Is it possible to recieve the geo information collected by iOS in my app? - ios

I need to implement a module in my app which is like a geo spy (like ios), so I need to collect the information about most visited places, geotracking, etc. I know that iOS is spying in background for this geodata. Is it possible to get this data for using in my app?

the location data are logged in consolidated.db and i believe you can't read them programmatically. The location data are not precise and will be stored only for 7 days.
read more: How to See the Secret Tracking Data in Your iPhone

You can use the visits API in Core Location - See startMonitoringVisits in CLLocationManager
There was also some information on the visits API in a WWDC video from this year.


Automatic export location tracks of walking\running activiies in garmin

I would like to do some automated export location history - map (or picture of the map) of my walking and running activities from my Garmin watch.
I am not an enterprise developer, so I am not able to use Garmin API.
I am using HealthSync app to sync activities Garmin->GoogleFit.
I am able to see location trak inthe google fit.
I was trying to retrieve it via GoogleFit API, but looks like google does not allow we to do it :-( DataSource for the location in google fit Rest API
I was trying to perform sync Garmin->Fitbit (Fitbit has wonderful API)
But looks like HealthSync is not transferring location tracks from Garmin to Fitbit.
And I am near to giving up :(.
What could be an option for me to automate exporting\saving location tracks of my runs and walking?
I do like my Garmin watch and don't see good alternatives for them. But also I would like to own my data :-)
Google made some policy revisions especially with GDPR regulations tightening their nooses.
As stated in officially published docs,, location data is exclusive to the application that originally wrote it. Thus, it becomes obscured to any other 3P app that also is writing and reading location data of its own.
You can also reach out to their mailing list,, should you need any clarifications with their APIs, especially now that they're introducing Health Connect to replace the Android APIs,

Which method is OLA & Uber using to get car location while in driving?

I have used the Map control in my iOS application. I have to get the user's car location while the user in driving (Run time update like Ola and Uber Apps).
1). Which method are they using to get the user location while moving (API call, Web socket or any other else)?
2). If are they using API call, How many once (Time interval) will they call API to update the UI?
Share you valuable suggestions. Thank you in advance.
You can do with firebase database . Firebase have realtime database . So when some data is update in firebase in particular node in firebase database , so get realtime data syncing in your app .. just you have to make proper database structure and observing proper node from database is require.
Both Ola and Uber use enterprise Google Maps API, in fact most of the
Geo-location based apps use Google maps API.
Google maps API are available at Google's developer forum. You can
make use of that API for your app and you can get your current cards
which can then be used to show on maps.
Here's the link to add this API in your site/app:
Also, you can add multiple features like navigation, street view and
satellite imagery with the help of this:
This is used in the most famous game:- Pokemon go.
It's free to a certain limit if you want to try for your own Apps,
after the free limit you need to pay for it.

(Swift) Get usage data from other apps through the battery page in settings

I am trying to make an app where it tracks the usage of other apps. I already know that this is impossible to do by directly getting usage data from apps that do not belong to you. I am wondering if there is any way to access the battery page in the settings app by using the code in swift.
All I want is to be able to read the data for hours used and use that data in my app. I know this is probably a stretch, but is there any possible way of doing this?
There is no API to read this data directly.
There is an app on the App Store which has a hacky workaround. It requires users to take a screenshot of the battery usage settings page. The app grabs this photo from the user's photo library and uploads it to their servers where it is processed (using image analysis and OCR). They use this information to estimate how much each app is used.

what is the iOS api to get statistics on app usage?

Is there an API in iOS (including in ios8) that can be used to get the information about which app users are using and for how long everyday?
These statistics are not available on iOS, as they are seen as an breach of the users privacy.
You can use I'm using this website for get statistics on my app.
Download the AdjustSDK and configure Adjust with your code. It's really easy and get statistics which are "Install","Session" and "Revenue".
Also you can add event whatever you want.

Uber Live Driver Route GPS Update

I am getting into ioS development. Does anyone know how apps like Uber achieve live gps updates of driver's en route? You can see exactly where the driver is on the map and it's a live feed.
Can this be achieved through use of Google Maps API?
Basically, all they need is that the Driver has a device which has GPS and internet connection. Then the device locates itself (periodically) and sends the location to the central server, in which the location along side information identifying the car is stored.
And then the map view simply fetches the data from the database and shows the cars in the Map. And again it simply refreshes the data with timer.
So the Google Maps API, alongside with any other Maps offering can indeed be used for showing the map and the cars in it. But for the positioning parts, as well as for the server side implementations you likely would need to search for other offerings as well.
