read the local data, and then request newest data to reload UITableView and save to database. All 3 changes have the same logic. Because 100 data to store I choose to asynchronous dispatch the for statement, then the problem is when the model inserts in to table it stuck my UI a little bit. My table has 10+ columns , is there any possibility just because too much columns cause insert assume too much time?
According to FMDB documentation, it's better to use FMDatabaseQueue for your case.
To perform queries and updates on multiple threads, you’ll want to use FMDatabaseQueue.
Using a single instance of FMDatabase from multiple threads at once is a bad idea. It has always been OK to make a FMDatabase object per thread. Just don’t share a single instance across threads, and definitely not across multiple threads at the same time.
Instead, use FMDatabaseQueue.
Here's the reference.

Database encrypted by SQLCipher in an iOS app is becoming permanently inaccessible

I recently modified my iOS app to enable serialized mode for both a database encrypted using SQLCipher and a non-encrypted database (also SQLite). I also maintain a static sqlite3 connection for each database, and each is only opened once (by simply checking for null values) and shared throughout the lifetime of the app.
The app is required to have a sync-like behavior which will download a ton of records from a remote database at regular intervals using a soap request and update the contents of the local encrypted database. Of course, the person using the app may or may not be updating or reading from the database, depending on what they're doing, so I made the changes mentioned in the above paragraph.
When doing short term testing, there doesn't appear to be any issue with how things work, and I've yet experience any problem.
However, some users are reporting that they've lost access to the encrypted database, and I'm trying to figure out why.
My thoughts are as follows: Methods written by another developer declared all sqlite3_stmt's to be static (I believe this code was in the problematic release). In the past I've noticed crashes when two threads using a particular method run simultaneously. One thread finalizes, modifies or replaces a sqlite3_stmt while another thread is using it. A crash doesn't always occur because he has wrapped most of his SQLite code in try/catch blocks. If it's true that SQLite uses prepare and finalize to implement locking, could the orphaning of sqlite3_stmt's which occurs due to their static nature in this context be putting the database into an inoperable state? For example, when a statement acquires an exclusive lock after being stepped is replaced by an assignment in the same method running in another thread?
I realize that this doesn't necessarily mean that the database will become permanently unusable, but, consider this scenario:
At some point during the app's lifetime it will re-key the encrypted database and that key is stored in another database. Suppose that it successfully re-keys the encrypted database, but then the new key is not stored in the other database because of what I mentioned above.
Provided that the database hasn't become corrupted at some point (I'm not really counting on this being the case), this is the only explanation I can come up with for why the user may not be able to use the encrypted database after restarting the iOS app, seeing as the app would be the only one to access the database file.
Being that I can't recreate this issue, I can only speculate about what the reasoning might be. What thoughts do you have? Does this seem like a plausible scenario for something that happens rarely? Do you have another idea of something to look into?
If the database is rekeyed, and the key for the database is not successfully stored in the other database, then it could certainly cause the problem.

How to check lock status and unlock if necessary for Database on Blackberry?

Since I've started developing my Blackberry app, the biggest problems I've encountered all had to do with SQLite Databases.
Right now I'm putting my app through a stress test, and when problems pop up I address them by printing out statuses to the console and taking care of things line by line. Right now (after mashing buttons on my app) I received a "Database is locked" error and I'm not sure what to do.
It seems that once the database is locked it's locked for good until it is unlocked........ my question is how can I unlock it?? First of all, how can I check to see if it's locked??
I'm sure our users won't be mashing buttons like I did, but you never know. I want to account for every possible scenario.
EDIT: This is what happens in my application..... When I launch it starts a thread, this thread performs a cleanup on one of my tables based on how old certain pieces of data are (uses DELETE). The thread then continues to get a USER object from my DB (read only), it then uses this USER object as a parameter to call a web service. The data retrieved from the web service is INSERTED into my database. (It's a little more complex than that as a few read/write operations are performed at this time. After that, the thread fires a callback method to update my UI.
This all works fine. I can exit the app WHILE the thread is running and relaunch and a flag will prevent it from starting a new instance of the same thread (unless the other one is done of course).
Now my problem: My app's home screen is a list of buttons, when the user clicks one of these buttons another, more detailed list is loaded (this requires a READ ONLY call to the database). When I launch the app (firing the web service calling thread) and then click a button on the main screen right away, the table gets locked. (Not always, sometimes it takes 4 or 5 tries, sometimes more, sometimes less). But if I keep doing this it WILL eventually lock making it impossible to make any calls to my DB, hence no more UI (which depends on the DB).
The DB call that populates the UI on the second screen is READ ONLY, can't I have as many of these as I need?? What causes the DB to lock?? What's the difference between a DB lock and File System error (12)??
I seemed to have fixed the problem. I was under the impression that if a read/write connection was open then a read-only connection could be created safely.
This doesn't seem to be the case. If I have a read/write connection open then no other connections can open until that one is finished.
I basically created one read/write connection, set a flag to identify it as open, and during my read connection use the same Database object if the flag is open, or create a read only if it's closed.
So far so good.
Sqlite does not support concurrent modification. In practice on BlackBerry, this means you can only open the database from one part of the code at a time. To maintain this one-at-a-time access, you need to close the database when you are done with it, as #AnkitRox points out.
However you also need to guard against concurrent access. Even if your code properly closes the database, it is possible for two different threads to access the database. In that case, you will need one to wait. In Java-ME this is typically accomplished through the 'synchronized' keyword, and using the same lock object for all database access.
Check properly that, you are opening and closing database before and after execution of query respectively.
Because if Database is going to open without closing it properly, then it gives errors.
