.Net Quartz Scheduler 2.3 does not work on the remote server - windows-services

I am working on a windows service that works on my development machine, but when I deploy to a test server I find that the Quartz Scheduler I have set up does not work.
There are no exceptions thrown or any clues as to why this is.
Here is my code;
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
catch (SchedulerException ex)
this.eventLog.WriteEntry("WMS FM Loader: Schedule Error - " + ex.Message);
throw ex;
catch (Exception ex)
this.eventLog.WriteEntry("WMS FM Loader: Unexpected Error - " + ex.Message);
throw ex;
private void SetDailySchedule()
this.eventLog.WriteEntry("On Start".Log());
var schedule = this.GetSchedule();
this.schedFact = new StdSchedulerFactory();
this.sched = this.schedFact.GetScheduler();
catch (Exception ex)
this.eventLog.WriteEntry(string.Format("Got a scheduler: {0}", schedule).Log());
catch (Exception ex)
this.eventLog.WriteEntry("WMS FM Loader: Scheduler ready");
private void ScheduleTheLoad(string schedule)
var job = JobBuilder.Create<LoadWorksOrders>().WithIdentity("LoadWorksOrdersJob").Build();
// Trigger the job to run now, and then every day
var trigger =
this.sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);
I manually start the service and the event log shows that the scheduler is ready, but LoadWorksOrdersJob doe snot get run.
How should I fix this?

Are you running the two methods in the windows service OnStart? Are you using a service account? Any exceptions in the event viewer/ have you started /stopped the service from services.msc?

I also had this problem. It took me a day to work it out.
For me it was that my assembly had dots/periods in its name. e.g.
When I changed it to...
... it worked fine. It always worked on the development machine. It just would not work on the remote machine.
UPDATE: It may have been the length of the service that has caused this issue. By removing the dots I shortened the service name. It looks like the maximum length is 25 characters.


No errors are being raised when unsuccessfully writing to Azure service bus

When writing a message to the Azure Service Bus (using Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus standard library, not the .Net Framework version) it works fine. However, when switching networks to a network that blocks that traffic and running it again I would expect an error being raised by SendAsync yet no error is thrown, therefor the function considers the send successful even though it is not.
Am I missing some logic to make sure that errors do get raised and trapped, it seems to be inline with all the examples I have seen.
I have tried this possible solution ..
Trouble catching exception on Azure Service Bus SendAsync method
.ContinueWith(t =>
Console.WriteLine(t.Status + "," + t.IsFaulted + "," + t.Exception.InnerException);
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
.. and at no point does ContinueWith get hit.
public ActionResult<Boolean> Post(Contract<T> contract)
Task.Run(() => SendMessage(contract));
// Other stuff
private async Task<ActionResult<Boolean>> SendMessage(Contract<T> contract)
JObject json = JObject.FromObject(contract);
Message message = new Message();
message.MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
message.ContentType = ObjectType;
message.PartitionKey = ObjectType;
message.Body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contract));
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> route in DataRouting)
JToken jToken = json.SelectToken(route.Value);
if (jToken != null)
message.UserProperties[route.Key] = jToken.Value<String>();
String routeError = $"Could not find routing information in request for: {route.Key} in {route.Value}";
return new UnprocessableEntityObjectResult(routeError);
// Send the message
await topicClient.SendAsync(message);
catch(Exception ex)
return new UnprocessableEntityObjectResult($"'Could not transmit message to service bus - {ex.Message}'");
return new OkObjectResult(true);
I expect that the error trap would be hit if the SendAsync fails to send the message. However it essentially fire and forgets, the message send is blocked by the firewall but is never reported to the caller by throwing an error.
Ok, found the answer, but I will leave this out there in case anyone else does this to themselves. It was down to my general muppetry when putting the MVC Controller together. Set async on the Post action and configure the await on the send. Obvious really but I missed it.
public virtual async Task<ActionResult<Boolean>> Post(Contract<T> contract){}
// Send the message
await topicClient.SendAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new OkObjectResult(true); // Success if we got here
catch(Exception ex)
return new UnprocessableEntityObjectResult($"'Could not transmit message to service bus - {ex.Message}'");

How can I connect into a WCF after get ConnectFailure?

I have a WCF service running in a server and a Windows Application which has a timer each 30 seconds checking by WCF some news values from database.
Everything is going well but if my server (when WCF is running) get offline or out for some reason, I get the Exception System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException or System.Net.WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure.
What I want is, well, my timer will check every 30 seconds and I want reestablish the connection when my server come back. Actually the only way to do it is close and open the WinForm app.
How can I check if the connection is back or reconnect without close my app?
public MyClass()
proxy = new TaskService.Service1Client();
proxy.GetTarefasCompleted += new EventHandler<GetTarefasCompletedEventArgs>
timer = new System.Threading.Timer(Callback, null, 0, 30000);
private void Callback(Object state)
timer.Change(30000, Timeout.Infinite);
proxy.GetTarefasAsync(Environment.UserDomainName, Environment.UserName);
void proxy_GetTarefasCompleted(object sender, GetTarefasCompletedEventArgs e)
tarefas = e.Result.OrderByDescending(t => t.Id).ToList();
//code code code
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.GetType().ToString() == "System.Net.WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure" ||
ex.GetType().ToString() == "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException")
//treat the error
if (proxy.State != System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Opened)
I believe this should do the trick.

Blackberry: Make a iterative HTTP GET petition using Comms API

I want to store position coords (latitude, longitude) in a table in my MySQL DB querying a url in a way similar to this one: http://locationstore.com/postlocation.php?latitude=var1&longitude=var2 every ten seconds. PHP script works like a charm. Getting the coords in the device ain't no problem either. But making the request to the server is being a hard one. My code goes like this:
public class LocationHTTPSender extends Thread {
for (;;) {
try {
//fetch latest coordinates
coords = this.coords();
//reset url
// create uri
uri = URI.create(this.url);
FireAndForgetDestination ffd = null;
ffd = (FireAndForgetDestination) DestinationFactory.getSenderDestination
("MyContext", uri);
if(ffd == null)
ffd = DestinationFactory.createFireAndForgetDestination
(new Context("MyContext"), uri);
ByteMessage myMsg = ffd.createByteMessage();
myMsg.setStringPayload("doesnt matter");
((HttpMessage) myMsg).setMethod(HttpMessage.POST);
((HttpMessage) myMsg).setQueryParam("latitude", coords[0]);
((HttpMessage) myMsg).setQueryParam("longitude", coords[1]);
((HttpMessage) myMsg).setQueryParam("user", "1");
int i = ffd.sendNoResponse(myMsg);
System.out.println("Lets sleep for a while..");
System.out.println("woke up");
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Exception message: " + e.toString());
I haven't run this code to test it, but I would be suspicious of this call:
According to the API docs:
Closes the destination. This method cancels all outstanding messages,
discards all responses to those messages (if any), suspends delivery
of all incoming messages, and blocks any future receipt of messages
for this Destination. This method also destroys any persistable
outbound and inbound queues. If Destination uses the Push API, this
method will unregister associated push subscriptions. This method
should be called only during the removal of an application.
So, if you're seeing the first request succeed (at least sometimes), and subsequent requests fail, I would try removing that call to destroy().
See the BlackBerry docs example for this here
Ok so I finally got it running cheerfully. The problem was with the transport selection; even though this example delivered WAP2 (among others) as an available transport in my device, running the network diagnostics tool showed only BIS as available. It also gave me the connection parameters that I needed to append at the end of the URL (;deviceside=false;ConnectionUID=GPMDSEU01;ConnectionType=mds-public). The code ended up like this:
for (;;) {
try {
this.setUrl(stringFuncs.replaceAll(this.getUrl(), "%latitude%", coords.getLatitude() + ""));
this.setUrl(stringFuncs.replaceAll(this.getUrl(), "%longitude%", coords.getLongitude() + ""));
cd = cf.getConnection(this.getUrl());
if (cd != null) {
try {
HttpConnection hc = (HttpConnection)cd.getConnection();
final int i = hc.getResponseCode();
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
//cerrar conexiones
//poner objetos a null
Thanks for your help #Nate, it's been very much appreciated.

Unable to send email from BlackBerry - JDE4.7

Store store = Session.getDefaultInstance().getStore();
Folder[] folders = store.list(Folder.SENT);
Folder sentfolder = folders[0];
// Create message.
Message msg = new Message(sentfolder);
// Add TO Recipients.
Address toList[] = new Address[1];
try {
toList[0]= new Address("someemail#email.com", "Some Email");
} catch(AddressException e) {
try {
msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, toList);
} catch (MessagingException e) {
// Add CC Recipients.
Address ccList[] = new Address[1];
try {
ccList[0]= new Address("someemail#gmail.com", "some address");
} catch(AddressException e) {
try {
msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, ccList);
} catch (MessagingException e) {
// Add the subject.
msg.setSubject("A Test Email");
// Add the message body.
try {
msg.setContent("This is a test message.");
} catch(MessagingException e) {
// Handle messaging exceptions.
// Send the message.
try {
} catch(MessagingException e) {
System.out.println("Email sent successfully.");
Are you running this on a simulator? If so, which development environment (eclipse or JDE)? Have you started the MDS or are you using ESS? (With MDS 4, you don't need ESS.)
Personally, I use eclipse with the plug-in, then set the run-time configuration to launch MDS.
However, before doing that, you need to edit the rimpublic.property file to configure it to connect to your e-mail server (if you are using a remote e-mail server). If you are going to use a local mail client, configure MDS to use that as a pass-through.
Let me know what your setup / configuration is and I'll try to help more.

message queue full error in blackberry

I have coded to get the info from the user and send an email of clicking a button. The program is getting executed for a while and then the simulator is crashing showing error
"DE427"-Message queue full... Here's the code that i have done...
Message m = new Message();
Address a = null;
try {
a = new Address("user#xyz.com", "Rahul");
} catch (AddressException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Address[] addresses = {a};
try {
m.addRecipients(net.rim.blackberry.api.mail.Message.RecipientType.TO, addresses);
m.setContent("Name:"+Name.getText().toString()+"\n"+ "Phone :"+Phone.getText().toString()+
"\n"+ "Date & Time:"+DateShow.getText().toString()+"\n"+"Make:"+Make.getText().toString()+
m.setSubject("Appointment Request (Via Blackberry app)");
} catch (MessagingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_MESSAGES, new MessageArguments(m));
Can anyone tell me what the error is and how to rectify the problem....Plz...
It seems there is an issue with certain versions of Windows XP and the Blackberry simulator version. Check this link http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Testing-and-Deployment/Simulator-quot-device-Error-DE427-quot/m-p/556321
If you clean up the simulator (delete .dmp files from simulator directory) and restart the simulator it works fine
