iOS Simulator - Doesn't show 100% of the screen? - ios

So this is my first time ever using the iOS simulator, because I want to learn how to make iOS apps.
So eventually I dragged a few labels etc. into the storyboard just to try (before learning obj-c)
This is what the storyboard looks like:
This is what it looks like in the simulator:
By the way I can't go the left nor right, only up and down.

use auto layout, also you can bring up the preview of the phone screen to see how the storyboard translates to the actual phone or simulator screen. What it looks like on the storyboard does not directly relate to how it will look on the sim or actual device

Use hotkeys:
CMD+1 for scale 100%
CMD+2 for scale 75%
CMD+3 for scale 50%
Or you can set it in simulator main menu - Window->Scale


Device Layout Does Not match Simulator or Storyboard

I've been away from Xcode for a while, so I may have missed changes in the latest couple of releases. The layout of views looks identical in the Storyboard, and on the simulators (iPhone6 and iPhone7), but different on my iPhone 6. I have no warnings or errors in the Storyboard, and I am using Xcode 8. The device acts as if it had a shorter screen than the simulator -- things that are spread appropriately on the storyboard or simulator, are squeezed together vertically on my phone. What is the reason for this difference?
Have you assigned launch images with the correct dimensions for the different form factors? An easy way to verify this is to add a print statement in a view controller to see what the bounds are for the screen. Verify that these values match what you expect for the device.
The following from Apple documents this:
Because device screen sizes vary, launch screen sizes vary too. To
accommodate this, you can provide a launch screen as an Xcode
storyboard or as a set of static images for the devices your app
supports. Using an Xcode storyboard is the recommended approach, as
storyboards are flexible and adaptable.
While not an official Apple site, this link also references this as a potential issue:
The launch XIB or storyboard is required to support iPhone 6 sized
Another possibility is that you have the screen zoomed in on the device. To change this, go to Settings > Display & Brightness and select Display Zoom at the bottom. Ensure that you have Standard selected. If you are zoomed in, then the device will scale down (A 6 behaves like an SE, a Plus behaves like a 6/7).

Canvas Element become small on simulator (Unity2d)

I am developing a 2d game. I am on step where i have to make score things and button. I am doing this by canvas. It working fine on unity but when i test that on simulator all things become small and not showing in actual size. Can any one help me in this case.
In Unity
in Simulator
Try to change Canvas settings like below,
And for device like focus, change preview in Game tab from Free Aspect to any defined resolution. Like,
Then set sizes of your UI elements.

Simulated Metrics size for "iPhone 5.5-inch" doesn't show the interface correctly in iPhone 6 plus device

I'm using xcode 6.1.1 version and iPhone 6 plus as testing device. I simply add a button at the right side of my xcode user interface, selecting Simulated Metrics size for iPhone 5.5-inch like this :
But when I run this on device the button goes far away from the right edge. Like this (Snap shoot from my device):
But when I select Simulated Metrics size for iPhone 4.7-inch like this :
It shows accurately in my device. Like this (Snap shoot from my device):
I tried with selecting and un selecting Auto Layout & Size Classes but do not get any clue. My device is 5.5 inch iPhone 6 plus. I even recheck it from my iPhone's packet and by IMEI Number. My question is why it is acting like iPhone 6 interface?? Is it for any reason of retina display or non retina display??
Thanks a lot in advanced.
My button's Constraints:
Select the button/ view you want. Then simply use the shortcut ⌥⇧⌘=. This will Reset to Suggested Constraints.
For this to work successfully, try moving your button to the suggested areas, i.e. move the button/ view to the top right corner like you have till the dotted blue lines appear.
Once done it should show what you expect on the interface builder but to be sure test on the simulator and/ or Device.
You need to add the proper constraints. Using simulated metrics is only for setting things up in IB, it has no effect on what the view looks like at run time. You should leave that setting at inferred.
If you don't add constraints yourself, the system adds them for you, and it adds top, left, height, and width constraints; that is not what you want. You need to add constraints to the top and right side. If you do that, the button will appear with that spacing to the right side, no matter what size screen you're using.
I think you should use constraints to solve the problem but i don't know the exact cause of this
Ctrl + drag from the item to the border in the storyboard to add constraints

Simulator/device UI differs from storyboard

I am using Xcode 4.5.1 to create a very simple, single view iPhone app. I've laid out the view as you can see in the IB image. (UIViewController, UIView, UIButton, UITextView).
When I run the app in the simulator (or my phone) it looks like the second screen shot.
I don't understand why the simulator UI doesn't look like the one I created in IB.
What am I missing?
If you look you are using the iPhone 5 size layout in your storyboard file. To change the dimensions between iPhone 5 layout and the standard iPhone size
Click on the icon in the lower right hand corner of the storyboard:
Alternatively, if you want to see the layout in a iPhone 5 simulator. In the iOS simulator go to Hardware > Device > iPhone (Retina 4-inch). This is the iPhone 5 layout. However, if you do not have a retina displayed computer. The iPhone will look like a really big iPad.
It looks like you have an iPhone 5 sized layout in Xcode and a iphone 4 in simulator. Check the constraints on the dark grey vs bottom views and make sure that they'll resize how you want.
Hey so here is another method.
My Problem:
1.My Storyboard was showing a fat rectangle that didnt look anything like a iPhone. Then when I'd run the simulator all the element were cut off and not in the right position.
2.Simulator took up the whole screen.
1. Make sure you Storyboard is open and displayed, click on the frame so that it has a blue highlighted border. Then on the Utilities manager (on the right) click on "Show the Attributes menu". The very first item should be Simulated Metrics. Choose the size that best fits your screen/needs.
2.Follow Adjusting the XCode iPhone simulator scale and size I scaled it down to 33%

iPhone app view is cut off at the botton when run on iPad

I need your help. I have designed an app to target iPhone only and everything works fine. However, I just realised that when I run it on iPad, I get black spaces around the screen (view doesn't cover full screen of the iPad) and strangely, the bottom part of the app gets cut off when it runs on iPad. How do I get full screen iPad mode without part of the view getting cut off. Thanks
This is normal behaviour(black spaces around the screen) if the value for "Devices:" under Target/deploymentInfo is set to iPhone. In this case you can still test on iPad but with iPhone resolution. (but if it set to iPad you can not test on iPhone).
if you want to get iPad resolution you have to change "Devices:" value to universal.
for (bottom cut) check if your code uses device size for positioning buttons.
Your app must also run on iPad without modification as for
2.10 App Store Review Guidelines
At first, you have to set your the view (on Main.storyboad) to fit all size. That is `wAny hAny).
Then selected the views, add some constrains to them one by one. When you run the app, it should be right. If the position doesn't match your expectation, you can change the constrains. You should know things about AutoLayout. Find some article to read, and practise.
Thanks guys for all the comments. Using your comments and reading and testing AutoLayout features, I am able to solve the problem.
