Database encrypted by SQLCipher in an iOS app is becoming permanently inaccessible - ios

I recently modified my iOS app to enable serialized mode for both a database encrypted using SQLCipher and a non-encrypted database (also SQLite). I also maintain a static sqlite3 connection for each database, and each is only opened once (by simply checking for null values) and shared throughout the lifetime of the app.
The app is required to have a sync-like behavior which will download a ton of records from a remote database at regular intervals using a soap request and update the contents of the local encrypted database. Of course, the person using the app may or may not be updating or reading from the database, depending on what they're doing, so I made the changes mentioned in the above paragraph.
When doing short term testing, there doesn't appear to be any issue with how things work, and I've yet experience any problem.
However, some users are reporting that they've lost access to the encrypted database, and I'm trying to figure out why.
My thoughts are as follows: Methods written by another developer declared all sqlite3_stmt's to be static (I believe this code was in the problematic release). In the past I've noticed crashes when two threads using a particular method run simultaneously. One thread finalizes, modifies or replaces a sqlite3_stmt while another thread is using it. A crash doesn't always occur because he has wrapped most of his SQLite code in try/catch blocks. If it's true that SQLite uses prepare and finalize to implement locking, could the orphaning of sqlite3_stmt's which occurs due to their static nature in this context be putting the database into an inoperable state? For example, when a statement acquires an exclusive lock after being stepped is replaced by an assignment in the same method running in another thread?
I realize that this doesn't necessarily mean that the database will become permanently unusable, but, consider this scenario:
At some point during the app's lifetime it will re-key the encrypted database and that key is stored in another database. Suppose that it successfully re-keys the encrypted database, but then the new key is not stored in the other database because of what I mentioned above.
Provided that the database hasn't become corrupted at some point (I'm not really counting on this being the case), this is the only explanation I can come up with for why the user may not be able to use the encrypted database after restarting the iOS app, seeing as the app would be the only one to access the database file.
Being that I can't recreate this issue, I can only speculate about what the reasoning might be. What thoughts do you have? Does this seem like a plausible scenario for something that happens rarely? Do you have another idea of something to look into?

If the database is rekeyed, and the key for the database is not successfully stored in the other database, then it could certainly cause the problem.


Periodic iCloud backup of SQLite database

Let me get this out of the way right now: yes, it was almost certainly a mistake to not use Core Data. However, I was new to iOS development when I made these decisions, and I had no idea I'd be hamstrung like this. Moreover, the app is intended to also run on Android (eventually), so I avoided platform-specific APIs wherever possible.
I have an iOS app that stores data in a local SQLite database file. The data stored in the file is provided by the user, so it's important that it be kept safe. I had plans to "do this later", and later is now here. I am quickly coming to the realization that it won't be as straightforward as I had hoped...
I now understand that it won't be possible to seamlessly synchronize data across devices, and I'm willing to accept that limitation until I manage to migrate to Core Data. However, in the meantime I'd at least like the SQLite database to be backed up periodically so users can feel safe using the app on a single device. I was thinking I would do this:
periodically (e.g. once a week) copy the SQLite file from local storage into cloud storage, thus ensuring it is backed up
when the app starts, if the local store is missing or corrupted but the file exists in the cloud storage, ask the user if they would like to copy it over
The biggest problem with this approach is that the user could run the app on multiple devices and therefore the data stored in iCloud could be from any one of those devices, but only one. To combat that, I thought I could just use a per-device, unique name for the file in cloud storage. I would generate this using UIDevice.identifierForVendor.
So my startup logic would be:
Determine the unique name for the cloud file.
Is the local file missing or corrupted, and if so, does the cloud file exist?
2.1. Ask the user if they would like to restore from the cloud file. Make it really hard for them to say no because doing so will lose all their data.
2.2. If they say yes, copy the cloud file to the local file storage.
Open the local database file.
And running in the background I would occasionally copy the database file from local to cloud storage.
I would like to know whether this a sensible approach until I do Core Data integration. Also, are there any hidden "gotchas" that I'm perhaps missing?
UPDATE: as #TomHarrington pointed out in a comment, it turns out my database file is already sitting in /Documents, which is backed up to iTunes and any iCloud account. So my question morphs into this:
Should I simply ensure my database has a device-specific name so that it is not clobbered by the app running on another device connected to the same iCloud account?
I'm going to answer my question, since I ended up going down this path and finding a MASSIVE blocker. There is a bug in the UIDevice.identifierForVendor API that causes it to regenerate every time a new version of the app is installed! See here. This of course rules out using it as a device identifier. sigh
I think I'm SOL with that approach. Instead, I might generate a GUID on first execution and use that as my identifier. Problem is, I need to store that somewhere that isn't backed up to iCloud.
Ugh, I may just give up here and say my app can't be run on multiple devices until Core Data integration is done.
UPDATE: I ended up generating an identifier on first run and storing it in the keychain (as a local entry only so it isn't backed up to iCloud).

Realm file size in iOS app

I have an app that uses Realm as a staging database. It receives information from a bluetooth device, processes it, and sends the processed result to a server.
The incoming data from bluetooth gets stored in a Realm table (table1). A separate thread reads data from the Realm database, processes it, and stores it into a second table (table2) for uploading to a server. When it pulls this data and successfully processed it, it deletes it from table1.
The third thread pulls data from table2, and when it successfully sends, removes it from table2.
I'm using a database here in case, for whatever reason, the app is killed - data won't be lost... it will just resume where it left off when the app is restarted. But as you can see, the database is not something that hangs around (it's not like an address book or something... it is just temporary staging)
What I notice is that no matter what the heck I do, the realm database file just increases in size over time. I'll end up with a database that if I open it, will have one record in it, but the database file on disk could be 10s of MB in size if the app is running long enough.
Data is being processed on different background queues so as to not block any UX (one of the reasons I'm using Realm instead of CoreData). But I'm using things like autoreleasepools and the invalidate command to avoid objects that are read from having copies made (as suggested by many realm questions/answers)
What gives? I know I don't have a code sample here, but this just seems like a basic garbage collection problem in Realm. I've seen other questions related to this where people are like "why is my database so huge", and the answers suggest doing things like "writeCopyToPath", but that feels like an incredible hack, and regardless, it would be very difficult - this app is meant to be constantly connected and monitoring a bluetooth device, so to do this, it would mean stopping, making sure all threads that might alter the database are quiesced, doing the copy to compact the db, and then starting everything back up again. That just seems nonsensical to me. I might interrupt user operations for example. I don't want a user to not be able to do something because I decided it was time to do database maintenance.
I feel like I'm either missing some incredibly fundamental point in how to make Realm not keep junk around, or Realm is just the completely wrong solution for my problem. I've never seen this problem with databases - adding and deleting lots of records... quickly... seems like something a database should just be able to do without exploding in size.
Are you making sure that the background thread is not holding on to old versions of the Realm, preventing the space from being reused?
Quote from the docs (
If a thread has no runloop (which is generally the case in a background thread), then Realm.refresh() must be called manually in order to advance the transaction to the most recent state.
Failing to refresh Realms on a regular basis could lead to some transaction versions becoming “pinned”, preventing Realm from reusing the disk space used by that version, leading to larger file sizes.

Interprocess SQLite Thread Safety (on iOS)

I'm trying to determine if my sqlite access to a database is thread-safe on iOS. I'm writing a non App Store app (or possibly a launch daemon), so Apple's approval isn't an issue. The database in question is the built-in sms.db, so for sure the OS is also accessing this database for reading and writing. I only want to be able to safely read it.
I've read this about reading from multiple processes with sqlite:
Multiple processes can have the same database open at the same time.
Multiple processes can be doing a SELECT at the same time. But only
one process can be making changes to the database at any moment in
time, however.
I understand that thread-safety can be compiled out of sqlite, and that sqlite3_threadsafe() can be used to test for this. Running this on iOS 5.0.1
int safe = sqlite3_threadsafe();
yields a result of 2. According to this, that means mutex locking is available. But, that doesn't necessarily mean it's in use.
I'm not entirely clear on whether thread-safety is dynamically enabled on a per connection, per database, or global basis.
I have also read this. It looks like sqlite3_config() can be used to enable safe multi-threading, but of course, I have no control, or visibility into how the OS itself may have used this call (do I?). If I were to make that call again in my app, would it make it safe to read the database, or would it only deconflict concurrent access for multiple threads in my app that used the same sqlite3 database handle?
Anyway, my question is ...
can I safely read this database that's also accessed by iOS, and if so, how?
I've never used SQLite, but I've spent a decent amount of time reading its docs because I plan on using it in the future (and the docs are interesting). I'd say that thread safety is independent of whether multiple processes can access the same database file at once. SQLite, regardless of what threading mode it is in, will lock the database file, so that multiple processes can read from the database at once but only one can write.
Thread safety only affects how your process can use SQLite. Without any thread safety, you can only call SQLite functions from one thread. But it should still, say, take an EXCLUSIVE lock before writing, so that other processes can't corrupt the database file. Thread safety just protects data in your process's memory from getting corrupted if you use multiple threads. So I don't think you ever need to worry about what another process (in this case iOS) is doing with an SQLite database.
Edit: To clarify, any time you write to the database, including a plain INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, it will automatically take an EXCLUSIVE lock, write to the database, then release the lock. (And it actually takes a SHARED lock, then a RESERVED lock, then a PENDING lock, then an EXCLUSIVE lock before writing.) By default, if the database is already locked (say from another process), then SQLite will return SQLITE_BUSY without waiting. You can call sqlite3_busy_timeout() to tell it to wait longer.
I don't think any of this is news to you, but a few thoughts:
In terms of enabling multi-threading (either serialized or multi-threaded), the general counsel is that one can invoke sqlite3_config() (but you may have to do a shutdown first as suggested in the docs or as discussed on SO here) to enable the sort of multi-threading you want. That may be of diminished usefulness here, though, where you have no control over what sort of access iOS is requesting of sqlite and/or this database.
Thus, I would have thought that, from an academic perspective, it would not be safe to read this system database (because as you say, you have no assurance of what the OS is doing). But I wouldn't be surprised if iOS is opening the database using whatever the default mode is, so from a more pragmatic perspective, you might be fine.
Clearly, for most users concerned about multi-threaded access within a single app, the best counsel would be to bypass the sqlite3_config() silliness and just simply ensure coordinated access through your own GCD serial queue (i.e., have a dedicated queue through which all database interactions go through, gracefully eliminating the multi-thread issue altogether). Sadly, that's not an option here because you're trying to coordinate database interaction with iOS itself.

Syncing a local sqlite file to iCloud

I store some data in my iOS app directly in a local .sqlite file.  I chose to do this instead of CoreData because the data will need to be compatible with non-Apple platforms.
Now, I'm trying to come up with the best way to sync this file over iCloud.  I know you can't sync it directly, for many reasons.  I know CoreData is able to sync its DBs, but even ignoring that using CD would essentially lock this file into Apple platforms (I think? I've only looked into CD a bit), I need the iCloud syncing of this file to work across ALL of iCloud's supported platforms - which is supposed to include Windows.  I have to assume that there won't be any compatibility for the CoreData files in the Windows API.  Planning out the best way to accomplish this would be a lot easier if Apple would tell us any more than "There will be a Windows API [eventually?]"
In addition, I'll eventually need to implement at least one more sync service to support platforms that iCloud does not.  It would be helpful, though not required, if the method I use for iCloud can be mostly reused for future services.
For these reasons, I don't think CoreData can help me with this.  Am I correct in thinking this?
Moving on from there, I need to devise an algorithm for this, or find an existing one or an existing 3rd party solution.  I haven't stumbled across anything yet. However, I have been mulling over a couple possible methods I could implement:
Method 1:
Do something similar to how CoreData syncs sqlite DBs: send "transaction logs" to iCloud instead and build each local sqlite file off of those.
I'm thinking each device would send a (uniquely named) text file listing all the sql commands that that device executed, with timestamps.  The device would store how far along in each list of commands it has executed, and continue from that point each time the file is updated. If it received updates to multiple log files at once, it would execute each command in timestamp order.
Things could get 'interesting' efficiency-wise once these files get large, but it seems like a solvable problem.  
Method 2:
Periodically sync a copy of the working database to iCloud.  Have a modification timestamp field in every record.  When an updated copy of the DB comes through, query all the records with newer timestamps than some reference time and update the record in the local DB from the new data.
I see many potential problems with this method:
-Have to implement something further to recognize record deletion.
-The DB file could get conflicts. It might be possible to deal with them by handling each conflict version in timestamp order.
-Determining the date to check each update from could be tricky, as it depends on which device the update is coming from.
There are a lot of potential problems with method 2, but method 1 seems doable to me...
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be the best course of action? Any better ideas than my "Method 1" (or reasons why it wouldn't work)?
Try those two solutions from Ray Wenderlich:
Exporting/Importing data through mail:
File Sharing with iTunes:
I found it quite complex but helped me a lot.
Both method 1 and method 2 seem doable. Perhaps a combination of the two in fact - use iCloud to send a separate database file that is a subset of data - i.e. just changed items. Or maybe another file format instead of sqlite db - XML/JSON/CSV etc.
Another alternative is to do it outside of iCloud - i.e. a simple custom web service for syncing. So each change gets submitted to a central server via JSON/XML over HTTP, and then other devices pull updates from that.
Obviously it depends how much data and how many devices you want to sync across, and whether you have access to an appropriate server and/or budget to cover running such a server. iCloud will do that for "free" but all it really does is transfer files. A custom solution allows you to define your syncing model as you wish, but you have to develop and manage it and pay for it.
I've considered the possibility of transferring a database file through iCloud but I think that I would run into classic problems of timing - slow start for the user - and corrupted databases if the app is run on multiple devices simultaneously. (iPad/iPhone for example).
Sooo. I've had to use the transaction logs method. It really is difficult to implement, but once in place, seems ok.
I am using Apple's SharedCoreData sample as the base for this work. This link requires an Apple Developer Account.
I did find a much much better solution from Tim Roadley however this only works for IOS and I needed both IOS and MacOS.
rant> iCloud development really has to get easier and more stable! /rant

SQLite Persistence throughout app lifecycle on iOS

I've been reading up on SQLite3 included in the iOS firmware which might serve my needs for the app i'm writiung.
What I can't figure out is if it is persistent or goes away like some objects do.
For example if I do sqlite3_open() which appears to be a C function rather than an Objective-C object, if I open this at the start of my application, will it stay persistent until I close it no matter how many views I push/pop all over the place.
Obviously that would depend on where I put it but if I was doing a universal app and had some central functions for loading / saving data which were common to both iPhone/iPad, if, in my didFinishLoading: I put a call to open the SQLite database and then called various exec's of queries, would it remain persistent throughout the lifecycle of the application.
Am I better off opening and closing as needed, i'm coming from a PHP background so i'd normally open a database at the start of the script and then run many queries and then finally close it before browser output.
From the 1,000,000th i've learned over the last few months about iOS programming, I think the latter might be the better way as there's possibility of app exit prematurely or it going to background.
I'd just like a second opinion on my thinking please.
I dont know directly, but I think you are right - you only need to open it once at the start of your app.
Looking at sqlitepersistentobjects, an ORM framework for iOS, it only opens the DB when its first used, and never closes it except when there is a problem opening it :)
Single opened sqlite database used throughout the app from different places in your app is fine.
You are using word "persistent" which is confusing. What you mean is "reuse of single connection, for executing different statements in the app, possibly from different threads". Persistence has completely different meaning in context of databases - it means that the requested modification of data has been safely stored to media (disk, flash drive) and the device can even unexpectedly shut down without affecting written data.
It's recommended to keep running sqlite statements from a single, dedicated thread.
It's not recommended to connect to sqlite database from different processes for and executing parallel modifications.
A good alternative solution is to use sqlite async extension which sends all writes to a dedicated, background thread.
You can check out framework if you want to use custom built (newer version) of sqlite.
