what is the iOS api to get statistics on app usage? - ios

Is there an API in iOS (including in ios8) that can be used to get the information about which app users are using and for how long everyday?

These statistics are not available on iOS, as they are seen as an breach of the users privacy.

You can use https://www.adjust.com/ I'm using this website for get statistics on my app.
Download the AdjustSDK and configure Adjust with your code. It's really easy and get statistics which are "Install","Session" and "Revenue".
Also you can add event whatever you want.


(Swift) Get usage data from other apps through the battery page in settings

I am trying to make an app where it tracks the usage of other apps. I already know that this is impossible to do by directly getting usage data from apps that do not belong to you. I am wondering if there is any way to access the battery page in the settings app by using the code in swift.
All I want is to be able to read the data for hours used and use that data in my app. I know this is probably a stretch, but is there any possible way of doing this?
There is no API to read this data directly.
There is an app on the App Store which has a hacky workaround. It requires users to take a screenshot of the battery usage settings page. The app grabs this photo from the user's photo library and uploads it to their servers where it is processed (using image analysis and OCR). They use this information to estimate how much each app is used.

Is it Possible to get last known location of device from other apps in iOS

Im building a location based application, where in i use CLLocation to get users device location.
But my question, Is it possible to get users current/last know location from other apps in device which are already using Location services. So i can save the battery of iPhone?
Just a thought.
Not sure security issue?
Or is it possible?
Thanks in advance
No. Apps are sandboxed. You can not access info from any other app.
One word
You can't access any info of other apps.
If you want to access any info, you have to jailbreak your iPhone, which Apple never allow.
From Apple,
Communication Between Apps Follows Specific Pathways
For security, iOS apps run in a sandbox and have limited interactions with other apps. When you want to communicate with other apps on the system, there are specific ways to do so.
For more details, take a look at this link

How to track how much time other app is used?

i want to track how much time other apps in device are used by the user, i want track that time inside my app.for ex. i want track how much time user used the Facebook app, or WhatsApp or any other app.
is there any way to do this...please give any suggestions or example code or any other tutorials..
I think Apple don't allow tracking when you are out of your app, for tracking time and user activity in my apps, I use flurry.
You can track how long people use your app, sure. One popular way is via Google Analytics iOS SDK
For tracking other apps on the users device, that is simply not possible. You do not have access to other apps you have not developed yourself.
It cannot be done. Apple forbid apps trying to access things outside of their sandbox.

Is it possible to recieve the geo information collected by iOS in my app?

I need to implement a module in my app which is like a geo spy (like ios), so I need to collect the information about most visited places, geotracking, etc. I know that iOS is spying in background for this geodata. Is it possible to get this data for using in my app?
the location data are logged in consolidated.db and i believe you can't read them programmatically. The location data are not precise and will be stored only for 7 days.
read more: How to See the Secret Tracking Data in Your iPhone
You can use the visits API in Core Location - See startMonitoringVisits in CLLocationManager
There was also some information on the visits API in a WWDC video from this year.

Possible to determine usage stats for other iPhone/iPad apps?

I'm an iOS newbie, but was wondering if it's possible to use a built-in API to determine how much time another app was active during some period (say, the last 24 hours). I don't have access to the source code for the other app.
I'm guessing that security precautions in iOS make this impossible, but wanted to see if anyone else had suggestions.
You don't and can't get usage data of other apps on the system, unless you own those apps or have a formal relationship with the developer of said app.
You can try using Google Analytics for iOS
Flurry API allows you to track a number of things and report back. You might start with something like that. There are a number of Analytics solutions.
