How to make UITextView selectable in Swift - ios

I have this UITextView in Swift:
let contactText = UITextView(frame: CGRectMake(0,0,200,50))
contactText.selectable = true
contactText.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypes.Link
contactText.userInteractionEnabled = true
contactText.editable = false
contactText.text = "Some text goes here and some website here"
I want to be able to double tap or tap and hold to select the text and then give the user the option to select all or copy (just like most apps do). The above code didn't work although it seems like it should, is there another way of doing it?
The above code actually works, the reason why is not working (not 100% sure yet) is probably because the UITextView is within a UIView that has a PanGestureRecognizer attached to it, so maybe that is blocking it? any ideas?

To make a UITextView selectable you only need to add these two lines:
yourTextView.selectable = true
yourTextView.userInteractionEnabled = true


what is the "Drag" and how did it come about?

I have define a custom actions in my accessibilityElement:
UIAccessibilityCustomAction *action1 = ...initWithName:#"label1";
UIAccessibilityCustomAction *action2 = ...initWithName:#"label2";
element.accessibilityCustomActions = #[action1, action2];
When swipe down/up, it reads "Drag" in addition to the normal "label1", "label2", what is this "Drag" and how did it come about?
For anyone that comes along and sees this, I was having the same issue, and I was able to find that Apple added (sometime around iOS 11) the UITextDraggable protocol to UITextView.
This is defined as:
The interface that determines if a text view is a drag source.
This protocol has the property textDragInteraction that defaults to true for UITextViews.
You can set this property to false like this:
textView.textDragInteraction?.isEnabled = false
textView.textDragInteraction.enabled = NO;

How do I use IQKeyboard in such a way that it doesn't hide the validation texts too?

I am using IQKeyboard ( to avoid keyboard hiding the textfields while writing on them. However they hide validation texts below it (which is obvious). How do I avoid the same too?
I am using the following code in AppDelegate on an order to use the IQKeyboard:
IQKeyboardManager.sharedManager().enable = true
IQKeyboardManager.sharedManager().enableAutoToolbar = false
IQKeyboardManager.sharedManager().shouldShowToolbarPlaceholder = false
IQKeyboardManager.sharedManager().previousNextDisplayMode = IQPreviousNextDisplayMode.alwaysHide
Use keyboardDistanceFromTextField to add distance between keyboard and textfield.
IQKeyboardManager.sharedManager().keyboardDistanceFromTextField = 40

Swift Ios setting delegate without self as other view controller

I have seen everywhere that delegate variable is always set to self.
thirdClass.delegate = self
So i want something like
thirdViewController.delegate = firstViewControllerToDo
In my case,
let thirdClassVar = thirdClass()
thirdClassVar.namVar = "somnam"
thirdClassVar.delegate = firstViewControllerToDo
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("gtoFirstViewcontroller", sender: self)
When i click on button in second screen, it wil return back to first screen but in background I want to do some calculation in thirdClass and after completion of that, it shud display a message in first screen.
How can i achieve this or is there any other way of getting this done.
You want doing something but you do something with wrong way. I think you can do this process with UIButton and IBAction functions, change your algorith for this process.

Clickable username and hashtag in UILabel (Not UIWebView!)

The idea is for example there is a UILabel (like in Instagram)
"User1 started following User2"
I want that when we click either on chunk of text 'User1' or 'User2' it does some action(Not opening like usual link in UIWebView)
Tried TTTAttributedLabel , didn't find anything which will fit me exactly.
in case you haven't found something yet, you could also try ActiveLabel.swift which is an UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (#) and URLs (http://) written in Swift.
Here is a simple example:
import ActiveLabel
let label = ActiveLabel()
label.text = "This is a post with #hashtags and a #userhandle."
label.hashtagColor = .blueColor()
label.handleHashtagTap { print("Success. You just tapped the \($0) hashtag") }
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the library.
Using a method will force you to make two of them (User 1 and User 2) and align it every time you draw it. I think it's better to make a category ( or Swift extension) of UILabel that gets it's frame and add a gesture recognizer with that frame bounds
Just make a new button. It can do everything a label can do, and also have actions. You can easily update the text of a button by using:
exampleButton.setTitle("example", forState: .Normal)
And you can add an action like this:
#IBAction func myExample(sender: UIButton) {
//do action
Hope this helped.

How do I set the accessibility label for a particular segment of a UISegmentedControl?

We use KIF for our functional testing, and it uses the accessibility label of elements to determine where to send events. I'm currently trying to test the behaviour of a UISegmentedControl, but in order to do so I need to set different accessibility labels for the different segments of the control. How do I set the accessibility label for a particular segment?
As Vertex said,
[[[self.segmentOutlet subviews] objectAtIndex:3] setAccessibilityLabel:#"GENERAL_SEGMENT"];
self.segmentOutlet.subviews[3].accessibilityLabel = "GENERAL_SEGMENT"
some advice so you don't go crazy like I did:
To scroll in accessibility mode swipe three fingers
The indexes of the segments are backwards than you would expect, i.e. the furthest segment to the right is the 0th index and the furthest to the left is the n'th index where n is the number of elements in the UISegmentControl
I'm just getting started with KIF myself, so I haven't tested this, but it may be worth a try. I'm sure I'll have the same issue soon, so I'd be interested to hear if it works.
First, UIAccessibility Protocol Reference has a note under accessibilityLabel that says:
"If you supply UIImage objects to display in a UISegmentedControl, you can set this property on each image to ensure that the segments are properly accessible."
So, I'm wondering if you could set the accessibilityLabel on each NSString object as well and be able to use that to access each segment with KIF. As a start, you could try creating a couple of strings, setting their accessibility labels, and using [[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:myStringArray]; to populate it.
Please update us on your progress. I'd like to hear how this goes
Each segment of UISegmentedControl is UISegment class instance which subclass from UIImageView. You can access those instances by subviews property of UISegmentedControl and try to add accessibility for them programmatically.
You can't rely on the index in the subviewsarray for the position. For customisation of the individual subviews I sort the subviews on their X Position before setting any propery.What would also be valid for accesibilityLbel.
let sortedViews = self.subviews.sorted( by: { $0.frame.origin.x < $1.frame.origin.x } )
sortedViews[0].accessibilityLabel = "segment_full"
sortedViews[1].accessibilityLabel = "segment_not_full"
This is an old question but just in case anyone else runs up against this I found that the segments automatically had an accessibility label specified as their text. So if two options were added of Option 1 and Option 2. A call to
[tester tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:#"Option 2"];
successfully selected the segment.
The solutions with using an indexed subview is not working since you cannot rely on a correct order and it will be difficult to change the number of segments. And sorting by origin does not work, since the frame (at least for current versions) seems to be always at x: 0.
My solution:
(segmentedControl.accessibilityElement(at: 0) as? UIView)?.accessibilityLabel = "Custom VoiceOver Label 1"
(segmentedControl.accessibilityElement(at: 1) as? UIView)?.accessibilityLabel = "Custom VoiceOver Label 2"
(segmentedControl.accessibilityElement(at: 2) as? UIView)?.accessibilityLabel = "Custom VoiceOver Label 3"
Seems to work for me and has the correct order. You also do not rely on an image. Not that pretty either but maybe more reliable than other solutions.
This is an old question but just in case anyone else runs up against this I found that the segments automatically had an accessibility label specified as their text.
Further to Stuart's answer, I found it really useful when writing test cases to turn on 'Accessibility Inspector' on the Simulator (Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Accessibility Inspector). You'd be surprised how many elements already have accessibility labels included, like in the standard iOS UI elements or even third party frameworks.
Note: Gestures will now be different - Tap to view accessibility information, double tap to select. Minimizing the Accessibility Inspector window (by tapping the X button) will return the gestures back to normal.
You guys want to see how Apple recommends it be done?
This is from this example:
func configureCustomSegmentsSegmentedControl() {
let imageToAccessibilityLabelMappings = [
"checkmark_icon": NSLocalizedString("Done", comment: ""),
"search_icon": NSLocalizedString("Search", comment: ""),
"tools_icon": NSLocalizedString("Settings", comment: "")
// Guarantee that the segments show up in the same order.
var sortedSegmentImageNames = Array(imageToAccessibilityLabelMappings.keys)
sortedSegmentImageNames.sort { lhs, rhs in
return lhs.localizedStandardCompare(rhs) == ComparisonResult.orderedAscending
for (idx, segmentImageName) in sortedSegmentImageNames.enumerated() {
let image = UIImage(named: segmentImageName)!
image.accessibilityLabel = imageToAccessibilityLabelMappings[segmentImageName]
customSegmentsSegmentedControl.setImage(image, forSegmentAt: idx)
customSegmentsSegmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 0
action: #selector(SegmentedControlViewController.selectedSegmentDidChange(_:)),
for: .valueChanged)
They apply the accessibility labels to images, and then attach the images. Not too different from the above answer.
another option if not willing to set accesibility label might be calculating the poistion of each segment part and use
[tester tapScreenAtPoint:segementPosition];
to trigger the actions
If you look at the segmented control thru the accessibility inspector, you find that the segments are UISegment objects. Moreover, they turn out to be direct subviews of the UISegmentedControl. That fact suggests the following insanely crazy but perfectly safe Swift 4 code to set the accessibility labels of the segments of a UISegmentedControl:
let seg = // the UISegmentedControl
if let segclass = NSClassFromString("UISegment") {
let segments = seg.subviews.filter {type(of:$0) == segclass}
.sorted {$0.frame.minX < $1.frame.minX}
let labels = ["Previous article", "Next article"] // or whatever
for pair in zip(segments,labels) {
pair.0.accessibilityLabel = pair.1
As mentioned in the accepted answer, adding accessibilityLabel to the text should do the trick:
let title0 = "Button1" as NSString
title0.accessibilityLabel = "MyButtonIdentifier1"
segmentedControl.setTitle("\(title0)", forSegmentAt: 0)
let title1 ="Button2" as NSString
title1.accessibilityLabel = "MyButtonIdentifier2"
segmentedControl.setTitle("\(title1)", forSegmentAt: 1)
XCode 12 / iOS 14.3 / Swift 5
This is an old post but I encountered the same problem trying to set accessibility hints for individual segments in a UISegmentedControl. I also had problems with some of the older solutions. The code that's currently working for my app borrows from replies such as those from matt and Ilker Baltaci and then mixes in my own hack using UIView.description.
First, some comments:
For my UISegmentedControl with 3 segments, the subview count is 3 in the viewDidLoad() and viewWillAppear() of the parent UIVIewController. But the subview count is 7 in viewDidAppear().
In viewDidLoad() or viewWillAppear() the subview frames aren't set, so ordering the subviews didn't work for me. Apparently Benjamin B encountered the same problem with frame origins.
In viewDidAppear(), the 7 subviews include 4 views of type UIImageView and 3 views of type UISegment.
UISegment is a private type. Working directly with the private API might flag your app for rejection. (see comment below)
type(of:) didn't yield anything useful for the UISegment subviews
(HACK!) UIView.description can be used to check the type without accessing the private API.
Setting accessibility hints based on X order tightly couples UI segment titles and hints to their current positions. If user testing suggests a change in segment order, then changes must be made both in the UI and in the code to set accessibility hints. It's easy to miss that.
Using an enum to set segment titles is an alternative to relying on X ordering set manually in the UI. If your enum inherits from String and adopts the protocols CaseIterable and RawRepresentable, then it's straightforward to create titles from the enum cases, and to determine the enum case from a segment title.
There's no guarantee the following will work in a future release of the framework, given the reliance on description.contains("UISegment") but it's working for me. Gotta move on.
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// get only the UISegment items; ignore UIImageView
let segments = mySegmentedControl.subviews.compactMap(
{ $0.description.contains("UISegment") ? $0 : nil }
let sortedSegments = segments.sorted(
by: { $0.frame.origin.x < $1.frame.origin.x }
for i in 0 ..< sortedSegments.count {
let segment = sortedSegments[i]
// set .accessibilityHint or .accessibilityLabel by index
// or check for a segment title matching an enum case
// ...
On Private APIs and Rejection
I'm referring to the April 2016 comment from #dan in Test if object is an instance of class UISegment:
It's a private class. You can check it with [...
isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"UISegment")] but that may get your
app rejected for using private api or stop working in the future if
apple changes the internal class name or structure.
What exactly is a Private API, and why will Apple reject an iOS App if one is used?
"App rejected due to non-public api's":
As Vortex said, the array is right to left with [0] starting on the right. You can set every single accessibility option by accessing the subviews. Since the subviews are optional, it is good to pull out the subview first, and then assign the accessibility traits that you want. Swift 4 example for a simple two option segment control:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
guard let rightSegment = segmentControl.subviews.first, let leftSegment = segmentControl.subviews.last else { return }
rightSegment.accessibilityLabel = "A label for the right segment."
rightSegment.accessibilityHint = "A hint for the right segment."
leftSegment.accessibilityLabel = "A label for the left segment."
leftSegment.accessibilityHint = "A hint for the left segment."
